Posted on 30 September 2009 by Kari Gibson
Today my special Brave Hearted Chick pick is dear to my heart. We would not have Zoie Senait in our family without her hard work, diligence and passion for orphans! Duni Zenaye is an extraordinary hero! She was our coordinator during our adoption jourey with America World and was dedicated to forever families with a spirit and spunk that was contagious! When things went really wrong for us in Ethiopia due to paperwork crisis, she jumped on a plane and rescued us! Zoie & Duni met again three months later at a fundraiser for our Transitional Home. Duni showed great courage to trust the Lord when He called her to move back to Ethiopia and serve families directly in Addis Ababa!
Keep sharing your BHC nominations… this weekend I’ll announce the winner!

Posted on 29 September 2009 by Kari Gibson
I wanted to share my Brave Hearted Chick pick today that I am honored to call my friend! Becca Nimrod and her family just returned home from spending 3 months in Ruhengeri, a small town in the northern mountains of Rwanda with views of the volcanoes!! She and her hubby are paving the way for a Christian camp in Rwanda, changing one life at a time in a country that has been through tremendous pain! Becca’s incredible adventure in Africa is beautifully expressed in her blog posts… please take the time to visit! Her heart for Rwanda, orphans and friendships are inspiring.
Don’t forget to enter your BHC pick.. one per day!! It’s the easiest contest in the bloggy world…. who & why they inspire you!!

Posted on 28 September 2009 by Kari Gibson
It’s so cool for me to read about the awesome BHchicks out there in bloggy world! I think I need to expand the number of nominations to one chick per day so you can add a few more. (Ok you can go back and add chicks for the days you missed:) It really is hard to just pick one! I will draw the winning chicks name on October 1st for a super Brave Hearted Prize!
Keep those nominations coming…
Posted on 28 September 2009 by Kari Gibson
One of the things I loved about Haiti was all the colorful bows! Haitian mommies lovingly tie bows all over their daughter’s head! It’s very traditional and beautiful. Hannah and I were inspired this weekend to copy the look for Zoie. We didn’t have any “pretty” bows, so we cut up a bandana. We couldn’t believe Zoie allowed us to do it!! Of course I had to take a few photos…

Posted on 26 September 2009 by Kari Gibson

Do you know what it means to be a Brave Hearted Chick? I know a few “chicks” that fit the definition to the tee! I wanted to dedicated my new CONTEST to all the Brave Hearted Chicks out there in bloggy world. You can nominate someone who shows the character of loyalty, faithfulness, bravery, courage, strength in adversity, perseverance, super-hero chick….the list goes on and on. You can even nominate and share why YOU deserve the title of Brave Hearted Chick!! Life is crazy and painful and wonderful and hard and challenging and miraculous! Brave Hearted Chicks never give up, they never stop praying, they never stop believing that God will overcome and move mountains. Extraordinary Heroes!
BHC Contest starts today. All you need to do is share briefly who is your special “chick” and “why” you want to nominate her. It’s that simple. Don’t forget to add her first and last name in the comments. Also, please only one nomination per day. I hope husbands and brothers and sons and dads join in on the fun, too. There are a lot of BHC’s out there!!
On October 1st, I will vote on the top 10 Brave Hearted Chick nominations and draw a winner for a super cool prize.
Posted on 21 September 2009 by Kari Gibson
Hannah has begged for a purity ring for the past year. I wanted to share what we did for her “ring” ceremony for her 13th birthday. Her friends sat on bean bags and I shared with the girls that turning 13 was a big deal! Hannah has been blessed with wonderful friends, so there was an anticipation in the air. I explained that purity means many things. A choice to stay pure spiritually in how we dress and how we talk and how we behave around our friends, as well as in dating. When I presented the tiny box, I told my daughter that wearing this very special gift was a choice, just like her salvation. She could open it up and choose to wear it as a symbol for all to see. It’s a public statement and commitment that Hannah is a follower of Jesus Christ! The best part, her friends also made a commitment to keep her accountable and watch her back. I shared that Hannah will make mistakes and fall, but we all need to be there to support, encourage and pick her up… always pointing her back to the cross! When she put the ring on her tiny finger, it was emotional for me; I have a teenage daughter making a personal decision to keep her relationship with her Savior #1 priority. The photo was the last part of the ring ceremony. (ring ordered from James Avery-True Love Waits in silver)

Posted on 21 September 2009 by Kari Gibson
We had so much fun at Silver Dollar City for Hannah’s 13th b-day bash. The crazy girls dressed up in their silly costumes and ran through the park for 6 hours. It rained and it poured and the old man even snored. We still have no idea how Zoie made it, but she had a blast, too! Roger and I enjoyed the many snack pit stops with hot coffee and homemade treats! We are so happy to celebrate new teen’s happy day with the coolest craziest girlies!