Archive | My Crazy Stuff

Crazy Links I Love


Crazy Links I Love

Posted on 05 March 2011 by Kari Gibson

If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers today, please leave a comment with all your information and permalink (ex: to take readers directly to your site.

Crazy Links:

  1. American Girl Doll Giveaway- The adoption giveaway will be open from February 28 until March 6. The will be announced via Facebook and here on our blog by our daughter, Zoe at 6pm(PST) on the 6th.  Enter Here.
  2. You can purchase Simply Love Congo tees to support this incredible Cardin Family adoption! website and blog:,

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Posted on 14 February 2011 by Kari Gibson

Congratulations to the 2 special Valentine’s Day winners selected randomly from the comments-  please email me and I will give you the contact information to receive your stunning Simply Love necklace directly from Junk Posse.

1st Winner- Amy L. Quick

· 3 days ago

I simply love the one with the pearl and key attached! It shows what doors you can open when you allow love to guide your life. Opening opportunities to love God more, love others abundantly and to serve others through giving of ourselves. Amazing jewelry! Amazing ministry! You are an inspiration to all!

2nd Winner- Wendy Sterk

8 hours ago

Oh, pick me, pick me!! I love them both but my fav is the 2nd one. We have just completed our adoption and brought home a sweet little boy from Kazakhstan last week!!! I love the key and all that it can symbolize. Simply love reminds me that LOVE covers it all! I can not change the world, but for this little orphan, his world has changed. We just simply love him and have adopted him as our own just as Christ has adopted us!

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{Giveaway} Simply Love Necklaces

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{Giveaway} Simply Love Necklaces

Posted on 11 February 2011 by Kari Gibson

I’m ecstatic to have one of my favorite jewelry designers, Tracy Hanson (Junk Posse) create not one, but two Simply Love necklaces!!!!  They are stunning and girlie and perfect for spreading simply love with funky style!!  I’m soooo giddy, I’m throwing a Giveaway on my blog.  Leave me a comment and let me know what necklace you would pick and why you simply love it.  I will randomly select two bloggers and announce the winner on Valentine’s Day, Tuesday 12/14!!  Email me if you are the blessed winners.

What do you win?

2 winners will receive a gift certificate to purchase one of the new Simply Love necklaces- you pick!!

Simply Love 1

Simply Love 2 – Front & Back

A little about Junk Posse Designer -

I am a Adoptive Mom & Grandma of 2 Amazing Guys and 2 Beautiful Bio Girls. I Love being Grandy to my three Grand-babys! I traveled last year to Ethiopia to bring home our Very Sweet Grandbaby that My Daughter and her family adopted.

I create each piece of my Jewelry one at a time by hand in my little studio in a small town in Colorado. My jewelry is my passion with a purpose and I am inspired by so many wonderful People that have the Heart and Desire to take the risk to Love the unloved, to make a difference and Be the change for Children.  Thank you all!  Tracy Hanson

Here’s the crazy part, starting today, you can purchase your own Simply Love necklace and this will help the Gibson family (us) fund our adoption miracle.  Also, Junk Posse will also give each buyer that puts the words “Free Earrings” in when ordering a pair of Heart earrings.  We are praying 365 Days for His direction with our next adoption and this is such a blessing!

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Crazy Links I Love!

Crazy Links I Love!

Posted on 05 February 2011 by Kari Gibson

  1. Nina meets her twin’s birthmother in Ethiopia and shares the story.
  2. Send some crazy love to orphans for Valentine’s Day- beads of love. Buy one get one free special!!
  3. Are you ready for a missions adventure in Haiti with Visiting Orphans… check out this trip today.
  4. Room For One More upcoming event featuring Tom Davis- learn more.
  5. How to turn boiling water into snow- its the real deal.

If you have a favorite link or a special project you are doing and want to share with my crazy readers- leave a comment and post your link. You can also add your link on MckLinky Tools for sharing in blog land.

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I Dig Pirates


I Dig Pirates

Posted on 28 January 2011 by Kari Gibson

Have you ever committed to doing something out of your comfort zone and then wished you could back out?  My son, Michael asked me to speak at the Pirates Dig A Well Silent Auction gala this month and I accepted.  I made a promise that even though my hands sweat, my heart pounds, my tummy flip flops… I would start sharing my passion to help orphans anywhere, anytime, anyplace.   But, actually having to get up in front of a crowd and do it is another thing.  Well, I wrote my little speech and when the host, Tony Orlando (yep, the real one) introduced “Roger and Carl Gibson” I froze.  Wait, my name is not Carl, but before ducking out the back door to search for Carl, I went up to the stage on my shaking legs.

For the next few minutes I shared about why digging a well in Ethiopia is so personal to me… here’s my actual speech (minus the crying I did when I talked about Korah)

I’m so honored to be ONE of the moms of a High School Pirate digging a well in Ethiopia.  Three years ago, we adopted our beautiful princess, Zoie Senait from Addis Ababa, the capitol city of Ethiopia.  She was 6 months old and weighed only 7 pounds.  She was sick and malnourished and her tiny body was starving for clean water.  She was born in a community that lives on a massive dump called Korah.  There is no water source there… only the run off from the dump.  The water is infested, diseased, filthy, toxic and is not meant for human consumption.

The problem of not having clean water is all over the world…

BUT, tonight THIS is about bringing clean water to Chucko, Ethiopia where Pirates Dig a Well is helping build a water well in a tiny village who has never had this luxury.

I’m traveling in 19 days to Ethiopia and will have the incredible opportunity to hold children in my arms that are desperate for clean water.  Because of your generosity tonight, I will be able to give them HOPE that they will have the gift of water from Branson, MO.

