Archive | October, 2010

My Road Trip To Tennessee (Today!)

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My Road Trip To Tennessee (Today!)

Posted on 29 October 2010 by Kari Gibson

It was all worth it!!  The hours and hours and hours it took to launch the Missions Trip Project… it was soooo worth it.  Projects are crazy challengingly wonderful, but it takes a team to pull it off successfully.  I want to first of all thank YOU for being my bloggy friend and all the prayers, effort, shopping, and energy you gave to my missions project.  I read every comment and email you sent me the past three weeks.  I had days where I felt really weary and a note from you gave me a zap to keep going.  I’m sure you drove your FB friends crazy (literally) sharing simply love mission tees with a frenzy!!  You helped me sell 575 tees and every penny will bless the projects and orphans in Ethiopia!!  Thank you for being my cheerleaders (guys too!)  I can’t believe the dream I had in August really came true.  Remember this….

I fell asleep on the couch with Lion King blasting in the background and had a sweet, wild, crazy dream. I woke up literally smiling saying, “OK, Lord… I will do this if if if you help me!!” I dreamed vividly of a CRAZY project on my blog from start to finish.  I didn’t actually see the “winner’s” face, but the prize was something so incredible and dear to my heart!! I dreamed hundreds of bloggers participated and the anticipation of the drawing was massive in blog land. Everyone wanted to be a part of a movement to simply love.

I want to thank Heidi Rohr for designing 4 beautiful new designs for Simply Love!!!  We spent hours working together on the artwork, but you went above and beyond the call of duty… 20 hours of graphic designing the perfect funky tees!!!  You poured your energy, talents, gifts and passions into my project.  I love you lil sis!!

We are taking a road trip today (Carrie, too) and heading to Tennessee to visit the incredible ministry- Visiting Orphans. Amanda Lawrence is hosting an unique, special get together and we are thrilled to join the team!!  We have an Africa leadership weekend to train, celebrate and grow as missions leaders.

On Saturday, I will tape the two winners with all the VO leaders present as witnesses!!!  I will post the Vlog (bloggy video) on My Crazy Adoption Blog on Tuesday, November 2nd at 9:00AM!!!!!!!!!

I can’t wait to see who God has picked to travel with me and the Visiting Orphans team in February 2011 …. Ethiopia here we come!!  It’s going to be the adventure of your life!!

Special Note:  The Blog Store is officially closed at this time.  I will not be able to sell any Simply Love tees until further notice (I have to hire a rolling, stuffing, and mailing staff:)  Thank you for your understanding.

Q- When will I receive my tee shirts in the mail? – click here to read details

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I Double Dog Dare You To Dream!!

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I Double Dog Dare You To Dream!!

Posted on 28 October 2010 by Kari Gibson

Let’s end this crazy party with a bang, pop, toot, and blast!!

8:30am tee update- 165 tees!!!!!!!!!  I’m speechless!!

I double dog dare you to dream big today and purchase TWO tee shirts to double your chances winning the Missions Trip Project!!  This is your LAST DAY to enter the contest – the Simply Love Store closes tonight at midnight!  I don’t think I will be sleeping tonight- too giddy!!

I can’t wait to see WHO God has picked to join us on a 10 day life changing adventure to Ethiopia to serve & visit orphans!!

Thank you for your love, support, cheers, excitement, shopping and prayers!!!  I love you!!

Missions Trip Project ENDS tonight- click here to purchase your tees!

My Crazy Adoption Store Closes at midnight!!

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Q- When will I receive my Simply Love Tees?

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Q- When will I receive my Simply Love Tees?

Posted on 27 October 2010 by Kari Gibson

I’m sooo glad you asked!!


This was a special 3 week missions project and to save every penny, I will order 575 tees AFTER the blitz is over.  The project ends on 10/28, so it will take me a few days to organize the BIG ORDER with my amazing printing company.  On November 2nd, I will make the official bulk order for ALL the tee shirts for the Missions Trip Project!!  Allow 4-6 weeks.

I will hand roll, stuff, and package them for you with love.  I’m just ONE crazy blogger and will get all packages in the mail as soon as I can!!   Thank you so much for your understanding and patience.  Together we made mission dreams come true!!

Special Note: All tees have been ordered!!!!  Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.  You will not receive notification from me when your tee has been mailed.

