Tag Archive | "adoption fundraisers"

Crazy Links I Love (updated)

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Crazy Links I Love (updated)

Posted on 02 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

This is YOUR personal shout out for your adoption and missions fundraisers!!  My Crazy Adoption brings the craziness straight to you- sending readers to check out your links!

If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers, please leave a comment with all your information and permalink (example: http://agoodkindofcrazy.blogspot.com/2011/03/american-girl-doll-giveaway.html) to take readers directly to your site.  Leave your own “write up!”

You can also email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love weekly post.  Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers.  I want to help you get the word out there in blog land!


1.  Simply Love in Action-  A Silent Auction and Fundraiser to benefit the Cabeen Family’s Adoption in Africa:

  • Sunday, May 22nd
  • 3:00pm – 5:00pm  Coffee House on Main Please join us for an afternoon of art, apparel and awareness.  Silent auction items to include beautiful artwork, hand crafted items, giftbaskets, season theater tickets and more!  T-shirts, bags, and scarves will also be available for sale.  All donations to benefit the Cabeen Family adoption. www.bringinghomeourfamily.blogspot.com

2.  I’m selling some SWEET t-shirts to help fund our adoption. Check them out on our blog! To the praise of His glorious grace” Rachel Vander Wall.  Purchase tees here.

3.  Adoptive mom Julie Gumm has just published her book “Adopt Without Debt: Creative Ways to Cover the Cost of Adoption.” Woven through the telling of their debt-free adoption journey, Julie shares how to find extra money in your household budget, apply for grants, and fundraise in order to build your family without saddling it with debt. With over $65,000 worth of creative fundraising ideas from more than 25 adoptive families. Visit www.adoptwithoutdebt.com for more information and to order.

4.  After years of trying to continue to grow our family we have decided to adopt domestically. To help raise funds we have had wristbands made up. The Lord laid Matthew 25:40 on our hearts:

Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done [it] unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done [it] unto me.
We love that Jesus made it simple. Even if we do it UNTO ONE we have done it to Him. There are so many hurting people in the world and we have the privilege to serve Jesus by serving them. We opted to not specify adoption on our wristbands as there are so many different ways to minister to the “least,”  whether it be orphan care, prison ministry, elder and widow care… the list goes on and on.

If you’re interested in helping us toward bringing our little one home our wristbands can be purchased for $5 each. Please add $1 for shipping. The wristband  has Unto One on one side and Matthew 25:40 on the other. To order or for more info email us at or visit our blog at www.overwhelmedbyhisgrace.blogspot.com.
5. After watching “Black Gold” and seeing the plight of the Ethiopian Coffee Farmers, we partnered with adoptive friends to buy several hundred pounds of Ethiopian coffee (fair trade) that we’re roasting in small batches and selling in hopes of raising funds for our adoption. We have passed court and are on the final stretches before Embassy and trusting God for the final pennies to travel back to get our son, Josiah. You can read more about our story and donate here: http://koppweb.com/one27-coffee/

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Crazy Links I Love!


Crazy Links I Love!

Posted on 05 February 2011 by Kari Gibson

  1. Nina meets her twin’s birthmother in Ethiopia and shares the story.
  2. Send some crazy love to orphans for Valentine’s Day- beads of love. Buy one get one free special!!
  3. Are you ready for a missions adventure in Haiti with Visiting Orphans… check out this trip today.
  4. Room For One More upcoming event featuring Tom Davis- learn more.
  5. How to turn boiling water into snow- its the real deal.

If you have a favorite link or a special project you are doing and want to share with my crazy readers- leave a comment and post your link. You can also add your link on MckLinky Tools for sharing in blog land.

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Crazy Links I Love


Crazy Links I Love

Posted on 15 January 2011 by Kari Gibson

My crazy bloggers, I want to thank you personally for reading and supporting all the guest bloggers I have featured this month.  I asked for 10 guests, but was blown away by receiving over 50 guests posts from you!!  I couldn’t just pick a few and leave the rest out, so due to how crazy my life will be the next 30 days getting ready for my mission trip to Ethiopia… I will continue to share each and every guest post.  Here’s how you can make a difference… leave ‘em a comment.  Enjoy their stories, projects, bloggy ramblings and then share with the guest what you think.  I promise you will make their day!!

I have a few personal, blog posts I will sprinkle this month, so don’t miss a single day at one of your craziest favorite blogs on your roll.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your CRAZY support with my Headbands for Korah project.  Together we have collected over 345 headbands, scarves and bows to date.  I have a 50 pound case I can fill to the brim, so as many as you can make me or donate … I’ll take them all!!

If you have a link or project you want to share here on My Crazy Adoption Blog, please leave your information on the Linky Tool or at the comments with your links attached.  If you love shopping online, I encourage you to click on the crazy links I love and start shopping with a purpose!!

