Archive | orphans

Man Up & Go Movie Trailer Preview

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Man Up & Go Movie Trailer Preview

Posted on 05 October 2011 by Kari Gibson

We are so excited to finally be able to share the Man Up and Go trailer to all my bloggy friends! There is so much to share with you, but for now … enjoy the trailer. We need your help! Help us spread this video and copy the embedded code to share on your blogs, too. The full featured film will debut in theaters nationwide, Summer 2012. Your help will spread the fire to encourage men to love BIG and Go BIG!

Why would an unlikely band of American brothers go on an adventure, a road trip, to the depths of Ethiopia and Uganda and join with African men? To combat the heartbreaking problem of over 7,000,000 orphans suffering. Not dismayed by the staggering numbers, the men literally man up and go to change lives and discover their own lives are most impacted.

This cast of characters is joined by a common passion — to love and care for orphans and hurting people. Many call home Missouri, Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Uganda and Ethiopia. Miles apart geographically and worlds apart socially, economically and culturally, this band of American brothers includes a seasoned cop, a retired military man and an architect. Then there is the standout ex-college football player, highly successful businessman, well-known publicist, celebrity athlete and teenage boys. With over 30 adventurers on this rag tag team, most previously have never stepped on African soil.

Focusing on five Americans, the film reveals the unique stories of the men…before the trip even starts. We see them at home, work and play and connect with their unfolding lives. The film’s journey continues as the team come together at an airport in Washington DC — for most, a first time meeting, yet they unite as one.

The American’s are contrasted and compared with the lives of African brothers. Included are harrowing stories of survival through unthinkable situations — one being left for dead on a mountain of bodies and the second once orphaned himself, living in a dump. These stories and others represent shining examples of manhood and the spirit of the adventure.

Strongly drawing attention to the touching lives of orphaned children, the Man Up team travels to hidden children prisons and a dump site, which is home to thousands of orphans. The journey continues to a ministry for street children, a remote village in the middle of Ethiopia and to a multitude of orphanages. The needs of the precious children are revealed by the spirited actions of the Man Up team, entwining strong, common threads of hope, joy, love and the power these have over adversity

In-the-end, the American team travels home to their comfortable lives…but will they ever be the same? Will the choking facade of the American Dream grip them like it used to? The men return with the truth planted that life is not just about them; they are transformed by their African adventure and brothers, and are united with a strong commitment to love big and to be fathers to the fatherless.

Man Up And Go, a documentary motion picture, is being produced to bring significant awareness to viewers regarding the critical needs of the growing number (50,000,000 currently) of orphans in Africa and the desperate, heartbreaking lives that these beautiful children and people are forced to live.

Engaging character driven stories will unfold from the film’s main subjects, a group of men from America and Africa that are part of a team calling themselves Man Up 4 Orphans. With vastly different lives that contrast and compare, the film will illustrate that simple actions taken by normal people like you and me can produce encouraging, powerful change. Instead of focusing the film’s viewers only on the despair and heartache associated with the orphans, Man Up And Go looks to empower, inspire and lift people to act…and one-by-one we can make a difference.

When completed, Man Up And Go will be a feature-length documentary movie (Approximate 90 minutes with an anticipated PG rating). The film is scheduled to be filmed and edited over a one-year period with a release date in summer 2012. Shoot locations will be in the USA, Ethiopia and Uganda.

For more information contact:
Randy Bacon, Producer/Director
Jonathan Murphy, Producer/Senior Editor

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“Be A Super-Hero” Protect, Love, and Defend {Kick Off}


“Be A Super-Hero” Protect, Love, and Defend {Kick Off}

Posted on 22 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

Be A Super Hero!!

