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The Winner of the Mission Trip Give-It-Away …. Watch Video!!!!

Posted on 11 March 2013 by Kari Gibson

We are SO EXCITED to announce the winner of the Project Hope mission trip Give-It-Away!!!!! We had so much fun drawing the winner’s name right in front of Monkey Island today on Lake Nicaragua!!! I hope you enjoy ….

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What’s It Like Living In An Orphanage?

Posted on 13 December 2012 by Kari Gibson

I have loved reading your comments this week and especially love receiving your questions. We are newbie missionaries and overwhelmed with the truth that God uses the people you would least expect to serve and love big on the mission field. I’m sure many of our friends from our hometown think … what was God thinking sending THIS crazy family to live in Haiti, Nicaragua, and Ethiopia? We are humbled and thankful we were willing to say yes and live this incredible God-adventure.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us…
—Ephesians 3:20

Sarah asked: What is it like living in an orphanage? Well, it’s a lot like living with your entire extended family in one house for the Christmas holidays. Kids (40 in all) wake up very early and are running all over the house and yard, playing like crazy before school starts. We have two dorms, one for the girls and one for the boys to live. They have bunkbeds, (like we do) bathrooms with showers, and eat their meals in a new, beautiful dining room. We get to interact with the kids all day long and enjoy doing out-of-the-box things with them like, bible study, exercise sessions, playing, encouraging them when they study on the front porch, and 4-wheeler dates for soda. Living in an orphanage is busy from the time we get up, until bedtime. There are chores, and home visits, and projects, and weekly clinic for the community of Pignon and surrounding areas. Some families walk over 20 miles to bring their children to mother’s milk day. I love watching Roger work out with the boys … I don’t think they do that here in Haiti, so when he invites them to join him (literally hanging in the tree) they are thrilled. He did sprint work today, and had 10 boys racing him in the soccer field. He beat them every time and I had to laugh, only my hubby would show off his wheels and not let the older boys win! He was definitely re-living his high school days in track. He’s having an incredible time with his Man Up teens studying the Bible and teaching what it means to live a life of courage, faith, and prayer. As I’m writing this in the main house, I can hear the mongoose chasing after the critters in the attic. Ha! Welcome to my new life! Our little cement haven is mouse-free (whew!!)

I love the fact that the large rooster, who is king of the hens, crows all night long .. I just thought they did that to wake up the sleepy heads in the morning. It’s not a true fact. Some nights we hear voodoo drums and chanting off in the distant. I have to admit, that’s a creepy sound to hear, but it gives us another opportunity to pray for the community and witch doctors to accept Jesus as their Savior.

There are daily discipline issues in the orphanage, just like every family deals with, but times that by 40. The ages living here are from 6 months through 20 years old. I’m so impressed how Bill and Jennifer lovingly and respectfully and honorably deal with every new situation with grace and love and courage.

We have lived here almost 3 weeks, and every day has been a new adventure. We are so excited to have our son, Michael join us next week for college winter break. If you have any specific questions, please leave a comment. Thank you for investing in our family, as we are your hands and feet in Haiti.

One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.
—Psalm 27:4



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Mission Story: How to Burn Off Grass…Very, Very Quickly

Posted on 12 December 2012 by Kari Gibson

Post edited by writer, Kathi Woodall. You can check out her blog Grow Barefoot here.

My Life Is Crazy Too is a new series of reader submissions. This is your opportunity to share stories about life, love, and mommyhood to provide understanding, hope, and compassion in the unique situations each of us face every day. If you would like to submit a story to this series, Today’s crazy guest is You can follow Jennifer on Facebook .

In 2004, Bill and I had been in Haiti just over a year and were starting to feel some confidence. We had half a dozen boys in the orphanage and two baby girls living with us. Political unrest plagued Haiti that year as rebels caused trouble for different people. Despite the rebel groups, the day of our story began as a quiet day for us; the girls played in their playpen and Wisley rested in the sickroom as he recovered from strep throat.

Although it was spring, the landscape was very brown. Our grass had been so long and beautiful the summer before; now it was a brown, dry mess. Everyone waited on the rains to start.

Bill had seen the Haitian farmers do controlled burns during our time there. He decided he needed to burn the grass before the rains came. He and Jesse would get the job done that afternoon.

While talking on the satellite phone to one of our committee members, I looked out the window. I saw Bill and Jesse head toward the northwest corner of the property with matches and a bucket of water. They took some dried grass, lit it, and started a small, controlled fire.

Just then, a small breeze started up and blew the smoke toward the windows. Still talking on the phone, I shut the windows to keep out the smoke. The wind started blowing harder; I watched as the small fire started growing. Not only growing, but also moving toward the house. I hung up the telephone and started to go shut the rest of the windows in our home.

