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Guest Blogger – Life As You See It

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Guest Blogger – Life As You See It

Posted on 16 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

Angela, it was so great to meet you in bloggy land.  Thank you for emailing me and sharing your story with my readers.  I LOVE your adoption story and can’t wait to keep in touch to see God’s miracles for your family. I hope you have crazy success with your fundraiser! Blessings to you sister!

PS: Please leave Angela some cheers in the comments!  She cherishes your prayers!


I (Angela) always knew I wanted to adopt someday, I’m not really even sure where that desire came from, it was just always there. I married Christopher (my high school sweetheart) and we had two beautiful little girls. We figured we were done having kids and ready to move on in life so to speak. But God kept tugging at my heart, and kept bringing adoption back into to my mind. When I first told my husband, he wasn’t on board, which I find to be more typical than not amongst husbands. He had a checklist of things that had to be “accomplished” before we could even consider it. So while I prayed for God to change his heart, my faithful Father took care of that checklist, and QUICKLY! Once they were all checked off, I went to my husband and said “okay, now?” He agreed, but I still don’t think he was 100% in it, until one evening he saw an Eric Ludy video on Youtube, called Depraved Indifference. Literally from that moment on, he was on fire to start the process!

As we began researching agencies, and different programs, I kept hearing little bits of information about the Congo. I called the agency we wanted to work with, to inquire about the Ethiopia program and while we were talking, she mentions the Congo program. I asked a few questions, and hung up the phone. Immediately I hopped online and began researching the Congo, what I found would break my heart in two! Widely known as the worst place on earth to be a woman, I couldn’t help but look into my daughters eyes, and imagine what their future would be had they been born there, and not here. I cried the big ugly cry and when Christopher came home from work we talked about it, I cried some more, and prayed HARD. We were confident that God revealed to us our daughter, living thousands of miles away, in the Congo.

But my heart for these children and the Congolese people didn’t stop at adoption. I wanted to do more, so a friend and I have started a non-profit organization to be the voice for children everywhere who can’t speak for themselves. As you might imagine, adding that to my plate, while still trying to fund our own adoption, has been challenging to say the least. But God never promised an easy path, and I’d much rather take the hard road with Jesus, than the easy road, all alone.

Now here we are, knee deep in paperwork and fundraising, to bring our child home from the Congo! He is so faithful!

Interview From An Adoptive Family:

Q- Where are you adopting from? Democratic Republic of Congo

Q- Is there one Bible verse that has been significant for your family during your adoption? “For in you the orphan finds mercy” Hosea 14:3

Q- Please tell me about your fundraiser.

Of course our biggest roadblock has been money, we started this process with NOTHING! But God has provided each and every dime along the way! We still have a ways to go, but we know He is Jehovah Jirah, our provider. I am a photographer, and I get asked by moms all the time, how to take better pictures? So I turned my basics workshop into an E-course and we are selling it to bring our Rose home from the Congo!  It’s 50 pages full of images, and practical easy to understand information about photography. Whether you have a nice DSLR or a point and shoot, there is something to learn in this E-course. It’s great if you’re looking to take better images at your kids sporting events, dance recitals, or just to spruce up your blog! The cost is $25.00 and it is an immediate download! I believe life is worth remembering, and what better way to chronicle your children’s lives, than with beautiful images! You can purchase through our blog, or by following this direct link:.https://secure.digitalcontentcenter.com/shop/927210/products/

Q- What is your blog site? http://thebranifffamily.blogspot.com/p/photography-e-course-fundraiser.html


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