Archive | March, 2011

Join a God Adventure!

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Join a God Adventure!

Posted on 31 March 2011 by Kari Gibson

Simply Love Fundraising Program for Adoption Families {update}

I have a BIG SURPRISE for you! I spent 10 hours revising the Simply Love Kit, 10 NEW updated designs, and 10 Top Selling wholesale products for you to sell!  It’s all up and ready to go- email me for a new packet on the blog– includes wholesale prices and 10 updated Simply Love Graphics!  I have revised the information to help eliminate any stress raising funds for your adoption.  If you are interested in fundraising with Simply Love – this is it!  We want to help you w/ 23 countries celebrated!


My Crazy Adoption partnered with Visiting Orphans in 2010 and I’m thrilled to let my crazy readers know hot off the press mission news!  Here are two new God Adventures available for you to join.  You can travel to beautiful El Salvador and Honduras this summer to minister to orphans!  Read more about these two incredible opportunities to simply love and radically change your life.

El Salvador [read more]

Dates: August 6 – 13, 2011
Leader: Casi Mattox
Location: El Salvador
Cost: $2000 – $2300 (varies depending on flight & individual travel insurance costs)
Details: Visiting Orphans is sending this team to work with a variety of ministries which may include Remar Orphanage in El Sunzal, CIPI orphanage working with babies, toddlers, pregnant teen moms, younger boys and older girls (about 130 total), CISNA all boys center with approximately 50 boys, Center at San Martin Aids Center, and Cuidad de Los Ninos orphanage located near the Pacific ocean, approximately 1 hour from San Salvador where the team may do a work project one day. There will also be a sightseeing day which may include lunch on the mountain, zip lining, San Salvador volcano or souvenir shopping.

Honduras [read more]

Dates: June 10-17, 2011
Leader: Casi Mattox
Location: Siguatepeque, Honduras

Cost: $2100-$2300

Details: Visiting Orphans is excited to partner with Providence World Ministries to serve the least of these in Honduras.
This team will visit and work with La Providencia Orphanage as well as widows and orphans in the surrounding Siquatepeque community. In furtherance of James 1:27, La Providencia focuses on providing housing, food, clothing, education and medical care through providing loving families for 96 boys and girls in the Aguas del Padre community outside of Siguatepeque, Honduras (approximately 1.5 hours from San Pedro and 2 hours from Tegucigalpa). They also provide housing, food, clothing, education, and medical care for 96 other at-risk children from the local community. These children are given a family environment, spiritual nurturing, high-quality education, and practical training to enable them to live spiritually fruitful lives and take their place as leaders in Honduran society.

This team will also have 1 sightseeing day to explore the beauty of Honduras and do some local shopping.


Here’s 3 Crazy Reasons why you should go on a missions trip:
  1. Orphans desperately need you to come and simply love them- BASICALLY Haiti is happening to children all over this world….the media is just not covering it.  They lose their parents suddenly to HIV, malaria, malnutrition, starvation and other horrific ends to a life.  Or, they are traumatized as they are just abandoned and left with a feeling of worthlessness, feeling forgotten and not knowing the consistent love of a parent or anyone else.  Some orphans never even get to see outside of the building of their orphanage.  Orphans in this world, unless visited by God’s people, will not know their Savior as their Abba Daddy.  He is their Father and He is the only one who in our absence can give them the consistent love they were created to receive.  If we don’t go…who will go for us?
  2. Lose some weight - Are you loaded down with the weight of mommyhood?  The busyness of your life as a mom- the comfortable, conveniences of structure, play dates, Target runs, carpools, sports events… well, mission trips do a great job at shaking things up and forcing you to let go and serve out of your comfort zone.  Traveling to a foreign country can be really scary, but being immersed in a different culture allows you to see and smell and touch and taste and hear things that will literally change your life.  Leave your busyness at home (it will be there when you return) and open your hearts wide to crazy love orphans.
  3. Be part of a God-Inspired Adventure- this means doing something radical, out of the normal, daily routine we get stuck in as moms.  You get to see God work in others lives and in your own life on a mission trip.  Plan on something going really crazy- this is all part of the adventure.  I encourage you to super-size your joy and patience and understanding and compassion and affection on a mission trip.  If you have set expectations, I guarantee you will be turned upside down.  Leave your expectations at home and allow God to guide your steps through Honduras and El Salvador.


Fill out the VO Application HERE to start your adventure today!


