Archive | May, 2011

Crazy Links I Love

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Crazy Links I Love

Posted on 28 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

This is YOUR personal shout out for your adoption and missions fundraisers!!  My Crazy Adoption Blog brings the craziness straight to you- sending readers to check out your links!

If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers, leave a comment with all your information and permalink (example ) to take readers directly to your site.

You can also email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love post content.  Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers.  I want to help you get the word out there!


1.  Hey Kari! I’m Kelly from VA. Love your blog! Just wanted to direct you to a post I just made.
I am sending 110 headbands to Elisa for your project. I found her when a post was made on a chat board I frequent asking for a cheap place to buy headbands. When I found out why, I knew God had directed me to your project! I have been selling bows and hair accessories for 6 years at craft shows and online. God has placed adoption on the heart of my family. We decided last year to adopt a special needs child from China. We have been met by all sorts of obstacles and are currently in a holding pattern, waiting on God’s hand of provision and perfect timing to move mountains. In the meantime, I fund raise for our family ( ) and support other famiies through donations of my products for giveaways. I’m donating 10% of all sales in May to the Sparrow Fund ( ) It’s a thrill to send these headbands for your trip. I’ve followed through blogs work being done at several of the places you’ll visit. Maybe one day I’ll be able to serve in person, until then, well, there’s headbands!!


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Important Shipping Info – When will I get my tees (?)

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Important Shipping Info – When will I get my tees (?)

Posted on 27 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

Thank you so much for supporting Man Up Blitz- your tees are helping missions in a big, crazy way…  feeding a community in Korah and provide mattresses for the poor living there.  We will start selling the NEW tees again on July 1st.

Shipping Information:

We ordered ALL the tees in bulk on May 26th to save every penny for missions- allow 2 weeks for delivery.

For the next 7 days, you can purchase this brand new, exclusive Man Up tee with our logo- Man Up. Protect and Love the Fatherless.  We had a contest and this was the winning artwork (way to go Amber Maack!)  The first 20 people who purchase $50 of products or more will receive a FREE hand made Uganda Magazine Bead necklace -my gift to you!

The tees are printed on high quality Next Level brand- color: olive with black ink.  Shirts are cut slightly fitted “athletic style” I suggest ordering up one size for exception fit if you want roomier tee.

Father’s Day Blitz ends at midnight on May 26th!!  We have some sizes in stock, but please allow up to 2 weeks delivery.  All tees delivered by Father’s Day!!

Why Man Up?

What an amazing gift for your dad, hubby, and sons (women too) to Man Up for orphans all over the world.  I challenge you to pass on the message of loving, caring, blessing, visiting, hugging, playing and ministering to the fatherless.  My hubby came up with our logo two years ago and it spread like crazy!  It’s something we can all do- we are ALL called to protect and love orphans.  If you are interested in joining us on a Visiting Orphans mission trip- click here to learn more.


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A New Missions Adventure – Visiting Orphans China!

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A New Missions Adventure – Visiting Orphans China!

Posted on 26 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

It costs a lot of money go to China. I should know, I’ve been twice and I’m going again. This time I’m taking my daughter.

Chifeng, China
Apply NOW!

Dates: July 23rd – August 3rd, 2011
Location: Chifeng SWI

Leader: Frank Pass
Cost: Approximately $3500-$3800 (varies depending on flight costs)

Last April I (Frank) led a Visiting Orphans team to the Social Welfare Institute in Chi Feng, China and we will go back there this July. 90% of the kids in this orphanage are special needs and some of those needs are pretty severe. I saw children with missing limbs and kids with extensive cognitive issues. I especially remember one child who could only lay in a bed. He had fragile bones. We could not play with him or even hold him. We could only stroke his hair and sing softly to him and hope that somehow he understood.

Most of the kids at Chifeng SWI will never be adopted. Many of them will never be put up for adoption and those that are will have difficulty finding a family that is equipped to handle their special needs. There are many stories that tugged at my heart, but 2 did so more than any of the others.