Before I knew it, the flames were at the house, reaching as high as the roof. As I looked out a window, all I saw were flames and smoke. Moving quickly, I grabbed both babies and called for Wisley. Knowing they would be safe with the cinder-block walls and concrete floor, I put them in the only room that had all its windows shut. I told Wisley to stay with the girls and not leave that room.

Running to the front porch, I saw Bill move the new Toyota down the drive – away from the flames. By then, our gardener and other employees had seen what was happening; they came running to help. Every one scrambled for buckets and anything else that could carry water as they tried to put out the flames. Men took turns pumping the hand pump, trying to get enough water from the cisterns to fight the fire. I was in the kitchen, filling any containers I could find with water from our tank. The fire now surrounded the house and headed down the driveway.

Bill, realizing he needed more help, came in to call Pastor Francois on the radio. Out of breath, Bill yelled into the radio, “Pastor Francois, come quickly! I need help, the yard is on fire!” Pastor Francois said he was coming immediately. A few minutes later, his truck raced up the driveway, loaded with half a dozen men in the back, all carrying machetes and big sticks.

“Where are the rebels?” Pastor shouted to be heard as he looked around through the chaos of smoke, flames, and people running with buckets.

Pastor Francois had misheard Bill’s radio call. He thought Bill said rebels were setting our house and yard on fire. With only a second’s notice, he had gathered some men. Armed with what they could find, they came ready to battle!

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Blind Obedience

Posted on 27 November 2012 by Kari Gibson

Our first day at Haiti Home of Hope was slow paced as we unpacked into our wonderful studio cottage on the second floor above the classroom and clinic. Let’s see if I can give you a glimpse of our world – There are five screened windows with wooden shutters and a wrap around porch (completed a few days ago just for Zoie) Our backyard is the mountains and orphanage. There are little green lizards darting across the outside walls begging to come inside. The breezy air gently cools down the cottage all day and night. My favorite thing is hearing the voices of all 40 children waking up in the morning and getting ready for school (6:30am sharp) I can’t believe we’re living here for 2 months … it’s a dream come true. Our girls are relaxed and peaceful here and that makes my mommy heart happy. Zoie jumped right in and started playing with the Campbells two daughters, Lina and Chrissy, as well, as the precious girls that live here in the home. I braided her hair with ribbons to match all her new Haitian princess friends. An added blessing is the 23 year old American, Danielle who lives here full time as a live-in teacher and nanny to many children. Her spirit is compassionate and kind and gentle.. the perfect combination for the mission field and serving at HHH.

Jennifer Campbell invited me to visit the Pignon Hospital and find out what blood type I was to help one of the clinic moms who has TB and 8 months pregnant. She has had to stay at the hospital for 2 months. I had to laugh, jumping right in the cold water and swimming on my first day. I was a little nervous walking inside the crowded hospital, especially when Jen said, “Don’t breath too deep, just take shallow breathes.” What??!! I started to giggle and sucking in too much air! I had no idea how to properly breath shallow so I started puffing lightly and laughing as I prayed for our protection against nasty germs floating around the hospital. Giving blood here is about a 4-5 hour experience, but worth giving life to a mommy who needs extra help giving birth. About 20 minutes waiting in the busy hallway to start the lab work, we were told to come back tomorrow. TIH

I think one of the biggest challenges going on the mission field is constantly battling fears. As a mom, I fear that my kids won’t be safe or exposed to dangers I don’t have any control over. We have had a few people voice their “beef” with us about taking the girls to Haiti. The only thing we can do is thank them for their love and concern, but as parents stand firm in our belief that God has called us for this season to serve as missionaries and share the gospel to the unreached. Matthew 16:25, John 12:24, Matthew 19:29 brings my heart peace, humbleness, and clarity. They ground me with perspective for living well. Yes, there is much to fear living in a 3rd world country. Things that could happen to our family cause me to lose focus and feel afraid. But we made a decision to – do it afraid!!!! I love these words from missionary, Amy Cleveland who lives with her husband and 3 children in Somalia: I know there are costs, some I can see right in front of me, some I don’t see or never will. I am the bride of Christ! What joyful life do I have if not to take my children where my Lord brings me? For me there is no choice or thought of choice. I am His. (Live-Dead Journal) I can’t think of a better place in the world to have our children join us for a God-adventure … this beats any prom, mall outing, or going to the movies. Together we are serving the Lord and sharing the gospel to the lost.

“Jesus says, “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or field for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.” Matt. 19:29

God has proven Himself over and over again in our lives. He has opened up supernatural doors for our family to walk through. I have experience some of the greatest days of my life and some of the most challenging. I will not allow my heart to be manipulated by the fear “feelings” or other people’s negative opinions or the evil one as we walk in obedience. It’s impossible for me to explain why God called our family after 20 years living a very comfortable, safe, convenient, easy life-style to give it all up for missions. But, He did ask, and we said yes.

