Tag Archive | "Ethiopia adoption blog"

Crazy Adoption Month: Who Picks Who?

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Crazy Adoption Month: Who Picks Who?

Posted on 07 November 2011 by Kari Gibson

November is National Adoption Month, a time to raise awareness about the adoption of children and youth from foster care. In honor of Orphan Sunday and Adoption Awareness, I’m thrilled to share some amazing adoption stories from bloggers and posts to inspire you to open your hearts to adoption and orphan care. This month, you can WIN a mission trip to visit orphans here. Every single purchase of a Missions Giveaway tee will touch the life of an orphan in 13 countries all over the world. You can be a part of changing the life of a child and the winner- together!

I hope you find encouragement as you read “Who Picks Who” one of my favorite and most difficult posts to write. We are grateful to celebrate adoption and the miracle God gave us- our precious daughter Zoie Senait.

Have you ever asked yourself these questions:

  • Do I pick adoption or does adoption pick me?
  • How do I know if I’m really called to adopt?
  • Is adoption right for me?
  • Will I have an “Ah Ha” moment?

Well, how do you know if you should adopt? You might be feeling in your heart to adopt, but your head is thinking, “God, adoption? Do you know how many details I would have to work on?” I have been asked many times how does this big ‘”Ah-ha” happen… the exact moment when you knew adoption was the right thing for you to do?  Every adoption story is different and personal and unique.  We all have expectations for how we think life will play out, and we all hope those plans will become realities.  But, what happens when God calls us to do something crazy out of the ordinary?  What do we do when the “ah ha” is too big and too scary and too risky?

Adoption is not for everyone, I understand that we all have different callings, gifts, talents and passions.  James 1:27 “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.”  We are all called to do something, to take care of orphans…whether it’s sponsoring a child, missions, foster care, financial, or adoption.  This is my adoption story, the one God wrote for Roger and I… a story we had no idea how it would play out or end.

It’s difficult for me to look back in time at my own personal journey to adopt Zoie, but if my story can help encourage or point you in the right direction, it’s worth it to me.  In 1999, my heart was finally healing over the loss of our son and the craziness of having a 26 week old micro-preemie, who was now a healthy three year old.  I loved being a mommy and desired to expand our family through adoption.  My biggest hurdle was convincing Roger that we should adopt.  It seemed like such an easy question, but it had taken me a long time to find the courage to ask.  I had no idea how he would respond.  I will never forget the day I asked my hubby, “Do you want to adopt?”  In 0.2 seconds, Roger said, “Nope.” Okay, perhaps he did not hear understand what I was referring to, so I asked the same question in a different way. This time I knew he heard, because his reply was even more accelerated this time, “No, I’m sorry, but adoption is just not for me!”  I asked if he would pray about it and he said he would, but I think he said that just to put an end to the conversation.  I never spoke to him about adoption again.  A simple question, turned into a dangerous surrender of my heart.

Three years later, my hubby out of the blue asked me a question that totally caught me off guard, “Do you still want to adopt?”  My mouth dropped, I was speechless.  I remember stuttering and laughing and choking out the words- “are you serious?”  I couldn’t believe that God had answered my prayers in such an extraordinary way, but it was three years later and so much had changed in my life.  My children were older and life was feeling easier and calmer and quieter- they were both in school.  I wasn’t so sure anymore if adoption was “our thing” so I told him lets give it some time and think about it.  How could it be possible that my heart wasn’t willing, and my reasons were so shallow.  I struggled constantly asking, “God, why are you bothering me with this?”  I had shared my desire to adopt several times during my “hiatus” with my mom, my best friend and others – they all said the same thing… are you crazy?!  Fear had settled into my heart.  Fear to not do something radical and unfamiliar.  I did not know a single person in my community that had adopted a child… I was clueless about the adoption process.  I believed that without the blessing from my hubby, family and friends I would never have the courage to adopt.  It was a case closed in fear.

It’s crazy I know, but God cracked opened the case files.  He urgently prompted Roger and I to move forward with adoption.  I know that sounds really strange, but I can only explain how it happened for us.   Our “Ah ha” moment came six years later after my original request.  Our breakthrough was an adorable, spunky nine year old who became our family ambassador.  She begged and prayed and pleaded and nagged and insisted we adopt a baby.  We came up with brilliant excuses, but our daughter, Hannah was relentless.  We loved being a mom and dad, wanted to expand our family, but how in the world were we going to know if we heard His voice and make the right decision for our family?  We started praying for clarification, neon signs flashing, anything to help us know what to do.  Our son pretty much thought we’d lost our marbles- even told us we were “whacked,” but we committed to prayer.  We prayed and prayed for two years, but still fear was our worst enemy.  We were scared to death and it made us feel paralyzed to make the final decision to adopt.  We finally had several friends who had adopted or were in the process of adopting, but we just couldn’t move forward.

