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Lord Have Mercy

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Lord Have Mercy

Posted on 23 December 2011 by Kari Gibson

Update: we are starting the campaign OPERATION: MERCY to bring Mercy here for medical treatment. Please join us praying for Mercy and that the process of getting her passport and medical visa will be expedited. I will update here on My Crazy Adoption as we move forward. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown Mercy. (Matthew 5:70

I want today’s post to testify God’s mercy in Ethiopia.  I want every word to honor and respect and give all glory to the great Healer.  The first thing that seared through my heart was a mother’s pain.  What great lengths would I go through to seek help for my daughters?  I love Hannah and Zoie with all my heart and I would give my life for them.  I looked into the eyes of this desperate mother asking me to come to her home and pray for her sick daughter.  I saw faith, fear, and hope in her eyes.  I quickly grabbed a few girls on my team and told them to come with me to pray for this mother’s daughter.  She held my hand and told me her daughter, Mercy was very sick and needed healing.  Mercy was waiting for a miracle.

We entered the tiny house, only room for a bed.  Mercy was on her side and completely still.  I had no idea why she was sick or if she was even conscience.  I put my hand on her back and there was not a single movement.  She was dead still.  I felt fear prickling on my skin, but God immediately filled the space with His mighty power.  We laid hands on sweet Mercy and prayed for her healing.  I don’t remember any of the words we prayed, but I can only describe the moment as supernatural.  I could feel His presence.  I could feel His power.  God was pouring His love through us straight into Mercy.

God stirred our hearts to sing.  My precious friend, Katie had our song “Healer” from the previous day at Fistula Hospital and we played the song over Mercy.  I will never forget our five voices filling up the tiny space with words of Healing.  There is truly no words to express what happened that day in Korah.  In obedience, we followed a mother to her home with great faith, but in return witnessed an act of Mercy.

We walked back to the Korah Shelter and joined the team with preparing lunch.  I had no idea if Mercy was going to make it today- her circumstances seemed so dire.  Now, thinking back I have no idea why we didn’t scoop Mercy up in our arms and drive her to the clinic.  We prayed for her, but was that enough?  Thank you God for loving me and working through me despite my lack of faith.

I love reading the passages in the Bible about God healing the sick.  In Matthew 8: 5-13 and Luke 17: 11-19, both stories celebrate healing and great faith.  Jesus healed the 10 lepers and today we were feeding lunch to 10 men with leprosy.  Ministering in Korah literally feels like  stepping back in the Bible… it brings all your senses alive.  You see, hear, taste, feel, and touch His miracles in every direction.

I will never forget hearing my name yelled across the shelter, “Kari, it’s Mercy!”  I ran out and standing in front of me was Mercy and her mother.  Mercy looked radiant.  Her hair was wrapped in the bright blue silk scarf I had left for her.  I ran around and told the team to come and worship- celebrate with us a true miracle.  I witnessed a healing in Korah.

We circled Mercy and her mother and prayed a special blessing over this precious 15 year old girl.  We prayed a future for her.  Mercy’s mother shared her remarkable story with our team and we testify that God healed her body on February 25th, 2011.  Mercy had been sick in bed for over five months, unable to go to school or sing at church.  We hugged, cried, and celebrated her day of victory.  God quietly spoke to my heart and I gave her the ring I had brought to give to Zoie’s birthmother, if we found her.  Instead, I gave it to Mercy as her healing marker… something special she will always have to remember that God healed her body.  The next two days, Mercy came to the shelter dressed in her school uniform and made sure we knew she was feeling strong.  I will never forget God’s merciful, miraculous day in Korah.  Sweet Mercy, you have changed my life.  Thank you for trusting us to come in your home and pray for you.  Thank you for holding my hand when we bought you your special celebration outfit at the market.  You looked so beautiful in your new clothes and shoes.  You are my hero and I love you.

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. (Ephesians 3:20)

Please leave Mercy a special blessing prayer today in the comments.

I Saw What I Saw

{Dedicated to my friend Mercy}

I saw what I saw and I can’t forget it
I heard what I heard and I can’t go back
I know what I know and I can’t deny it
Something on the road
Cut me to the soul
Your pain has changed me
Your dream inspires
Your face a memory
Your hope a fire
Your courage asks me what I’m afraid of
And what I know of love.

