Archive | November, 2008

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We Give Thanks for Family *Photos*

Posted on 27 November 2008 by Kari Gibson

Happy Thanksgiving! We are thrilled to have the entire family here in town for this special day! Zoie’s first American holiday with her new family was a JOY!

Zoie loved her Aunti’s sweet potato casserole & corn bread stuffing!!

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Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Posted on 26 November 2008 by Kari Gibson

Bloggy friends…we pray that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family & friends! We have so much to be thankful for…
1 Corinthians 1:4 ( Thanksgiving ) I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus.

What are you Thankful for today? I want to hear…

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Happy Driving!!

Posted on 25 November 2008 by Kari Gibson

How is it possible that *my baby* hit 6’1 & received his driver’s permit all in one week:)))) Congrats MG on this amazing milestone in your life!! We are sooo proud of you!!!
You’ve been dreaming of driving since you were 2 years old!!! whooohoooo

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Welcome Home Sege!!!! xoxoxo

Posted on 24 November 2008 by Kari Gibson

We had the honor of meeting an Ethiopian princess named Etsegenet (Sege) when we traveled to Addis Ababa in July. She is home now with her amazing family *VanWettens* & we just wanted to say WELCOME HOME SWEET GIRL!!

ps: Zoie’s 3rd new tooth just peeked thru…that makes 5!! :)

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Zoie update…a few firsts:)

Posted on 21 November 2008 by Kari Gibson

Family…Zoie sat up in her crib for the first time today:) Her 2 top teeth have peeked thru & she had her first visit from a real Christian rock star (Phil Joel:) & family. We swear she said “sissssthy” to Hannah & “buubbuuub” to Michael! She saw her first movie “Madagascar” and first Ozark Christmas show featuring Lennons & Tony Orlando…

Phynley, thanks for the tiny red pillow!! We love you Joels!!

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Top 10 questions about adoption…can you help?

Posted on 20 November 2008 by Kari Gibson

Roger & I need your help… wants to advocate for adoption & foster care.
Please give me your feedback….

  • If you could ask ANY question about adoption….what would you want to know? List as many ?’s as you can think from A to Z!!!

We want to help make this new site to be a helpful source to encourage, support, educate and provide quick answers from a lot of difference sources!!!
THANKS for your help!!

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Fun night of fellowship & kisses:)

Posted on 18 November 2008 by Kari Gibson

We had so much fun at the Neal’s fundraiser for Wide Horizon Orphanage!! It was at a yummy pizza rest. w/ tons of family & friends. By the time we left, I think the count was at 210 people!!!! We are so proud of the Neals & congrats on their beautiful new sweet boy, Cruz!!! Zoie had another *smooch* with darling Jaden…2 yr old from ET!

Congrats Blackwells, Halls & Forrests who all received referrals last week!!! whoooohoooo

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