Do you have the courage for God to move in unpredictable and uncontrollable ways? If you are not open to the unprecedented, you will repeat history. If you are open to the unprecedented, you will change history. The difference is prayer. (The Circle Maker)

If you would like to follow our Gibson family mission-adventure newsletter, please sign up here. Support us with your prayers and cheers as we are His hands and feet in Haiti for the next 2 months. We can’t wait to see what God has planned for our family… living out-of-the-box missions! Your Love God is my song, and I’ll sing it! I’m forever telling everyone how faithful you are. I’ll never quit telling the story of your Love. Psalm 89:1 If you are supporting Simply Love Haiti … I will be blogging and sharing photos as often as I can so you can see where every penny is going to love and serve big!!

If you would like to invest in our mission-adventure and give a one-time gift or monthly contribution to our non-profit ministry, Simply Love: : donations are tax deductible

  1. OPERATION: HAITI (Paypal)

Simply Love

National Christian Foundation
706 North Lindenwood Drive
Olathe, Kansas 66062

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Radical Hospitality – A Big Thank You!

Posted on 26 November 2012 by Kari Gibson

If you had the opportunity to invite a family of 5 to live with you for 2 months, would you open up your doors and let them in? This would mean allowing a family to be in “your space” and probably often sacrificing your time and focused attention and valuable resources. Hospitality like this would be called radical, maybe even crazy. During our last days in Ethiopia, we received an email from our best friends asking us to consider living with their family for the 2 months we were home in the states, instead of trying to find a place to rent. At first, Roger and I couldn’t imagine someone offering something so big, and we didn’t want to hurt our friendship or be an inconvenience. We tried to come up with every excuse why this might not be a good idea, but in the end they sent several more amazing emails and convinced us that living as a family of 12 would be a wild, fun adventure!

Something unique happens when we serve in our homes, something that cannot be replicated in other places. Whether it is ministering within our own family, the great Body of Christ, or to unbelievers, I believe that our home is one of the most powerful arenas to affect a life for God. Hospitality is our faith in action. It is prayerfully preparing a meal, inviting the Holy Spirit to lead and bless the conversation and fellowship. Christ brings people into our homes and seeing each one as Jesus does- because hospitality is really all about the way we see people.”(Natalie Overturf, missionary in Sudan Live-Dead Journal)

We moved into the Neal home when we arrived back to the states and found a safe haven to recuperate and catch our breath from our time in Ethiopia. Missionaries call this time of rest, taking furlough. Yes, we were physically tired, but we also missed our adopted kids and village of Korah so much, it helped our hearts recuperate, too. Julie and I have been best friends for over 13 years, but living together took our friendship to a whole different level. We joked constantly calling each other, sister-wives. We helped each other with the daily routine of mommyhood, but also helped ease the load of carpools, cooking dinner, grocery shopping, watching the kids (we have 8 kiddos together) and cheering each other on as moms. Caleb, their oldest son and a senior in high school gave up his space and offered his room and teen cave in the basement. He never batted an eye. He was gracious and thoughtful every single day to our family. We bonded as a family of 12 and the time spent at their home will be one of the sweetest memories of my life.

We are told in Scripture (Romans 12:13) to practice hospitality. Hospitality also defined the lives of leaders in Scripture (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8) To not seek to grow in the practice and grace of hospitality would be nothing less than disobedience.” (Live-Dead Journal)

A few days before moving to Haiti, their youngest son, Cruz told me that he was really going to miss our family, but was realllly going to miss Zoie. The two of them played non-stop everyday until it was time to go to bed. I had the honor of telling bed time stories of “Jimmy the Mouse” to the 3 little ones every night, and had a blast making up crazy forest tales of the adventures Jimmy had in the enchanted forest near the magic marshmallow mountain. I told Cruz when he missed us the most, he needed to look up at the moon and say a prayer for our family, we would be looking at the same moon in Haiti and praying for his family, too. I overheard him telling a friend that the same moon shining on him, was the same moon shining on Zoie in Haiti … and we would always be in his heart. sniff

Hospitality isn’t about me. It is rarely, if ever convenient. It isn’t about appearances. It has everything to do with the way we see and receive people, in our homes and where we are. It is Jesus’ heart alive in us extending an invitation to all who will come. Come, live out the kingdom by learning to lavishly love and serve one another.” (Live-Dead Journal)

We can never find the words to thank the Neal family for opening up their hearts, home, and family to our family. I cried so hard pulling out of their driveway on our last night in Hotel Neal. Our 3 children were deeply affected by their hospitality, but most importantly they gave Michael, Hannah, and Zoie a safe, fun, beautiful home to call their own during our break on 12 months of mission-adventure. Living homeless to live on the mission field is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. We understand there are many people who don’t understand why we are taking our children all over the world to serve in Ethiopia, Haiti and Nicaragua, but we know if we aren’t willing to take a big risk, we’ll miss out on the greatest adventure of our life.