(Sara Groves)

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I Need Your Adoption Story – Inspire, Support, and Challenge


I Need Your Adoption Story – Inspire, Support, and Challenge

Posted on 12 December 2011 by Kari Gibson

The heartbeat of My Crazy Adoption is you. I love waking up every morning reading your comments, stories, questions, and cheers! One of the unique aspects of my blog is that it reads like a magazine. I want to encourage readers to come on over and read a variety of topics related directly to mommyhood, orphan care, and adoption. My ultimate goal is to provide you the tools it takes to live James 1:27 in a radical way. I receive the most amazing emails [from you] sharing how a story or video inspired you to go on a mission trip, sponsor a child, and ultimately start the journey to adoption.

Throughout the year, I partner with organizations that I can collaborate with and make a difference in the life of an orphan. You have helped make every project a life-changing blessing to literally thousands of children and women in Africa and Haiti. You helped raise over $60,000 for donations and projects that Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love. 1 Cor. 13:13

I need your adoption story.

Let’s end 2011 with a bang… I need your adoption stories to help inspire, support, and challenge one another to simply love. You can email me your story- edited, ready-to-post, with up to 3 photos (attached jpeg) to celebrate adoption at any chapter of the process. Include your blog link or contact information you want to share with readers…. twitter, facebook, etc. 

“As you abide in Christ, listen to His heart. It beats for lost people. Just as He died for the lost, He asks that we also die to our selfish ambitions and, with reckless abandon, share Him. Our Savior asks that we go to all who are lost.” The Live-Dead Journal


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My Top 5 Most Thankful Blog Moments

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My Top 5 Most Thankful Blog Moments

Posted on 24 November 2011 by Kari Gibson

I’m thankful for faithful bloggers who visit My Crazy Adoption every day! Your generosity, support, and cheers have made a lasting impact in my life. I wanted to share with you my Top 5 Most Thankful blog moments as we celebrate Thanksgiving. I pray your year has been full of God-adventures and embracing the joy of giving love freely- Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love. (1Cor. 13:13)

  1. Taking over 7,000 headbands YOU sent for princesses and princes in Africa!
  2. Providing shoes to hundreds of orphans in Ethiopia- 300 turned into 782!
  3. Watching Hannah hug Taylor Swift.
  4. Sharing with my readers that we are moving to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2012!!! (I can’t WAIT to share more)

What are you thankful for today?


Here’s how you can get MORE entries into the drawing for the Visiting Orphans Mission Trip Giveaway:

1) Click here to buy a super stylish Simply Love or Man Up tshirt from our online store. 1 shirt = 1 entry and they make great gifts!!!

2) Between now and November 30th, you can get an additional entry into the drawing by first buying a mission trip tee and then spreading the word online to your friends and family about it. You can facebook Share or Tweet about it! that you helped get the word out and we’ll add an extra entry into the drawing for you! It’s that simple. And if you’ve already gotten your mission trip tees  – that’s ok – just spread the word and let us know that you did and we’ll still give you an extra entry!

Somebody IS going to win a free trip to any of our 13 countries. It COULD be YOU!!!!

Mission Trip Winner will be drawn on December 2, 2011 at our Give 2 Go Event in Nashville, TN. You do not need to be present to win.  

We are SO thankful for the thousands of team members who have gone on our trips and loved on precious children in our 13 partner countries. You have been the hands and feet of Jesus to the least of these. You have planted seeds of the Father’s love and reminded His little ones that they are not forgotten. You have made a difference. On behalf of each and every child that you have met, held, touched, loved and impacted – THANK YOU for being willing to get out of your comfort zone to Go. Be. Love. to orphans around the world.  

If you have enjoyed or learned from this post, please share it:

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My Crazy Mission Trip GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!


My Crazy Mission Trip GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!

Posted on 10 November 2011 by Kari Gibson


Do you remember my crazy dream last year to give away a mission trip? I just spoke at a college class and shared what does it mean to Simply Love. After I was done sharing, so many of the students came up to me with questions. I could see their excitement to go serve BIG, but I could also see the #1 fear creeping into their heads that holds so many people back from a radical adventure  … the COST. If you need more inspiration to “Man Up and Go” click here.

