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Lord Have Mercy

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Lord Have Mercy

Posted on 23 December 2011 by Kari Gibson

Update: we are starting the campaign OPERATION: MERCY to bring Mercy here for medical treatment. Please join us praying for Mercy and that the process of getting her passport and medical visa will be expedited. I will update here on My Crazy Adoption as we move forward. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown Mercy. (Matthew 5:70

I want today’s post to testify God’s mercy in Ethiopia.  I want every word to honor and respect and give all glory to the great Healer.  The first thing that seared through my heart was a mother’s pain.  What great lengths would I go through to seek help for my daughters?  I love Hannah and Zoie with all my heart and I would give my life for them.  I looked into the eyes of this desperate mother asking me to come to her home and pray for her sick daughter.  I saw faith, fear, and hope in her eyes.  I quickly grabbed a few girls on my team and told them to come with me to pray for this mother’s daughter.  She held my hand and told me her daughter, Mercy was very sick and needed healing.  Mercy was waiting for a miracle.

We entered the tiny house, only room for a bed.  Mercy was on her side and completely still.  I had no idea why she was sick or if she was even conscience.  I put my hand on her back and there was not a single movement.  She was dead still.  I felt fear prickling on my skin, but God immediately filled the space with His mighty power.  We laid hands on sweet Mercy and prayed for her healing.  I don’t remember any of the words we prayed, but I can only describe the moment as supernatural.  I could feel His presence.  I could feel His power.  God was pouring His love through us straight into Mercy.

God stirred our hearts to sing.  My precious friend, Katie had our song “Healer” from the previous day at Fistula Hospital and we played the song over Mercy.  I will never forget our five voices filling up the tiny space with words of Healing.  There is truly no words to express what happened that day in Korah.  In obedience, we followed a mother to her home with great faith, but in return witnessed an act of Mercy.

We walked back to the Korah Shelter and joined the team with preparing lunch.  I had no idea if Mercy was going to make it today- her circumstances seemed so dire.  Now, thinking back I have no idea why we didn’t scoop Mercy up in our arms and drive her to the clinic.  We prayed for her, but was that enough?  Thank you God for loving me and working through me despite my lack of faith.

I love reading the passages in the Bible about God healing the sick.  In Matthew 8: 5-13 and Luke 17: 11-19, both stories celebrate healing and great faith.  Jesus healed the 10 lepers and today we were feeding lunch to 10 men with leprosy.  Ministering in Korah literally feels like  stepping back in the Bible… it brings all your senses alive.  You see, hear, taste, feel, and touch His miracles in every direction.

I will never forget hearing my name yelled across the shelter, “Kari, it’s Mercy!”  I ran out and standing in front of me was Mercy and her mother.  Mercy looked radiant.  Her hair was wrapped in the bright blue silk scarf I had left for her.  I ran around and told the team to come and worship- celebrate with us a true miracle.  I witnessed a healing in Korah.

We circled Mercy and her mother and prayed a special blessing over this precious 15 year old girl.  We prayed a future for her.  Mercy’s mother shared her remarkable story with our team and we testify that God healed her body on February 25th, 2011.  Mercy had been sick in bed for over five months, unable to go to school or sing at church.  We hugged, cried, and celebrated her day of victory.  God quietly spoke to my heart and I gave her the ring I had brought to give to Zoie’s birthmother, if we found her.  Instead, I gave it to Mercy as her healing marker… something special she will always have to remember that God healed her body.  The next two days, Mercy came to the shelter dressed in her school uniform and made sure we knew she was feeling strong.  I will never forget God’s merciful, miraculous day in Korah.  Sweet Mercy, you have changed my life.  Thank you for trusting us to come in your home and pray for you.  Thank you for holding my hand when we bought you your special celebration outfit at the market.  You looked so beautiful in your new clothes and shoes.  You are my hero and I love you.

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. (Ephesians 3:20)

Please leave Mercy a special blessing prayer today in the comments.

I Saw What I Saw

{Dedicated to my friend Mercy}

I saw what I saw and I can’t forget it
I heard what I heard and I can’t go back
I know what I know and I can’t deny it
Something on the road
Cut me to the soul
Your pain has changed me
Your dream inspires
Your face a memory
Your hope a fire
Your courage asks me what I’m afraid of
And what I know of love.

(Sara Groves)

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Posted on 03 December 2011 by Kari Gibson


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The Giveaway Jingle


The Giveaway Jingle

Posted on 02 December 2011 by Kari Gibson

The Lord is going to bless someone in a real BIG way

He’s going to bless their socks off their feet TODAY!


He’s got a plan, and He will make it clear

Everyone, let’s stand up and cheer!


The winner will go to the other side of the planet

And be radically changed for good, can you stand it?


Faces gazing at them, young and old,

Looking for love, same as gold.


Joy, praise, and love of the Father above

Will fuel all the actions wrapped in love.


Two packed weeks in a faraway land

And an opportunity to reach out a hand


Love BIG for Jesus and draw people in

TODAY is the day!  Let the adventure begin!