What do you do when you are afraid?  Anxiety means, A state of uneasiness and apprehension, as about future uncertainties. Fear was flat out keeping us from doing the work God had planned in our lives.  We started hanging up verses all over the house.  Our favorite was Philippians 4:6-7 and we claimed that verse and spoke it out loud every chance we had.  There are too many crazy stories to tell you, but when we finally wrote out a check to an adoption agency, AWAA (awaa.org) and filled out the application to start our adoption to China, we were overcome with thrills, chills and slight nausea.  This was it… we knew there was no turning back.  We were surrendering our inconveniences, expectations, dreams, hopes and family to jump in faith and obey God’s voice.  We had to trust He had a plan for our lives that would lead us to a place of peace.

Do you get it?  Adoption picked us.  It picked us and it wrecked our lives for the better.  We are a part of something so much bigger and its not about us. We are crazy in love with our children, advocating for adoption, orphan ministry and encouraging other families to step into the world of adoption or foster care.  At first, we avoided God’s call and then surrendered to His plans.  He never let go of us and He will guide you, too. John 14:18 “No, I will not abandon you as orphans—I will come to you.” He can and will provide for you-and for what He has called you to do.  He never leads us where he will not sustain us- The manna will come!

In an upcoming post, Adoption 101: Joy Opportunity Lost, my hubby and I discuss what happens when you are called to adopt and you miss the opportunity.  This is for the doubters, the stumblers, the procrastinators, the “I’m still think’n about it”, the excuse makers, the runners and the “God, are you talking to me?”  Roger and I tried them all out for many years and I want to help eliminate the danger of you missing out on God-breathed adoption miracles.

I’d love to hear your “Ah Ha” moments when adoption picked you.  Please share your breakthroughs in the comments with me.

Great story of a mom who struggled with the term “just adopt

Click here to buy your GIVEAWAY tee!!

1 tee = 1 entry to win a mission trip!

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Do you have a Crazy Christmas Tree?

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Do you have a Crazy Christmas Tree?

Posted on 09 December 2010 by Kari Gibson

I was inspired to make an African inspired tree in honor of our beloved Ethiopia.  It’s a tree in progress, and I hope we can add new decorations every year.  I hung our wooden beads from Addis Ababa and I thought it made the perfect touch.  I’d love to hear what your favorite crazy tree looks like and why it’s so special.

You can purchase Ugandan Acadia beads at Visiting Orphans HERE. They have 9ft. and 13ft. garland beads.  You can give life to orphans and widows in Uganda this Christmas!!




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Adoption Guest Blogger – The Journey

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Adoption Guest Blogger – The Journey

Posted on 11 November 2010 by Kari Gibson

The Journey:

We bounce over rough bare ground that our driver convinces us are actually roads.  Now at a slower pace the crowds of people actually start to notice this large vehicle bounding along.  I catch the eye of a young boy playing with a hoop and stick.  Yes, running along pushing the hoop with a stick.   Thoughts of time travel and Colonial Williamsburg flood my brain but then I catch his fascinated brown eyes.  They grow wide into a fixed stare as they look deeply into mine.  A wide smile emerges displaying his glowing white teeth as we move past.  As my eyes leave his I see his mouth open and hear him shout at the top of his lungs “frenge! frenge! frenge!”  This chant now follows us down the dusty road passed by the yells of children the chant traveling faster then we can traverse down these dusty paths.   With a smirk our driver tells us they are chanting “white person, white person” and adds politely, “they don’t see many of you down here!”   “We are definitely not in Lancaster County, PA anymore” I think as my mind drifts over the past two days.

