Archive | February, 2009

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Gibson 3 Update

Posted on 28 February 2009 by Kari Gibson

Heart of a lion, spirit of joy, loves life to the fullest
driving, driving & more driving
A’s & B’s
coolest freshman
hilarious comedian
motto-strong man stands up for himself
stronger man stands up for others!!
passion for the Lord & golf:)
**golf tryouts on Monday- only 3 spots open

Quiet spirit, gentle heart, never gives up!!!
music, music & more music
A’s & B’s
super-size patience
faithful to pray
Adores family
Grandpa dates.
passion for the Lord & books

Z-13 mo
new words: doggie, up, hot, hi & bye
2 new molars…almost
gives hugs
1 nap

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Zoie Senait meets Rahel Scout

Posted on 26 February 2009 by Kari Gibson

(click to make bigger:)

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Zoie sat on a snake???

Posted on 25 February 2009 by Kari Gibson

I swear I couldn’t make this up if I tried. Its *BEAUTIFUL* outside today & warm. I took Zoie to the front yard & plopped her down on the grass. All of a sudden a baby snake slithered out from under her pink bottom. AWWWWWWW I about freeeeked out!!! Zoie had no idea how creepy that was:)))

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Mommy feels a rock star!!

Posted on 25 February 2009 by Kari Gibson

Today I feel like a rock star. My sweet Zoie has been sick with a cold, teething & developed a nasty rash on her face. She is also dealing with separation anxiety.
She follows me everywhere, she waves her arms….crying or screaming for me. She stalks me outside the bathroom door & desires me to hold her all day long. Forget about chores…its a little hard to vacuum or scrub the sinks with my #1 fan holding on to my leg.
Hence the feeling….she thinks mommy is a rock star:)))

I’d love any advice on simple, healthy steps we can do to reassure Zoie & continue to encourage positive bonding & attachment!!

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Happy Fat Tuesday *photos*

Posted on 24 February 2009 by Kari Gibson

A fat baby wants to say…Happy Fat Tuesday:)

I have a really cooool Cajun friend…Jaime from Baton Rouge, LA!!
She is praying today is FAT with lots of referrals for our AW families!!!
Laissez les bon temps rouler…can you translate?

See if you can say ALL these words today…hey, you have all day:)
*beb sweetheart, darlin
*Boo honey
*Chat Go away cat
*conson underwear
*coo-yon foolish, stupid; Stop being coo-yon
*fais do-do go to sleep
*chot a little, short pony tail
*Grand Beedè Big clumsy man
*make the veiller( vay-yay) Spend the evening talking with friends
*poo-yee-yi That stinks!

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Are you a Slumdog fan?

Posted on 23 February 2009 by Kari Gibson

Bloggy friends, have you see Slumdog Millionaire?
It felt like we were watching the children of Addis Ababa….we saw so many familiar faces in the courageous children surviving life of poverty in Ethiopia.
I’d love to hear your comments…

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LOST Untangled

Posted on 18 February 2009 by Kari Gibson

Are you gonna be watching this with me tonight??

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