Li Peng Fei is 16 years old. I guess he is 17 now, and Lu Wen Hu was 13 when we saw him last. These two young men are also classified as special needs but not because of any ailment they have. They are special needs because of their age. Teenage boys aren’t cute, they aren’t cuddly and they rarely find a forever family. I remember these 2 not because of anything that was wrong with them but because of everything that was not. They are good looking young men, polite and eager to please. They are athletic and they loved throwing an American football. They even spoke English. They were perfect and there is absolutely nothing unadoptable about them except their age; but because of that they most likely never will be. I wonder if Li Peng Fei will be there this year or if because of his age he had to leave and when he does leave I wonder what will happen to him, this young man with no family.

Li Peng Fei and Lu Wen Hu are why we visit orphans in China. Yes we send teams so that those who go will feel the call to adopt and so some of the children that we visit will find homes, but mostly we go for those children who never will – because regardless of their special need, they are perfect in God’s eyes.

Visiting Orphans will send many teams to Africa this summer and every one of them is needed, and then some. Most of the sites we go to in Africa will receive multiple teams and that will not be enough. We will send 5 teams to China this year and 1 to Chifeng. As far as I know, no other outside group will visit these children. If we don’t go no one else will. In a country that values the collective over the individual and tells orphans they are useless, we will be the only ones to tell these children that they are valued. At present we have 5 signed up. It’s not nearly enough.

If you are reading this maybe it’s because you are supposed to. Maybe God wants you to go to Chifeng this year and tell Li Peng Fei and Lu Wen Hu that you came just to see them. Maybe you’re supposed to pass this on to someone so they can go. I don’t know. I do know that more of us are supposed to go.

Yes, going to China is expensive, but it costs far more to stay home.

Thank you- Frank Pass

If you would like to visit orphans in China with me and meet my friends Li Peng Fei and Lu Wen Hu, email me at or check out our China page at


There are 100,000 orphans in Ukraine. Most of these are social orphans which means they have 1 parent who either cannot or will not care for them. Alcoholism, prison, abandonment and neglect have forced these children to live in institutions and to live a life with very little hope. Eastern European orphanages can be very dark places. The conditions and the statistics are sobering and that is why we go – because when we visit orphans, we bring light to the darkness, hope to the hopeless, and most of all a Father to the fatherless.

This August Visiting Orphans will partner with Touched by Grace to visit orphans at the Babynest Orphanage in Ukraine. Babynest houses 130 orphans age 6 and under and Touched by Grace is helping to transform it into a place of joy and love. Our team will do painting and other work to improve the physical condition of the facilities, we will bring in much needed supplies and most of all we have the privilege to be moms and dads and brothers and sisters to children who have none. Through our presence, our time and our touch we will let these precious children know that they are loved, that they are valued and that they have a heavenly Father who loves them.

Summer 2011

Apply Now!

Dates: August 18 – August 26, 2011
Team Leaders: Todd Horton, Simon & Amanda Lawrence
Location: Vinnista, Ukraine
Details: Join us as Visiting Orphans partners with Touched By Grace to minister to the orphans at Babynest orphanage. This orphanage has around 120 children, ranging from newborns to teens.  Teams will have the chance to help complete their building projects by helping with construction needs.  They will also have the chance to create relationships with these children, reminding them that they are not forgotten by their Abba Father and it’s why our team traveled across the world to spend time with them.
Cost: $3000 – $3200

Won’t you join us this August as we visit orphans in Ukraine. Sign up at our

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Wednesday WOW Recipes – The Most Popular!


Wednesday WOW Recipes – The Most Popular!

Posted on 25 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

Have you ever wondered what the most popular recipe is in mom land?  Well, I found the most popular recipe with 5 stars and 2,615 reviews on and the winner… Banana Crumb Muffins!!  I’m making these on Sunday for my hubby’s 42 birthday!!  These look sooo yummy!!

If you have a recipe to share with readers- leave your link in the comments!  Thank you for sharing  your yumminess!

PS: Don’t forget to purchase your Man Up tee for Father’s Day – Store closes midnight on Thursday!