Today kicks off “Be A Super-Hero” project on My Crazy Adoption! A few months ago, I was with my best friend, Julie and her adopted son, Cruz who loves loves loves Superman. Cruz was decked out in full costume and zipping around the house, much to his mommy’s delight. He gently tossed his Superman figurine and it smashed with super power against a beautiful glass artwork hanging over the fireplace. The frame KA-POW exploded in a million little pieces, narrowly missing princess Zoie who was mesmerized by the feat. Thankfully, our little super-hero was not hurt, but it planted an idea in my head. Every child needs a super-hero to love. The idea grew into a plan to challenge fathers, mothers, brother, and sisters to be a real-life super hero dedicated to protect, love, and defend the fatherless!

When I was a little girl, my favorite super hero was Wonder Woman. She was a princess with special powers to take care of people and to keep the world safe. She used her golden lasso to make people tell the truth, with magic bracelets to protect her. I can’t imagine the things I could accomplish with her cape and bracelets for children all around the world.

It is NEVER about us … it’s about the children we serve who are desperate for a family. I hope you grasp the crazy idea behind my project …. in NO WAY am I saying we are heroes for loving orphans. They need you, just like Metropolis needs Superman, Gotham needs Batman, to make a real-life, long term commitment to use your special gifts from the Lord to protect, love, and defend!!

“As children, we look up to heroes. We look to our heroes to be our role models. Heroes “save the day”. They give us a sense of security and wonder. That’s part of the appeal of superheroes. It’s a big world and kids are just little things.” Lawrence Rubin, Ph.D.

I found this great list of 10 Things We Can Learn From Super Heroes. I want you to apply this list specifically to James 1:27. We are all called to protect, love, and defend the fatherless.

#1 We can embrace faith- Superman

#2 We can accept responsibility- Spiderman

#3 We can make a difference- Batman

#4 We can sacrifice for the greater good- The Hulk

#5 We can champion justice- Iron Man

#6 We can overcome prejudice- X Men

#6 We can become more powerful- The Incredibles

#7 We can change human character with compassion- Wonder Woman

#8 We can help others- Aquaman

#9 We are more powerful in Teams- Batman & Robin

#10 We can accomplish huge feats- Hawkman

Taking your super gifts on the mission field:

When I started researching for this post, I found a lot of comparisons to real-life and super heroes. We have the opportunity to go on mission trips and make a real difference in the lives of orphans. I read a post recently about the impact of hurting not helping on a mission trip. I am standing strong (like Wonder Woman) with passion that there IS a place for short term missions.  I’m speaking up and challenging you to gain greater understanding before you make any judgements. If your goal is to GO and simply LOVE one another, you get massive opportunities to do that on a mission trip.  Don’t let fear or doubt keep you from going on a mission trip and serving. I encourage you to pray about it and allow the Lord to guide your steps. [I'll talk more about THIS next week!]

Being a super-hero on a “Simply Love” [Visiting Orphans] Mission Trip – is to awaken the body of Christ to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the 163 million orphans by visiting them, loving them, and sharing the Father’s heart.

  • Superheroes Never Give Up- protect the fatherless at all costs!
  • Superheroes Always Get the Job Done- give 100% of your love, energy, time, resources!
  • Superheroes Are the Best at What They Do- bring your gifts, passions, and talents!
  • Superheroes Are Crystal Clear of their Mission- Go big. Love big.
  • Superheroes Are NOT Flawless- God uses the ordinary for His extraordinary purpose.
  • Superheroes Do Not Seek Glory- We believe that God has blessed His people so that they may be a blessing to all.
  • Superheroes’ True Strength Comes From Their Character- we believe God desires and gives us the ability to live pure and holy lives and defines this as visiting widows and orphans in their trouble and refraining from worldly desire.

Taking the Super Hero Oath:

Will you take the “Be a Super-Hero” oath to protect, love, and defend the fatherless? You can purchase the new Simply Love tees and make a bold statement to others as you live James 1:27.  The two projects I’m raising funds for with the sales of super-hero tees, is formula for Pignon, Haiti and the Pirates Digs A Well event on October 29th to complete the well in the village of Chuko Wayama, Ethiopia.