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Wednesday WOW Recipe – Meatloaf Cupcakes [story]

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Wednesday WOW Recipe – Meatloaf Cupcakes [story]

Posted on 30 March 2011 by Kari Gibson

Sometimes I try to come up with creative recipes to test on my family.  I’m not the best cook in the kitchen, but I love the satisfaction of my son gobbling up a meal and the simple words… “Aw Mom, awesome!”  I have made meatloaf for years, in fact, it was the first meal I made as a newlywed.  I will never forget the look on his face when I scooped out a mush of meat and plopped it on his plate.  Secretly, I was wondering why the meat wasn’t in a pretty neat loaf like the picture in my Betty Crocker cookbook, but had no idea I had made a big mess up.  I thought 1 pound ground meat, actually meant baking the meat first.  Yep, I cooked the meat before baking the loaf.  Even though it was disgusting, Mr. Awesome ate the crumbly loaf with a smile.  I think he secretly told my mom what happened, because the next day, I had a meatloaf 101 lesson.

I found this adorable meatloaf recipe on a fun cooking blog, Sticky Gooey Creamy Chewy. You can make these “MEATLOAF CUPCAKES for April Fools Day!  Succulent and flavorful little “cakes” of meat with a rich and buttery mashed potato “icing” piped on top.  Are they not adorable?  Are they not brilliant?  They are!  They are!  Now, let me tell you how they came to be.”

You can read more about these delightful meaty cakes here.

I have a new on the right side bar – just click that you “Like” and you are there to hang out with me and have some crazy daily discussions about love, life, and mommyhood!



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Dangerous Surrender Is Crazy!

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Dangerous Surrender Is Crazy!

Posted on 28 March 2011 by Kari Gibson

To want to serve God in some conditions, but not others, is to serve Him in your own way. But to put no limits on your submission to God is truly dying to yourself. This is how to worship God. Open yourself to God without measure. Let His life flow through you like a torrent. Fear NOTHING on the road you are walking. God will lead you by the hand. Let your love for Him cast out the fear you feel for yourself.  (Dangerous Surrender – Quote Francois Fenelon.)

After returning from Africa last month, I’ve been reading the book, Dangerous Surrender by Kay Warren.  For some strange reason it brings my heart comfort knowing I’m not really crazy!  I always tell my teams that it’s normal to feel sad after returning from a mission trip due to seeing with your own eyes the difficult conditions of the orphan crisis … the problem seems overwhelming.  The quote above reminds me that I want to serve God in all conditions.  I want to worship God in all conditions and allow Him to lead me by the hand.  I’m so grateful to Visiting Orphans for allowing me to walk down a road of ministry and service in Ethiopia and Uganda.  Leading my 1st mission trip was a dangerous surrender of my fears and God has changed my life forever.

Even though the conditions are overwhelming, they are NOT overwhelming for Him.  It is my responsibility to allow His life to flow through my life a crazy torrent.  I want to surrender completely to God.

Do it afraid!

I have a new on the right side bar – just click that you “like” and you are there to hang out with me and have some crazy daily discussions about love, life, and mommyhood!

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Crazy Links I Love

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Crazy Links I Love

Posted on 26 March 2011 by Kari Gibson

If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers, please leave a comment with all your information and permalink (ex: to take readers directly to your site.  It’s your personal shout out!

You can also email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love weekly post.  Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers.  I want to help you get the word out there in blog land!

You Inspire Me

1.  Me, and my brothers, and sisters are raising money for a little girl in India who is going to have a surgery so that she can see. She had a cyst in her eye resently taken out, and she will be able to see when her surgery is done. I was wondering if I could put a post on your blog. I’m ten years old, and I am adopted from China. Love, Lily (Here’s the link to our blog)
I’d love to have a couple links on your blog

2.  The Ducommun Family are adoption baby #2 from Ethiopia and working hard on missions in Mexico.  Check out her amazing fundraising projects here – my etsy shop and fundraiser (rag dolls, onesies, tshirts)
Ducommun blog:

3.  We sponsor a child through Children’s HopeChest at Grace Baptist Church’s orphanage/drop in center in Kombolcha, Ethiopia. Several children are not currently sponsored. In order to provide meals for these children I came up with this adorable refrigerator magnet! $7 from each sale will provide approximately 6 meals for children who are not sponsored! would love it if you could feature my new project. They can be purchased in my Etsy Shop. If you decided to profile this, I can send you a few pictures if you’d like. Thank you so much. Debi

My blog is:

My Etsy Shop is:

4.  Junk Posse Simply Love- click here! Each pendant is made by hand with Great Detail.  This necklace can be reversed & worn two ways. The front has “Simply Love” that is raised up and paired with a Beautiful white pearl wrapped in sterling & a Sterling key.  The back has a raised Heart with the “Love” hand stamped on it several times. Each pendant measure just under 1″ inch & comes with a nice “20″ inch Sterling rolo chain.

Note: Tracy is donating $30.00 of each necklace sale to the Gibson Family in the process of adoption.

