Archive | July, 2009

My crazy day!

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My crazy day!

Posted on 31 July 2009 by Kari Gibson

I’ve had so much fun this week reading all the wonderful Poppy Dips. They have been funny, touching, *sniff* and adorable! It’s made me focus on James 1… count it all joy when you face testing. We can always find a Poppy Dip in our day.
All day long today… I have pondered on choosing my favorite Poppy Dip: Hubby is out of town, sweet Zoie is sick with sinus infection, bronchitis and cutting 4 molars (I just found that out) Awesome M jumped in and packed himself for 2 weeks at Kanakuk Golf Kamp. I love teenagers! Awesome H played with sissy so I could take him to Mexican food lunch date, but an hour before kamp he learned the hard way to look reallllly good for parked cars behind your vehicle. It was a solid crunch, but thankfully there was no one trying to get in their car. WHEW!! 10 people ran toward us and my teen handled it like a pro… pointing at me “She did it!” Just kidding. He was very grateful the damage was minimal and no cops involved.

Kamp dropoff, no nap Zo = VERY grumpy baby. Pizza delivery. Praying all drama is over for the day! That’s why there is no way I can pick just 1 Poppy Dip today…. it was all good and crazy!

Poppy Dip contest ends at midnight:)
Keep writing those “P Dips”

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Poppy Dip Contest 6… one more day to WIN!

Posted on 31 July 2009 by Kari Gibson

Share your Poppy Dip day with me…. it’s your last chance to win! All you need to do is share one thing that made today extra special. Enter 1x a day. I’ll draw a name on Saturday & share the winner via bloggy video in the afternoon when Zoie naps:)

If I draw your name… you win a very special Poppy Dip dress! You pick the fabric available and size…graciously donated by Sallee.

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Poppy Dip Contest… Give me your best today:)

Posted on 30 July 2009 by Kari Gibson

It’s been a rough morning… poor Zoie is sick. I wanted to hear today one thing that you are so grateful for… a special Poppy Dip. I’m grateful for my kids this morning! They are making their baby sister smile even though she’s feeling miserable!

What is your special Poppy Dip, even when things are hard?

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Wednesday WOW Recipe… S’more Bars

Posted on 29 July 2009 by Kari Gibson

We loved family camp this year…. adorable Sarah Yocum gave me this yummy creation she made up on her own. She wakes up in the middle of the night and writes recipes that come to her head. I think that’s simply amazing! She gave me permission to post her one-of-a-king original S’more Bars. Thanks sister!

The stuff you need:

1 1/2 cups of butter
1 2/3 cup of sugar
2 eggs
3 teaspoons of vanilla
1 box of graham crackers
1 cup of flour
1 teaspoon salt
8 chocolate bars, dark or milk ch.
3 cups mini marshmallows

Go for it:
Preheat oven to 350.
Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy, add eggs and vanilla, stir in crushed graham crackers. Take 1/2 of the mixture and press firmly in the bottom of a 13×9 pan. Add chocolate bars in a single layer on top and cover with mini marshmallows. Add last half of cracker crust and cover marshmallows and press firmly. Bake for 20-24 minuets.

Sarah baked this delighful treat for us on her 24 and we gobbled them up! Keep enjoying your summer & all the yummy things to pig out on:)

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Poppy Dip Contest Day 5… enter 1 x a day!

Posted on 29 July 2009 by Kari Gibson

I love reading your “Poppy Dips”… they make my day a little brighter! Keep sharing to win… that’s how easy this contest is. Here’s Zoie’s new Poppy Dip dress.
Sea Beauties.

(click to enlarge)

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Pray for AW families tonight… passing court miracles!

Posted on 28 July 2009 by Kari Gibson


Our dear friends received their referral back in Feb. and are still waiting to bring home their 2 beautiful children. Problems happened that were out of their control, but they have had to wait so long. Tonight in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia they have their official court date and we pray that they pass with flying colors. God won’t allow his precious children to stay in Ethiopia a second longer than He has planned! We pray that THIS IS IT!

Here’s how you can pray (a note from Kim)
*that the judge is satisfied with all our court documents and how they read, that the Women’s ministry MOWA writes the recommendation letter we need, and general favor upon our case.

At some point Wednesday morning our agency will call to let us know how things went. I will post an update on our blog A Blissful Heart

Gillman family we are hoping and dreaming and praying and cheering that you hear the words… you passed!! I have your favorite cupcakes and we can’t wait to celebrate God’s miracles no matter what!

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Poppy Dip Contest Day 4… enter 1 x a day!

Posted on 28 July 2009 by Kari Gibson

My poppy dip today…. all 3 kiddos are sleeping in late:)
Who’s going to win an adorable Poppy Dip dress?

One more thing to add… I bumped smack into an AWAA family today at the Landing! It was so great to meet Michelle Witaker and her adorable kiddos. What a special surprise:)

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