Archive | My Crazy Stuff

My Crazy Christmas Giveaway!!!!


My Crazy Christmas Giveaway!!!!

Posted on 10 December 2011 by Kari Gibson


Congratulations to the 11 winners of My Crazy Christmas Giveaway. Winners were randomly selected from keeping it real. Email me your mailing addresses. Thank you everyone who stopped by and entered to win! You are a blessing to me… Merry Christmas!!!

1. Chip- Live-Dead Journal

2. Becky Allister- Trevor Birch CD

3. Michelle Miller- Trevor Birch CD

4. Chantelle Grubbs- Trevor Birch CD

5. Catherine Bertossi- Trevor Birch CD

6. BB- Trevor Birch CD

7. Justin Simmons- Live-Dead Journal

8. Hauter13- Live-Dead Coffee Table Book

9. Kit Hoeck- Tom Davis Gift Basket

10. Jess Roch- Tom Davis Gift Basket

11. Christy- Live-Dead Coffee Table Book


I have collaborated with three amazing groups- 1 singer, and 2 unique ministries reaching the lost and touching the lives of orphans. This is simply an introduction, but in the next few months we’ll start some VERY exciting projects together. This is My Crazy Christmas GIVEAWAY – you have the chance to win some extraordinary gifts. I will randomly pick 11 winners on Monday, December 12th!!!

Who is Trevor Birch?

Do you remember this guy? He’s one of my best friends and launched his 1st solo album on 12/6! It’s such an honor to share a little (behind the scenes) with one of my favorite new artists. I want to encourage you to head over to iTunes and purchase his EP album of 5 songs.

Trevor shares: The development of this project has been an entire season of lessons on faith. That is why I’m so excited to tell you that my first solo album releases today, December 6th on iTunes. I had the honor of partnering with platinum selling producer/songwriter, Scotty D (Francesca Battistelli, Jeremy Camp, Jessie Daniels, Kutless and Jimmy Needham), to record this project in Nashville, TN. Early on in life, I discovered music has the ability to move people to worship and inspire them to action. I have been involved in the worship ministry of my local church since I was young and I believe strongly in the power of Christ to change a person’s life.  I have witnessed first-hand how music can be an integral part in that transformation. I am passionate about seeing others encouraged in their faith and it is my hope I can challenge others to see for themselves God has more for them than they can even imagine! Taking the step of faith to start this project was challenging, but God has orchestrated all the pieces to fall together in a way I could not have anticipated or planned myself. When I started the journey of recording this EP, I had so many contrasting thoughts and emotions. In recent years, I’ve been afforded opportunities to perform regularly for tens of thousands through my active involvement in my church home, James River Assembly.  But, at the time, it seemed like so many things were stacked against me—the loss of a job, lack of finances, finding the right producer, the divorce of my parents and personal insecurities.  Deciding that I would make the commitment to see this project through meant I would have to live out my faith in Christ in ways I hadn’t done before. The lyrics to my upbeat, guitar driven single, “Open Doors”, describes this journey perfectly: “Here I go even though I still have doubt / A leap of faith isn’t safe / But it’s about time I start trusting You.”

Giveaway #1 – 5 people will win a free Trevor Birch CD. Leave a comment to enter.



What is Live Dead?

Live Dead: Planting Churches Among Unreached Peoples Through Teams

The Holy Spirit is speaking to his Church, reminding us of the passion that he has never relinquished — the passion to be glorified by every tribe, tongue, people and nation. We committed to taking the church where it does not exist; to making Christ known to people groups who don’t have an opportunity to know him. Live Dead is more than a strategy it is a bridge to practically make a difference in the statistic that 40% of the world lives without access to Christ. We believe that we can make a difference; we believe that we must make a difference. Live Dead is a re-dedication to pioneering whatever the cost. Live Dead realizes that the places today where the Church does not exist are harsh, fierce, lonely and demanding; yet we still must go there. Live Dead is a commitment to evangelism and church planting among unreached peoples in community through teams. Live Dead acknowledges that if unreached peoples are going to embrace Jesus as Lord, we must die to our selfish passions and small dreams and live joyfully surrendered to the will, plan and means of our Missionary God. Living dead is a call to joy, a call to life, a call of hope. Living Dead means listening to the Spirit calling us to “take up our cross” for the sake of those who don’t know what the cross is or what it stands for. Living Dead means listening to the example of those who have gone before us, men and women like Dietrich Bonhoeffer who said, When God calls a man, he bids him come and die.” Living Dead means listening to the cry of those in spiritual death. They call to us: We will live, if you will die.”