Please read about them here:
Adoption changed our lives, our hearts and our family woven together with love.  We are praying that God brings us another child or two through the miracle of adoption.  We are waiting, hoping, and longing to expand our family … His timing is perfect.  We are overjoyed to have two stunning necklaces helping support our adoption journey.  Thank you for opening up your hearts to Simply Love.


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Giving the Blessing to the Fatherless

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Giving the Blessing to the Fatherless

Posted on 25 March 2011 by Kari Gibson

I received the blessing from my parents and I’m eternally grateful.  My dad wrote a book called in 1990 with Dr. John Trent, that shared 5 key blessings you can give your children, family, and friends.  My parents lavished me and my brothers with this incredible gift of love.  The book is still a top seller, due to the simple message of the importance of blessing one another.  The 5 Blessings: Meaningful touch, spoken words, expressing high value, picturing a special future and an active commitment.  Roger and I shared with our mission team how to give the life changing gift of the blessing to the fatherless and effective methods to heal broken hearts.  We visited hundreds of orphans throughout the 12 days in Ethiopia and constantly had the opportunity to apply what we learned, but had no idea we would meet a young boy who was going to need all 5 blessings at the same time.  The fatherless have no hope of receiving the blessing without having an earthly father, so the importance of going on a mission trip to give the blessing, hope, and love is changing the life of an orphan.

Roger and I met this young street boy “B” at the Post Office three years ago when we adopted Zoie and traveled to Addis Ababa.  The Post Office is an open market, definitely a hot spot for tourists and adoption families wanting to shop for inexpensive trinkets.  B was being sponsored by one of our team members and came to our guest home to see his sponsor mom.  We knew he was battling in his heart the choice of going to back to school or living on the streets begging for money.  We asked B, as a team, if we could pray for him.  We sat him down on the couch and circled him in love to pray a special blessing over his life.

We poured the blessing over this precious boy as we laid hands on him, and prayed for his future.  It was such an emotional experience, knowing he could possibly make the choice to go back to the old life he lived on the streets.  We gave him a Simply Love tee shirt and signed the back with each of our names as a symbol that we were wrapping our hearts around him 24/7. We will continue to pray for him as an active commitment.  His story is yet to be written, regardless of the challenges he faced during our time in Ethiopia.  He was offered a life-changing gift to earn an education at a boarding school, through his sponsored family, but he made the choice to go in a different direction.  It broke the heart of his American mama, but understanding the life of a street child is beyond our comprehension.  Our compassion and love can make a radical change, but it is a gift that must be accepted. This precious child of God has a long road ahead to healing.  Please pray for B that God will use the pain and difficulties in his life to let go and let God change his life.  If you would like to learn more about future Visiting Orphans mission trips, please email me.

Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love. (1 Cor. 13:13)

The Blessing


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Wednesday WOW Recipes – Ultra Creamy Mashed Potatoes

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Wednesday WOW Recipes – Ultra Creamy Mashed Potatoes

Posted on 23 March 2011 by Kari Gibson

My daughter, Hannah has been on a mashed potato frenzy.  She learned how to make the creamy side dish when Roger and I were in Africa.  This is her favorite recipe and she wanted me to tell you she can do it without nicking her finger on the peeler.


  • 3 1/2 cups Swanson® Chicken Broth (regular, Natural Goodness™ or Certified Organic)
  • 5 large potatoes, cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 1/2 cup light cream
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • Generous dash ground black pepper


  1. Heat broth and potatoes in 3-quart saucepan over high heat to a boil.
  2. Reduce heat to medium. Cover and cook for 10 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Drain, reserving broth.
  3. Mash potatoes with 1/4 cup broth, cream, butter and black pepper. Add additional broth, if needed, until desired consistency.
  4. For an interesting twist: Stir 1/2 cup sour cream, 3 slices bacon cooked and crumbled (reserve some for garnish) and 1/4 cup chopped fresh chives into hot mashed potatoes. Sprinkle with remaining bacon.

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What are you reading?

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What are you reading?

Posted on 22 March 2011 by Kari Gibson

My bloggy friends… I want to know what YOU are reading this month?  You are smart and crazy and interesting, so I want to know what you recommend!  Please share book title and author in the comments.

I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!
Dr. Seuss

I can read in red. I can read in blue.
I can read in pickle color too.
I can read in bed, and in purple. and in brown.
I can read in a circle and upside down!
I can read with my left eye. I can read with my right.
I can read Mississippi with my eyes shut tight!

There are so many things you can learn about.
But…you’ll miss the best things
If you keep your eyes shut.
The more that you read, the more things you will know
The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.

If you read with your eyes shut you’re likely to find
That the place where you’re going is far, far behind
SO…that’s why I tell you to keep your eyes wide.
Keep them wide open…at least on one side.

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