A B-Day Hunt Wish Come True

Posted on 19 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

It was so much fun surprising Hannah with a scavenger hunt for her 15th birthday with a BIG present at the end … tickets to see Taylor Swift concert LIVE next weekend with her friend, Lanie. Two moms and two crazy teens road tripping it to Kansas City to rock it out with thousands of crazed Taylor fans! It will be a weekend to recover remember! I actually know most of her songs, so I plan on singing and dancing along with the girls (I hope this won’t cause permanent embarrassment)

It’s so much fun to honor our children on their birthdays and make special memories! Hannah has been such a joy in our lives! Her dedication to God and her friends has been precious to watch grow this past year!

What special birthday memories have you planned for your kiddos- I want to hear.


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