What is something you are doing to make a difference in the life of an orphan … I want to hear? (really I do)

1 tee = 3 cans of formula

1 tee = contribution to the Pirates Digs A Well event Oct. 29th

BUY HERE – SIMPLY LOVE SHOP (youth sizes too)



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No Tooth Fairy

No Tooth Fairy

Posted on 18 July 2011 by Kari Gibson

I wanted to introduce you to a very special ministry called Sixty Feet… sharing a few stories from my mission trip that changed my life.  It’s hard to comprehend that children living in Uganda who are orphaned, lost, abandoned, rejected are sent to prison, but it’s the truth of their existence.  I’m still trying to process the things I witnessed at the prisons we visited [code names] M1, M3 and M4.  I hope you will join me in praying for the imprisoned children who desperately need God's miracles in their lives. I saw what I saw.

This is my personal journal entry for June 3rd ....

I wanted to share with you my special happy today at M1. I've been praying that God will give me a blessing to wrap my heart around each day. Today, I was holding a little girl- maybe 5 years old. She was so tiny and really dirty. I held her close and the smell was so overpowering. I asked God to immediately make her smell sweet and I wrapped my arms around her even tighter. She is living in M1 as a lost child. She is Karamonjong. The least of the least in Uganda. She had her fingers in her mouth and I noticed she pulled something out.... it was a tooth!! The VERY first thing I wanted to say was... ohhh sweetie, the tooth fairy will get to come see you tonight. It hit my heart so hard- there would be no tooth fairy or dollar bill under her pillow tonight. It just broke my heart.

This precious little girl threw her tooth on the floor and thought nothing special about it. I held her close and prayed a mommy prayer over her that God would give her a mom and dad.. a family someday that would celebrate all the little things like losing a tooth. I pray that she knew how much I loved her and wishing I could sneak in her room tonight and put money under her pillow. The reality, she has no bed, no pillow... she lives in a prison- just existing.

Sixty Feet is making such a difference in the lives of each child living at M1. I can't wait to share more about this AMAZING ministry here in Uganda!!

Thank you for praying for our team and covering us with your support and encouragement. We are seeing things that we should NEVER have to see- conditions that are out of our control, but now that we see with our eyes can make a real difference. We visited orphans today and received the blessing of LOVE!!

You can sponsor any of the Imprisoned kids through Sixty Feet's website!!! We visit M3 and M4 prisons tomm.

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Important Shipping Info – When will I get my tees (?)

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Important Shipping Info – When will I get my tees (?)

Posted on 27 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

Thank you so much for supporting Man Up Blitz- your tees are helping missions in a big, crazy way…  feeding a community in Korah and provide mattresses for the poor living there.  We will start selling the NEW tees again on July 1st.

Shipping Information:

We ordered ALL the tees in bulk on May 26th to save every penny for missions- allow 2 weeks for delivery.

For the next 7 days, you can purchase this brand new, exclusive Man Up tee with our logo- Man Up. Protect and Love the Fatherless.  We had a contest and this was the winning artwork (way to go Amber Maack!)  The first 20 people who purchase $50 of products or more will receive a FREE hand made Uganda Magazine Bead necklace -my gift to you!

The tees are printed on high quality Next Level brand- color: olive with black ink.  Shirts are cut slightly fitted “athletic style” I suggest ordering up one size for exception fit if you want roomier tee.

Father’s Day Blitz ends at midnight on May 26th!!  We have some sizes in stock, but please allow up to 2 weeks delivery.  All tees delivered by Father’s Day!!

Why Man Up?

What an amazing gift for your dad, hubby, and sons (women too) to Man Up for orphans all over the world.  I challenge you to pass on the message of loving, caring, blessing, visiting, hugging, playing and ministering to the fatherless.  My hubby came up with our logo two years ago and it spread like crazy!  It’s something we can all do- we are ALL called to protect and love orphans.  If you are interested in joining us on a Visiting Orphans mission trip- click here to learn more.


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Crazy May Adoption Family – Good To Be Crazy!

