Archive | January, 2010

My Crazy Blog – What’s Up Next?

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My Crazy Blog – What’s Up Next?

Posted on 31 January 2010 by Kari Gibson

Due to my HopeChest Project and the HIGH number of T shirts I have to roll & pack & mail out this next week… please hold off on contacting me about “Pick My Country.” I promise I will be available when all the T shirt craziness is over.  I appreciate your understanding & excitement about the new fundraising project- Adoption in a Box!!  I can’t wait to help you!!!

My crazy readers, here’s an update on what’s coming up next …

  • Adoption Life LIVE & Adoption 101.- I really want to know what you are interested in learning more about in the adoption process. Please leave me a comment if you have any suggestions for live talk video and adoption talk.  I want to be a source of encouragement to you from A to Z.
  • Wednesday WOW Recipes- we’ll start back up with tasty yummy non-beefy recipes to please our crazy families.
  • Fun, Family Photos, Flips, Games & Giveaways- we will continue to have lots of fun here at My Crazy Adoption!!  I LOVE Giveaways and appreciate the special donations I receive to give to you.  Adoption Tuesday Trivia series will start back up again and I need your interaction to make it a helpful tool for families.
  • Mommyhood stories, Mommy DIY crafts and activities to do with your kids.
  • My Personal Crazy Picks-  things that I love.
  • Please keep adding your personal photos up on Your Photos and your blog links at Inspired Links.
  • We’ll end our week with scripture and meditations on Simply Sunday.

When do you bring back your Simply Love T shirts?

  • My adoption Simply Love shirts are Coming back Soon – First, I need to get all the HopeChest T shirts out in the mail.  I don’t want to confuse anyone, but our 2 Simply Love T’s- Women & Men’s Man Up styles will be available again in Feb.  100% of proceeds goes directly into our adoption account.  We are also adding Youth to the batch- copy cat of the grown up T’s, but in black.

  • Big Surprise- I will officially launch in 2 weeks…“Pick My Country” Package for fundraising families or groups that want to spread some love.  I like to call it- Adoption in a Box.  We are introducing 9 new Simply Love Countries for you to pick and use for your own personal fundraisers, projects, mission trips, travel groups and more.  I have prayed for an opportunity to help others raise the necessary funds for their own adoptions.  We’re all in this together!!  You will receive a detailed virtual packet with photos to download, fundraising ideas and details on ordering your own T shirts.  The most exciting news- if you are the first to order a “Pick My Country” you get to name the T shirt.  Africa- Zoie, Russia- Lanie, and China- Annie, but the rest are up for grabs!! Also, if there is a country you want, but it is not listed-  We can custom design your Simply Love Country in 1-3 days.  I will officially launch the new project in 2 weeks (after I mail out almost 700 HopeChest T shirts! whooohooo)
  • Countries Available for “Pick Your Country”:  USA, China, Africa, Napal, Haiti, Russia, India, South Korea, ?

Sneek Peek- Simply Love China

Please follow Crazy Me- join Blog Frog and let’s stay in touch!!  You can add your own blog link- just click.

Click button everyday 2 Vote- that’s it to help make My Crazy Adoption #1 mommy blog.
Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

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Posted on 30 January 2010 by Kari Gibson

Big News for my crazy readers!

As of today, we have sold 650 HopeChest T shirts!!  I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I know Tom Davis and the children are jumping up and down right now in Africa!  Please join me and praying that we hit 600+ by Feb. 1st!  Together, lets break some crazy T shirt records!

We’ve exceeded the 400 goal and are now opening up to older kids…we have set a new goal for HopeChest Project “Shirts For Shoes” Please pray we can sell an additional 200 T shirts to provide new shoes for OLDER orphans at the Kolfe Orphanage in Ethiopia. Their shoes cost 3x more $.  Please donate now-Click Here.

Do you see these orphans….

and these smiles…

and this adorable craziness…

and these 3 miracles…

Can you wrap your hearts around an orphan’s reality?

Micah 6:8 (The Message)

8But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do,
what God is looking for in men and women.
It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don’t take yourself too seriously—
take God seriously.

Click button everyday 2 Vote- that’s it. You can help make My Crazy Adoption #1 mommy blog.
Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

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Fun Friday Flip

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Fun Friday Flip

Posted on 29 January 2010 by Kari Gibson

Hubby and I needed a treat last night, so we grabbed the baby and headed for ice cream. We got home and had a little creamy surprise (this is a first) I wonder what was going on in her cute little head?  This 40 second Flip will make you laugh.

Have a fun Friday…

Do something crazy…. Click button everyday 2 Vote- that’s it to make My Crazy Adoption #1 mommy blog.
Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

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Simply Love {Giveaway} for Two – Winner!

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Simply Love {Giveaway} for Two – Winner!