(Thank you Sue Bee for writing this amazing jingle for my blog today!! Love you!)

Crazy bloggers, I will announce the GRAND PRIZE WINNER on Saturday morning on My Crazy Adoption! Visiting Orphans will video the drawing LIVE at the Give2Go Event! I can’t wait to see WHO God has chosen to win the mission trip!!



Grand Prize Winner will be drawn on Friday, December 2, 2011 at our 2nd Annual Visiting Orphans Give2Go event in Nashville, TN. You do not need to be present to win. Winner will be notified by Monday, December 5th.

(Deadline for online purchases are Friday, Dec 2 at 12 noon CT!) Purchase one of these special tees designed just for this giveaway! You get your name in the drawing for every one of these tees that you purchase. So if you purchase 5 men’s and 5 women’s – you get 10 entries!!!! It’s that easy!


in the world

on a Visiting Orphans missions trip….

Open your hearts to Go, Be, and Love orphans!!

El Salvador, Costa Rica, Haiti, Ecuador, Honduras, China, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda, India and Ukraine!

If you have enjoyed or learned from this post, please share it:

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{#3 Mini-Giveaway} 1 Free Tee + 1 Free Mission Trip Entry


{#3 Mini-Giveaway} 1 Free Tee + 1 Free Mission Trip Entry

Posted on 30 November 2011 by Kari Gibson


#23 Lefevre1228
I love Simply Love and how they help adoptive families and orphans all over the world!  I’d love to go on a visiting orphans trip–some day I will!

God has really placed a burden on my heart today to PRAY for those who are really hurting financially and struggling with purchasing a tee. I know there are individuals who desperately wants to enter this One-of-a-kind Mission Trip Giveaway, but flat out don’t have $30 to pay for the tee shirt. What I’ve been praying for specifically is that God whispers in your ear today someone’s name YOU can buy a gift for that has eternal value. What this means- there is someone who has yearned to GO and love orphans, but their money situation is holding them back. My challenge today- if you can afford to purchase a tee shirt and God puts someone on your heart – give it away. Buy the tee shirt in their name and pray that God blesses them richly!!

Here’s the BEST part- with every purchase of a mission trip tee shirt 100% of the proceeds will directly bless an orphan. Regardless if you win the trip or not- you have donated to the greater cause. Someone will WIN a trip of a lifetime to go and serve, love and bless orphans … that is the best gift of all.

Would you pray for this special project the next 24hrs and open your hearts to give one away today to bless a friend. The store is open [online] until Friday 12/2 at noon (CT)


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving, supporting and praying for my crazy project this month!!!!

Love you,

Kari (Mama Kiki)

One of the WINNERS of the 2010 Mission Trip Giveaway!!!

I wanted to throw one more mini-giveaway to help you win the grand prize- FREE Mission Trip on 12/2! I’ve received so many emails this month and a few of you are still feeling afraid to go and serve on a mission trip. Opportunities [like this] to go on a life changing trip, without paying a penny, to live James 1:27 in a radical way- don’t come around often. I want to challenge ALL Men, Gals, High School and College students to GO on a mission trip in 2012 and radically live James 1:27! Let go of your fears and allow God to direct your steps. He has already chosen the winner! If you don’t try, you might miss out on a supernatural blessing!

This is a 2-day mini giveaway- and crazy easy to enter!

How to enter:

  1. Leave a comment. (this makes it official)
  2. Click any of the SHARE IT buttons at the end of the post: “Like”, Facebook, Twitter, etc… help spread the word! I will randomly pick a {mini winner} at the end of the day on Thursday, 12/1.



Grand Prize Winner will be drawn on Friday, December 2, 2011 at our 2nd Annual Visiting Orphans Give2Go event in Nashville, TN. You do not need to be present to win. Winner will be notified by Monday, December 5th.

(Deadline for online purchases are Friday, Dec 2 at 12 noon!) Purchase one of these special tees designed just for this giveaway! You get your name in the drawing for every one of these tees that you purchase. So if you purchase 5 men’s and 5 women’s – you get 10 entries!!!! It’s that easy!


in the world

on a Visiting Orphans missions trip….

Open your hearts to Go, Be, and Love orphans!!

El Salvador, Costa Rica, Haiti, Ecuador, Honduras, China, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda, India and Ukraine!

Comments (67)

Enter Mission Trip Giveaway Till NOON on Friday 12/2!!!!


Enter Mission Trip Giveaway Till NOON on Friday 12/2!!!!

Posted on 29 November 2011 by Kari Gibson


Thank you so much for all your support for my 2011 Mission Trip Giveaway! Your shout out’s have helped spread the word all over blog land and beyond! We have (as of today) 406 people entered for the grand prize! Let’s break some records and double that number in the next 3 days! I don’t want anyone to miss out on going on a mission trip to love orphans!

Winner will be drawn on Friday, December 2, 2011 at our 2nd Annual Visiting Orphans Give2Go event in Nashville, TN. You do not need to be present to win. Winner will be notified by Monday, December 5th.

