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My Hubby Shares: Compassion. From The Grinch To Mother Theresa

Posted on 18 March 2013 by Kari Gibson

In June 2012, Kari and I started our mission-adventure. Dedicating the next twelve months in Ethiopia, Haiti, and Nicaragua to Simply Love on the mission field. I didn’t set any measurable objectives. I’m not building churches or homes or orphanages. I’m not setting up a sponsorship program or trying to get sponsors for an area. I’m not researching any programs. Kari and I just simply wanted to live Out Loud for Jesus! But, what does that look on the mission field? I imagine Mark 12:30-31 gives us a good snapshot … Love God, Love People!

Honestly, it’s not easy. I mess up a lot. Actually, it’s more like every day and many times throughout the day! Unfortunately, I don’t exactly fall into the Mother Theresa category in compassion. In fact, when Kari and I were first married we took a “marriage test” to find areas of compatibility and areas of potential conflict in our relationship. After we took the test, the counselor met with us and highlighted how extremely compatible we were according to the test. But, he went on by asking me a question, “Roger, when you see a cat in the middle of the road in front of you, do you slam on the brakes or push the pedal to the metal?” At first, I was like uh … uh … uh and then I heard Kari laughing. After she caught her breath, she blurted out to the counselor, “Well, he just ran over a bird on the way over here.” There were a bunch of birds in the middle of the road and I figured, as the car got closer they would fly away, but one didn’t make it. All I saw in my rear-view mirror was a poof of feathers. The counselor laughed and proceeded to say that Kari and I were as opposite as a couple could be in our levels of compassion. Kari scored in the “Mother Teresa” range. Me … “The Grinch.”

After that, I kind of just accepted that was the way God designed me. Yet, I’m called to be a follower of Jesus (Eph. 5:1) and in His ministry here on earth He demonstrated compassion daily. His first miracle, he demonstrated compassion by refilling the wine jars. He didn’t want the wedding party to be embarrassed, so He filled the jars back up with the best wine any lips had ever tasted and He saved the day for the bridegroom from shame (Not to mention that would be a horrible way to start off your honeymoon first night.) Christ demonstrated compassion everywhere He went: weddings, in the city, out in the countryside, and even at His own death.  He took the burden of our sins even though He was without sin and paid the ultimate price. He knew the path that was before Him – PAIN! But, He cared enough to take those punches to the face, being spat upon by many, lashes from a whip, a crown of thorns pressed deep into his scalp, and a gruesome death on a cross. Why? Just because He loves you and I.

It wasn’t until I experience the brokenness in my heart, that I grew in compassion for others. My first experience in Ethiopia was for our adoption of Zoie. Immediately, when I came off the plane in Addis Ababa and smelled the air, I was ready to go get Zoie and get out, but God had different plans. Shortly after we had our “gotcha moment” with Zoie, I learned that we would have to stay longer in Ethiopia because I passed court as “Robert Gibson”, not Roger Gibson. We were told, “If the courts cooperated and all went well, we would be on a plane quickly.” I asked, “How long is quickly?” Three weeks.” If not, we would be there long enough to become fluent in Amharic. (Read our adoption Gotcha Day experience here and here.)

Gibson Family // Adoption Blog

During those three weeks on the ground in Ethiopia, God peeled back the layers of my heart. He uncovered a lot of embarrassing things in my heart: selfishness, pride, comfort level, etc. It was one of the most humbling experiences I’ve ever had. To have my heart fully exposed; to have all my “junk” rare its ugly head, at a time I should have been compassionate, loving, and protecting the fatherless. You can read the full story here. To love BIG, God will often bring us to a place of brokenness. James 1:2-4 is a popular passage for us to grab onto when we are going through tough times. But, for me the beauty is in verse 4 “ … that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” The Greek word for “perfect” is teleios, which translates to being “fully equipped.” I didn’t know it at the time, but God was getting me ready for missions. I needed compassion. I needed to raise my score from the Grinch range to at least Father Murphy range. I may never attain Mother Theresa level, but I know God is always at work in me to grow in maturity for who He wants me to be. Not in knowledge, but in my heart. Just like the Grinch.

Today, as I look back on that “repulsive” moment in my life, I’m grateful because that was the catalyst for Man Up & Go. God uses people just like you and I, but we need our heart to be ready. If not, here is the formula to get your “heart” ready: brokenness + humbleness + loving God + loving people = compassion. Without compassion, it’s really hard to just Simply Love.

Brokenness is the beginning.

How has God re-shaped your heart?

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The Winner of the Mission Trip Give-It-Away …. Watch Video!!!!

Posted on 11 March 2013 by Kari Gibson

We are SO EXCITED to announce the winner of the Project Hope mission trip Give-It-Away!!!!! We had so much fun drawing the winner’s name right in front of Monkey Island today on Lake Nicaragua!!! I hope you enjoy ….

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Guest: Mission’s Story – Just Obey

Posted on 07 March 2013 by Kari Gibson

My Life Is Crazy Too is a series of reader submissions. Your life is a story … this is your opportunity to share your stories about life, love, and mommyhood to provide understanding, hope, and compassion in the unique situations each of us face every day. “Your love, God, is my song, and I’ll sing it! I’m forever telling everyone how faithful you are. I’ll never quit telling the STORY of your love.” Ps 89:1 If you would like to submit a story to this series, Today’s crazy guest is Rachel Rodgers and her blog is called Walk By Faith.

Coming from a family with two adopted sisters, one special needs sister, one little brother, and two precious parents, I have NO Simply Lovedoubt God purposely knit our family together to bring glory to His name. I continually thank Him for my family and how they each show me how to be the hands and feet of Jesus everyday.

Throughout life God gives us tasks to fulfill. Some of these tasks may be simple like doing chores, others my be slightly harder like babysitting your siblings, and some may be extremely difficult like adoption and require more faith and trust in His will than you thought you had. No matter the level of difficulty, each task is important to God because they each require us to OBEY. Quite often it’s harder to obey when He asks small things of us. Maybe we feel the small tasks are not as special or are an inconvenience. However, we have all heard the saying, “It’s the small things that count.” I LOVE what Kari recently said in her blog. She said, “ I’m learning what might look like through my eyes, as an inconvenience,…it’s really an opportunity to love big.” So true.


Because my parents have strived to obey the Lord and trusted Him through raising my siblings and me, through marriage, through adoption, and through a myriad of other small and life altering tasks, I’ve grown up learning to obey and follow His call. God started breaking my heart into a million pieces for the orphan when my parents began the process of adoption of my now two adopted sisters, 6 years ago. My parents saying yes to this very life altering request from God is what first stirred my heart.

After years of struggling to obey and go visit orphans, I finally said yes. I went on my first mission trip this past October. Haiti is where God took me and now my heart beautifully aches everyday for the people of this country. Because of my trip, God has stirred my heart and started something in me. Something I can NOT just brush aside. Something I can NOT simply ignore. Something I do NOT wish to ignore. The Lord calling me to serve in Haiti ignited a desire in me that is so unending, yet welcoming and full of opportunities to draw others closer to Him. I must share this desire with others by JUST OBEYING AND SIMPLY LOVING. Jesus will not leave me to sort this beautiful knot of desires out on my own. He will not quite me. I’ve seen His eyes staring back at me in the orphans of Haiti. I have witnessed the hurt, pain, and beauty of His precious ones. I must devote my life to serving others in any way I can and anywhere I can. Because of Haiti I see easier where Jesus lacks around me.


I love the orphan, my heart breaks for them. I also love photography. God, in His perfect timing, fused these two loves together. I now have a fulfilling little photography business. God allows me to use this business to share His gospel and serve the least of these. The name of my business is One Twenty Seven Photography which was discovered through my love for the orphan. This love led me to James 1:27, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” I feel so blessed to be able to give back by donating a percentage of each photo shoot to a non-profit organization or ministry that serves foster children, orphans, widows, & the desolate. I am grateful for God allowing me to use my passion for photography to serve. Every photo shoot is an opportunity or “task” God has given me to share His gospel and heart for the least of these. When we love the least of these, we LOVE Jesus. Through One Twenty Seven Photography God has blessed me to serve the following non-profits with donations, blog features, and advocating for their causes: Simply Love, Ordinary Hero, Visiting Orphans, 147 Million Orphans, Focus on the Family, Wiphan and local charities in my hometown. I would love one day for One Twenty Seven Photography to grow and add a non-profit ministry that is strictly devoted to serving the least of these. A ministry similar to Simply Love, Ordinary Hero and all of the others I listed above. A ministry that fundraises for food, water, and medicine for orphans and widows. A ministry that advocates for sponsoring and adoption. A ministry that takes ordinary people from my hometown to serve in Haiti, Africa and other countries needing His love. A ministry that serves locally at homeless shelters, hospitals, and soup kitchens. A ministry that holds events and gatherings and a ministry that becomes a vehicle for others to hop on and serve. A ministry that changes peoples’ hearts. If God sees it fit these things will happen. Ask and you shall receive.


…a mission trip to Haiti, a crushed heart from sweet orphans hugging and kissing me, a beautiful humble little photography business and more ideas and desires of how to serve than I know what to do with them…all of this from simply saying “yes” and just obeying!