Last year you helped My Crazy Adoption give away THREE trips!! It was the biggest, craziest project I have ever been a part of!! Your excitement to go and serve on a mission trip was contagious and life changing for the giveaway winners! The most exciting part for me was knowing the life change that all three winners experienced since our February 2011 Simply Love trip. All three have returned to Africa to serve and even to adopt. THAT is my vision for the giveaway. I know some of you have been praying for the opportunity to go and serve and some of you know of others that are dreaming of going on a mission trip. Just think, God all along has planned on providing your way just by you simply purchasing a tee. Are you ready? Do you know of someone who is ready? (What a great Christmas gift that would be!) I want you go on a radical crazy loving mission trip and make a difference in the life of a child who desperately needs God’s love.

The Giveaway Winners on their mission trip to Ethiopia!

(Me & the three winners on our “Simply Love” mission trip to Ethiopia Feb. 2011)

LET’S DO IT AGAIN! My Crazy Adoption and Visiting Orphans is giving away a mission trip! 13 countries and over 50 trips to choose from – somebody is going to GO free of charge. It could be you!! The entire month of November until noon on 12/2, you can purchase our new Giveaway tees and enter to win!

WIN A Free Mission Trip To Simply Love Orphans!!!!!!!

It’s SIMPLE to enter … purchase the sweet looking Simply Love and/or the funky Man Up tee to win! Every purchase gives you one entry into the drawing. Buy ten tees get ten entries. Go Big & Love Big!


in the world

on a Visiting Orphans missions trip….

Open your hearts to Go, Be, and Love orphans!!

El Salvador, Costa Rica, Haiti, Ecuador, Honduras, China, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda, India and Ukraine!

I want to know where you would pick if you win the mission trip giveaway! Can you leave me a comment today and share where you want to go and simply love the fatherless. Be on the lookout for crazy mini-giveaways here on my blog throughout the month! I’m soooo excited to see WHO WILL WIN a mission trip!!!

If you “Like” this giveaway- come join me on Facebook!

1 tee shirt = 1 entry to win the GRAND PRIZE HERE!


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Enter Today! There’s A Good Reason Why…


Enter Today! There’s A Good Reason Why…

Posted on 04 November 2011 by Kari Gibson

Welcome to My Crazy Adoption blog! You may have heard about the big crazy mission project and the rumors are true!! I’m GIVING AWAY a mission trip with Visiting Orphans! Let’s break records today – I want to challenge you to BUY 2 TEES (1 entry for you and 1 entry for a friend) I’m praying we sell 1,000 tees to bless the fatherless in a major way! Contest ends December 2nd!

1 tee = 1 entry to win! Go. Be. Simply Love.

You may have dreamed of going on a missions trip, but raising money, resources, time, and maybe a little fear have kept you from stepping out in faith and living the God dream.  This is YOUR opportunity to travel to 13 countries (you pick) and make a difference in the life of an orphan.  I’m jumping for joy for you… I don’t want you to miss out on this incredible opportunity.

If your heart right now is pounding and your hands are sweaty, I want to challenge you to DO IT AFRAID!!!!  I waited 42 years to go on my first missions trip, so I understand about being afraid. If you are afraid, that’s OK… just do it afraid and God will do the rest through you! We are ALL called to simply love. Religion that ispure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction (James 1:27)

“Dare to Dream” is a challenge. A challenge that is as bold and as strong as it sounds. A challenge that goes out to every person young or old… NO MATTER WHAT they have walked through in the past or what they may be facing today. It rings out loudly and whispers softly to encourage, to motivate, to beckon …. I DARE YOU!!! I DARE YOU TO DREAM!!” (James River DFL 2010)

God has already picked the winner! Please commit to praying for this project and asking the Lord to guide, direct, provide and fulfill His purpose. Help me spread the word about the missions trip project – on your blogs, Twitter, FB! The key- visiting an orphan can turn into radical hospitality… ADOPTION!!

Are you ready to dream with me? Will you leave a special prayer or verse for this project and commit to praying for everyone who participates in the project.