Giveaway #2 – Two people will win The Live Dead Journal and two people will win Live Dead Coffee Table Book. Leave a comment to enter.



What is Children’s HopeChest?

My good friend, Tom Davis is simply one of my heroes for the fatherless! He shares his testimony here …. Today, HopeChest is a thriving international ministry to orphans, connecting them to the life transforming power of community-based relationships with Christians in the U.S. and Canada. It’s my passion to inspire others to find their place in orphan ministry and give themselves to the poor and impoverished children of the world. At HopeChest, we advocate a “community to community”partnership model. While many great organizations exist to provide individual sponsorship opportunities, we believe that holistic, sustainable change in the poorest communities occurs when one community partners with another.

We invite you to become an extravagant giver this year by joining Change Their Story. You are invited to sign up and fundraise for orphans who are starving and girls who are targeted by sex traffickers. Your family will never be the same. And if you aren’t ready to take that step, then consider making a donation or supporting one of our HopeRaisers. See the full list here.

Giveaway #3 – Two people will win Tom Davis gift baskets full of his bestselling books (signed) and stunning souvenirs from the different countries Children’s HopeChest serves. Leave a comment to enter.

If you have enjoyed or learned from this post, please share it:

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Posted on 03 December 2011 by Kari Gibson


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Simply Love + Visiting Orphans Tees {GIVEAWAY DETAILS}

Simply Love + Visiting Orphans Tees {GIVEAWAY DETAILS}

Posted on 08 November 2011 by Kari Gibson

There were over 2,000 of you crazy bloggers who read this post!! The voting is officially over, but now the REAL fun starts. You can win a free mission trip by purchasing the 2 winning tees you voted for here. You heard me, I’m giving away a mission trip. You can WIN A FREE TRIP for you or someone you love simply buying a tee shirt- 1 tee + 1 entry to win! SOMEONE is going to go on a mission trip and not have to spend a dime. This opportunity is so incredible, you don’t want to miss out! There are 13 countries you can pick and 50 trips to choose from with Visiting Orphans. You pick!

Buy Your Mission Trip Tees Here!

I’m so excited to officially announce My Crazy Adoption Blog and Visiting Orphans has partnered for a VERY special project coming soon! I will let your imagination go CRAZY!! First, I need your help. This week, I want to know what Simply Go. Be. Love.  and Man Up Go. Be. Love. tee is YOUR favorite design! What would you wear?

Even if you don’t normally leave a comment or have no plans of buying a shirt, would you please consider sharing your choice?

We had some funky designers make 8 graphics for you to VOTE. Click on each tee photo to view close up. Don’t forget to VOTE for TWO TEES in the comments!

What are your 2 favorite designs you would wear?

  •  1- Simply Go Be Love.
  •  1- Man Up. Go Be Love.









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Be A Super-Hero Family {Giveaway}

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Be A Super-Hero Family {Giveaway}

Posted on 23 September 2011 by Kari Gibson


**Congrats Andrea** Email me your sizes!!!

Are you ready to be a real-life super hero and take the oath to protect, love, and defend the fatherless? Well, every super hero needs a tee shirt to stand tall and boldly testify his commitment to live James 1:27.  I’m giving away 4 tees (2 adult + 2 youth) to a family (singles, too) that faithfully dedicates to simply love orphans together – minus the cape. You can go Up, Up, and Away with NEW super-hero Simply Love tees.

You Pick One to Enter:

(Let me know what you pick)

  1. Leave a comment and share who your (or kids) favorite super-hero is.
  2. Add My Crazy Adoption button to your blog or blogroll for daily feeds.
  3. Share the Super-Hero challenge on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter.
  4. Le me know how you would use your super-hero gifts to make a difference?

This is a 3 day GIVEAWAY!  I’ll announce the winner [here] on Monday with an **UPDATED POST**

Check out My Crazy Adoption Store.