You can find me on FB: (personal)
& (Business)
Instagram: RLEIGH86
If you would like to read all about my trip to Haiti and other tid bits of my life and how God shows up visit my blog.
If you would like to see my work visit:


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Home Sweet Nicaragua (New Crazy-Adventure Begins)

Posted on 05 March 2013 by Kari Gibson

We have lived in Nicaragua for 3 weeks and I’m starting to feel at home. It was not an easy transition for me leaving Haiti and the quickie visit to Branson, MO staying with my parents, before heading straight to Nicaragua. I miss the village of Pignon, the crazy, IMG_8875bumpy roads, the critters, the stunning sunsets, our maison, my friends, our ministry with the orphans, the people who captured my heart at clinic, and everyone living at Haiti Home of Hope. I had to basically stuff my emotions of packing and leaving and moving on to the next mission adventure. The welcome to Hope Central was wonderful, and we had to jump right into the action with 2 teams back to back. It felt good to get back to work and learning the new ropes! Roger and I are the host and hostess to the American mission teams who will visit here and serve with Project H.O.P.E. It’s our job to make sure every person who comes through the red gate feels like our personal, private guests. We want teams to really feel like they are visiting our Casa (Home.) I’m also really excited about the new friendships I will make here in Nica. We were very blessed to have a family, the Stearns pave the way and move here (for a 3+ year commitment) in January and open their arms wide for our family. I’m thrilled to have fellowship living next door. Someone asked me on the last mission team if I missed my stuff. “Yes,” I gulped. Thinking about all our stuff packed away in boxes tucked away in storage. I honestly don’t even remember half the stuff, but I miss it sometimes. I miss the house that God sold, shopping at Target down the street, and especially living near my family. I guess I’m learning that home is where my heart settles and grows.

Hope Central (our new home) is located in Managua, Nicaragua and was founded 14 years ago to serve the community and local pastors. Project Hope, a Springfield, MO based 501c3 ministry have built over 1,100+ homes and villages in Nica. They provide education, feeding and children programs, clinic care, ministry to women and at-risk girls, including a special ministry, Furia Santa (Holy Fury), a rehabilitation home for young men who were former gang members and in the prison system… and many more ministry projects. We are newbies here, so we are learning day to day what makes Project H.O.P.E tick and go. I’m sure it’s not easy for the Nica staff to open up their home to a new family, but they have been gracious and patient! We’re all in this together … serving and loving big!

Simply Love Nicaragua  IMG_8868

Our casa is an adorable little 2 room cottage and this time, we are not all sleeping together in one big room with bunkbeds. Rog and I have a lock on our bedroom door … need I say more!!!! The girls share a room with 2 twin beds and our son, Michael who arrives on the 28th will stay in one of the dorm rooms. We have a big kitchen with an open plan, which basically means one bigIMG_8867 space with a couch and 2 rocking chairs. The authentic Nica tiles on the counters and floors are really beautiful. We have an air conditioner (yes!!) fridge, microwave, toaster, and our french press. Life is good. There is even a TV, something we have not had for the past 8 months. I didn’t take the time to turn it on, expecting only Spanish speaking channels, but much to my surprise there are a few channels from the US. We watched the Oscars with Spanish voice overs, but the music was live and Hannah and I had a blast singing the Les Miserables song with the ensemble. I even watched the Today’s post-Ocscar Show, but the next day that same channel was gone. It’s going to be hit or miss entertainment. The city of Managua is unique in every way: markets, parks, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, a high end shopping center with a stadium seating movie theater ($3 per person) and all the things you would expect to see in a 3rd world country. Nicaragua is the 2nd poorest country in the western hemisphere.

I want to ask you to continue to pray for me specifically, as a wife and mommy. I’m working hard with homeschooling and giving my children the opportunities to learn real-life education in a class without walls. It’s difficult sometimes finding the balance with parenting and ministry. I don’t want to sacrifice either, but I also know my family will always come first. It’s my responsibility as a mom to make sure my three beautiful children feel loved, and nurtured, and safe, and protected. I’m thankful God is doing that in my life! I’m praying specifically for their spirits to grow and stay open to what God has planned for their lives. (Pray for Michael, Hannah, and Zoie)


I want to keep letting you know, we could not be here serving in Nicaragua without YOU!! Thank you for praying for our family, and believing in our ministry, Simply Love. I love it when you are actively reading posts and connecting with me. Your comments are like “happies.” We have only scratched the surface of missions, but so honored God would allow us to serve Him in a brand new country. We were called into “missions” and grateful with all our hearts for the ministry opportunities that have literally been handed to us this year. I love this post written by one of my favorite bloggers, We are THAT Family, sharing who the “real” missionary is on the field. Kristen, you have noooo idea how much your post ministered to my heart as Jesus has challenged us to simply love and go. (thank you sister!)

Roger and I are praying that you, our mission-hearted friends will continue to support our mission-adventure OPERATION: IMG_8873NICARAGUA. We have raised 50% of our goal, and need your prayers and help to stay here and serve with Project Hope. We are responsible to raise 100% of our financial support. Please consider contributing to Simply Love with a one – time gift or monthly contributions. We have a special GIVE button that will allow you to pay with a credit card or PayPal. You can also give with a check- information here. (your donation is tax deductible) “Let’s not just talk about love, let’s practice REAL love.” I John 1:8 MSG

I can’t wait to share stories and real-life photos of our life here in Nicaragua. I want to share the real-stuff going on in my life as a wife and mom with you. What it really feels like to pick up and live around the world with your family (some days are crazy!) I hope you will fall in love with a new country, right along side of me. But most importantly, it’s my hearts desire to inspire you to GO … right where God is calling you to serve big and love big!! For hard-core missions, check out Live Dead.

 United we love each other, and together we change the world.


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Mini Giveaway + 1 Free Entry + 1 Free Tee {2 Days Only}

Posted on 27 February 2013 by Kari Gibson

[UPDATED WITH MINI WINNER] Congrats Charlie H – you won 1 free tee + 1 free entry to win the grand prize!!!!! #4 comment Powered by RANDOM.ORG *Charlie H: Shared it on FB and I have your button on my blog.

I honestly could NOT do this mission trip Give-It-Away without your support and help spreading the project on your blogs and Mission Trip Giveawaysharing with your mission-hearted friends. My passion is simple: to ignite a passion in YOU to go and serve, love, and minister on the mission field. The best part, this mission trip is on me … a free scholarship for the winner! *We need your help to sell a minimum of 70 tees to Give-It-Away.

During the next 2 days, you can win (1) one free tee shirt and (1) one free entry to win the grand prize mission trip to Nicaragua 2013! I need you to be the fire and spread like crazy the Give-It-Away to YOUR blogger friends. I will randomly ( choose a winner from the comments in 2 days and post the winner’s name on this post. Here’s what you need to do to enter … you pick (2) two and leave a comment what you did to share the Give-It-Away. Mini-giveaway ends midnight Friday, March 1st!

  1. BLOG IT- You can copy the Give-It-Away post link and share it on your blogs.
  2. SHARE IT- You can share the Give-It-Away post on your Facebooks, Twitters, Instagrams, Pinterests …
  3. GRAB IT – add the My Crazy Adoption button on your blog & stay in touch!!
  4. PRAY BIG – Join us praying for the mission trip winner, Nicaragua, Project H.O.P.E. ministry, and our family serving on the mission field.

Remember, let me know in the comments what you did to share the Give-It-Away. I will announce the winner [here] on Saturday, March 2nd!!

Don’t forget to purchase your limited edition Simply Love & Man Up tees located on the (store closed.)

Blue Superman Man-up tee Dark gray tee with graphic "My Wife is Smoking Hot" Simply Love tee shirt

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Guest: Lifesong India – God Sets the Lonely in Families

Posted on 25 February 2013 by Kari Gibson

Faith. Family. Home.

In caring for orphans, our hope is to instil faith, family and a sense of home deep into the hearts of every child we are blessed to serve. Please enjoy this month’s Mission Moment highlighting the fruit of God’s work through us.

Baptized in the Name of the ONE True God…

In a country where the worship of many gods is commonplace, lives of children are being changed and transformed by the working of Jesus Christ, the ONE true God. Lifesong India provides homes for almost 600 children who are all being exposed to the gospel of our loving, merciful and kind Father God.

Baptism has always been a powerful symbol of Christianity. This symbol is especially notable in this culture because through this outward testimony of faith, children are publicly turning away from false gods to rely only on Jesus! Witness the baptism of the girls from one of our homes below. Learn more about Lifesong India >>

“Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” Acts 2:38

Building Children’s Home in Guatemala

It’s exciting to see the progress of our new orphan care initiative in Guatemala. Construction has started on the family homes that will one day invite orphans with special needs into their doors to give faith, family and a future to children in need. Thanks to many of you for your support in this exciting new project!

GUAT Progress

Please continue to pray for safety and wisdom as construction continues. Learn more about Lifesong Guatemala: Village of Hope >>

Read more about Faith, Family & Home…

Orphans in Ukraine Find Forever Families – Through Adoption with Borders, like-minded families and churches in the USA connect with Christian families in Ukraine who are seeking to adopt.  Read Full Story

Planting Spiritual Seeds in Liberia – Our aim is to help children develop a personal relationship with the Lord and to keep that relationship growing.  Read Full Story

Mehesh, A Life Changed – “I don’t want to think about what my life would be like if I didn’t have the opportunity to live at that home (Chitty Memorial Home in Lifesong India)…” Read full story

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Guest: Mission’s Story – Family In The Gap

Posted on 21 February 2013 by Kari Gibson

My Life Is Crazy Too is a series of reader submissions. Your life is a story … this is your opportunity to share your stories about life, love, and mommyhood to provide understanding, hope, and compassion in the unique situations each of us face every day. “Your love, God, is my song, and I’ll sing it! I’m forever telling everyone how faithful you are. I’ll never quit telling the STORY of your love.” Ps 89:1 If you would like to submit a story to this series, Today’s crazy guest is Charisa Knight.