Posted on 28 January 2010 by Kari Gibson

I just asked Hannah to randomly pick a number between 1 and 35…. she has not read any of the comments, but I did and loved reading why you wanted to win the 2 HopeChest Simply Love T shirts.  I wish I could send all of you a T, but the WINNER for the romantic giveaway is #5…. here is your winning comment:  Congrats & email me!!

Jenn says: January 27, 2010 at 9:16 AM

I’m so happy you hit the 400 shirts mark! I’m praying for the extra 100 (or 200!).  Who wouldn’t want a shirt to help spread orphan awareness?!?!?! I want it because I bought one for me and the kids and now dh could match us too! :D

Crazy Update: We’ve exceeded the 400 goal and are now opening up to older kids…we have set a new goal for HopeChest Project “Shirts For Shoes” Please pray we can sell an additional 200 T shirts to provide new shoes for OLDER orphans at the Kolfe Orphanage in Ethiopia. Their shoes cost 3x more $. Please donate now!!

I LOVE romance and I LOVE Giveaways = combine the two for a special Valentines Day happy just for you & your sweetheart.  All you need to do to win 2 HopeChest Project T shirts is leave me a comment and share with me why you want this giveaway.  This is a 3-day Giveaway, so feel free to enter 1 time a day. I will announce the winner right here in 3 days!

Giveaway- a value $75 of crazy love.

Couples, even if you don’t win, please be a part of our HopeChest Project and help us reach our new goal of 600 T’s by Feb. 1st!!!

You win…

  • 2 HopeChest Project T shirts- you pick style & sizes.
  • 2 autographed books- As Long As We Both Shall Love by Gary Smalley & Ted Cunningham.

Winner- email me so I can get all your mailing information.

Will you do me a big favor?  Please take the time to help My Crazy Adoption win #1 Top Mommy BlogJust click on this cute button & it automatically grabs your vote- that’s it.  Click & Click- you can vote everyday for craziness!!  We only need 300 votes to jump up to #3rd place today.Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

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New “Shirts For Shoes” goal and new older orphans

New “Shirts For Shoes” goal and new older orphans

Posted on 27 January 2010 by Kari Gibson

Are you ready for more craziness….
Now that we have crossed over 400 shirts sold, we are able to do even MORE than we first hoped possible.  Doesn’t that just show that our God does exceedingly abundantly more?!  With the sales of all of our shirts from here on out, we are going to focus our efforts on the older kids. These big kids need us to step up for them!  Pass it on!

Here’s the neat thing, we have pictures of the kids who can be YOUR Valentine!  Here are 3 boys who need shoes and shirts. Guess what?  You can be an even better Valentine by actually sponsoring these boys!  All 3 (and 47 more) at Kolfe Youth Orphanage need families to step up to sponsor them!  Sponsorship means $34/month and the ability to have a relationship with him through letters!

Email David Held at

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When will I receive my HopeChest T Shirt?

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When will I receive my HopeChest T Shirt?

Posted on 26 January 2010 by Kari Gibson

I wanted to let you know when to expect your HopeChest T shirts in the mail. Special note: customers who received an email confirmation from Paypal that your shirts had been shipped out-  not yet, sorry for confusing you.  I was organizing things & didn’t realize it send that notice out.  We had a huge snow storm in my neck of the woods, so UPS did not deliver my first HUGE T shipment.  We will start with a bang and T shirts will start mailing out next week- 2/1 and on.  It’s just me & a few crazy friends, rolling and packing and mailing out your shirts- pray:)

We want to help save HopeChest every penny we can and order T shirts in bulk, therefore we do not have inventory.  I just called in a HUGE order today of T shirts- every order from Day 1 through today. I was told I should expect to receive the first shipment of shirts at the end of the week.  I have a crazy team of friends helping me roll, package & mail out your T’s!! Our goal is for everyone to receive their shirts BEFORE Valentine’s Day!! I will continue to call in orders in bulk through Feb. 1st. Thank you for understanding and your incredible support!

HopeChest Project New Goal:  600 for 600
The bottom line- We need to sell 600+ T shirts for the 600 orphans to receive their new pair of shoes & a new shirt. Please continue to pray that we reach our goal of 600 by Feb. 1st!!  It helps so much when you share our project with your friends via FB, Twitter, Blogs and email.  Your enthusiasm and passion for this project has been overwhelming to me, Tom Davis and HopeChest!!  You are making a special difference in the lives of orphans in Ethiopia. 

(all photos used with permission from Tom Davis and HopeChest)

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Tom Davis says THANK YOU – LIVE from Africa!

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Tom Davis says THANK YOU – LIVE from Africa!

Posted on 25 January 2010 by Kari Gibson

We have a brand new video LIVE from Tom Davis who is currently in Africa- just dropping by to say hi to us today!!  Our friend ROCKS like crazy!!  We are getting so close to our goal of 400… this morning we hit the 350th T shirt mark!!!  Please join me this week, spreading the news about HopeChest Project and pray that God allows us to fulfill our goal of 400 T’s to take care of 400 orphans (or more!!)  Lets make this Valentine’s Day all about Simply Love.

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