God can do anything, you know— far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest DREAMS! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, His Spirit deeply and gently within us. (Ephesians 3:20 MSG)


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My Son’s Crazy Well Project

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My Son’s Crazy Well Project

Posted on 25 October 2011 by Kari Gibson

Over the past year, my son and the Pirates have raised over $20,000 for their well project in Chuko, Ethiopia. Take a peek here. They even got to visit the community and see their well site this summer. This is no longer a dream, it’s a reality for this tiny village.

Would you donate $5 today to help complete their goal. October 29th is their silent auction event and even if you can’t join us in real life, please consider buying a ticket. 100% of the ticket proceeds goes directly to the well project.


Once upon a time there was a group of Pirates that didn’t have anything to do. Arrrrrr they were tired of the same old lazy land lubbin’plundering, homework, sports practice, and chores. Well, the Pirates who didn’t do anything decided to make a difference in Ethiopia and dig a well. They were good at digging, but had neverrrr “piratin”such an adventure before!

I’m one proud mom of one of those crazy Pirates who arrrrrr digging a well in Ethiopia- please email me if you have any questions about how you can jump on board!! The Pirates have teamed up with Julie and Rob Neal’s Dig Deep Project and A Glimmer of Hope and are working hard to raise the final $60,000 as a school to bring fresh, clean water to Chuko Weyama. In fact, at the time of print, their total booty earnings $21,325!!!


Campaign Details
Campaign Type: General Fund Raising
Targeted Project Type: Water and Sanitation
Village: Chuko Weyama

You can participate simply by donating to the well project - DONATE HERE

A little information about A Glimmer of Hope: first of all, 100% OF ALL DONATIONS go directly to funding Pirates Dig A Well (even credit card and Paypal fees are reimbursed by Glimmer and back to the projects!) Glimmer’s mission is to lift women, children and families out of extreme poverty in rural Ethiopia. Using an entrepreneurial model developed by the organization, it provides clean water, schools, health clinics and micro finance loans. Over the last 10 years, A Glimmer of Hope has improved 2.5 million lives. On behalf of those who lives are forever transformed by your generosity, thank you.

We are the pirates we don’t do anything

We just stay at home and lie around

And if you ask us to do anything

We’ll just tell you, we don’t do anything… but now we are DIGGING A WELL IN ETHIOPIA!!

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Me, Hannah, and Taylor Swift


Me, Hannah, and Taylor Swift

Posted on 04 October 2011 by Kari Gibson

Let’s be real, it’s not easy planning something your teenager will love. I work really hard to keep on track with her favorite movie crushes and Top 20 songs she loves. I wanted to plan an extra special birthday for her 15th and with the help of our girlfriends, we pulled off the big surprise. Hannah and I had the most incredible weekend together (I got to feel like a teenager) She wanted me to share her special birthday photos with my favorite bloggers really.  Here are her own words …

Birthday Wish: I wanted to go to the Taylor Swift concert sooooo bad!

Location: We got to road trip to Kansas City.

What did you wear? Mom picked out a special dress for me at this cool thrift shop called Weezies. It has really expensive clothes on sale. My dress had a broken zipper so we got it for only $20.00. In the car, mom tried to fix it and it zipped up perfectly. We found a cute sweater and bling for all our outfits. I loved my mom’s outfit too, she looked really good (awwwww)

What really happened?  Well, a lady came up to mom and told her that Taylor Swift was going to walk down our row. We waited at the end of the roped off area and she came around the corner. I was screaming and reached out and she grabbed both my hands. She hugged me and I wanted to pass out! I will never forget that I got to touch Taylor!

We got to the concert four hours early (crazy I know) but the girls wanted to shop and take photos. We entered to win a free suite and waited for an hour for the drawing. We took some really fun pics in the field of weeds. We didn’t win the suite, but tee shirts and glow in the dark necklaces. We all realized had we won the prize, we wouldn’t have been close enough to touch Taylor Swift. It was a blessing in disguise.

What I loved most about the weekend, spending quality time with my daughter, with a little birthday magic sprinkled all over the day. Do you have a favorite mom memory making moment you can share today?


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