This is Charisa’s story …

In working with Project HOPEFUL’s Fig program we have begun a sponsorship style program that provides the following for sponsored children- some of which live at an orphanage in Awassa while others live alone or with family in the community in and around Awassa.
FIG stands for “family in the gap”. We desire our sponsor families to develop a relationship as much as possible with their sponsored children. We would like them to commit to praying for their children and advocating for them. We would love for families to take trips over and see their sponsored child and their families. We want to extend hope and encouragement to children and families.

  • clothing and shoes two times a year
  • medical checkup twice a year and medication in the case of sickness
  • basic hygiene materials three times a year
  • food support (formula/milk for children in the center and wheat for children in the community)
  • all the necessary school supplies twice a year with school uniform and back bag once a year
  • annual recreational trip around Awassa
  • annual get together at Ajuuja Center
  • sporting goods like balls, soccer shoe and jerseys
  • regular prayer with men of God invited from different churches at Awassa
  • Christmas and Easter celebrations with staff at Ajuuja and invited guests from the community

God has grown this program in ways that we never would have dreamed or imagined! (just like God isn’t it!!)  We currently have over 60 children with FIG families, have purchased over 30 goats for families (with a bunch more waiting to go over!) and are currently fundraising for a surgery for a sweet mom so that she can walk again.
To learn more about our initiatives and see children who still need a FIG family go here:
You can also email us at
While Greg, my husband, was there this past October he met this woman:

Who is a loving a grandmother to her orphaned granddaughters.

This grandmother came to us after we met the sponsored kids and families and said that she had a word from the Lord for us. She spoke a tribal language so it took quite a bit of translating from one person to another to another to hear her message. She quoted scripture verses and was very animated and very passionate about her message.

She told us how grateful she was for us coming, all of the people involved, how we were doing the Lord’s work, and how God had sent us (all of the people working with Project HOPEFUL Awassa)
She gave Him all the praise and at one point had her face to the ground thanking and worshipping Him.

It was very humbling to be sure–
seeing how lives can be impacted with such a small amount from us.
People that months ago we didn’t know existed or even know their name.

But God knew their name.
And He was faithful to a grandmother’s prayers.
All for His glory, Charisa


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Guest: Mission’s Story – When I Figured Out That The World Isn’t About Me

Posted on 20 February 2013 by Kari Gibson

My Life Is Crazy Too is a series of reader submissions. Your life is a story … this is your opportunity to share your stories about life, love, and mommyhood to provide understanding, hope, and compassion in the unique situations each of us face every day. “Your love, God, is my song, and I’ll sing it! I’m forever telling everyone how faithful you are. I’ll never quit telling the STORY of your love.” Ps 89:1 If you would like to submit a story to this series, Today’s crazy guest is Kelly Shank.

This is Kelly’s story …

It took my best friend days to gather the courage to ask me the question because she was afraid of my answer.  “Do you want to go on an international mission trip?”  What I had kept to myself for several years was a desire to go another country.  Cambodia kept coming to mind.  Our church youth group came home from conference excited about a trip to Cambodia and Thailand the -14following year but that trip never materialized.  My husband and I had talked about adoption but just as we agreed that Vietnam was where we were called, international adoptions were suspended.  I still felt a desire to go somewhere.   It just seemed like I didn’t have the right answers to where or when.

Fast forward 3 years to that call from my  friend.  I immediately said yes.  She was worried that I wouldn’t want to go.  She started searching for a trip and found Dorie’s Promise Guatemala.  My trip to Guatemala changed me in a way that is irreversible.  My eyes were opened to the reality of the world, away from my sheltered American life.  Every day we met people who allowed us to learn more about God’s very attributes.  Standing in a home in a ghetto that hovers precariously on the side of a cliff, we were loved and welcomed.  As we prayed with families, I knew that God was with them.  They knew what it meant to rely on God to provide their daily bread and yet they offered their home to us.  The other team members we met there showed me how to love even the unlovable just as Jesus would.  I will never forgot Lynn scooping up Lupe even as she said she was too dirty to sit on Lynn’s lap.

I returned from that trip a different person.  American success is not the goal anymore.  As I told a friend, work is the means to the greater goal.  We work so that we can help others.  I share my experiences with others so that they too may know the reality of the world outside of this country.  I want to share my-15 love for the people of Guatemala with everyone.  Every day is a chance to think about someone else and how I can change their life for the better.  I want to raise awareness to as many people as possible that there is greater fulfillment in life than what we can buy at a store.  The greatest joy comes from knowing Jesus as my Savior and being where he wants me to be.  As I follow his path for me, I find his love all along the way in those I meet.

My change inspired my husband to go back with me to Guatemala last year and this year we will travel as a family to our second home.  I don’t think anyone else in my daughters’ classes will be able to say that they spent their vacation in Guatemala but I can’t wait to hear them tell the stories.  Already one teacher has researched what the weather will be like during our trip.  A child’s enthusiasm has opened the door for someone else to learn about what the world is really about.

Matthew 28:19  “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”


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The Greatest Lesson I’ve Ever Learned About the Mission Field

Posted on 18 February 2013 by Kari Gibson

Like most international adoptive parents, we ate up anything that had to do with Africa. Especially, if it had anything to do with Ethiopia, we bought it: t-shirts, coffee, bracelets, baby blankets, baby clothes, jackets, headbands, wristbands, and even cookies that were in the shape of Ethiopia. Right before we were leaving to go to Ethiopia to pick up our daughter Zoie, Kari and I attended Missionary Roger Gibson and his daughter Zoiean event featuring a Rwandan pastor. Unfortunately, I don’t really remember anything he said during his presentation, but what he said afterwards … I have never forgotten. After he wrapped up his message, Kari and I made our way up to the front of the auditorium to where he was standing- there was already a long line of people waiting for their chance to talk to him. We waited patiently as the crowd thinned out and then we finally got our chance to meet him. Kari and I wanted to tell him “thank you” for the work he is doing for orphans and that we would be heading soon to Ethiopia to pick up our daughter. As our conversation was wrapping up, he turned towards me with a serious look on his face; he put both of his hands on my shoulders and pulled me in closer to him. At first, I didn’t know what he was going to do, but his eyes were locked in on mine with the intensity of a Marine Drill Sargent. He said the most powerful words that forever changed the way I looked at the needs of orphans, widows, and the oppressed.

We are well aware of, Rwanda’s devastation by the 1994 genocide that resulted with an estimated loss of 800,000 people. It left thousands of children with the loss of one or both parents and no place to call home.  It left severe scars, not just physically, but also emotionally. If anyone could give advice on Africa, this gentleman was qualified as a pastor who has ministered to thousands of orphans. As he began to speak, his voice was very gentle, but his words were filled with a deep conviction. Since that moment his statement has shaped our Simply Love ministry and every mission trip we have led the past four years.  He told me that when I visit orphanages, widows, and minister to communities; the greatest thing I could do for Africa is … TOUCH.

Missionary Roger Gibson with patients at a local hospital in Managua, Nicaragua

For me, TOUCHING (in a healthy way) a total stranger can be a bit awkward. I’m not a natural touchy kind of a guy. I feel much more comfortable giving a “head nod” as my touch, than a hug or a pat on the back. But, Jesus modeled TOUCH! He was always touching people: blind, lepers, sick, children, women, men, demon-possessed, rich, poor, depressed, angry, bitter, and even dead people.  Even science has validated the importance of touch. According to studies, touch is truly fundamental to human communication, bonding, and health. Touch even works in helping us win basketball games. ABC News recently did a special on the power of touch and how it can boost performance. According to two social psychologists from UC – Berkeley, whom both happened to be big fans of basketball themselves, recently analyzed 90 hours of televised professional play. They looked at every team and every player in the league, taking note of what of they determined to be 15 kinds of touch, including hugs, high fives and even flying shoulder bumps. Their conclusion: teams that touch the most, won the most. If touch can even help us win at sports, imagine what our hands and feet can do in the life of one who has no hope.

On day one of us arriving in Ethiopia, the first place our adoption agency took us to was a women’s hospital called, Fistula. (You can check out a documentary called about Fistula, A Walk To Beautiful here.) This world-renowned hospital is a place for women who have fistula (you can look it up here). To start our tour the hostess gave us a little background on fistula and what the women at the hospital had to endure living with fistula. Many have been abandoned by their husbands, rejected by their communities, and forced to live in isolation. Fistula was a place that gave “life” back to those who were deemed ugly, dirty, and even cursed. Our hostess then led us into the hospital ward where all the women were laying with IVs etched into their arms. There were about 100 women staring at us and I remember sarcastically asking myself, “Why am I here?” But, five steps later the thought of TOUCH came to my mind. I then wondered when was the last time these women had a man smile and touch them in a loving, healthy way to let them know they are worthy, valuable, a child of the King. Now, it was game time. This was the moment during the tour we could talk to the girls. As I approached my first lady who was lying in her hospital bed, I gathered up enough courage to go up close to her and touch her hand. As I touched her hand and smiled, she lifted up her other hand and put it around my neck to lower my cheek closer for her to kiss me, kiss me, and kiss me. I got three kisses! One cheek, the other cheek, and back to the other cheek.  As I came up for air I thought, “Wow! This women needed some touch!” As I looked down at her beautiful face, I saw a smile and she and the other girls close by were giggling like teenage girls. Our sweet hostess must have saw the sweat coming off of my brow because she came over quickly to explain to me that they don’t get many male visitors. So, needless to say, I was spoiled. I received a lot of kisses that afternoon and I saw the power of touch in their lives and my life. I loved every moment of it.