God has provided EVERYTHING we need. When you tell Jesus, “I will go anywhere and do anything …” these altars where we commit our lives to God in this way are critical. However, when we find ourselves having gone to that place called “anywhere” and we are living out what often seem to be mundane tasks, we must regard these as holy before the Lord. It is here where ALL the details of Christ’s character being formed in us are put upon the canvas in much smaller strokes. If we are not careful, we can find ourselves busily trying to paint a beautiful picture for God instead of aligning ourselves with the Spirit and allowing Him to take the brush and have His way.(Live-Dead Journal)

Rob, Juju, Caleb, Josie, Rylie, Caden, and Cruz … we want to thank you for opening up your hearts and home to our family for the past 2 months. We love you with all our hearts, and will never forget your radical hospitality. You held our hands during some of the most challenging times and cheered us on and supported our big, crazy mission-dreams. We will miss Sunday pizza nights, late-nite cookie dough bakes, Hallmark Christmas movies, preschool days, soccer & cheer & birthday craziness, power clean-ups, and sitting on the floor eating an insane amount of Halloween candy. Thank you for decorating your home for both holidays we were missing in the states … Thanksgiving and Christmas!! The laughs and tears were healing to our family and gave us the courage to keep going. There is no way to express our gratitude for your grace grace and kindness. We love you!!

If you would like to follow our Gibson family mission-adventure newsletter, please sign up here. Support us with your prayers and cheers as we are His hands and feet in Haiti for the next 2 months. We can’t wait to see what God has planned for our family… living out-of-the-box missions! Your Love God is my song, and I’ll sing it! I’m forever telling everyone how faithful you are. I’ll never quit telling the story of your Love. Psalm 89:1

If you would like to invest in our mission-adventure and give a one-time gift or monthly contribution to our non-profit ministry, Simply Love: : donations are tax deductible

  1. OPERATION: HAITI (Paypal)

Simply Love

National Christian Foundation
706 North Lindenwood Drive
Olathe, Kansas 66062

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Simply Love Haiti – We Made It!!!!!!

Posted on 23 November 2012 by Kari Gibson

I’m sitting here on Day 1 living in Pignon, Haiti celebrating Thanksgiving Day!!! We made it!! The American Airlines flights were boring and non-eventful (yay!) We landed in Port-au-Prince and all 8 of our bags made it off, too! There was a wonderful driver, Johnson who met us as we stepped out of the airport. He was holding a sign with our names, Roger & Kari Gibson. What a blessing to have so many friends who helped with every step of the way for our family to arrive safely in Haiti. We drove a short distance to MAF and boarded a small Cessna plane for a 25 minute flight up the mountains with stunning views welcoming us with arms open wide.

We are serving as “Happy Helpers” with the Campbell family for the next 2 months at their ministry, Haiti Home of Hope. They run a weekly medical clinic and parents to 40 orphans. They have two beautiful adopted daughters, Lina and Chrissy who have a big collection of doll houses and girlie toys. Zoie looked at me and said, “I like Haiti.” I can’t wait for you to fall in love with my friend, … she will be my guest blogger with me here in Haiti. She’s the “mama” to all 40 children and one of my biggest heroes!

Our family jumped right into things when we arrived to Pignon. There were women still waiting with their infants for clinic and mother’s milk program. One grandmother was holding a tiny infant who lost his mother a few weeks ago from Cholera. She was there to receive help and formula for the baby boy. I could see the desperation in her eyes when she asked Jennifer to keep the baby. It broke my heart knowing this grieving grandmother was now going to be the mother of her grandson. Life is so hard.

What a joy and privilege it is for us to have our daughters here serving with us in Haiti. God has provided ministry opportunities and keeping His promises, answering prayers, performing miracles, and fulfilling dreams. Celebrating Thanksgiving Day here in Haiti has opened up my heart to so many things I’m thankful for. He has provide a home all over the world for my family, fellowship, caring friends, and support as we serve and love Him. The beautiful mountains behind our little cottage, that we will call home for the next 2 months makes my heart dance. We are living our big dreams and drawing prayer circles… and “the bigger the circle you draw the more foolish you’ll feel. But, if you aren’t willing to step out of the boat, you’ll never walk on water. If you aren’t willing to circle the city, the wall will never fall. And if you aren’t willing to follow the star, you’ll miss out on the greatest adventure of your life. In order to experience a miracle, you have to take a risk.” (The Circle Maker)

It’s hard to believe all the hard work raising support and sharing our mission at local churches helped fund our 2 months in Haiti. It was an impossible quest, but God was faithful. I want to personally thank James River Assembly, Woodland Hills Family Church, Hope Community Church, Ohio Home Church and the many mission-hearted people (YOU!!) who have invested in our family mission-adventure this year. This would be impossible without your support, prayers, and cheers. We are learning, as we are living each day on the mission field to live out-of-the-box.

