Archive | January, 2009

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Zoie Goes Sledding *video*

Posted on 29 January 2009 by Kari Gibson

We have a fun *bunny* hill next door & had so much fun taking Zoie for a ride!!! wheeeeee! Zoie had so much fun:)

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Ice Ice Babyyyyy…sing it all day long:)

Posted on 27 January 2009 by Kari Gibson

We woke up this morning & the weather man was right on…a winter wonderland of ice & snow. We’re all home enjoying fassst sledding, hot cocoa, toasty cheese sandwiches, Stumptown coffee & of course, scones!!! Hopefully, we’ll keep our power…it would put a little damper on all the fun:)

I’m snuggled up with a book….can you guess what I’m reading?

“He was becoming inexorably trapped as an ice-prisoner in his own home-much to his delight. There is something joyful about storms that interrupt routine. Snow or freezing rain suddenly releases you from expectations, performance demands, and the tyranny of appointments & schedules. All those affected this way are united by a mutual excuse, and the heart is suddenly & unexpectedly a little *giddy*

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AWAA Ethiopia Reunion

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AWAA Ethiopia Reunion

Posted on 24 January 2009 by Kari Gibson

Thank you so much for voting on the date for our 1st annual AWAA ET Reunion!

Its official…….LABOR DAY WEEKEND *2009* in Branson, MO!

We will post news & updates on the YG, AWAA blog or via e-invite throughout the year!!!! Oh what a party!

The Best is Yet to Come:)

AWAA Ethiopia families…are you planning on making the reunion?

We’d love to hear from you. List your family name & adoption status:)

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Shoving Mommy 4 LOVE

Posted on 23 January 2009 by Kari Gibson

It’s hard to explain to a one year old that daddy is bye- bye for 3 days on an airplane and he will be home soon. Zoie called for da da off & on, but was really puzzled hearing his voice on my cell phone. She held it & turned it over and over. Her sweet face showed… “Where is he?”

Daddy came home today and scooped up Zoie, who was obviously ecstatic. I gave my hubby a big hug, but was stopped short…Zoie squeeezed my cheek. ouch! I gave him a big kiss, but felt a little hand pushing me back. We both looked at Zoie and she waved her hand at me like she was trying to say…
back off mommy, he’s MINE. LOL

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My Birthday Wish came true!!!!!

Posted on 21 January 2009 by Kari Gibson

Today is my 42nd b-day & I only had one wish…..I just found out that it came true!!!!
Our dear friends, the Blackwells passed court today!!! Take a peek at their precious daughter, Rahel Scout. I’m officially a new auntie:))) We give God all the Glory!!!!

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A time to pray

Posted on 20 January 2009 by Kari Gibson

Please pray for the Foreman family…precious Jacob is very sick with strep pneumonia. This little 3 year old is fighting for his life!!
We also want to pray for our dear friends, Joners & Blackwells who have court date in Ethiopia 20th & 21st!!! If they pass…they travel in 2 weeks!!!
This has been an incredibly difficult & challenging journey for both families.
We are also lifting in prayer the Kulp & Semlow family….the desperately need a miracle for their ET children to come home!!!

**just heard that Joners passed court!! whoooohoooo

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Happy Birthday Zoie Video

Posted on 14 January 2009 by Kari Gibson

You’ve come a LONG way Baby!!!

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