Missionary Kari Gibson with Ethiopian woman

As Jesus healed the leper he had pity on him, so he reach out and TOUCHED him.  Most of Jesus miracles were done just by his spoken words, but He chose to heal by touching this unclean, unworthy, grimy, filthy, undeserving, disgraced leper by the world’s standards. He didn’t need to, but there were 12 men who needed to see the power of touch. To be the hands and feet of Jesus, are you willing to give a meaningful touch to a leper, an orphan that lives on a trash dump, or a homeless women on the street corner that’s says, YOU ARE LOVED?
We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 ESV

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Let’s Talk About It … A Special Video from Nicaragua

Posted on 15 February 2013 by Kari Gibson

We started off our 4th annual Mission Trip Give-It-Away with a big kick-off yesterday!! Thank you so much for your support! We need to sell 70 shirts to give away this amazing trip to Managua, Nicaragua … you can pick from any of their open 2013 trips. The best part, you can Give-It-Away to someone who is mission-hearted and dreams of serving on the mission field. But, we need your help “sharing” with your family, friends, and fellow bloggers!! We are all in this together … Pray Big!!!!

Click here to purchase your Simply Love & Man Up tees.

This is one of my favorite mission trip stories ….

(Published 11/18/2011) Last year, I was sitting at a women’s conference at my church, minding my own business, when the Lord directly impressed upon my heart to invite the red head singing with the worship ministry … that he needed to go to Africa. I remember clearly thinking, but wait, Lord, I don’t even know his name… are you sure? Trust me, He was sure. For weeks, every Sunday I saw him singing on stage, the Lord reminded me. I finally told a friend, I was supposed to invite (pointing to the man 3rd to the left) on my mission trip. “Oh, that’s Trevor Birch,” she whispered. Great, now the mystery man had a name and the pressure was on.

Honestly, I kinda felt like a stalker every time church ended trying to hunt down Trevor. I never had the opportunity to “bump” into him, so I finally told the Lord that He would have to introduce us…

Trevor’s Story (it’s all true)

One year ago, this month, I did not have a trip to Africa on my radar. I had been telling my friends that I really wanted to go on a missions trip someday but I wasn’t planning on going anytime soon. A friend of mine saw Kari Gibson’s Mission’s Trip Give Away and suggested that I enter. I didn’t win the free trip, however, God had some cool things in store for me.

A few weeks later, I met Kari (aka Mama Kiki) for the first time at a restaurant and she approached me (attacked me…no joke) about going with her on a missions trip to Ethiopia. We immediately clicked and she encouraged me to step out in faith and trust the Lord to provide the finances. I took a step of faith and signed up for the trip. Over the next several months, God miraculously provided all the finances I needed for the trip.

My experience in Ethiopia was unlike anything I could have imagined. From getting the dreaded diarrhea with no American-style toilet for over a hundred miles, to the slaughtering of goats for a BBQ. Needless to say, it was quite the experience. Despite all of that, one of my greatest joys was being able to share the love of God to orphans through music and also by simply spending time with them. God really taught me a lot about love on this trip. We encountered so many orphans who were desperate for love. At times, their situation was overwhelming but you could feel how special it made a child feel by simply spending quality time with them. My heart was so full of love for these kids, and it reminded me that God loves these kids and me more that I could imagine. I wondered if I was really making a significant impact because the need was so great. However, my prayer is that God will use that time there to remind those children how special they are to God that He would send a group of thirty individuals halfway across the world to simply love on them.

Trevor was such a blessing on our mission trip using his gift of music to bless hundreds of beautiful orphans we met throughout Ethiopia… God wanted to bring the best to his children. Don’t ever miss out on the God-ordained opportunities. I think back on how easy it would have been to ignore the Lord’s prompting and chose not to hunt down Trevor. He could have been freaked out having a crazy lady pounce on him at the restaurant, but thankfully both of us listened to our hearts. The best part, a year after the mission trip, Trevor is such a dear friend of my family. Check out his cool website here.

So, here’s what I want to challenge you today … listen to your heart. If you have always dreamed of going on a mission trip, but the money fear keeps you from moving forward, this opportunity to WIN A MISSION TRIPis right here in front of you to grab. Buy your tee shirt today and see what God has in store for your life. The challenge is on …. now it’s up to you!

What is holding you back from joining a mission trip- I’d love to pray for you!

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Win A Free Mission Trip {Give-It-Away}

Posted on 14 February 2013 by Kari Gibson

Simply Love 4th Annual Mission Trip Give-It-Away!


My Crazy Adoption and YOU have given away 6 mission trips over the past 3 years with project partners, Visiting Orphans and Tom Davis’ Children’s HopeChest. We are thrilled to partner with Project H.O.P.E. (a 501c3 organization) and give away our 7th mission trip scholarship to Simply Love Mission Trip Give-It-AwayNicaragua 2013! Enter to win a mission trip to Managua, Nicaragua with the purchase of Simply Love & Man Up products from our store. For every shirt you buy, you will receive ONE ENTRY to win a free mission trip scholarship with Project Hope and Simply Love. The winner receives a certificate that covers land and airfare. (Value $1950) We will randomly select a winner on March 11, 2013 with a LIVE video from Nicaragua! We need your help to share this project with your mission-hearted friends on Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Pin it, and Instagram.

Click HERE to buy your shirt and enter to win!

The new limited edition designs for Simply Love & Man Up were created for a very special reason … Roger (my hubby) came up with the idea “My Wife Is Smokin’ Hot Eccl 9:9 for husbands to Man Up and honor & love the socks off their wives! The idea behind Simply Love is a call for action- “Let’s not just talk about LOVE; let’s practice REAL love.” 1 John 3:18 MSG *We also have our best seller “Be a Real SuperHero” Man Up. Protect and Love the fatherless tee available on the store.

This is a special project to bring awareness and excitement to GO and serve and love big on the mission field! Nicaragua is the 2nd poorest country in the western hemisphere! You can win the opportunity to minister to the community and serve with Project Hope’s many on-going village programs. The best part, the winner can join our family (in real life) on the mission field with Project Hope in Managua, Nicaragua. There are 18 trips to pick from, and one blessed winner will win their trip! Don’t forget, the best gift to give someone on Valentine’s Day is to simply love!!

Your life will never be the same going on a mission trip. Do you remember this post back in 2010? I shared here about the impact you can make on a short term mission trip and the power of serving and loving orphans is life-changing. If you enter to win this My Wife Is Smokin' Hot Eccl 9:9Give-It-Away, get ready to have your heart rocked in a crazy way! It’s your opportunity to LOVE orphans and widows and the poor and share God’s love just like the verse -“Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.” I Cor. 13:13

I went on my first mission trip when I turned 41 years old. I will never forget my excitement when I got off the plane in Haiti. I remember the smells and sounds of being in a foreign country made everything feel so surreal. I bunked with my best friend, Juju and laughed for an hour after watching her jump on top of her bed when a large bug charged at her shoes, collapsing the cot in a heap on the floor. We religiously sprayed our bodies with Avon’s Skin So Soft to keep the bugs at bay. We visited hundreds of children during our week in Cap Haitian and had a blast making up skits of our favorite Bible stories. I knew in my heart that visiting orphans was my purpose and passion for the rest of my life! Email me if you have any questions!!

If you normally don’t leave a comment, I want to ask you to share with me what winning this mission trip would mean to you.


Deadline to be entered is midnight on March 5, 2013. The drawing will happen on Monday, March 11th and the video of the drawing will be posted that afternoon. Winner will also be notified on March 11th. Project Hope employees, spouses and children are not eligible to win. Winner may choose any open Project Hope mission trip that departs in 2013. Trip may be transferred (1) one time to another person if the winner cannot go and wishes to gift the trip to someone they know. Winner will need to fill out a trip application for their chosen trip, provide 2 spiritual references, sign all forms and participate in every part of the trip just as any team member would. Standard approval process applies. Immunizations and any fees associated with baggage are not included in the trip cost. *Payments and donations made toward team member trip costs do not apply for entry into the mission trip giveaway. Merchandise purchases and all general donations (OPERATION: NICARAGUA) of $30 or more to Simply Love in the month of February DO apply.

FAQ's and Official Rules & Regulations 

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Keeping Up With The Gibson’s In Nicaragua!!

