Posted on 30 April 2009 by Kari Gibson
It’s official. Princess Zoie is starting to show her diva side…throwing herself down on the floor or swinging her head back at full force or screeeching in high pitch agony. Her big brother barely missed a blow to the nose today. I’ve noticed a lot of us are going thru the same thing right now. Happy little angels that turn into raging tyrants in 2.3 seconds when they don’t get their way. Some of us have tried to ignore the spurts… thinking they will disappear magically, but we know its here to stay. We have to deal with the chubby forces of nature face on so we can live happily ever after:))
I’d love to hear some of the creative things you’re doing to calm the storm. Every child is so unique and special, but some of you really have GREAT ideas!!
Posted on 30 April 2009 by Kari Gibson
Bloggy friends, there is a special family adopting 4 beautiful siblings from Ethiopia. They need your help!! Please go to their blog & copy the HTLM code & post their badge. Lets help spread the news.
Here is their post & link…
Mihnovich Family- blog
We received some disturbing news about our children on Friday and need an army of saints skilled at wielding the Sword of the Spirit to lift up our children and pray for God to move powerfully and quickly on their behalf. We are so very confident that He is faithful and will work everything out according to His purposes! We are asking everyone to begin praying for them at 11:00 each day…when it is dusk in Ethiopia, for protection and release from bondage!!
Posted on 27 April 2009 by Kari Gibson
One of my highlights in Ethiopia was meeting the woman photographed with me. I do not know her name or anything about her, but we had an encounter that really touched my heart. We had ventured out into the city *alone* our 2nd day in Addis Ababa. We took a taxi and asked him to take us to the shops at the Post Office. He had other ideas:) We found our favorite treasures that day in the tiniest, darkest antique shop. I’m sure the shop owner & taxi driver were family or friends. We spent over an hour in a room no bigger than my closet. Packed from floor to ceiling with every imaginable trinket. The room was lit by one single candle.
It was so dark, we could only feel around for possible items we wanted. We finally decided on a pile of antiques that ranged from wooden bowls, cups and unique crosses. While Roger bartered inside with the owner, I waited with the kids outside by the taxi. I noticed a woman walking through a very narrow alley and I smiled. She smiled back at me. We both walked toward each other and I smiled and took her hand in my hand. She kissed me several times, cheek to cheek. I motioned at my camera and she smiled. I told her with the help of the taxi driver, that she had the most BEAUTIFUL smile. My son snapped a photo of us.
I will never know her name or her story, but we had our moment. She reminds me that I don’t want to miss out on the small opportunities to show love.
Simply love one another!!
(I have to add….we have a lot more in common now!!! I lost MY 4 front teeth in an accident:)
Posted on 26 April 2009 by Kari Gibson

It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow.
1 Corinthians 3:7
“Our task is not always easy, but it
is always simple
simply LOVE, because He loved us first.”
(thank you
Posted on 25 April 2009 by Kari Gibson

I can’t believe today is our Referral-Versary!!! I have noooo idea who made up this fun name to describe the DAY we received the CALL, but I love it! We are celebrating all day long the most sought after, prayed for, yearned for, begged for, cried for day….referral day! We were on a business/vacation trip in Palm Beach Garden, FL when we received our CALL!!
I will never forget waking up at 5AM and Roger driving the two of us to the beach at sunrise. There is something about the ocean, for me that is one of the surest places to find peace. To see in person, God’s mighty beauty. We sat on the warm sand, held hands and thanked God for what was to come. We had no idea that today was the day that would change our lives forever. All I knew was the sight of the waves crashing over and over reflected the *power* of my Savior. He was in total control of my life. I had waited so long to meet our baby girl. The glorious sunrise was a renewal to my spirit.
On the way back to the hotel, we stopped in the local Starbucks for coffee & scones. It was still early, but there were a few customers waiting. I gestured for the nice man in front of me to order (he smiled & said good morning) We chatted for a second, but when I looked at my hubby, his mouth was gaping wide open. What’s wrong…I asked with a puzzled expression?? He sat down & sheepishly whispered to me…do you know who you were talking to??