You can make a difference tonight!!  Every penny you donate is going to change the life of all the little Zoie’s living without clean water in Chucko.  This is YOUR well being dug… We are all in this together. Pirates Dig a well and the Branson High School students are changing the life of a baby, mom, dad, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandma, grandpa… a family.”

Whew… I did it without passing out!  The event was so much fun and they sold every single item they had to bid.  Their total as of today, for the well project: $9,125.00!  My crazy readers, if you want to donate to their well project (partners with Dig Deep project) every penny will make a difference.  Donate Here and check out their awesome campaign page- Pirates Dig Deep!  You can buy the super chic tees on my friend, Julie Pitt Neal’s blog.

I want to personally thank April Fiesler, who rocked this event with style and organization!!  To all the High School students that participated in the event… you made a huge difference in Chucko!!

I want to know what your most nerve-wracking moment was you did for a purpose?

Pirates Dig A Well Blog- run by teens!!

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My Birthday Wish {Belated}

My Birthday Wish {Belated}

Posted on 25 January 2011 by Kari Gibson

I loved turning 44 and letting you know a few days late!  My birthday came with the snow and my kids had a free day home to play.  I have thought a lot about the amazing things I got to do last year.  God gave me the opportunity to travel back to Ethiopia and Uganda and Haiti to love orphans.  I’ve dreamed since I was a little girl that I could grow up and be a missionary.  I finally feel like I’m growing into the woman God created me to be.  I confessed to my hubby on the way to church, Sunday that I’m secretly praying we can serve full time on the mission field.  I laughed when he said, “how about part time?”  Can we really serve missions part time?

I want to challenge myself this year to serve full time for orphans in ministry minded projects right here on my blog.  I’m going to keep praying that God allows me to serve full time… will you join me?  I want this to be the best year of my life.  That’s my birthday wish.  I have no idea what God has planned, but I’m really hoping for an adventure.  The verse I’m clinging to this year is 1 Cor. 13:13  Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.

I’m praying everyday for my 365 Day adoption miracle, but due to my incredible list of guest bloggers… I’m sharing it on my facebook this month.  I want to make sure you are taking the time to read each guest post and leave them a comment.  I want to hear what you think about my guests.

OK- I want to know what your wish is for 2011 (share with me)

My bday get together with VO MO team!

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Yep – We Have A Crazy New Look

Yep – We Have A Crazy New Look

Posted on 18 January 2011 by Kari Gibson

It’s 2011 and I have been giddy to launch the new look for my favorite crazy bloggers!  I spent hours searching blog themes that would best serve you.  Do you like it too?  I want to continue to make My Crazy Adoption Blog your #1 spot to celebrate the craziness of mommyhood, adoption, and orphan care all over the whole wide world!  I want to thank my guru bloggy brother, Michael for allowing me to wake up and see the new site debut…. what a surprise!  I’m so grateful for you and your crazy support!

The new look will read just like a magazine.  Start at the top and look all around at the tabs you want to read.  The new “Featured” box is my favorite spot on top.  I have 5 featured posts that I will hand pick with variety for moms, adoption and orphan care.  Just click on the thumbnails and it will take you to the original post.  Each tiny thumbnail is a favorite featured post collection.

Just below my featured videos, will be 10 daily posts ready for you to read.  If you get busy like me with your crazy kids, you can catch up on all posts in the archives and catagories.  In March, I will start collecting your advertisements.  Last but not least, on the right side column you can find the Simply Love Kit, my new button to share, and links I support.  I’ll keep sharing new things on the side to inspire you to continue partnering with My Crazy Adoption projects.

Also, I will continue blogging six days a week- crazy, inspiring, challenging, uplifting posts to offer you encouragement, support and cheers!  I want to get to know you, bloggers, so please continue to share in the comments.  Your comments are like little “happies” to me personally.

Now, I want to know what you want to read on my blog to make 2011 the best bloggy year ever?  We are growing strong together. My Crazy Adoption Blog has about 17,000 regular monthly readers.  We are making a difference together as moms and bloggers!  Thank you for raising over $50K in 2010 for Simply Love Projects…. YOU did this extraordinary craziness (my heart loves you!)  You gave shoes and shirts to Tom Davis’ Children’s Hopechest Ministry, Visiting Orphans Ministry, Project 61, tee projects, 4 mission trip giveaways, adoption fundraisers, orphan care, sponsorship, and mission donations!

What does God have planned for us this year?

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Crazy Links I Love

Crazy Links I Love

Posted on 15 January 2011 by Kari Gibson

My crazy bloggers, I want to thank you personally for reading and supporting all the guest bloggers I have featured this month.  I asked for 10 guests, but was blown away by receiving over 50 guests posts from you!!  I couldn’t just pick a few and leave the rest out, so due to how crazy my life will be the next 30 days getting ready for my mission trip to Ethiopia… I will continue to share each and every guest post.  Here’s how you can make a difference… leave ‘em a comment.  Enjoy their stories, projects, bloggy ramblings and then share with the guest what you think.  I promise you will make their day!!

I have a few personal, blog posts I will sprinkle this month, so don’t miss a single day at one of your craziest favorite blogs on your roll.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your CRAZY support with my Headbands for Korah project.  Together we have collected over 345 headbands, scarves and bows to date.  I have a 50 pound case I can fill to the brim, so as many as you can make me or donate … I’ll take them all!!

If you have a link or project you want to share here on My Crazy Adoption Blog, please leave your information on the Linky Tool or at the comments with your links attached.  If you love shopping online, I encourage you to click on the crazy links I love and start shopping with a purpose!!

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