Archive | November, 2009

How to throw a Grinch Party

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How to throw a Grinch Party

Posted on 30 November 2009 by Kari Gibson


We love a crazy party and there is nothing crazier than a Grinch Party.  I think it’s great family bonding to include everyone in the planning.  All you have to do is think green.  We make green punch, desserts sprinkled in green, food with a green glow and ask our guests to bring something yummy to share sticking with the theme.  I put out Grinch books, Grinchy toys and stuffed dolls that I’ve collected over the years.  I have Grinch music from the movie blaring in the background.  This year, we even found Grinch T shirts for all 17 of us!  Top off the night with a fun game and Grinch DVD (original cartoon or new)


Buy mini clothes pins and play the Grinch Game.  Greet your guests and pin a clothes pin on their shirt.  Let them know if they cross their arms, legs or say Grinch… they lose their pin(s).  If you catch the culprit, you win all their pins or you can also lose all your pins if you are caught.  I usually set a time to end the game and have a fun prize for the winner.  Winner- the most pins!

Punch recipe:

  • 3-4 large liters of 7Up
  • Large tub of green lime sherbert

Mix together for a delightful foaming punch fit for a Grinch.


My nephew Garrison & the Grinch.


My nephew David giving the Grinch a piggyback.


I love the Grinch.


Zoie slobbers on the Grinch, but he doesn’t care.


Best Friends.


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Adoption Life LIVE – Make a Christmas Memory Tree

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Adoption Life LIVE – Make a Christmas Memory Tree

Posted on 29 November 2009 by Kari Gibson

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Simply Sunday + Home 4 Adoption News

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Simply Sunday + Home 4 Adoption News

Posted on 29 November 2009 by Kari Gibson

I wanted to personally thank you for all your cheers as we wait for our home to sell.  I feel like there’s a big crazy club of us out there in bloggy land who are anxiously waiting to hear the magic word… SOLD!  On my street alone, there are dozens of For Sale signs scattered in yards making the drive home very colorful indeed.  Unfortunately, we have not had a single bite yet, but hubby and I have not wavered in our passion, joy or creativity to move forward with Home 4 Adoption.  Stay tuned for big miracles coming soon!  Please take a peek at our 2 new adoption fundraisers (featured in flasher)

Let me know if you have any crazy brilliant ideas or tips for us to get our Home 4 Adoption sold!

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I’m getting a face lift – come check out the results!

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I’m getting a face lift – come check out the results!

Posted on 28 November 2009 by Kari Gibson

My brilliant bloggy brother has been in town all week and has encouraged me to get a face lift.  I like my ears just the way they are thank you, but he found a new look for my blog that he thinks will be easier and faster for me to post photos and all my important adoption stuff.  I’m really nervous.  I just got comfortable with my new old blog face and now he wants me to change again.  Learning new bloggy skills is not easy for me, but I’m up for the challenge if you are, too. Hopefully, it will be painless.  I love being an encouragement to you, so hang in there with me and lets work together making My Crazy Adoption a one-stop-shop for adoption.  I cherish the daily emails from you and learn something new every time you connect with me.

The new blog face lift will continue to read just like a magazine.  You can dig deep and find the topics that interest you from Adoption A to Z.  I will continue to post the weekly regulars and keep adding information on past subjects such as, Top Adoption Agencies, Grant/Fundraiser ideas, Adoption News reports, Friday Flips, favorite recipes and personal stories from my crazy life.  Each week, I will post on the side column a new Adoption Life LIVE one-on-one video.

If you have any suggestions for my new blog, let me know.  I want to also thank my bloggy friend, Nikki who created the beautiful header.  She has sprinkled her love over hundreds of blogs.  If you are interested in her creating your blog design, head over to her website. $30 for a unique, personal blog face lift.  Nikki is moving to DR May 1 and is set for a grand adventure serving the children of Haiti and DR, but will still be able to serve the blog world.  She is my hero!

Don’t forget if you are the 99,999th bloggy visitor, take a computer photo shot and email me.  I have a collection of super cool prizes just for you!

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Fluffy Hot Chocolate

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Fluffy Hot Chocolate

Posted on 27 November 2009 by Kari Gibson

I like anything with fluffy in the name.   I’m making this hot chocolate recipe tonight for my family. Tell me what Christmas video you love to watch while drinking a hot mug of cocoa.


  • 8 teaspoons sugar
  • 4 teaspoons baking cocoa
  • 4 cups milk
  • 1 1/2 cups miniature marshmallows
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. In a saucepan, combine the first four ingredients. Cook and stir over medium heat until the marshmallows are melted, about 8 minutes. Remove from the heat; stir in vanilla. Ladle into mugs.

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Fun Friday Flip + Kids talk Christmas Memory Tree

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Fun Friday Flip + Kids talk Christmas Memory Tree

Posted on 27 November 2009 by Kari Gibson

A fun Flip video of my kiddos sharing why our Christmas Memory Tree is so special. You can make one too.  Watch Adoption Life LIVE #2 posted on the right side column.

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Turkey Thankful T Give-A-Way Winner!

Turkey Thankful T Give-A-Way Winner!

Posted on 26 November 2009 by Kari Gibson

I read every one of your beautiful, amazing comments.  I’m thankful beyond words for the blessings you poured all over my crazy  blog today!  I wrote down your names, cut them out, and hubby with his eyes closed, just picked THE WINNER…. Tiffany Johnson!!!  Thank you for sharing what you are thankful for.  Please email me and leave your full name and address. You can pick a Men’s T or Women’s T style.

Today is a special day to give thanks for well…. everything!  I’m so thankful for my bloggy friends who are helping us T shirt by T shirt bring home our new daughter.  You are making a difference in a child’s life in a powerful way.  You have renewed my spirit and refreshed my energy to move forward with the adoption process.  I’m making a choice to throw away my crazy fears and soar with faith.

I want you to share with me, what you are thankful for today.  I will read all your comments (while I’m resting my very full tummy) and late tonight, I’ll draw a name for a free New Simply Love T shirt.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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