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Crazy May Adoption Family – Good To Be Crazy!

Posted on 26 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

Introducing one big crazy family… Dan and Shelley Owens:

Blog- Good To Be Crazy We are Team Owens. Our family is passionate about Africa, orphan advocacy, overseas mission work, adoption and living simply. We prayed that the Lord would break our hearts for the things that break His – and by His grace, that’s been done. Our family’s heartbeat is for serving and loving “the least of these.” Five years ago, we were the average American family of four. There was a Daddy, a stay-at-home Mommy, a little girl and a baby boy. Life was happy and sweet and our plates were full.  We knew and loved the Lord and we were content in our safe and comfortable Christian lives – we attended church, led Bible studies, gave generously and sometimes served the homeless in our community.  But over time, the Lord began to open our eyes to more. He broke our hearts for Africa, for hurting orphans, for lonely widows and especially for the beautiful country of Uganda. He gave us the courage to step out of our comfort zones, to take risks for the sake of His name and to start storing up treasure in heaven, rather than here on Earth.  As the Lord started to change our hearts, He also brought together a group of friends to rally around Dan and me. He broke their hearts for similar causes and together, we all formed the ministry now known as SixtyFeet. We moved forward in obedience and then stepped back to watch God work. We were not disappointed. Every day, the ministry of SixtyFeet becomes more and more a part of our family’s life. Together, we pray for the work of SixtyFeet and the children we serve. We work as a family to raise money for SixtyFeet through the Cupcake Kids, our national fundraising arm. And in December of 2010, we grew our family through adoption and added Hannah and Joseph – two children from Uganda and former residents of one of the facilities SixtyFeet serves.
Forever we’ll be thankful to the Lord for opening our eyes and giving us the courage to abandon our own plans in order to embrace His. Better is one day in His courts than thousands elsewhere.
Team Owens is truly blessed. All glory and thanks to God.

The Story

According to the most recent estimates, there are approximately 2.5 million orphans in Uganda, over a million of whom are a direct result of AIDS.  Roughly 1 in 6 children in Uganda under the age of 17 is an orphan.  Deep in the bush outside Kampala is a place where some of these abandoned, unloved and neglected children are kept. And this is where our story begins…

Not long ago a woman was on her way out of Kampala and drove past a dilapidated old sign that read “M”: Rehabilitation Center for Children. She was drawn to learn more about the place and so she turned down a long, winding dirt road until she came to the end. To her horror, she found rooms of children locked up, young kids chained to windows, and even a 10 day old, malnourished and living in her own urine. She saw hundreds of children with little food and no supervision.

Sixty Feet was born out of a desire to participate in God’s work at “M”, to come along side those already involved in the lives of the children, to share the love of Jesus Christ in a meaningful way, and to care for orphans that are otherwise treated as common prisoners. In short, Sixty Feet is a response to the Gospel.We are just regular people who responded to a call on our lives. We are submitted to the authority of Christ and to His will for this ministry. We exist for His glory and to serve His purposes as long as He would have us do so.This is our story, and we pray that soon…. it may be your story too.

We have 3 more spots open for my June Uganda Visiting Orphans mission trip- we will serve at both “M” and “M2″ prisons.  Apply today here.

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The Cupcake Kids Are Crazy for Orphans!!

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The Cupcake Kids Are Crazy for Orphans!!

Posted on 13 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

Introducing… The Cupcake Kids

Little People with big CRAZY hearts for God and the imprisoned children of Africa.

They may look small, but these little people represent the fundraising arm of Sixty Feet.  My Visiting Orphans mission team of 32 will be ministering with Sixty Feet at Prison “M” and “M2″.  We will have the incredible opportunity to see with our own eyes the blessings your cupcakes are making in the life of an orphan.  Join the Cupcake Kids and make your own cupcakes to raise awareness for the orphans imprisoned in Uganda.