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Crazy Links I Love

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Crazy Links I Love

Posted on 11 December 2010 by Kari Gibson

  • This is the perfect Christmas gift for adoptive families-  an album of adoption songs, well-reviewed by Adoptive Families Magazine (which says, among other nice things, “For kids who don’t like to talk about adoption, this CD may help get those crucial conversations started naturally.”) Chuck Kent is currently partnering with World Vision to donate all his proceeds during November and December to their work with children, especially orphans and vulnerable children worldwide (feeling we adoptive families need to also be supportive of children who may never be adopted).  He generously sent our family a CD and we love it!!  The website is www.SameSameCD.com
  • Introducing the 1st “Simply Love Ukraine” tee shirt!!  The Scharosch Family had the privilege of naming it… Logan, in honor of their new son!!  All families that use the Ukraine shirt for fundraising in the future will be blessed with his name!  A Heart For One More Blog here.
  • The Allee Family are adopting from Ethiopia and they need our help. “We just accepted a sibling set off the wait list and have to have $14,700 dollars to keep them as our children. We are soo soo in love and they are already a part of our family, just not on paper. We currently have several fund raisers going on at our blog and could use as many people coming over to our blog to check it out as possible. We are doing a Scentsy fundraiser, a Barefoot Book fundraiser, A Junk Posse fundraiser and we are selling hand made ornaments, PR project shirts and aprons”- you can help here.
  • Simply Love Adoption + Youth Tees!!!  “We are the first couple to offer simply love infant sized tee shirts!!”  Our blog is www.brownsnewjourney.blogspot.com Adam and Amanda Brown
  • Do a little Christmas shopping, and you will be helping to purchase Christian resources for our friends in Mexico at Iglesia Bautista Dicipulos De Cristo (Disciples of Christ Baptist Church), and their Mission Churches. From now until the end of December my income from your purchase of Inspirational Jewelry, from my Compelling Creations website, will be used to pay for a Youth Bible Study in Spanish. Thanks for helping! Shop here
  • Acadia Garland Christmas Beads- you can purchase 9 ft. and 13 ft. garland for your Christmas tree!! Giving life to widows and orphans in Uganda.
  • “Hello All! Just wanted to let you know that we are GIVING AWAY an iPod Touch!  We are raising money for another mission trip and though someone would LOVE to win one either for themselves or to giveaway as a Christmas gift.
    Check out the details on my blog!” http://tofindlife.blogspot.com

If YOU have a favorite link or a project to share… leave your name, project and URL in the comments today!!

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Crazy Links I Love

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Crazy Links I Love

Posted on 04 December 2010 by Kari Gibson

I’m thrilled to shout out for your fundraisers, projects and favorite links you love.  Please take the time to take a peek at these special links to support, cheer, and encourage!!  You can add YOUR link using Linky Tool for bigger audience.  Just click and post your permalink.

  1. We’re fundraising to adopt a special needs little girl from China.  We’re giving away a $500 giftcard to one blessed winner.
  2. I just wanted to email you and let you know that our pampered chef fundraiser is ending this weekend!  ALL proceeds and commissions from the items go to our adoption fund!  Please help bring our baby home if you can. Thanks a ton!  www.pamperedchef.biz/lisacregscooking and type my name, Kristin Thomas, in as the Hostess!  Thanks again and God Bless!!!!
  3. Keith Bolling did quite a bit of filming and photography work when he was in Ethiopia this past March. I am returning to Ethiopia Dec 7th-15th to work on a feature length film about adoption (the project is called Both Ends Burning – http://bothendsburning.org/).
  4. This month, funds raised through Nikki Cochrane’s Blogs for a Cause are being donated to Sarah’s Covenant Homes in India. This is an orphanage for children with special needs that I spent a month volunteering in during the summer. Funds will go towards purchasing Pediasure to bring the children up to health, and these children are very close to my heart. If you have any connection to India, to children with special needs, or to SCH, please help me spread the word!  With the holidays coming up, many customers are asking about getting a design geared specifically to Christmas so I am offering a Holiday Discount. For $45 you can get two designs; one for the holidays and one for me to install after the holidays are over!

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Shout Out Your Adoption Fundraisers & Projects

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Shout Out Your Adoption Fundraisers & Projects

Posted on 17 May 2010 by Kari Gibson

Adoption peeps… this is your day!  You have already added your comments up in “Shout Out” on the top flasher, but I want to upgrade and help share your fundraising projects with Linky!!  I love the new thumbnail photo Linky Tool that Brent Riggs created.  It will show off your thumbnail and link your URL.  My bloggy friend Stacy Richards guided me to this new crazy way to show off your fundraisers!  I have found it on several of my favorite blogs, so I’m going-for-it.

Why R U doing this?

Well, I’m glad you asked … we are starting our 2nd adoption and fundraising, too.  It’s soooo challenging to get eyeballs to peek at all the different projects out there in blog land.  I simply love helping families fundraise for adoption and want to help shout out with a new Linky tool.  God has opened up so many doors at My Crazy Adoption and we are all in this together!  Especially, if you are selling Simply Love shirts with the 13 countries!!  I get emails everyday from readers begging for the different country shapes.  This is your opportunity to get the word out in a fun, crazy way!

Who can post a Linky?

Anyone fundraising for adoption or mission trips.  I’m requesting only that you take the time to “follow” my blog so we can be real true BFF’s (bloggy friends forever) on Blog Frog or RSS.  It just takes seconds to add your name and URL.

How Do I Do it?

It’s so easy.  Write a post or use an old one from your blog- describing in detail your “fundraising project.”  Show off photos and share your adoption story.  Now you are ready to use Linky Thumbnail tool.

Post the permalink from your blog below. A permalink is the URL to a specific blog post. In other words, each blog post has an address and the permalink is the street number and the avenue. For example, my blog address is http://mycrazyadoption.com.  But the permalink to this post is http://mycrazyadoption.com/shoutout-for-your-crazy-adoption-fundraisers.  To get the permalink, I simply clicked on the post title and it popped up in the address bar. On your blog you must link back here to this blog and that your post is part of a “Shout Out” at My Crazy Adoption…….

When will the Linky close?

I opened up a new Linky open until Aug!!!!!!!  It’s located right under the “closed” Linky from last week.  Keep adding your blogs & links!!   Don’t miss out, but if you do … you can still leave a comment with your URL.

If you are crazy about my blog- become a follower, leave a comment, and share some mommy craziness.

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