You can purchase tees, hoodies, prints, beads, coffee mugs, and more!

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My Very First Vlog (Live Craziness)


My Very First Vlog (Live Craziness)

Posted on 29 August 2011 by Kari Gibson

What is a Vlog?  Here is the official “google” definition: Short for “video blog.” A vlog is the video equivalent of a blog, most commonly featured on YouTube. Much like plain ol’ text blogs, these can range from the informative to the hysterical.

I will really work on making my vlogging hysterical, but for the first vlog attempt, it’s just you and me gabbing… well, kinda.  I will admit, it felt a little awkward hiding in a corner of my church cafe talking to myself, but I got through it.  When I showed my hubby the video to preview, he laughed (yes!) and encouraged me to keep vlogging, but to commit from start to finish.  Honestly, I was nervous someone would come around the corner and catch me talking to myself and finally prove that I’m crazy!

3 things I need to improve on my next vlog:

  1. Get better lighting so I don’t look green(ish) like Elphaba in Wicked.
  2. Sit back a little further from the screen so I don’t cut off my eyebrows.
  3. Add a variety of adjectives. Can you guess how many times I say the word “incredible” ?

I haven’t picked an official vlog day, but for now … let’s make it a weekly surprise.  My hubby will be my first vlogger guest and share an incredible story from his mission trip.  What topics do you want me to vlog about … any suggestions?

Just click play …

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Twitter 101 For Crazy Bloggers

Twitter 101 For Crazy Bloggers

Posted on 24 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

I have been asking some of my favorite bloggers about adding twitter to my blog and they all unanimously said – do it!!  The reason we blog is to connect with other bloggers, but tweeting was foreign to me.  I want to thank all of you who started following me on twitter a year ago, when I had no idea how to tweet!  I’m finally on board, and had a few lessons from my son @michaelgibby1 on twitter 101.  I also love this post from friend, Michael Hyatt here on how to Twitter like a professional tweep!  Thank you, Megan Miller on your twitter tips, too.

First of all, sign up for twitter.. click on the adorable little blue bird on top of my blog.  He won’t hurt you, I promise!  Just add your name and come up with a crazy password and you’re in! You’ll quickly learn the tricks- #crazywords and you will start joining other crazy bloggers craziness!  Twitter really is fun and easy.

If you want to follow me on Twitter when I’m in Uganda you can read tweets from @MyCrazyAdoption and @michaelgibby1 – just type in our “names” and you will be an official mission trip stalker!

Once you are tweeting, check out how to make your blog posts permalinks tiny to add on your tweets.  Check out and also, Tweet Deck.

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Wear Your Simply Love Tee on Mother’s Day {Giveaway}

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Wear Your Simply Love Tee on Mother’s Day {Giveaway}

Posted on 06 May 2011 by Kari Gibson


I love being a mom!  In honor of our day, I’m throwing a special giveaway for moms (adoption waiting moms too) here on my blog and on My Crazy Adoption Facebook.  If you have not joined yet- I’m giving away a Simply Love Tote bag filled with goodies- a few of my favorite things!  I will randomly select a winner on May 8th! This is a 2-day giveaway.  Don’t forget to wear your Simply Love Gear on Mother’s Day- together we can make a difference for the fatherless.  **I will post the winner on Twitter (@mycrazyadoption) and MCA FB… also at the top of this post sometime on Sunday.

Praying for all the mom’s I know who are waiting, grieving, longing, and loving.  Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is LOVE. (1 Cor. 13:13)

1 Mother’s Day Giveaway Winner (you get this…)

  • Simply Love Tote Bag
  • Dig Deep Coffee Mug
  • Simply Love tee (exclusive)
  • Priceless book- Tom Davis
  • Strand of Uganda Magazine beads

Two Ways To Win…

1.  Leave a comment here and share with me: pick one

  • How many kids do you have?
  • What do you love most about being a mom?
  • How are you spending your special day?

2.  Facebook Entry:

  • Wear your Simply Love Gear and post your photo with your kids!

If you are selling Simply Love gear- please leave your link on My Crazy Adoption facebook, so readers can purchase your products and help celebrate Mother’s Day all year long!

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