Archive | December, 2008

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Merry Christmas Bloggy Friends!!

Posted on 27 December 2008 by Kari Gibson

I’m a few days late, but I pray your Christmas was wonderful & miraculous!!! This has been a Christmas I will never forget…memories have been so precious!
Watching Zoie LOVE her first Christmas with her forever family has been special beyond words.
(we’ll post pics & video later today:)

OK…what was your favorite “Santa” gift hiding under your Christmas tree?
You’ve been officially tagged!!!! :) ))

**My fav was black Uggs…my feet are so happy!!

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Christmas Happies

Posted on 22 December 2008 by Kari Gibson

Today was a day of good news. Rog & sis, Erin had me hopping…we had a string of doctor visits & was able to accomplish a CAT scan, neck xray, chiropractor (thx family for watching Zoie) The reports were very positive!! My face feels like a big bruise, but feeling so much better. The one thing that doesn’t hurt is my foot…a miracle!! I came home to a clean house..thanks Hannah & Michael!! Zoie crawled…really crawled for the 1st time!! I enjoyed quiet time reading all the special Christmas cards jammed in the mailbox:)) My AMAZING hubby has taken care of every detail…from head to toe. I am overwhelmed with gratefulness!!
I’m nervous about surgery tomm….still can’t believe I broke my teeth. I hate to say this, but….all I want for Christmas is my 4 front teeth:)

The true meaning of Christmas for my family is celebrating, our Savior, Jesus. I am gently reminded today that God has allowed this pain in my life for a purpose. I have felt His love, grace & peace…He is always near. I am thankful for the *happies* He provided all day long!!

Bloggy friends…thanks for your cheers & prayers:)

Surgery went really well!! They were not able to save my teeth, but made me a little *happy* called a flipper. Its got 4 perfect teeth..connected to a retainer. Its awesome!! I’m thankful for a great dental plan, strong drugs & soft food!! :) In 8 months, I’ll have 4 beauties implanted….they’ll last me the rest of my life.
Thanks for your cheers!!

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A sprinkle of Ghana & Ethiopia!

Posted on 20 December 2008 by Kari Gibson

Last night, our dear friends brought over dinner & cooked it for us in our kitchen:) A special guest, Adiki also joined us. She is a student at a college in our area from Ghana. What a fun night!! Thanks Hoecks!!

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Mommy got run over by a reindeer!

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Mommy got run over by a reindeer!

Posted on 19 December 2008 by Kari Gibson

I wish I could say that I was hit by Santa’s sleigh or run over by a reindeer, but the truth is…an elf hit me in the nose!!!
This was day 1…sadly, I’m in the same shirt day 2, but w/ little dribbles of coffee:)
Here’s the real scoop bloggy friends, I bounced down the stairs and tripped, twisting
my foot. At 2 AM, I woke up with intense pain in my foot, but tried to hobble
to the bathroom for some Advil.  All I remember is calling out Roger’s name and then
I passed out. I woke up with 7 firemen & paramedics in our bathroom, but had no idea what happened. When I fell, they think I hit the sink counter hard twice and broke my nose, the bone under my nose, which fractured my 4 top teeth. I’m especially proud of my black shiner. My foot was confirmed fractured, as well. Can you believe a Santa elf could hit this hard!?

Please pray for me Tuesday, I’ll have oral surgery to repair my mouth.
Unfortunately, they won’t be able to save my 4 front teeth, but have some great
procedures to help me look like new!!  I’ll be wearing a flipper until my bones heal for new implants.
My Christmas celebration/expectations have changed dramatically, but the best part…Family and Friends!!! I’m really being spoiled:)
I was told that my teeth acted like an “air bag” and saved my neck from possible serious injury!! God was watching over me!!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

ps: I just found out that my poor hubby had to chase down the ambulance
down the road…they missed our house!!!

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Zoie loves Santa….ho ho ho!!

Posted on 15 December 2008 by Kari Gibson

Its tradition…we anticipate every year visiting Santa at Silver Dollar City!! We head to the theme park for a special photo with Santa….for the past 15 years its been the same jolly, merry, blue eyed Claus. Its enough to make *me* believe. The line is always long & several elves entertain to keep the crowd happy.

Last year, I got in a little verbal scuffle with a grumpy elf who had the gall to point to me & announce I was the cut-off & to come back next year. I tried to explain that this was our 14th year in a row & I NEEDED the pic with Santa (last day the park was open!!) The elf was not going to budge, so I tried negotiating with a sprinkle of Christmas spirit a win/win plan. That elf meant business….go home- the big C was heading back to the North Pole!!! Santa’s not-so-jolly helper pushed my button & we loudly agreed to disagree!! I really wanted to pull on her pointed ears & tell HER to come back next year, but instead a kind, sweet reindeer came to our rescue. All was safe & photo#14 is hanging on the tree. This year, the family made me promise to be nice or I would have to miss out on the mountain cookie, bag of kettle corn & the famous SDC “the works” hot cocoa!! I was a good girl….we had plenty of time to spare and only stood in line an hour.

The best part, Zoie met Santa for the 1st time. How did she do…..Zoie HATED him!! She cried & reached out for a rescue mission. Can I say it was totally adorable & we have the pics to prove it:)
Thank you Nanny & Grandpa G for enduring the thousands of tourists to help us get
photo ornament #15!! We love you & miss you already!

Do you have a funny Christmas memory?

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Happy 11 months Zoie!!!

Posted on 10 December 2008 by Kari Gibson

Five months & 3 days ago we met our beautiful daughter, Zoie Senait for the first time!! She weighed only 8 lbs….just like a newborn!! At rapid speed, she has blossomed & thrived in our family. She weighs 20 lbs, cut 5 teeth, jabbers baby talk non-stop, smiles constantly, waves hello, giggles, GI Jane crawls everywhere, adores her big bro & sis….just to name a few!! Are we proud or what!!!! :)
Happy 11 months Zoie!! Enjoy your 1st snow day!

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Santa’s Toffee (Thanks Aunti Erin:)

Posted on 09 December 2008 by Kari Gibson

Do you need an easy, yummy-curl your toes recipe for your cookie party??? Do you need a treat that your kids will BEG for you to make daily (but you can’t!!)
Well, thanks to Aunti Erin….here you go!!!

Santa’s Toffee
40 Saltine or club crackers
2 sticks of butter
1 cup of sugar
12 oz bag of chocolate chips

Heat oven to 375, place foil over a cookie sheet. Layer crackers in a row. Melt butter & sugar in saucepan until it boils.
Pour melted butter/sugar over crackers. Bake in oven for 12 min. or until golden brown. Take out & pour chocolate chips over the crackers. Place back in the over for ONLY 10 seconds. Take out & spread chocolate evenly. Place in fridge or freezer until cooled or chocolate is firm:))))
Enjoy Santa’s favorite treat!!!! Let me know how it turns out….

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