Posted on 11 February 2013 by Kari Gibson

The Gibson’s are traveling to a new country, with a new ministry, meeting new friends, and working with a new community. We are very excited to be a part of Project H.O.P.E. Ministry, a Springfield, MO based 501(c)(3) organization. We were thrilled to receive their invitation to serve and love big in Managua, Nicaragua. God has allowed our family to spend the past 8 months living on the mission field, living out loud our ministry, Simply Love. Dear friends, you have been GIbson 01faithful to give and pray and support and cheer us on. We will be the first to admit, we are newbie missionaries, and look forward to what God has in store for our family this year as He patiently guides our steps. We are grateful to the ministry, Visiting Orphans and Amanda Lawrence for partnering with our family and kick-starting our passion to Go. Be. Love. We are thankful for the exceptional training and time spent leading mission-hearted teams on trips to Ethiopia, Uganda, and Haiti for the past four years with VO. I want to personally thank every single person who came along side and gave us the amazing opportunity to learn hands-on what it means to serve on short term mission trips. We never dreamed we would have the unique privilege of being full-time missionaries with our children all over the world. Thank you, Dave Mcllrath and Ethiopia Guest Home for believing in us and allowing our family to serve from June through September 2012 in Addis Ababa. It was incredible being “happy helpers” to the ministries we love: Mission Ethiopia, Project 61, Great Hope Charity, and who are serving BIG in our daughter Zoie’s birth-village, Korah. We are incredibly thankful for Bill and Jennifer Campbell, for inviting us to live in their home and serve with Haiti Home of Hope orphanage and the opportunity to live out our message to Man Up. Love & Protect the Fatherless for two months in Pignon, Haiti … challenging, teaching, guiding, and training us to be the best we can be on the field. We have so much more to learn, but grateful for the people God has placed in our path. We do not want to take for granted the lessons we have learned, the mistakes we have made, and the miracles God has done for our family.

We want to thank My Crazy Adoption readers and friends who have joined us on our mission-adventure to Ethiopia, Haiti, and Nicaragua. We will work fervently to update here on my blog with stories and photos to inspire you to GO! We want to show you where 100% of your donations are going. Thank you for allowing us to be YOUR hands and feet on the mission field … we are all in this together.

Where are we now?

We will be living at Hope Central near Managua, Nicaragua. Our family will be serving as missionaries with Project Hope, diligently working with their staff, projects, and ministries to impact the community. You can click on the icon at the top of the blog E-News and receive our weekly newsletter, exclusively written by my hubby, Roger Gibson, founder and visionary of Man Up & Go ministry. Check out the documentary movie Man Up & Go and join the movement.

We need your financial support. Timeline: NOW!!

The biggest challenge of missions, is raising support. We ask that you prayerfully consider supporting our family, as your missionaries, with a one – time gift and/or monthly contributions. At this time, we have raised 50% of our funds for 2013. Pray Big- we want to be fully funded before the end of February!! We need to raise an additional $1,500 a month for 2013. Our prayer is to have 60 people commit to giving $25 a month to reach our year-end goal. Of course, you can donate any amount … every penny will make a difference on the mission field.


We have 3 Man Up trips scheduled and ready to accept applications online to serve in Ethiopia & Uganda. Go now to check out the incredible itineraries and meet our group of fearless Man Up leaders here.

Blogging in Nicaragua … let’s stay in touch!

I will continue to blog 3-5 days a week with NEW stories, My Life Is Crazy Too series, giveaways, videos, photos, and updates from the field. It means the world to me when you leave comments- it helps me stay connected with you, my blogger friends. At the end of every post, there are new icons you can like, share, and follow me on Facebook.

Pray for our family.

The best thing about being mission-hearted friends, the band of prayer warriors sending us out on the mission field wrapped in courage, faith, and prayer. We want to continue to ask our family and friends to pray for the Gibson 5 … circle us and pray bold, dream big, and think long. -Mark Batterson We give God ALL the glory for being the ultimate great missionary, allowing us to share the gospel and love one another … we are all called to simply love.

“So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There’s far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever.” (2 Corinthians 4:16-18 MSG)

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Guest: Missionary – From The Field

Posted on 07 February 2013 by Kari Gibson

My Life Is Crazy Too is a series of reader submissions. Your life is a story … this is your opportunity to share your stories about life, love, and mommyhood to provide understanding, hope, and compassion in the unique situations each of us face every day. “Your love, God, is my song, and I’ll sing it! I’m forever telling everyone how faithful you are. I’ll never quit telling the STORY of your love.” Ps 89:1 If you would like to submit a story to this series, Today’s crazy guest is Colleen Mitchell.

This is Colleen’s story …

When God started to knock on the door asking for my heart, my life,whispering to me that He was calling us to return to the mission field, I did not think I could say “yes”. It was two years after we had lost our sixth son Bryce to SIDS at three months old in 2009 and then suffered a very difficult second trimester miscarriage a couple of months later in early 2010. I had been grieving and living in survival mode for that long when my husband began to see a new light dawning for us. He led us as a family to form a not-for-profit foundation in our son’s name. I agreed, seeing ahead to where his heart was being called and knowing he was being gentle with me, on the stipulation that I was only interested in domestic outreach. See, I was stuck. I was hurt. I was still confused about God and what He wanted of us. I knew in my heart He was calling us forward, out of the phase of grief and loss to a new phase in our lives, but I was just so scared. Grief had become comfortable for me. I had built a life up around it that was working, that made me feel safe and in which I could have even have a little fun now and then. And I was terrified to try to walk another way.

My husband’s heart continued to be pulled by the call to return to the foreign mission field, where we had served before from 2003-2005. I continued to cling to the security of the life I knew even though it was falling apart at the seams. On a business trip overseas in early 2011, my husband took off for the weekend and found our current mission post in the Chirripo mountains and Cabecar indigenous reserve of Costa Rica. He came home to us leaving a part of his heart in this place. I knew then that the change was imminent. Deny it as I might, God was speaking to my heart too. I gave God an opportunity and hedged my bets. I promised Him that if He provided a miracle that showed me unequivocally that this is what He wanted for us, I would go for six months. And then we’d take it from there.

A few days later, my husband came home from an afternoon outing pale-faced and handing me something with shaking hands. That something was a check. A check from a local church, not our church mind you, a church that had, when he showed up out of the blue and shared with the pastor the struggle we were having coming to unity on this call to missions, offered from that moment forward to support us for the full amount of our living and travel expenses each month. Clearly, God had taken advantage of the opportunity I had given Him and I could not go back from there.

A few short months later I stepped off a plane with my husband and children to re-embrace my role as missionary wife and mother. We have now been living and working in remote communities and the indigenous reserve of Costa Rica’s Chirripo mountains for nearly a year. I cannot possibly describe the myriad ways the Lord has used this time to heal my heart, free my spirit and remind me who I really am. Yes, I am a grieving, hurting mom (incidentally, I miscarried again just four days before our departure), but I am so, so much more. And much of what I am is good, is joyful, is purposeful and valuable to the Kingdom. He wanted to open my eyes to that again, to give me the strength to walk in that again. All He needed was my weak, wavering little “yes”, a crack in the armor I had built around my heart, to let His light shine through.

Now, I spend my days savoring the chaos that is life with five boys, walking in unity of purpose with my husband, and caring for the least of these. My porch is full of students and friends, families in need of material help and women just in need of a kind and encouraging word. I go out to the orphans and share His love. We feed the hungry and build chapels for the poor. We bring the Gospel to an indigenous people who have not yet fully accepted Christ. And my life is full, and blessed, and abundantly beautiful. And every day I thank Him.

I thank Him for knowing my heart better than I did, for knowing the road to healing better than I did, for knowing that a humble and broken and scared missionary may end up finding her way to true joy in the midst of it all. Yes, this life is hard sometimes. And, yes, I still hurt sometimes. But what I know now more than ever, is that God wants to use all that. He wants to use all of us, all of each and every one of us. The broken and ugly parts as well as the beautiful, shiny parts. He wants to use us to tell a story, His story. A story of love and mercy and redemption, of a God who stoops right into the brokenness, tenderly cups a sinner’s heart, and leads her to true joy. Maybe He wants us to tell it right where we are and maybe we wants to bring us to a dot on the globe somewhere to tell it. What matters most is that we do. That we tell that story and sing it from the rooftops, because it is in this that we know our true purpose and true joy. It is in this that all men shall come to bend the knee. When the broken and the beautiful children of God go out and stand together as one, His glory will shine. I am privileged to stand beside my brothers and sisters here in Costa Rica. Honored and grateful, so very grateful.

My blog: From The Field

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Guest & My Niece – Dying to Love, Living to Go

Posted on 04 February 2013 by Kari Gibson

My Life Is Crazy Too is a series of reader submissions. Your life is a story … this is your opportunity to share your stories about life, love, and mommyhood to provide understanding, hope, and compassion in the unique situations each of us face every day. “Your love, God, is my song, and I’ll sing it! I’m forever telling everyone how faithful you are. I’ll never quit telling the STORY of your love.” Ps 89:1 If you would like to submit a story to this series, Today’s crazy guest is my beautiful niece, Taylor Smalley. She will be GOing to Nicaragua June – July to serve and LOVE big with our family on the mission field. Check out her brand new blog here.

This is Taylor’s story …

Hello My Crazy Adoption Friends!

My name is Taylor, I am Kari’s 18 year old niece.  I am a first year student at the University of Denver in beautiful Colorado.  I am studying math and biology with an emphasis in pre-medicine, with a HUGE, crazy dream of someday going to medical school. Being a math and science major, I am naturally what some people may call a “nerd.”  And let me tell you, being a nerd, although awkward, is so fun!


I recently started my own blog (which was greatly inspired by my aunt’s) called Hashtag Love.  So far, it has been a place for me to wrestle with things in my life, as well as a place of encouragement (especially for myself) to live out each and every day completely sold out for Christ while developing the specific and very much intentional passions/talents he has blessed me with.