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A Walk [With Me] To Beautiful in Ethiopia

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A Walk [With Me] To Beautiful in Ethiopia

Posted on 26 October 2010 by Kari Gibson

I can’t believe what God has done with the Missions Trip Project!!  He is tugging and stirring hearts to travel to Ethiopia and minister to his precious children.  God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your WILDEST dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. (Eph. 3:20)

Here’s what blogger, Lori shared-
My 20 yo purchased her t-shirt today! Our neighbors are going to think we bought stock in something by the name of SIMPLY LOVE…but, that’s fine with me!  I love how you said early on that God knows who is going and how this amazing opportunity is going to impact their lives…and the lives of others. Let’s daydream about the lifelong RIPPLE EFFECT that your step of faith is putting into motion!!!

One of the special things we will do on the Ethiopia Missions Trip in February 2011 is visit Fistula Hospital in Addis Ababa.  We are praying for our return trip a real ministry opportunity to share God’s love when our team spends time with the women healing at Fistula Hospital.  In July, we received special permission to take photos inside the Hospital showing the beauty of Fistula.  This was a rare chance to do something like this- photography is not allowed. (Thank you Feven) We asked team member, Carrie Chlebanowski to tackle the job- she took beautiful photos of the precious women!!

What I loved so much about visiting Fistula Hospital was the beauty of the women, literally from all over Africa.  It’s hard to describe a place so full of hope.  You could see the hope pouring from their smiles.  We met a precious woman, about 18 years old, who had lived in a small room like a prisoner.  Her family abandoned her and she lost all ability to walk or function normally… she was physically deformed.  Her back was so bent, I thought she was very old.  The staff told us that she was their miracle girl!!  She was in therapy when we met her, she gave everything she had to walk across the floor with the help of special equipment.  We cheered and clapped when she made it to the end of the bars.  Hope. Healing. Love.  Fistula Hospital.

A documentary film was made of Fistula Hospital and it follows the life of five women in Ethiopia who take the long difficult walk to beautiful.  It’s stunning, and heart breaking, and full of hope, and new beginnings.  I highly encourage you to take the time to watch the film. [watch the film here]

Trailer- A Walk To Beautiful

My BF Juju traveled to Ethiopia a few months before I was there in July and visited Fistula Hospital.  It was so exciting that one of my favorite bloggy photographers, Kristin J was also able to take photos and made this incredible slideshow.  She invited me to share it with you.  Click here to view. Kristin also now offers Adoption Photography Packages to travel with families to document their adoption!

I want to know what you think about the hospital and the treatment of women in Africa with Fistula.  Leave me your thoughts in the comments.


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#3 Mini Giveaway – 1 Tee + 1 Free Missions Entry

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#3 Mini Giveaway – 1 Tee + 1 Free Missions Entry

Posted on 25 October 2010 by Kari Gibson

#3 Mini Giveaway is officially over!!

The Mini Giveaway WINNER is …. True Random Number Generator Min: 1 Max: 95 Result: #16 #16 chrissynoelle : October 25, 2010 at 9:23 AM…

Congrats Chrissy!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Email me and let me know your tee pick and size!!!

I dared to dream the Missions Trip Giveaway … I dared you to dream and join me in Ethiopia.  Together, we made dreams come true!!  I’m giving YOU the chance to go to Ethiopia and love orphans.

This is the last ONE DAY ONLY mini giveaway!!  I’m giving away 1 new tee shirt (you pick) and 1 Free Missions Trip entry.  This is huge… someone could win a trip to Ethiopia just participating in the mini giveaway fun today!!!  Please leave only 1 comment.

Here’s what you need to do to enter: (you pick 2)

No purchase necessary!!

1.  Add my Crazy Adoption Blog on your permanent blog roll.

2.  Shout out on FB, Twitter, or an email blast and share the Missions Trip Project to your friends.

3.  Write a blog post about the Missions Trip Projet and inspire your readers to enter the contest.  You can use any posts or pics from my blog.

4.  Share with me why you want to go on the missions trip to Ethiopia.

5.  Add my My Crazy Adoption button on your blog or website.

Now, share with me in the comments how you entered to play the Mini Giveaway today.  I will randomly pick a winner from the comments on this post and announce here tonight at 9PM (CT)  Get ready, get set, goooooo!!  Please leave only 1 comment.

