This is YOUR personal shout out for your adoption and missions fundraisers!! My Crazy Adoption Blog brings the craziness straight to you- sending readers to check out your links!
If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers, leave a comment with all your information and permalink (example ) to take readers directly to your site.
1. By way of introduction, my husband and I (Kristin) are currently in the middle of our international adoption, bringing home this little one will make ours a family of nine. We’ve identified a little girl with some special needs in Thailand and are praying hard that we’ll be able to adopt her. Thailand would have to make some exceptions in our case, and right now we’re just doing the old wait and wait and wait routine. One of these days we’ll hear something! : )
In the meantime, though, we’re working on raising funds, and that’s why I’m contacting you. My husband works in the film and video industry, so the idea for a film festival fundraiser was a no brainer for us. The festival is scheduled for October 28th, 2011. Our biggest need at this point is film submissions- we’re trying to round up a great variety of films to show, and need to get the word out. We’ll consider films from anyone, professional or amateur, the only real requirements are that they be short (under 15 minutes) and family friendly. There is no entry fee for submissions, the funds are being raised by audience donations. Here is the link to the post that includes the submission guidelines and entry form- http://trippfamilyadoption.
July 2nd, 2011 at 4:23 PM
I am fundraising for mission trip to Ethiopiaa and Uganda to love BIG on orphans. I have t-shirts and magazine bead necklaces for sale, and all donations are greatly appreciated. I am not even close to meeting my goal
July 2nd, 2011 at 8:55 PM
My husband, daughter and I are going on a Visiting Orphans trip to Rwanda and Ethiopia in August (we hope to meet up with Roger’s Man Up team while we are there)!
We are selling 2 styles of Simply Love shirts. Check out my blog and order them there!
Thanks! Randi
July 4th, 2011 at 10:17 AM
We are adopting from Uganda! We are so excited that things are happening quickly
but at the same time we have to come up with all of the funds quickly. So we have an etsy shop with some cute baby clothes and other odd and ends.
We also have a blog where we are selling some Tastefully Simple items and 100% of the money goes right towards our adoption!
July 13th, 2011 at 6:09 PM
We are adopting from China! We are just beginning our journey and will be doing many fundraisers along the way! Right now there is a Thirty One online party with all proceeds being donated towards our adoption! Check it out @ and while you are there, enter to win a free 12 oz. bag of coffee.
July 23rd, 2011 at 2:26 PM
Hey Guys!!! ONLY 12 more people to go and I will be fully funded….WooHoo!!! Just wanted to come on here and share the link with you guys….
I’m picking the winner Monday morning so join in before it’s too late!!! Thanks!!!
August 20th, 2011 at 11:39 AM
Hi! We anticipate adopting a baby girl due September 9th! To raise funds, we borrowed an idea from another adoptive family: The Puzzle Project. We tailored it to fit our family, and called it the B4 + More Puzzle Project. Each piece is $10, and we write donors names on the back of each piece. Thus far God has raised $5000 through this fundraiser, and we’re still going! See more details at
Also, a friend of ours hosted an online auction to raise money for our adoption. She collected donations, created packages and posted the packages on a blog. Bidders could view packages before the auction began, and then on bidding day, she posted it all on an eBay store. The auction raised about $700. Go here to see the blog:
August 20th, 2011 at 11:50 AM
I don’t think my first post created a link for you to easily go to. I’ll try again!
B4 + More Puzzle Project
August 24th, 2011 at 10:28 AM
Hey everybody, thanks for leaving your LINKS for your personal shout out!! Keep updating everyweek- share your story too!
love ya
Mama Kiki
September 6th, 2011 at 8:38 AM
Hey Everyone! We just listed our Simply Love T-shirt fundraiser through Kari @ My crazy adoption! Please stop by our blog and check them out!! THe shirts are reasonably priced and we are offering free shipping. Several are specific to South Korea. Here is the link:
All money raised will help us reache our FINAL goal for travel expenses! We are almost there. Will you join us in helping bring our son home! Much Love,
Tracey Daniel