So what are some of my greatest passions?  Well, over my short eighteen years of life I have been given more incredible opportunities to travel and fall in love with this crazy beautiful world than most people experience over the course of a lifetime.  I have been given opportunities to travel to Ecuador, China, Israel, and (my favorite) Africa.  Two summers ago, Kari brought me on a Simply Love trip to Uganda and Ethiopia, and ,wholly cow, I completely fell in love.  I have felt a call toward the mission field since I was about 13 years old, and God has continually confirmed that calling in my life with each amazing destination he has brought me to.  Although I am passionate about many other things in my life, this is by far my greatest passion (to hear more about some of my crazy and awkward passions check out my blog).  The thought of loving God wholeheartedly and someday getting to spend every moment of every day simply loving His diverse and beautiful children is literally the only thing that has kept me going through my life right now.

Because, quite honestly, my life has been incredibly hard for a few years now.  I know I am not alone in this, and I know God has a plan through each season He puts in front of me, but I have been struggling more than I can put into words.  School is hard, it’s what I love doing, but it’s challenging and there are so many days I just break down and want nothing more than to hop on a plane to somewhere across the Atlantic and never look back.  I struggle with loneliness, feelings of abandonment, intense bouts of fear of failing, and having to daily lay down my constant need for control while striving to let His peace consume me instead.  I guess I’m stuck in this place of being torn between getting equipped to go, and the heart-wrenching desire to leave my entire life here in the US behind and just go to love the world as Christ did.  The verse that describes the desires of my heart for my life is James 1:27- “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” And while this verse is good and true, it does not change the fact that my God has a plan for my life, and that even though it breaks my heart every day, He has me here, in Denver, for an extremely specific purpose that I just cannot seem to understand.

So, what do I do? Well, honestly, I don’t really know.  But I do know this, that God tells us in Psalm 37:4 that if we “delight ourselves in the Lord, He will surely give us the desires of our hearts.”  I guess, going off of this, that all we can do when we feel torn or broken down, lost or unfulfilled, is to “delight ourselves in the Lord.”  And simply trust that ultimately He knows the desires of our hearts way more than we do, and even though it’s SO hard to give these up to Him, trusting that He will be faithful with all we offer up to HIm. So, even though I am loving my crazy, fun, awkward, challenging college life, deep down I am really:
  • Dying to love- like really love everyone around me through giving up the desires of my selfish flesh
  • Living to go- living with the purpose to someday go wherever God leads me and being able to look back on my life with zero regrets
  • And Living now- going through each day with the mindset that I am called to LIVE NOW, knowing that God has me in this season for His purpose, and finding joy in that thought alone.

Life is hard, I’m not very good at it yet (and probably never will be…), but it’s awesome to live with the hope and peace that Jesus alone provides me with.  Thank you for taking the time to read about my heart and what’s new in my life.  Keep loving BIG, keep giving BIG, and keep dreaming BIG.  Y’all inspire and encourage me more than you will ever know.

In Christ and His love, Tay
Psalm 16: 6- “The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” #love
Check out what else I’m up to at:

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I Want To Walk In Love

Posted on 11 January 2013 by Kari Gibson

I can’t believe our time in Haiti is almost over … 2 months living in the mountainous village of Pignon has been the adventure of a lifetime. God sold our home, when we said yes to serving in Haiti. We survived the crazy bugs and critters and lived in a one-room cement masion, with four bunk-beds (my back has definitely counted every single night) and enjoyed the crazy life of living at an orphanage.

Pray for our family as we pack up and fly home on January 16tht to rest & relax, and take off for our next adventure in Nicaragua early February, ministering with Project Hope, a Springfield, MO based organization. Roger and I want to thank ALL of you who have supported Simply Love with prayer and financial support to help us serve and love big on the mission field the past eight months. We have reached 40% of our funding goal and praying that God will continue to provide mission-hearted people to join us on our mission adventure – we appreciate your generosity. OPERATION: HAITI is our PayPal donation option- just click on the special button on the right side of blog. (donations are tax-refundable)

We have a few special projects coming up (hint hint … BIG MISSION-GIVEAWAY!!!!!) and new Simply Love and Man Up gear. The store will open soon on My Crazy Adoption to continue to spread the message of Simply Love. Also, we will prayerfully lead “on the ground” mission trips with Project Hope during our time Nicaragua- teams that will go and help us serve together with the community, feeding projects, orphan care, discipleship, VBS, serving widows, and trash dump ministry. Please leave a comment if you are interested in joining us in Nicaragua- spring & summer. The trip will cost $1,800 to $2,000 all inclusive: covers flights, food, and accommodations. Dates TBA.

Today, I visited with Roger and the Campbell’s a very sick man, dying of AIDS & TB. Ranauld was wrapped in a blanket with his (wicked) wife and precious daughter standing in the corner of the house. The wife has been waiting fervently for him to die, so she can move on and start a new life without a sick man holding her down. She practices voodoo, but he accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior over two years ago. He has MDR TB (drug resistant), and most likely hasn’t had anyone touch or hug him in a long time. It meant so much to me to watch, Jennifer put her hand lovingly on his head and let him know how much we loved him. She told him not to worry about the care of his daughter, they would care for her when he was gone at Haiti Home of Hope. Renauld was weeping and saying he didn’t want to die and leave his daughter. It broke my heart, and I started crying, too. Life is so hard. I started to think about my friend, Sisay in Korah and remembered how important it was for me to be with him on his last extraordinary day … no one should have to die alone. I’m thankful we were able to bring some peace to this daddy’s heart.

Jesus wants us to walk in love. I think I understand more now living in Haiti and serving at an orphanage what this means in my life. We can walk through life with fear, worry, anxiety, and stress. If we’re not careful we can miss the opportunities He gives us to walk lavishly in love. “and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Eph 5:2) In my own life, I have walked right on by people who really needed a friend or hug or time spent or an encouraging word. It’s my own loss. I’m grateful for the times I did stop and love big. It’s been my prayer during our time in Ethiopia and Haiti, to constantly ask the Lord to open my eyes to action. He gave me the special gift of encouragement, and I love using my passion, gifts, and talents to lift others up and be their biggest cheerleader. I want His heart to grow in me more and more. I love the four challenges from missionary, Natalie Overturf (Sudan) in Live Dead Journal:

  • Do I find that I am inconvenienced by unexpected things that come my way, or do I see them as something God may be orchestrating and seek to join Him in what He is doing?
  • Do I see my home as a powerful place to affect a life for God?
  • What is the attitude of my heart in regard to the value of people?
  • Am I impatient with the “smallness” of serving?

What’s next? I can’t wait to share the 28 amazing stories YOU have sent me and inspire readers to open their hearts big to live James 1:27 in a radical way. If you have a story to share – parenting, missions, and adoption, please email me your ready-to-go post & photos. Keep changing the world in a crazy-extraordinary way!!! My Life Is Crazy Too is a series of reader submissions. This is your opportunity to share stories about life, love, and mommyhood to provide understanding, hope, and compassion in the unique situations each of us face every day. If you would like to submit a story to this series,


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Our Crazy R & R Beach Getaway

Posted on 10 January 2013 by Kari Gibson

The ocean makes me happy. Ask my family, and they will tell you mom’s dream vacation is basking on the sandy beach, sitting on a beach chair with a good book. I love sand on my toes, and I don’t even mind the sand that magically appears on towels, shoes, floors, kid’s hair (except Zoie) and eventually, every bag we pack… it’s like taking a piece of the beach back home with us. As a child, I would spend every waking moment on our beach trips until the darkness made the water too scary to swim. My brother’s and I would spend hours jumping and riding waves with my dad, as my mom waved at us sitting on the beach with a book. I didn’t understood then how wonderful it was for “mom” to get a few hours break from mommyhood and relax. To me, it looked really boring.

When the Campbell’s announced we were going to the beach for a 2-day getaway, I was the one jumping up and down ecstatic with the kids! The little beach hotel was 40 miles from Pignon, but a rough, bumpy 4.5 hours drive. We were all up for the crazy journey and packed our bags with swimsuits and beach toys. Jennifer gently reminded us we were still in Haiti, and the hotel was a little rough around the edges, but it was right on the ocean. We didn’t care, just the idea of fresh fish and ocean breeze was worth spending 2 nights with 2 full beds and 5 people. After all, we are on an adventure! We were so thrilled our son, Michael joined us for his college winter break, and we were excited to bask in the Haitian sun together as a family.

The hotel was full. Seriously, the manager at the front desk gave us the bad news with a nervous smile, “Sorry, come back in a few days, we are all full. No rooms.” I gulped down my enormous disappointment and tried not to cry in front of the six kids holding on to their buckets and sand shovels. The UN had filled most of the rooms, and a medical team was coming in the next day, so the hotel was stuffed full to the brim. In a last ditch attempt, Bill Campbell asked if there were any rooms for just tonight, and we would pack up and leave the next day before the team arrived for the weekend. The manager, with relief, welcomed us to Hotel “Cormier” with a warm smile and agreed to a 24-hour stay. We all ran to our room (1 King bed only) and ran to the beach. We were not going to miss a single second of beach fun.

It was paradise. A little piece of heaven carved out in Haiti, only a few miles from the dirtiest city I have ever seen in my life, Cap Haitian. The sand was soft and the waves perfect for playing and snorkeling. We ate homemade ice cream mixed with a sprinkle of sand and played until the hotel served dinner at 7pm. Meals were included in our package deal, so we could eat lobster and not worry about the price. I ate Lobster Friccasse, (lobster with butter & garlic) the best vegetable soup, and homemade Haitian bread. Roger and I took a romantic walk and much to our surprise …. basked in the huge orange full moon. We had no idea we just watched a rare lunar eclipse seen from around the world, with front row seats on the beach.