Many of you have asked how you can help … we are grateful for your contributions and monthly gifts! We still need 32 people to give $50 a month until September 2013, as well as one-time gifts for our living expenses throughout the year. Click here to read how you can give to Simply Love Ministry online or with a check. All gifts are tax deductible. We continue to circle our 12 month support goals and trusting God to provide all our needs. We want to work hard as we serve in Haiti and beyond in Nicaragua and Ethiopia caring for orphans and sharing the gospel to the unreached people groups.

I will work really hard to blog 5 times a week and keep you updated on the exciting things happening in Haiti. God sold our home when we said yes. I hope you will join me on My Crazy Adoption Blog as we watch together God do the impossible and simply trust His Spirit to do in us what we cannot do in ourselves. (Live Dead Journal)

If you have any questions about adoption or missions, please leave a comment for me. Your comments will be my life-line here for fellowship in blog land.

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How You Can Support Our Family

Posted on 24 October 2012 by Kari Gibson

Bold prayers honor God, and God honors bold prayers – Mark Batterson, The Circle Maker

We are starting our NEW crazy mission adventure and I’m so excited for you to join us as mission-hearted people. As you know, God sold our home when we sent an email to a wonderful missionary family living in a tiny village in Haiti called Pignon. If you say it with a fancy French Creole accent, it sounds really beautiful! Bill and Jennifer Campbell have lived in Pignon for the past 10 years and dreamed of celebrating their 10th year anniversary in the states. However, they have an orphanage (Haiti Home of Hope) and medical clinic they serve 24/7, so picking up and leaving together as a couple takes huge effort and basically impossible.

OPERATION: HAITI. The Gibson family were thrilled to help our missionary friends take a much needed break from missions, so we said, “We’ll do it!!!” We are heading to Pignon, as a family for the months of November through January for Part 2 of our mission’s adventure. We are thrilled and excited and a little scared for this next chapter, but with prayers and support from family and friends … we can do it afraid. We do not feel adequate or worthy to be happy helpers in Haiti, but very grateful for this incredible opportunity and thankful to God for allowing our family to do something soooo crazy! We need 50 donors to give $50 a month through September 2013!!

Our Top 8 Needs:

  1. Travel: Haiti – $2,800
  2. Travel: Nicaragua- $2,800
  3. Travel: Ethiopia – $8,000
  4. Health Insurance: $800 a month
  5. In-country residence: $1000 a month
  6. In-country transportation: $700 a month
  7. Food: $400 a month
  8. Personal items- $500 a month

What will we be doing in Pignon, Haiti?

We leave mid-November (on faith promise) to Pignon, Haiti through January 16th. Roger and I will be learning the ropes with our missionary friends, the Campbells on training 101, conducting the day to day responsibilities of Haiti Home of Hope (orphanage) and the clinic. They have a weekly mother’s milk program and provide formula and basic needs to the children & community families. Throughout the next few weeks, I’m going to share with you stories and photos of the beautiful community of Pignon we will be serving in Haiti. They will change your life, too.

(2 month) Haiti Happy Helpers:

  • Haiti Home of Hope Orphanage
  • Mother’s Milk Program
  • Weekly Clinic for community
  • Man Up Bible Study for teens & young adults in the community

Bloggy friends, how can you help?

We need your help … please pray, encourage, and support our family as short term missionaries. Roger and I self funded all our personal and project expenses the past 4 months living in Ethiopia. Now, we want to finish the mission-dream God called us to do this year and serve big. As missionaries, it’s humbling to ask people for money, but as mission-hearted people, you have an amazing opportunity to join us and live James 1:27 together… even if you can’t be with us physically in Pignon, Haiti or Ethiopia.

We have “circled” an amount of money we need to raise for our personal expenses for 12 months on the mission-field, as well as our projects in Haiti and Ethiopia. We can’t do this on our own, but God can do it!! If you are a regular reader on My Crazy Adoption blog, you know … we are home-less and unemployed, but 100% committed to being a mission-hearted family, serving and sharing the gospel to the unreached people groups.

If you would like to help fund our mission’s adventure to Pignon, and back to Ethiopia, consider giving to our brand new ministry, Simply Love monthly or a one-time gift. Your tax-deductible donations will not only help us live out our mission dreams, but will help us with our many projects we are doing in Haiti and Ethiopia. You can give and pray and cheer and love big = Simply Love.

What we need to raise for support:

Many of you have asked us to share the specifics of how you can help us with our mission’s adventure support.