Banana Crumb Muffins
recipe image
Rated: rating
Submitted By: Lisa Kreft
Photo By: Joann
Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 20 Minutes
Ready In: 35 Minutes
Servings: 10
“A basic banana muffin is made extraordinary with a cinnamon-and-brown-sugar streusel topping.”
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 bananas, mashed
3/4 cup white sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
1/3 cup butter, melted
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon butter
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Lightly grease 10 muffin cups, or line with muffin papers.
2. In a large bowl, mix together 1 1/2 cups flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, beat together bananas, sugar, egg and melted butter. Stir the banana mixture into the flour mixture just until moistened. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups.
3. In a small bowl, mix together brown sugar, 2 tablespoons flour and cinnamon. Cut in 1 tablespoon butter until mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. Sprinkle topping over muffins.
4. Bake in preheated oven for 18 to 20 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of a muffin comes out clean.

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Twitter 101 For Crazy Bloggers

Twitter 101 For Crazy Bloggers

Posted on 24 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

I have been asking some of my favorite bloggers about adding twitter to my blog and they all unanimously said – do it!!  The reason we blog is to connect with other bloggers, but tweeting was foreign to me.  I want to thank all of you who started following me on twitter a year ago, when I had no idea how to tweet!  I’m finally on board, and had a few lessons from my son @michaelgibby1 on twitter 101.  I also love this post from friend, Michael Hyatt here on how to Twitter like a professional tweep!  Thank you, Megan Miller on your twitter tips, too.

First of all, sign up for twitter.. click on the adorable little blue bird on top of my blog.  He won’t hurt you, I promise!  Just add your name and come up with a crazy password and you’re in! You’ll quickly learn the tricks- #crazywords and you will start joining other crazy bloggers craziness!  Twitter really is fun and easy.

If you want to follow me on Twitter when I’m in Uganda you can read tweets from @MyCrazyAdoption and @michaelgibby1 – just type in our “names” and you will be an official mission trip stalker!

Once you are tweeting, check out how to make your blog posts permalinks tiny to add on your tweets.  Check out and also, Tweet Deck.

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My 3 Adopted Brothers (they are crazy, too)

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My 3 Adopted Brothers (they are crazy, too)

Posted on 23 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

I love my two brothers, Greg and Mike Smalley- they have been a constant joy in my life.  I’m their older big sister and was very bossy growing up.  I’m sure they loved having two moms telling them what to do all day long.  It’s wonderful now that we’re all grown-up, to support and encourage each others passions, gifts, and talents in life!!  My brother, Greg is moving soon to CO to work with Focus on the Family and my brother, Michael lives in TX with a growing ministry in marriage and family counseling.

I had no idea God would open the door for three more brothers in my life, but He has allowed me to embrace sisterhood again!  I met all three men on my first mission trip to Ethiopia and feel so honored to have them adopt me as their sister.  It’s my duty as big sister, to make sure they are being taken care of, prayed for, supported, and encouraged as my brothers!  I’m equally as honored to embrace their band of brothers (all eleven) living in Korah and supporting the entire team!!  We are family.

If you would like to join me next year Visiting Orphans in Ethiopia, I can guarantee you will get a hug from each one of my brothers!

I met Bisrat (Bissy) in June 2010 with my Visiting Orphans team in Ethiopia.  He has an incredible big heart and biblical wisdom.  His testimony is both heartbreaking and inspirational.  Bissy told me once that he will never stop telling others about Jesus- he lives and breathes this commitment with all his heart!  I’m grateful that my brother has helped us locate missing pieces with our adoption.  He was the one who introduced us to the police officer who helped with the relinquishment of birthmother- Zoie’s Crossroad Miracle. If you would like to meet Bisrat and follow his adventures in Addis Ababa, please “friend” him on facebook. (click on his full name above)

I met Maste last year, but it was on my trip in February that we really bonded.  I watched this young man grow in wisdom and kindess for orphans… helping lead my big crazy team with joy. (just look at that smile)  I love that he became such close friends with my hubby, Roger and worked together to bless the community of Korah.  Here’s what Maste wrote to me when I came home- he has no idea how much I cherish his letter…