The next day, we all decided to play at the ocean until noon check out. Inside, I was a little sad … not wanting to leave and cut our R & R short. I told all the little girls to hold hands and pray for a beach miracle. We prayed and asked Jesus to let us stay for one more day. I made a big circle in the sand (thanks to my favorite book!) Can you imagine our surprise when a few hours later, the owner himself, came out to greet us and announce we could stay one more day!!!!! We made quite a scene celebrating the good news, even the UN were cheering! I love God-surprises! Later that day, our son went kayaking with “Captain Bill” and when their ship capsized, Michael’s foot slammed into the coral rocks below, and was speared by a black, spiky sea urchin. I know he was in terrible pain. The staff yelled for someone to pee on his foot (I promise!) and later explained that the spears were calcium and would eventually dissolve in his foot, ordering us not to dig them out to cause infection. Finally, the pain eased and he returned back to the beach to soak his foot in saltwater, instead of pee. We enjoyed another 24 hours playing, eating, swimming, snorkeling, and making sand castles on the beach.

Living 6 months on the mission field, has been non-stop action. As a family, we were so grateful for the 48 hours to chill out and relax together, doing absolutely nothing. We are grateful for the family for inviting us to join them at the beach, and also enjoying time for R & R. We all felt renewed and energized and refreshed to go back to real life living and serving at Haiti Home of Hope orphanage. It’s a tremendous amount of work raising 40 children and caring for the community of Pignon. The Campbell’s constantly amaze me. This year, they are celebrating their 10th year anniversary living in Haiti. We are so honored to learn from them what it means to live James 1:27.

The biggest fear of a missionary is passion burn-out. If you don’t take the time as parents to rest and relax … you set yourself up for major burn out no matter where you live in this world. I think one of the greatest gifts you can give a full-time missionary, is the gift of rest. If you support a missionary, prayerfully consider sending them on a R & R retreat and I promise it will be a priceless gift of love and support and restoring passion! Jesus Christ is the ultimate Life-Giver and our source of passion. “He breathes life into us in all its fullness, comprehensively and completely! If we play sports, we should play hard. If we’re musicians, we should create heavenly music. If we love photography, we should search for the perfect moment with perfect lighting. If we’re coffee lovers, we should drink good coffee with gusto. Only a passion-filled person can live dead; a passionless person cannot.” (Live Dead Journal, missionary, Brett Nelson- South Africa, Burundi & Madagascar)

Do you support a missionary? Prayerfully, consider asking God to allow you to financially bless someone, and restore their passion on the mission field.

To learn more about our ministry, Simply Love click here and support our 12-month mission adventure.

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Am I A Good Mom On The Field?

Posted on 08 January 2013 by Kari Gibson

I love being a mom! I can’t believe the adventures being a mom has brought to my life. I’ve had the honor of mommyhood for 19 years and grateful for the hours and days and years I’ve spent with my three beautiful children! The ups and downs and challenging mom days have prepared me in so many ways to have the courage to face the new dreams in my life. I’ve made so many mistakes through the years, I lost count after the first year of my son, Michael’s life. Every day is an opportunity to grow in love, wisdom, forgiveness, prayer, perseverance, and faith. I often tell my friends, I wake up every morning grateful for another day my kids are making good choices, and committed to living a Christ filled life. We all know life is hard, and parenting never gets any easier, no matter where you live in the world.

I think the greatest challenge this year has been mentally, asking myself countless times, am I a good mom on the mission field? It was the scariest decision to bring our two daughters, five year old, Zoie and sixteen year old, Hannah with us on our mission-adventure. Making the choice to home-school was easy, but actually homeschooling scared me to death. The fear rippled through me for months, can I really do this?Will I ruin Hannah’s education? Can I do a good job? The fear kept me up at nights, and even though the theme I rewind over and over … do it afraid played in my mind, like a broken record, I really had no idea if this was going to work out. It’s amazing the people God put in my path to encourage me as a mom on the field. Mom’s came out of every corner helping me pick the best programs and reassuring me, I could do it!! Even though, I doubted, I moved forward with baby steps and a whole lot of prayer. I’m happy to report, homeschooling my girls has been such a joy and privilege this year. They have both had great attitudes (which really helps) and have handed me the gift of grace. The last thing Zoie’s preschool teacher (my best friend) told me before we headed to Haiti was, “make every day count and don’t mess this up!”

Michael and Hannah and Zoie have made big sacrifices going with Roger and I on our 12-month mission adventure. Believe me, I’m reminded every single day sleeping on bunkbeds, and taking cold showers … battling killer mosquitoes and critters when we go outside our little cement house. I’m constantly worried about one of us getting malaria or worse, dengue from the day mosqs. At night, when the voodoo drums are pounding, I wonder really how safe we are in the village of Pignon. This much I can say, Jesus has never failed us. He has been faithful and caring and patient with our family. It’s so hard for me to understand WHY He asked our family to give our stuff up and go. He could never have picked a bigger wimp than me. Seriously, I’ve lived life as safe as I can … just ask my family and friends. They will testify that I am a big chicken, that I like being comfortable, that I have been at times, selfish with my time and money. I’ve lived many years thinking only about me and my needs. It breaks my heart to think of all the time I’ve wasted in my life. I feel embarrassed knowing how many people I’ve hurt in my past, due to un-forgiveness and selfishness. I’m the last person in the world that would have thought God would ask to serve as a missionary. Writing this, I have tears streaming down my face, because I know how many chances God has given me as His adopted daughter. He never gave up on me, and continues to hold my hand as I learn to live in His will. I will be forever humbled and grateful that God gave me grace grace in every area of my life, and decided to take a chance with me serving and loving big on the field. I’ve lived an out-of the box life and I know what a privilege it’s been to have the family I grew up with and the unique opportunities being Gary Smalley’s daughter gave me the past 46 years. I try to call or text my parents often to thank them for being the best parents and believing in me, even when I didn’t believe in me. I’m working on forgiving myself most of all … asking the Lord to allow me for the rest of my life to share the gospel and serve Him through Simply Love ministry anywhere in the world where He needs me the most. Am I willing to go? Yes, I’m willing to continue to be stripped, and used, and molded to do the purpose God called me to do. Am I scared? Oh yeah!! But, I don’t want to waste another second of my life not doing what He has called me to do. “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)

So, am I a good mom on the mission field? I pray that God works through all my crazy mistakes and failures as a mom, and … I want my three children to have the courage to take risks, try new things, obey God at ALL costs, and never be afraid to live a God-adventure. I hope I have in some crazy way, modeled for my kids to serve big and love big … no matter what you have to give up in life, no matter where you live in this world. God can use us if we are willing to simply love.

What are you willing to give up to live a new God-adventure?

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The Very Best (Craziest) Year of 2012

Posted on 31 December 2012 by Kari Gibson

I’ve had so much fun this week reading my favorite blogs and their best of 2012 posts! It’s hard to believe we are celebrating the end of another year. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought we would be living in Haiti bringing in the New Year serving and loving and living out our mission-adventure! The next two days will be crazy here in Pignon. January 1st is Haiti’s independence day and the entire country is ready for a party. The voodoo drums get louder, pounding through the night. It’s a reminder of why God sent us to this 4th world country to share the gospel and love big the kids living at Haiti Home of Hope orphanage.

I wanted to wrap up this year of blogging with my top 10 best of 2012.

  1. You!!!! You, dear friends have been the best cheerleaders, prayer warriors, supporters, encouragers, and dream launchers!! Without you, my family would not be living out our mission’s adventure on the mission field in Ethiopia, Haiti, or Nicaragua. You helped make the impossible possible. (I wish I could hug and thank each and everyone of you in person) Thank you for donating and giving big to our ministry, Simply Love and crazy projects. This year, we have had the honor of being your hands and feet sharing the gospel and serving the fatherless as missionaries.
  2. Operation: Mercy- Thank you for helping pave the way for Mercy to come to the states and receive the best medical care provided with Mercy Hospital in Springfield, Missouri. Mercy’s final medical reports were truly miraculous, every single test result was normal. We continue to pray for Mercy that God will capture her heart and bless her family with health and abundance. We were able to use the above and beyond funds raised to pour back into our Simply Love projects in 2012… Man Up discipleship, feeding programs for orphans, and paying rent for widows.
  3. Officially launching our ministry, Simply Love. Roger and I prayed for the best opportunity to start our non-profit ministry to love and protect orphans around the world. For years, we loved doing humanitarian projects and spreading our message to Simply Love and Man Up on tee shirts, but we knew God was calling us to do sooo much more. We are grateful to the ministries who have partnered with us over the years with our mission trip giveaways, feeding projects, and short term mission trips. We both fell in love with missions making the simple decision to GO and love big with our church and can’t believe what doors God has opened the past 5 years for our family.
  4. God sold our home!!!! Every time I think about what God has provided for our family, it wipes away any fears or discouragement as newbie missionaries. We resigned from our job, and jumped in faith to live out-of-the-box on the mission field. Nothing honors God more than a big dream that is way beyond our ability to accomplish. Quote from the best book of the year, The Circle Maker.
  5. We led three mission trips with Visiting Orphans and our church, James River. Simply Love Haiti in January and Simply Love Ethiopia & Uganda with my best friend, Julie, and two Man Up trips. Over 65 mission-hearted people gave their best to love and protect the fatherless… living James 1:27.
  6. Started Man Up Discipleship in Ethiopia & Haiti. Roger had the privilege of leading the best of 48 young men in leaning how to become men of faith, courage, and prayer.
  7. Our son, Michael turned 18 and graduated from High School and also did his best at the Missouri’s HS golf state championship. We celebrated Hannah’s sweet 16 on the way home from Africa in Paris… she said it was the best birthday ever!
  8. Roger was featured in a full length documentary movie called, Man Up & Go. This was my favorite, best film of the year.
  9. Hannah and Zoie started off the school year “ home schooling” by joining us on our crazy mission adventure. It’s been so much fun watching the girls going to the best school – class without walls. They are learning more than we could dream and gaining life long lessons of the heart.
  10. Best of all, Roger and I celebrated our 20th year Anniversary. I can’t imagine spending my life without my very BEST friend in the world and living out God-given promises, God-sized dreams, and God-ordained opportunities together.