You can support us by first and foremost keeping our family in your prayers. We have self funded our mission adventure, but now it’s time for us to ask for financial support. Here are specific needs we have:

  • Health Insurance- $9,600 a year ($800 a month)
  • Flights: Haiti – $2,800 / Nicaragua- $2,800 / Ethiopia – $8,000
  • In-country residence: $1,000 a month
  • In-country transportation: $500 a month, Fuel $200 a month
  • Food: $400 a month
  • Personal items: $500 a month

In addition, you an support us financially with a one time gift or monthly contribution. Any monetary gift will go towards helping us meet our monthly expenses. Overages will go towards helping facilitate projects in the area we serve such as feeding, building, bedding, medications, etc.

Please send any financial support* by check (made payable to Simply Love) to:

706 North Lindenwood Drive #100
Olathe, Kansas 66062

or make a contribution by credit card here …


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Freedom Reigns {Letting Go}

Posted on 03 October 2012 by Kari Gibson

The definition of freedom: The state of being free, of not being imprisoned or enslaved. God sold our home and we are experiencing freedom in a new, radical way. People give me a funny look when I tell them we are homeless and loving it! God provided everything we needed to self-fund our 110 days living in Ethiopia as newbie missionaries. God sent people in our path that allowed us live in a beautiful and serve daily in our daughter’s village of Korah. Since being back in the states, we are fervently praying for God to provide the way for us to raise funds with Simply Love to serve in Haiti for 2 months and back to Ethiopia until the end of July. We are praying circles around the details, but walking forward in faith to complete the 1 year mission’s adventure God called our family. I can’t wait to tell you all the ministry details … coming soon!

My single biggest adjustment to obeying God this year has been the humbleness in my heart to accept the gift of freedom. My family and closest friends know how much I loved my home and shopping for stuff for my home, but in His faithfulness to give our family freedom, we had to die to self. Believe me, this has been a long, painful journey. I remember vividly when God first put on our hearts to sell our dream home, I dug my fingers and toes in stubbornness and refused to let go. This was MY beautiful home … God don’t you realize we custom built every corner to meet OUR needs. I was very comfortable in my life and home and community. I lost my sense of adventure being so inflexible and inconveniently selfish and fearful. Thankfully, God was more courageous than I could ever be, and in His tenderness and discipline (ouch) He allowed me to learn important lessons of forgiveness, gratefulness, humility, victory, and freedom! God knew everything about me- even the numbers of hairs on my head. I don’t need to work at revealing myself to Him. (Jesus Calling) God was preparing my heart to learn the process of letting go for future good-byes.

In His perfect timing He planned a supernatural freedom journey for us and we have only just begun. Please pray for our family, we need warriors to circle us with prayer and support and encouragement. It’s not easy, not having a home. But once again, God knew our deepest desires. Our dear friends, the Neal family, opened up their hearts and home to our family of 6 to live the next 2 months before heading to Pignon, Haiti. There are no words to thank our friends for this incredible sacrifice of love… radical hospitality. We are a big family of 14 and realized by day 3, we were living an incredible reality TV series … 4 with 9 Kids and Counting or Neals & Gibsons Plus 14. Can you imagine the good we would do for missions and digging wells with that paycheck from TLC!!

Feel the chains fall away, Feel the heaviness all the weight. Jesus reigns. The only way I can describe to you what I have learned about letting go is sharing this story. On our last day in Ethiopia, we had to say goodbye to our Korah family. I didn’t want to leave with any regrets and definitely wanted the children to feel a sense of closure. We didn’t make any promises, but asked them to pray big and bold with us to return in February. They understood that God would be the one to open the doors back up for us to return. We spent the morning in the Man Up Cave, completing the bible study of Daniel and decorating the cave with framed pictures. I wanted to leave a few motherly touches from Enate (mom) with the children we deeply loved and cared about. We spent the day before on our “history walks” saying goodbye to each of their families, but for the ones who had no family, this was going to be a painful departure of hearts. I remember giving my oldest son, Michael on his first day of Kindergarten the book, The Kissing Hand. Chester the raccoon doesn’t want to leave his mother, so she teaches him a secret way to carry her love with him. This simple story helps dry tears and soothes anxious children and mothers, too. I knew in my heart, I would never be able to say goodbye to Korah or the people I loved with all my heart, but I had to let go, just like little Chester the Raccoon and be brave.