It was a blessing to know you. you are energetic and devoted GODly women.
James 1:27 GOD care for orphan
GOD use peoples to care others.
You have an amazing husband that he thought me about giving. Roger told me that the secret of life is giving to needy. it was practical lesson for me. he was feeding street kid at the post Office. Tell to Roger am glad to know him.
The gift that I gave to you is I never gave for anybody in my life. Flag shows one country. I gave to you my country Ethiopia for you. hopefully your support will be frutiful and change Ethiopia.
May peace of the lord be with you and your family always

Sammy is one of the dearest people I have ever known in my life.  The instant I met him, I fell in love with his spirit for the Lord, community, orphans and Korah.  In June, I will share his personal testimony and it will blow you away!  How can someone go through so much persecution and still worship the Lord and obey His will.  Sammy and I bonded last year, but our friendship bloomed this past February working again with Project 61.  I tell him he is the Brad Pitt of Korah!  Sammy understands the true meaning of Man Up. Protect and Love the fatherless.  I’m grateful everyday knowing he is there taking care of his neighbors.  God gave him the incredible gift of tenderness and strength.  One of the last things we talked about… his band of brothers working in Korah- that NO ONE is left behind.  I want to continue to make a difference in the life of children and the needy side by side with my brothers!

If you have a special message of encouragement for my three [adopted] brothers, please leave a comment today and spread some crazy love.

(thank you Cherrie Cornish for the beautiful photos!)





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Sleepy Bee Goes To Uganda (zzzz)

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Sleepy Bee Goes To Uganda (zzzz)

Posted on 20 May 2011 by Kari Gibson

One of my best friends, Jill Jones came up with a brilliant mommy idea and created the Sleepy Bee.  Jill lives across the street from me and fulfills orders right out of the Sleepy Bee barn, so I can tell you firsthand there’s a lot of buzzzzzing going around over there!  They also have real bees making honey, and a chicken coop where Zoie’s new chicken, Happy lives laying her eggs!

I’m so excited to help launch their big Sleepy Bee day on my blog.  Jill and her hubby, David with sweet baby Viv have been busy little bees getting their website and video up and going.  I encourage you to watch the short buzzy video and see if you can spot Princess Zoie sleeping with her Sleepy Bee!  Zoie made her acting debut in the Sleepy Bee infomercial airing today.

The Jones family donated over 100 bees for me to take to Uganda and give to Amani Baby Cottage to help the precious babies sleep sound.  Sleepy Bee is going to Uganda in June!

Just for moms- What do you think about the Sleepy Bees- do you think it will really help your baby sleep?

BTW- 10% of every Sleepy Bee proceeds goes to Visiting Orphans (for the next 6 months!)

About Us (Jill’s Story)

While traveling across country I found myself in the middle of a long airport layover with my six-month-old daughter in desperate need of a nap.  I dug through my bag for the sleep machine we use at home, then realized I needed electricity.  Frantically searching, every outlet I found was being used by business travelers with laptops!  I stood in the middle of that huge airport with a screaming baby thinking how wonderful a small portable sleep machine would be.

Out of that frustrating experience Sleepy Bee™ was born.  I’ve found Sleepy Bee™ not only helpful with airports layovers, but it became my biggest nap aid in grocery stores, restaurants, malls, doctors offices, and even my nephews’ baseball games.  But, my favorite use quickly became for transitioning my sleeping baby from the car to the crib.

We wanted to keep this product uncomplicated so Sleepy Bee™ is a simple, small, portable sleep buddy who fits in a diaper bag, a purse or even in pocket.  My hope is to share with busy, on-the-go moms a way for their baby or child to sleep undisturbed.

Sleepy Bee™ is the first of many products designed for moms by moms. Check back soon to see what’s new.

Imagine having lunch in a busy cafe without disturbing your baby’s nap.  What would it be like to move her from the car into the house without those tense moments hoping she won’t wake up?  How nice would it be to put your toddler in his crib knowing he won’t be bothered by household noise?

Man Up Father’s Day Blitz- 6 more days to buy your exclusive tee!!

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