That’s my golf hero, Jack Nicklaus?
Whattttt???!!! I yanked his golf hat off his head and raced up to the nice man.
I smiled…Excuse me, Mr. Nicholson…you are my 15 year old son’s golf HERO and he would be thrilled if you would sign his hat!!!! He won’t believe I met you. (I really said that:)
He graciously signed my “sons” hat and shook my hand. I got a little shy & tongue tied, but I muttered a sweet, thank you!!!
Rog couldn’t believe I got his autograph…he was quite impressed. Of course, I told him it was now his son’s golf hat, but it was soooo cool to meet a huge legend, Mr. Jack Nicholson in person.
Rog gave me a funny look… honey, his name is Jack Nicklaus, not Nicholson…that’s the movie star. Ohhhhhhh nooooo….I messed up my big moment, but I had the signed hat!!!:)
At 8:45 AM…we received our referral call from Terra Bailey!!! How do you even express the moment you first see the child God has chosen for your family? There are no words to describe the excitement opening up the email with the VERY first photo of your child. Love.
The day was magical from sunrise to sunset. Rog drove me back to the beach that evening and the sound of the waves took on a whole different meaning to me. Celebration. We have our Zoie. It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since we first met our girl. The adoption process is different for EVERY family, but the journey to love unites us all.
Look at me now:)
Here is our hilarious “Referral Call” video. There are 2, but I’ll only make you watch the one that counts…. Enjoy:)
Posted on 24 April 2009 by Kari Gibson
Hi Bloggy friends, if you have a second…please VOTE for this incredible mom, Susan Parry who has adopted 2 boys from Korea!!! She is currently in 1st place for a trip to Hawaii, but we still have 2 more days to vote. It’s for a great cause!!! It just takes one click on link “vote”…
Posted on 24 April 2009 by Kari Gibson
A spunky sophomore transferred to my small Baptist College. She immediately made an impression on my ex-boyfriend and I was definitely interested in finding out a little more about her. For some crazy reason, we hit it off…we had so much in common (& I don’t mean just the boyfriend:) Little did we know that our lives would intertwine in the future…a deep connection of the heart.
My fifth adoption hero… who exemplifies forgiveness and grace, is
Erin Smalley. She is a daughter and a sister and a friend. Everyone is drawn to her amazing spirit, hilarious sense of humor, passion for Jesus and joyous zest for life!! I no longer call her *just* my friend. She is my sister-in-law, my children’s Aunti and one of the biggest cheerleaders during our adoption.
I first learned that Erin was adopted early on in our friendship and was amazed at her attitude and spirit toward her adoptive parents. They adored their daughter and she adored them. Erin was always comfortable sharing or answering any of my questions concerning her adoption. Her favorite thing to say was….I grew in my mom’s heart.
I will never forget when Erin made the decision to contact her birth mother. Her adoption was domestic and closed, but with lots of support and encouragement from family and friends she started her search. It was not the reunion that Erin had dreamed about…the kind you see on Oprah. Her birth mother chose not to have contact with her for very personal reasons. She had not told anyone…her baby was a secret. She was a closet birth mother. I can’t imagine the pain this decision made in Erin’s heart, but I watched her respect and honor the decision with dignity and grace and forgiveness. She recently told me…I thought the contact was for my own needs, but in reality the phone call was for her, to bring her some type of freedom and peace.
Erin, thank you for showing me what it truly means to love someone unconditionally, to selflessly let go of your own needs and forgive someone despite their circumstances. You are a woman of grace. I’m thrilled to support and encourage you during YOUR adoption journey to your daughter waiting in China.
Adoption radically changes your life…from the inside out!
I’m thankful you are my sister.
Its been so special for me to share my 5 adoption heroes!! Each one played a unique part in helping us bring home our Zoie.
Now I need YOUR help…please take a moment & let me know who your adoption hero is & why. Someone that was a source of encouragement, support, inspiration, cheerleader, prayer warrior… My goal is to use these stories in the future to encourage anyone who is thinking about adopting.
Let’s inspire!!