Mercy’s mother, Mulu came to us and asked if the women of Mission Ethiopia could pray and say goodbye. We brought all our kids inside the tiny building (all 30+) and accepted the gift of prayer in Amharic over our big family. I could feel the “ugly cry” coming rapidly. I hid my face in my beautiful scarf, a traditional gift from the staff and started bawling. I had no idea what the women were praying, but I knew in my heart. It was the most painful moment for me the entire trip. It was hard enough saying goodbye to our son back home in the states, but this time it was multiplied by an entire village. It was more than my heart could handle. I’m sure I scared the kids to death with my wailing sobs and sniffles. The truth of the matter, I didn’t want to leave. My heart was torn in half. I HAD to return to take care of Mercy and reunite with our family, but this was not what I physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually wanted to do... please God, don’t make me leave Ethiopia. In fact, writing this now makes the tears flow again, my heart is still torn with bittersweet feelings. The reality is simple, we had to let go, to come back. When we piled into the van with only 4, I cried even harder. How could Enate (mom), leave my kids behind? It was impossible, but a necessary action of faith. Our beautiful, adopted son Sentayehu D. jumped on the van, wiped my tears and told me, “Mommy, it’s going to be OK.” In my mind, nothing was OK, but this was the moment I had to be a woman of courage, faith, and prayer. “I love you, Mom,” he said softly. At that moment, I had to entrust my loved ones to Him. I had to release them into His protective care. “When you release loved ones to Me, you are free to cling to My hand. As you entrust others into My care, I am free to shower blessings on them. My Presence will go with them wherever they go, and I will give them rest. This same Presence stays with you, as you relax and place your trust in Me. Watch to see what I will do- Jesus Calling.  God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” (Eph. 3:20 msg) Freedom reigns in this place. Showers of Mercy and Grace. Falling on every face, there is freedom…

Just for you: What “stuff” are you holding on to that’s stopping you from living free?

If you would like to support our family this year with a monetary gift, please click here on Simply Love.
Freedom Reigns- Jesus Culture

Verse 1: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Lift your eyes to heaven there is freedom. (Lift your eyes) Lift your eyes to heaven there is freedom.

Verse 2: Freedom reigns in this place, showers of Mercy and Grace. Falling on every face, there is freedom. If your tired and thirsty, there is freedom. If your tired and thirsty, there is freedom. Give your all to Jesus (Give your all) There is freedom. (ohh) Give your all to Jesus, there is freedom.

Chorus: Freedom reigns in this place. Showers of Mercy and Grace. Falling on every face, there is freedom. (Cause Jesus reigns… yes) Jesus reigns in this place, showers of mercy and grace. Falling on every face, there is freedom. (yeah)
Freedom reigns in this place, showers of mercy and grace. Falling on every face, there is freedom. (Jesus my Jesus) My Jesus reigns in this place, showers of mercy and grace. Falling on every face, there is freedom. (yeah-yeah)

Feel the chains fall away, Feel the heaviness all the weight. Jesus reigns. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, there is freedom, there is freedom. (ohhh) Jesus (yeah) You reign, you reign (ohh-ohh) My God (yeah)

Great is your faithfulness, Great is your faithfulness, Great is your faithfulness. Oh God to this generation all my life, All my life, Great is your faithfulness. We call the name tonight, Great is your faithfulness God. Great is your faithfulness (yeah-yeah)

Freedom reigns in this place, showers of mercy and grace. Falling on every (every) single face, there is freedom (all the grace I need Jesus) My Jesus reigns in this place, showers of mercy and grace. Falling on every face there is freedom.

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My Bloggy Sabbatical is Over (a letter to you)

Posted on 26 September 2012 by Kari Gibson

Dear My Crazy Adoption bloggy friends,

It’s been almost a month since I’ve been able to write a blog post… literally write a post, due to crazy internet connection in Africa. I have missed you. I have missed blogging. I have missed Wi-Fi. I have missed sharing my stories with you. I wanted to write YOU a letter, dear friends, to update you on my crazy life. So, please sit down and grab a cup of buna (coffee) and let’s chat awhile.

We spent 110 days living in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and had the time of our lives. It was the best summer, the best memories, and the best days spent serving and loving the community of Korah, the birthplace of our daughter, Zoie Senait. We had the incredible opportunity to live and serve at the EGH (Ethiopia Guest Home) and Mission Ethiopia ministry. The generosity and kindness and extraordinary service of the staff makes it an honor to promote them here on my blog as the ONLY place in Addis Ababa I will recommend to stay for all your adoption, missions, or travel accommodations!!! They received an A+ score from every single member of my family and super nanny. Zoie even gave them 5 stars!!! There are 6 guest houses, and 115 incredible staff members that know how to make your travels safe and sleep sweet!! If you need to book a room or 2 … please contact Dave Mcllrath

The ministries we served in Korah welcomed our family and opened their hearts to allow us to serve big. We want to thank Mission Ethiopia, Project 61, Great Hope Charity, , Visiting Orphans, and Ethiopia Guest Home for embracing our Gibson Family Mission’s Adventure!! We are prayerfully returning to Addis Ababa in February 2013 to finish off the adventure with a bang working on our Simply Love and Man Up projects. (will share more soon) If you want to support our family this year, you can donate to our NEW Simply Love Ministry here.