48 hours ago we were boarding a long awaited plane and flying 15 hours to embrace a member of our family.   For many months now his picture had been hanging in our living room, adorning the fridge, computer screen and practically everywhere else.  We knew his name, Yihun, caught glimpses of his sly personality and ached to be with him.  But we had been separated by time and an ocean both of water and paperwork.   Finally, at last, we were bringing him home.  As romantic as that sounds we were also keenly aware that we were bringing him from his home.  Now only 12 hours after he first leapt into our arms we were leaving him to go and discover the home he was leaving behind.
This ride, that seemed to take an eternity, was delivering us to our little ones past.   The paperwork had shown us the hard facts.  Father: Batiso age 34, Mother deceased, Siblings 3.   Hard facts do not prepare, how can they prepare, for a once in a lifetime meeting with someone to whom you will forever be indebted.
Lost in thoughts, fighting back the butterflies mounting into an army in our stomachs the final few miles drift by.   Without a word of warning the land rover came sliding to a stop.  As the cloud of dust caught up and rolled past we saw the stare of recognition glisten in eyes within the crowd waiting for this moment.    The bright white of exceedingly sad eyes discovered ours and we wondered if we had found Batiso.   We were quickly ushered together into a large meeting room and discover it filled with family; 3 uncles, 1 aunt, 3 siblings, and the sad eyes of Batiso.
The questions came pouring out along with the tears.  What is the meaning of his name? What games did he like to play?  What can you tell us about his mother?  How do you want me to answer his questions of why when he grows up?
The time floated faster than any of us wanted it to and as quickly as it started we were giving final goodbye hugs.  As we held this tall, thin, proud and beautiful man there was only two words we could manage to get out of our trembling lips “Thank you”.  We will never forget that day.
Now two and a half years later that day still enters my memory frequently.  We pray for Batiso and his family, we have pictures of him in our living room.  He is a part of our family in a very real, but very distant way.   I remember when we were first contemplating adding to our family I thought that the adoption journey was going to be about bringing our son home.   When I looked into Batiso’s eyes that day, and when I look at them now in the picture hanging on our wall.  I know that the journey only started that day.
Brad & Kate Aldrich

Brad & Kate with three kids, Lily, Kent, and Micah Yihun.

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Adoption 101: Ethiopia Adoption Program

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Adoption 101: Ethiopia Adoption Program

Posted on 03 June 2010 by Kari Gibson

Survey for U.S. Adoption Service Providers Placing Children from Ethiopia

The number of adoptions and the number of service providers in Ethiopia has greatly increased in the last few years, and uncertainty about existing laws and inconsistent policy among various agencies has caused confusion within the adoption community. Ethica receives numerous requests for information about agency practices in Ethiopia.

In the interest of advancing transparency in adoptions in Ethiopia, in February 2010, Ethica invited the 24 U.S. agencies that are licensed by the Ethiopian Government to provide information about their Ethiopia program by taking part in a survey.  Agencies were asked to complete all or any portion that they wished of a series of questions about their Ethiopian adoption program.  The deadline to provide responses was extended to March 25, 2010.

Ethica thanks those Adoption Service Providers who took the time to respond to the survey.  Ethica also thanks our volunteer, Andrea, for her tremendous effort in administering the survey.  Survey responses (.pdf)  are listed below by agency name and responses are published as submitted.

I wanted to thank Michelle for sending me this article- Ethica website.

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Adoption 101: Making Crazy Memories

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Adoption 101: Making Crazy Memories

Posted on 20 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

Roger and I would like to share with you today on LIVE how to make memories with your adoptive child.  We have 16 years of practice on making memories count with our 3 kiddos and want to pass on some of the craziness to you.  Please share with readers some of the things you do in your family to build lasting memories.

Vote today to make adoption #1 top mommy blog!!  Click button 2 Vote- that’s it!
Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

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Adoption 101: Joy Opportunity Lost

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Adoption 101: Joy Opportunity Lost

Posted on 13 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

This week, will be dedicated to adoption.  Roger and I tackle a few of our favorite adoption topics on video.  Each video segment- Adoption Life LIVE will cover some of the struggles, challenges and joys we have experienced the past two years having Zoie in our family.  Adoption is crazy and we want to offer practical advice from our life that can encourage you in your own adoption adventure.  We are not professionals – just a mom and dad that are passionate about adoption and loving our children.

My awesome hubby Flips his passion about adoption and shares Joy Opportunity Lost, the sequel to Adoption 101: Who Picks Who post.  I really want this week to encourage adoption bloggers.  Please leave your comments and contribute to the 5 Adoption Life LIVE videos and participate in giving adoption support.  Share how adoption has changed YOUR life.

Vote today to make adoption #1 top mommy blog!!  Click button 2 Vote- that’s it!
Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

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Posted on 01 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!!!! heeeheeee heee Just Kidding!!!!

Just a little crazy adoption humor for you today!!!

If you still love me and forgive my crazy April Fools joke …. help make adoption #1 top mommy blog!!  We need about 50 clicks to make a big move today!!  This is no joke!  Click this adorable button everyday 2 Vote- that’s it!
Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

My crazy friend Kim is doing a FUNraiser just 4 you!!!!  You can win a big batch of T shirts advocating for orphans & adoption!!  TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO WIN!!  Click and enter right here- CONTEST!!

See all these shirts and the
beautiful pendant? …

They can be yours.

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