Q- Can I play the mini?

Yes, anyone can play the mini today.  Pick 2 of the choices and enter a comment on this post.

Q- What do I win?

You win 1 new tee shirt and 1 FREE entry to win the grand prize mission trip!  If you are not interested in joining me to Ethiopia and only want the tee shirt- just let me know.  You can give away your entry to someone you love.

Thanks for all your cheers, support and prayers for the missions project!!  You can continue purchasing ANY Simply Love tee shirts at My Crazy Store.

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Above and Beyond My Wildest Dreams!!

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Above and Beyond My Wildest Dreams!!

Posted on 22 October 2010 by Kari Gibson

Dear crazy reader,

I just wanted to personally thank you for your support, prayers, cheers and encouragement during the Missions Trip Project!  My dream to give away 2 trips to Ethiopia just became a reality.  I can’t believe I’m actually saying these three words, but YOU DID IT!!!!!  We did it together!

I was so scared to launch this project… I really had no idea if anyone would want to join my crazy team in Ethiopia!!  But, this was the start of something so big for missions!!  You have prayed and hoped and dreamed with me!  Two blessed people are going to join me serving and loving orphans in Ethiopia!  Every single tee has provided love for an orphan.

Here’s whats soooo exciting!!!  The Project ends October 28th at midnight.  ABOVE & BEYOND to raise a love gift for two of my favorite ministries- Project 61 working in Zoie’s Korah and Visiting Orphans!!  We have the opportunity to bless the ministries making a difference every day loving orphans!!

He is whispering to you…”trust me, I know what I am doing, I have it all worked out- I have plans to take care of you, plans not to abandon you, plans to give you the future you have hoped for… when you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I WILL LISTEN… I can do anything you know- far more than you could ever imagine, or guess, or request in your WILDEST DREAMS.” (Jer 29:11 & Eph 3:20)

Project ends 10/28 at midnight!!

Click here for store

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Princess Z Picks Her Pumpkin

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Princess Z Picks Her Pumpkin

Posted on 21 October 2010 by Kari Gibson

We were invited last weekend to a special night with our local Ethiopian Adoption group for fun, fellowship and picking pumpkins!!  I love this time of the year and enjoy decorating the house to celebrate the harvest season.  Every morning, I light all the yummy pumpkin spice candles and pumpkin lights for the kids to enjoy. (Target has some great big pumpkin lights that are happy and unspooky!!)

We loaded up Zoie and headed to the pumpkin patch to party Ethiopia style!!  We had no idea where we were going, but Kim gave fantastic directions and even though it was 1.5 hour drive out in the middle of nowhere farmlands… we were excited!!  The farm had everything- fire pits, hay rides, pumpkins, kiddie train, and Porta Potties!!  The adoption group was lively and the kids had a blast playing with the activities!!

Zoie loved the hayride.. she wanted to sit right behind the big wheels, so we huffed and sucked in spraying dirt so she could have the full tractor experience!!  She ran from pumpkin to pumpkin and finally picked out a tiny one just the right size (in the free basket)  She was delighted!!  We took a ton of pics and decided to end the evening with adventure.  As we headed to the van, Hubby loaded up the stroller and carefully maneuvered out of the pitch black field for home.  It only took me a few minutes to realize something was missing.  My cell phone was MIA.  I immediately accused Mr. Awesome for not checking the stroller before throwing it inside and he accused me of allllwaays losing my phone.  He suggested I left it on the table when I shoved 3 marshmallows in my mouth.  We got into a crazy argument about nothing and drove back home in semi-silence.  We had no idea that the pumpkin people had already called our son to let us know my cell phone was found in the parking patch. (he forgot to call us)

Well, the evening ended good… I served Hubby a plate of crow and we did a crazy U-Turn in the middle of nowhere to retrieve my lost cell.  I love when we find ourselves in sticky situations where we can bond as a family and grow in forgiveness.  Zoie loved the pumpkin patch and we can’t wait to go back next year!!  It has been suggested by my daughter that I might clip a glow in the dark stick on my phone… just in case.

I want to know your favorite “bonding” story as a family… leave me a comment.

More fun pics …

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