The best is yet to come! Dream big, pray hard, and think long.

I want to know your best of 2012 – leave your best moments of 2012 in the comments. Is your dream too big for you? Anything could happen. Anyplace. Anytime. (TCM)

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Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (Love, The Gibsons)

Posted on 24 December 2012 by Kari Gibson

Merry Christmas!!! Roger and I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for loving, supporting, praying, and donating to our crazy mission’s adventure this year in Ethiopia, Haiti, and Nicaragua. 2012 has been full of so many amazing miracles … it’s been the best of days, and some of the most challenging days of my life. You kicked-off the start of our new ministry, Simply Love with an explosion of support … helping us jump in faith straight to the mission field. Nothing honors God more than a big dream that is way beyond our ability to accomplish. The Circle Maker. God has used our faithful mission-hearted friends to support our dreams living and serving for 12 months to share the gospel to the unreached people groups … the best is yet to come!

I hope you will take the time, this holiday, to go back and read the amazing blog stories on My Crazy Adoption from our family to yours. Our lives have been changed forever, and hearing what God is doing in your life is such an encouragement to me. I LOVE reading your comments and emails .. it keeps me in fellowship and feeling encouraged. Let me know what you are learning about serving and how I can pray for you, too.

(Jesus Calling 12/24) I speak to you from the depths of eternity. Before the world was formed, I am! You hear Me in the depths of your being, where I have taken up residence. I am Christ in you, the hope of Glory. I, your Lord and Savior, am alive within you. Learn to tune in to My living Presence by seeking Me in silence.

As you celebrate the wonder of My birth in Bethlehem, celebrate also your rebirth into eternal life. This everlasting gift was the sole purpose of My entering your sin-stained world. Receive My gift with awe and humility. Take time to explore the vast dimensions of My Love. Allow thankfulness to flow freely from your heart in response to My glorious gift. Let My Peace rule in your heart, and be thankful.

Before the mountains were brought forth or ever You had formed and given birth to the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting You are God.
—Psalm 90:2 amp

To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
—Colossians 1:27

Recipes From the Field:

Cinnamon Griddle Cakes (We made these this morning in Haiti!)

recipe image
Rated: rating
Submitted By: Emily C.
Photo By: Cookies
Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 15 Minutes
Ready In: 25 Minutes
Servings: 8
“A yummy and simple breakfast food, and a simple substitute to making cinnamon rolls. Delicious cinnamon biscuits that are baked on the griddle! “
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons white sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons corn syrup
1/4 cup butter, melted
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 cups confectioners’ sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 tablespoon milk
1. In a medium bowl, combine flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and cinnamon.
2. In a separate large bowl, beat together eggs, milk, corn syrup, butter and vanilla extract. Stir in the flour mixture.
3. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium low heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve hot.
4. While pancakes are cooking, mix the icing. Combine confectioners’ sugar, vanilla extract and enough milk to make a liquid frosting. Drizzle frosting on hot pancakes before serving.



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My Date With A Witch Doctor (And Two Blind Boys)

Posted on 20 December 2012 by Kari Gibson

I’m so excited to share a special post written by my husband, . You can follow along on our mission adventure from a man’s point of view on his facebook page

Roger shares: I’ve heard voodoo is the national religion of Haiti, but I never really believed it. Within the first four days of being in Haiti, I came face to face with a “real” witch doctor. I was with our missionary friend, Bill Campbell and their Pastor at the home of a family that we were building a new home. While we were there, the witch doctor that lived next door came over to say, “Bonjour.” Pastor Clebert whispered in my ear that he was a witch doctor, but when I looked at him, he didn’t actually look like a witch doctor. He was dressed very simple. Wearing tattered jeans, Hawaiian t-shirt, and a baseball cap. I was expecting a witch doctor to be dressed more like a … witch doctor. Wearing a grass hula skirt, chicken bones necklace, long dreadlocks, face paint and blood shot eyes. After I got past my disappointment of his wardrobe I wanted to learn more about him.

As Pastor Clebert walked toward the witch doctor, I quickly join him as he made his way over to him. As we walked up to the witch doctor, Pastor quietly said to me, “One of his girlfriends goes to my church.” As we approached the witch doctor, he instantly greets Pastor with a smile. Again, I wasn’t expecting a smile or a warm greeting. This was a meeting of good vs. evil. This was Darth Vader vs. Luke Skywalker. I wanted to see the light sabers drawn and a battle of good prevailing over darkness. Instead, I got small talk and laughter. Pastor in between sentences would translate as the witch doctor was said, “bonjour” to me and welcomed me to the community. I didn’t want to hear “how are you” and “good to see you” shallow type of conversation. I wanted a showdown!

In the hype of coming face to face with evil I wanted to fight, but in my heart I could hear the Spirit very loudly say, “Be quiet. Just pray.” I was promptly reminded to pray for the witch doctor’s heart, for Pastor Clebert, and the unseen forces at war for his very soul. As I started to praying silently, Pastor changed gears and began sharing the gospel with the witch doctor. After much talk between the two, pastor turned to me to share with me that the witch doctor said, “His time is not now.” I blurt out to pastor, “How will he know when ‘now’ is? He could die tonight and miss the ‘now’ .” Pastor asked him that question and they went back and forth in Creole with me just standing there between the two trying to decipher by their hand gestures how the conversation was progressing. Finally, pastor tuned to me and said to me that he said he will know when the “now” is, but the “now” is not today. In my mind, I wanted so bad to witness the witch doctor fall down to his knees in repentance just like at the end of movie with the bad guy begging for his life and the good guy gives him a second chance. Instead, he would remain in darkness.

Special note: The photo of the little boy with red dreadlocks, is actually a child who has been dedicated to voodoo religion. When Haitian children are sacrificed as babies to witchcraft and voodoo, their hair grows in red. This is NOT a made-up story, it’s the real deal. Please pray for this precious boy to come to know Jesus as his personal Savior. We will continue to witness to his family in Pignon.

Arriving at Haiti Home of Hope orphanage I’m immediately swarmed and surrounding by kids. I have boys jumping into my arms, onto my back, and hugging my legs. The kids don’t let go they are holding on for dear life. As I try and make my way to the house I notice two boys quietly sitting on a bench. Instantly, I’m captured by the smile on their faces. This wasn’t just a smile, but a smile captivated by joy, happiness, and gratefulness. I changed my direction and headed over to the bench.

They are brothers, both blind, and have been living at the orphanage for about two months. Later, once we got settled and the other boys ran off, I learned that the boys were found naked on a dirt floor in their home that was made out of sticks and mud. Lemonez is 14 years old and weighed in at 38 lbs. and Cozo is 11 years old at 29 lbs.

Their family of nine was originally in the Haiti Home of Hope feeding program, but due to the lack of funds they had to cut the program for a short time. Once they got the program up and going again they noticed that a few of there families were missing. So, Bill and Jennifer Campbell went out to look for their “missing” families to check on how they were doing. Upon arriving at Lemonez and Cozo’s home, they immediately saw the circumstances … it wasn’t good. Picking up the boys, their father begged Bill and Jennifer to take them into the orphanage. He was an older man who was a widower. He just didn’t have the resources or the strength to take care of the boys. Without hesitation the Campbell’s took the boys up into their arms and put them in the back seat of their big 4×4 pick up truck and headed home.

The boys now have comfortable beds to sleep in, three meals a day, and a lot of fun. (I’m holding Cozo in the photo with Lemonez hanging on my shirt on the 4-wheeler.) Plus, they have Jesus in their hearts. They are so excited about what Jesus has done in their life that the first thing they want to do when they first meet you is sing. And, they sing really loud! That is what I want to see for the witch doctor, for the hopeless, for the fatherless. To be excited for Jesus! To be grateful. … thankful … happy … joyful for all he has done for us. Regardless, of the hardship we are facing right now or how many presents we have underneath the tree we can find love wherever we are.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalms 118:1

Year End Giving

We are currently raising support for the year 2012-1213 as missionaries with Simply Love. We have raised 30% of our support goal and thankful for our mission-hearted friends giving, praying, loving, and supporting our family’s mission adventures!

We ask that you prayerfully consider giving to our ministry, Simply Love as we serve on the mission field in Haiti, Nicaragua, and Ethiopia. We have our TOP 8 financial needs listed here for fundraising on the field.

You can subscribe to our Simply Love e-newsletter here or click on the icon email news on the home page.

Year End Giving: All checks must be postmarked by December 31st for 2012

tax credit. Contributions can be mailed to:
Simply Love Ministry
706 North Lindenwood Drive
Olathe, Kansas 66062

My Crazy Adoption bloggers “save the stamp” and donate online by clicking the following link:

  • OPERATION:HAITI is our paypal donation link.


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