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Simply Love + Visiting Orphans Tees {GIVEAWAY DETAILS}

Posted on 08 November 2011 by Kari Gibson

There were over 2,000 of you crazy bloggers who read this post!! The voting is officially over, but now the REAL fun starts. You can win a free mission trip by purchasing the 2 winning tees you voted for here. You heard me, I’m giving away a mission trip. You can WIN A FREE TRIP for you or someone you love simply buying a tee shirt- 1 tee + 1 entry to win! SOMEONE is going to go on a mission trip and not have to spend a dime. This opportunity is so incredible, you don’t want to miss out! There are 13 countries you can pick and 50 trips to choose from with Visiting Orphans. You pick!

Buy Your Mission Trip Tees Here!

I’m so excited to officially announce My Crazy Adoption Blog and Visiting Orphans has partnered for a VERY special project coming soon! I will let your imagination go CRAZY!! First, I need your help. This week, I want to know what Simply Go. Be. Love.  and Man Up Go. Be. Love. tee is YOUR favorite design! What would you wear?

Even if you don’t normally leave a comment or have no plans of buying a shirt, would you please consider sharing your choice?

We had some funky designers make 8 graphics for you to VOTE. Click on each tee photo to view close up. Don’t forget to VOTE for TWO TEES in the comments!

What are your 2 favorite designs you would wear?

  •  1- Simply Go Be Love.
  •  1- Man Up. Go Be Love.









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