I love being a mom! In honor of our day, I’m throwing a special giveaway for moms (adoption waiting moms too) here on my blog and on My Crazy Adoption Facebook. If you have not joined yet- I’m giving away a Simply Love Tote bag filled with goodies- a few of my favorite things! I will randomly select a winner on May 8th! This is a 2-day giveaway. Don’t forget to wear your Simply Love Gear on Mother’s Day- together we can make a difference for the fatherless. **I will post the winner on Twitter (@mycrazyadoption) and MCA FB… also at the top of this post sometime on Sunday.
Praying for all the mom’s I know who are waiting, grieving, longing, and loving. Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is LOVE. (1 Cor. 13:13)
1 Mother’s Day Giveaway Winner (you get this…)
Simply Love Tote Bag
- Dig Deep Coffee Mug
- Simply Love tee (exclusive)
- Priceless book- Tom Davis
- Strand of Uganda Magazine beads
Two Ways To Win…
1. Leave a comment here and share with me: pick one
- How many kids do you have?
- What do you love most about being a mom?
- How are you spending your special day?
2. Facebook Entry:
- Wear your Simply Love Gear and post your photo with your kids!
If you are selling Simply Love gear- please leave your link on My Crazy Adoption facebook, so readers can purchase your products and help celebrate Mother’s Day all year long!