(Deadline for online purchases are Friday, Dec 2 at 12 noon!) Purchase one of these special tees designed just for this giveaway! You get your name in the drawing for every one of these tees that you purchase. So if you purchase 5 men’s and 5 women’s – you get 10 entries!!!! It’s that easy.


in the world

on a Visiting Orphans missions trip….

Open your hearts to Go, Be, and Love orphans!!

El Salvador, Costa Rica, Haiti, Ecuador, Honduras, China, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda, India and Ukraine!

Come back tomorrow [here] to My Crazy Adoption and check out the last chance mini-giveaway!!! Don’t miss out on an opportunity to DO THIS ….

(photo used with permission by Wynne Elder)

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Mission Story: You’re Never Too Young


Mission Story: You’re Never Too Young

Posted on 22 November 2011 by Kari Gibson

Last February, I had the honor of having Jake on our mission team. He was the same age as my son (17) and I was thrilled to have a few amazing teenagers to simply love in Ethiopia! One of my favorite memories was watching Jake teach team member, Helen (70) rap on our 4 hour drive to Awassa. The trip made such an impact in his life – he was back in Addis Ababa a few months later. Wait till you read his story… I’m so proud of you, !!

You’re Never Too Young-

Over the course of our lives we long to accomplish something that is greater than ourselves. We strive for that one moment in our young lives that enables us to be independent and content with ourselves. That one moment for me came when I was given the unique opportunity to travel to Ethiopia. At first, I was unsure in my decision to travel to a foreign country with people I had never met, but I chose to seize this life changing opportunity. That unsure feeling quickly diminished when I was united with my team; all people from different places and different backgrounds; people that share the same common purpose as me: to serve the needs of others and to become greater than themselves. I had no idea that those same people would suddenly become my friends for a life time. When i arrived in Ethiopia, my mind could not process all that it was taking in, the view, the people, and the culture, it was all so new and exciting! That first moment I landed in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is something I will remember forever. Over the course of those next few weeks, my life drastically transformed. Everything I thought I knew was suddenly gone. I had a new outlook on life: I realized first hand how important and precious human life really is. You will be confronted with heartache, and feelings of doubt, but those emotions have led me to become a better and more compassionate individual. I quickly fell in love with the people of Ethiopia, and have planted friendships, that I will have forever. There is just something so gratifying and rewarding being in the presence of people who show great humility, and gratitude from a simple smile. My short term missions trip has led me to expand my opportunities, and travel back to Ethiopia to pursue a lifetime commitment of serving the needs of the people who live there. The time is now to seize the great opportunity of going on a short term missions trip, and making a positive difference in the lives of others, and also your own.

You are never too young to go and serve and love! If you have enjoyed or learned from this post, please share it.


Special Christmas Package- limited time only!! Be someone’s real life hero for Christmas!! 1 tee + 1 necklace + 1 coffee mug = Simply Love.

Be someone’s real-life hero for Christmas this year! For a limited time, you can purchase our BEST SELLER Man Up Super-hero tee: Unisex sizes XS-3XL and receive a handmade Ugandan necklace and Whole Wide World coffee mug for only $35.95 (value $49.95) 1 Tee + 1 Necklace + 1 coffee mug = Simply Love.

Christmas Special ends Dec. 5th to guarantee delivery!

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You Are That One


You Are That One

Posted on 21 November 2011 by Kari Gibson

The message is simple.  The message is clear.

It starts with One.”

A mission trip can radically change someone’s life in so many ways.  Whether it be signing up for a future trip, inspiring others to go on a trip, starting a new ministry, interning in or moving to a foreign country, or adopting—lives are being effected because ONE person responded to James 1:27 and then said, “Yes.”

You are that One.

And we would love share your story.  Because you have taken that step to JOIN ANOTHER TRIP, ADOPT, AND START A MINISTRY, because you have said YES, we want to share your testimony at our Give2Go event on December 2nd.  We want to share as many stories as we can of how ONE trip has changed a life and how important it is to GO.  We will be printing the bio’s of people like yourself and featuring your picture on our Wall of Glory for others to read.  For others to be inspired.

We’d be honored to have you.

If this is something you’d like to share, please send us your story by Wednesday, November 25th.   A one page bio would be great! Please send us a high res photo.

Amanda Herdina, Executive Assistant

We can’t thank you enough for taking the first step and we’d love for your help in inspiring maybe just ONE more. Join us for a night filled with inspiring testimonies and amazing performances. PLUS – we’ll be drawing a winner for our Mission Trip Giveaway that night. You don’t want to miss it!

Visiting Orphans 2nd Annual Give2Go- Nashville, TN
Jeff Slaughter
as MC
and performances by Johnnyswim, Christa Black and Chris McClarney
Friday, December 2, 2011
Doors open at 6pm
Concert starts at 7 pm
at Rocketown
Nashville, TN

($10 suggested donation)


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