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My iPod Touch give-away begins today!

Posted on 22 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

Bloggy friends, I’m so thrilled to share with you my Haiti adventure!

The mission trip I’m going on Aug. 24th is organized by Mission of Mercy and they are investing time and energy and resources to the orphanage our church family sponsors. We will be simply serving and loving children at the Haitian orphanage. I would be so honored if you contribute by CHEERING and PRAYING and JOINING in on the fun of helping me reach my goal of $1,300 for the mission trip.

We’re all in this together.

RAFFLE CONTEST.. this is a 1st for me! :-)

$10.00- earns 1 ticket
$25.00- earns 5 tickets
$50.00- earns 15 tickets
or more…

Just add your name & address & phone number!

The raffle will end July 10th when Zoie turns 18 months old!

You win a BRAND NEW iPod Touch and so much more.
100% of your contribution will go toward my Haiti Mission Trip. Any additional money raised will be donated to the Haitian orphanage… hand delivered by me.

Thank you for helping me chase a WILD GOOSE ADVENTURE!
On your mark get set GO…..

Quote from my church about the mission trip:
“We have an exciting opportunity to partner with Mission of Mercy and bring new hope to children in Haiti! This is an amazingly new effort to reach forgotten children in the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. Together, we can impact the lives of hundreds of children by sharing the love of Jesus.”

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Posted on 21 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

Daddy, we love you with all our hearts!!!

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Skinny-Dippn + Cousins + Birthdays = Fun Family Pics

Posted on 20 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

We are having such a fun summer….so blessed to have family in town!
Mimi, have noooo idea how we missed u in pics- you were here for 2 weeks:)
Send me one QUICK! lol
3 little mermaids

Aunti M

Tay Tay & H

What crazy things are you doing for summer fun in the sun??

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Raffle prize pick – we have a winner!

Posted on 20 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

THANK YOU for all your suggestions!!!!!!!!!! The winning prize pick is…………. iPod Touch!!!
I’m so honored & excited to join the JRA team and serve in Haiti. I’ll share more about the mission trip, too. (I leave Aug 24th)

OK… for all you less than techy-savvy geniuses (like me) here’s some additional information about the
BRAND NEW 2nd Generation iPod touch:

  • This player is the iPod touch, not the Apple iPhone
  • 8 GB capacity for 1,750 songs, 10,000 photos, or 10 hours of video
  • Up to 36 hours of music playback or 6 hours of video playback when fully charged
  • 3.5-inch widescreen multi-touch display with 480-by-320-pixel resolution
  • Supported audio formats: AAC, Protected AAC, MP3, MP3 VBR, Audible, Apple Lossless, AIFF, and WAV; supported video formats: H.264, MPEG-4; supported image file types: JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, PSD (Mac only), and PNG

Raffles starts with a BANG on Monday morning!!!

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Posted on 19 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

Bloggy friends,

I am GIDDY!! I just found out that a very generous donation will be made for these 2 items toward my HAITI MISSION TRIP RAFFLE. I’m literally jumping up & down! I have to pick one for my raffle contest. The best part…. YOU WIN!
OK…. here’s where I need your help. They are both SUPER AWESOME PRIZES, but which one do I choose for the raffle? Take a peek & VOTE for me today! Leave me a comment & then I’ll start the raffle contest next week!

Prizes…. which one?

Apple iPod touch 8 GB (2nd Generation) LATEST MODEL

PRICE: $216.00


Kindle- for all the crazzzed book fans:)
Kindle: Amazon's 6" Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation)
6″ diagonal E Ink®
8″ x 5.3″ x 0.36″
1,500 books
PDF Support
via conversion
Rotating Display
3G Wireless
Books in Under 60 Seconds

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HAITI MISSION TRIP – Oh ya I’ve been waiting!

Posted on 18 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

Bloggy friends, I just had to jump back on today & share a happy with you!!! I’ve been waiting to go on a mission trip this year. It’s almost been a year since Ethiopia. My heart yearns to serve at an orphanage…. anywhere!!!!!!!!!!! I got a call yesterday that a spot, ONE more spot was open for our church’s mission trip to Haiti. I will admit, I’ve been begging the Lord for this one!!!! I adore my pastor’s wife & she is taking a small group to Haiti to serve at the orphanage we sponsor as a church family. The trip was full. I’ve been WAITING. They purchased my ticket today & now the fundraising starts:)) I’m doing this a little backwards…. ticket bought, now how to pay!!!!

I’m a faithful blog stalker & know many of you out there have had SUPER successful fundraisers. Can you give me any fun ideas for me to do? The mission trip is Aug. 24th, so I have to start now! The cost is $1,300- includes everything from A to Z.

It’s so much fun to blog about a certain subject & BOOM out of nowhere God says….. GO NOW!! Its time!!!
Please pray for me.


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Posted on 18 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

Waiting and Enjoying the journey. It’s a challenging request. How in the world can we enjoy waiting for something we REALLY want? I can recall a few “top” waiting highlights through the years… waiting for my birthday, waiting for Santa Claus, waiting for a puppy, waiting for a boyfriend, waiting for my 1st kiss (17 & it WAS Mr. Dreamy) waiting for graduation, waiting to teach, waiting for my wedding day, waiting for my babies to be born, waiting for healing to come after loss, waiting to move, waiting to make a new friend, waiting for trips, waiting for dreams to come true, waiting for Zoie, waiting for 4 front teeth:) waiting for the Lord’s direction, waiting for our home to sell, waiting for my next BIG adventure, waiting WAITING, WAITING!!!!!!! I think you get the point. We are always waiting. Can we enjoy the journey?

“I’ve learned that the longer the wait, the more you appreciate. If it had taken half the time, I would appreciate it half as much. I don’t know what detours your life has taken. I don’t know what delays you have experienced. Maybe life has taken some unexpected turns. Maybe you feel like your dreams have been delayed or detoured. Life has not gone according to plan. I feel your frustration, and I empathize with your confusion. But that is the essence of adventure. The unpredictable twists and turns of life can drive you CRAZY. Or you can learn to enjoy the journey!!
The choice is yours.”

Believe me, I’ve failed miserably waiting and I’ve won personal medals. I can start my day off positive and strong and steady, but crumble in tears by afternoon. I’m learning that waiting with joy is a daily renewal!! The best is yet to come.
I’d love to know what you are waiting for. How are you doing??
Please share your WAITING stories with me today:)

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