To register your sale, visit National Cupcake Kids. Their goal is to have a Cupcake Kids Sale in EVERY state in the nation!  All money raised goes to directly to Sixty Feet to help the orphans of Uganda.

Here’s their story…

“In the early spring of 2010, a little 6 year old girl and her 4 year old brother asked their parents how they could help the children of Uganda. They asked their parents if they could sell some cupcakes and lemonade on their street corner one Saturday afternoon and give all the money to SixtyFeet. And The Cupcake Kids were born.

The first Cupcake Kids sale was held at a home in Atlanta in March 2010. The moms and kids made some cute cupcakes and stirred some lemonade and that was about it. The parents told their children they would match all the money they raised and gladly give it all to SixtyFeet – thinking they’d raise about $50 or so.

Little did the parents know, the children would be selling cups of lemonade for $25 and cupcakes for $20!! That morning, the kids raised $260!  After that word spread very quickly and folks around the country were asking if they could help host a Cupcake Sale in their own neighborhoods. The next weekend there were sales all over Georgia and in several other states. An anonymous matching donor stepped up and we raised over $10,000 that weekend.

Since then, The Cupcake Kids have made many special appearances and each time they have been awed by the faithfulness of God! If your children have big hearts for Africa, we pray they’ll join our team.

Visit The Cupcake Kids website for more information on the National Cupcake Kids Sale, taking place in April 16, 2011.

Make your own Cupcakes and register today to help an orphan in Uganda!!

Here’s my favorite cupcake recipe to share- Are you planning on making cupcakes for National Cupcake Kids Sale on Saturday… leave me a comment [here] I want to know!


  • 2 1/2 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 (1 ounce) bottle McCormick® Red Food Color
  • 2 teaspoons McCormick® Pure Vanilla Extract
  • Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting:
  • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
  • 1/4 cup butter, softened
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream
  • 2 teaspoons McCormick® Pure Vanilla Extract
  • 1 (16 ounce) box confectioners’ sugar


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt in medium bowl. Set aside.
  2. Beat butter and sugar in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed 5 minutes or until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Mix in sour cream, milk, food color and vanilla. Gradually beat in flour mixture on low speed until just blended. Do not overbeat. Spoon batter into 30 paper-lined muffin cups, filling each cup 2/3 full.
  3. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted into cupcake comes out clean. Cool in pans on wire rack 5 minutes. Remove from pans; cool completely. Frost with Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting.
  4. Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting: Beat cream cheese, softened, butter, sour cream and McCormick® Pure Vanilla Extract in large bowl until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in confectioners’ sugar until smooth.

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DIY Bows and Stuff For Uganda

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DIY Bows and Stuff For Uganda

Posted on 12 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

Headbands Round 2

I’m so excited to see what bows you will create for Round 2 for the orphans in Uganda.  I don’t have a crafty bone in my body, but you have inspired me to dig deep and find some great blog posts on making DIY headbands and bows.  If you prefer to purchase brand new bows and headbands, I have added some wonderful links with a purpose to buy for the Headband Project.

Typically, Ugandan girls wear their hair cut very short- I love the beauty of hair all over the world.

This is a special headband project for my Visiting Orphans Uganda mission trip, but I wanted you to know I have a big team of 30 who will bring other gifts and donations for boys and girls!  This is the project God put on my heart and I am grateful for you helping me crown more princesses [and princes] in Kampala and Jinja!

Email me if you have any suggestions or questions.  You can mail your bands & bows to me at: 1482 Lakeshore Drive, Branson, MO 65616 (attn. Bows For Uganda)

Buying Bands:

Because Every Mother Matters – you can purchase Tacky 4 Africa Headbands.“Your purchase blesses the hands who directly make them, our own local economy and helps fund  programs in E. Africa that Because Every Mother Matters supports.All headbands are sold grab bag style- unless you happen to catch us at conventions where they are sold or at select salons around the country.”

If you know a wonderful place to purchase bows or headbands- please leave a comment for readers to find bows & bows.

Making Bands:  Get inspired!

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