We want to thank you for praying and supporting our family … helping us raise (on facebook) over $7,000 for OPERATION: MERCY in 48 hours!!! Some of you, in lieu of birthday presents, raised funds for flights- thank you Stephen and Wynne Elder!! Mercy is currently living with our family and wait until you here her medical miracles!! God has done a radical miracle in her life and I can’t wait to post and share her story of redemption and healing!! We are so honored to be a tiny part of this mighty miracle! We want to personally thank Julie Neal and family for championing her medical appointments and the White family for hosting her for a month!!

We are [now] back in the states for 2 months, until we start Part 2 of our mission adventure starting in November!! We will live 2 months in Pignon, Haiti serving our missionary friends, the at Haiti Home of Hope (HHH) This was the reason for God selling our home. Read here. We can’t wait to see why God wanted our family in Haiti.

In the next few weeks, I want to go back in time and share stories from my Simply Love mission trip, as well as the inspiring stories of the day to day life on the mission field. The opportunities to share the gospel to the unreached people groups have radically changed our lives, as a family. We give God ALL the glory and thank Him for the opportunity to love and live dead in Ethiopia and Haiti.

“My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3: 16-19 MSG)

Please join our family praying for His favor and blessings and provisions as we start moving forward in faith, serving  and loving big in Haiti. We’re all in this together!!

I love you,

Mama Kiki

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Home Sweet Addis Ababa!!

Posted on 21 June 2012 by Kari Gibson

Today I said goodbye again. I just ended the 14 day Visiting Orphans mission trip with the most amazing 23 mission-hearted people who rocked Ethiopia and Uganda loving big and serving even bigger!! Hannah and I left the team last night and at the last second realized we missed the opportunity to say goodbye to our friends due to flight attendants splitting us up in 2 buses when we landed in Addis Ababa. I started bawling, so we grabbed the few remaining on the last bus and hugged like crazy! I think the one of the best parts of a mission trip is bonding and sharing life changing experiences with complete strangers from all over the world. If you have never gone on a mission trip … I promise if you’re willing to open your heart wide and set aside your fears and comfort and conveniences, God will use you in a mighty way to share the love of Jesus Christ to the unreached people groups around the world. I can’t wait to share the miraculous stories from the mission trip with you. I watched with my own eyes God healing widows in Uganda, and orphan’s spirits open again through the loving touch of the team.

I want to commit to writing everyday here on my blog during on our family missions adventure in Ethiopia and Haiti. I want to be real with you and expose my heart with the joys and challenges and ministry opportunities we will face and tackle. I want you to challenge ME with thought provoking questions and committing to praying for us when the days get tough. We have left our comfort zone for the purpose of serving the Lord. We will stay in Addis until September 5th and can’t wait to see what He has planned for us.

A friend gave Hannah a special verse to claim during our time here in Ethiopia. Joshua 1:9 (MSG) Haven’t I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take. This is flat out the scariest thing we’ve ever done as a family. We are here. We are happy. We are being challenged. We are open to serving Him every single day.

A few of you have emailed and asked a few questions. Also, you have asked how you can pray for our family. Thank you so much! I hope this helps … Continue Reading

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My Daughter’s Beautiful Heart

Posted on 10 May 2012 by Kari Gibson

I was having a really tough day about a week after sharing the “adventure” with our kids. This was so big, so new, so scary, so different … moving to Haiti and Ethiopia for a year! We promised Hannah and Michael the freedom to feel exactly what they were feeling … no matter what! Our biggest prayer was not closing their spirits, but encouraging them to trust us and trust what Jesus has asked us to do as a family. That was a big request!

Hannah was watching me like a hawk after we met the new family adopting our dog, Tate. This was actually harder to tell the kids about their dog, than the actual mission adventure. Tate has been a part of our family for five years, but it’s not an option to take him along with us. We are living in a 1,200 sq ft. condo for 6 months during our transition time until November 20th! Tate’s new family is thrilled, but our family … not so thrilled. I went up to her room and laid down on her bed. She looked at me and I started boo hoo’ing … it breakes my heart we have to let our crazy dog go. I think it struck her heart to tenderness, seeing me so sad. I told her I needed a frappuccino and would she drive with me to happy hour at Starbucks.

“Mom, you need a good crying song and a coffee.” Oh my daughter knows me so well!

We jumped in the car and she picked the perfect song for me. Britt Nicole’s “walk on the water” … the song brought me to tears and we started laughing and crying together how crazy her mom really was. I cried all the way to Starbucks, but felt so good and connected to my daughter. I told her when the song finished …

“Hannah, this is THE HARDEST thing we have ever done in our life … but I couldn’t do this without you.”

“I know mom.” Smile.

The next day, I asked her her what was one word that described how she was feeling and one song she was feeling. My daughter expresses her feelings through her music. Her word- relaxed. Her song- What makes you beautiful (One Direction)

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The Gibson’s Biggest Adventure!!!!!!!!!

Posted on 09 May 2012 by Kari Gibson

I started writing this post and started crying. I hope I can get through this without making a fool out of myself sitting at Panera. This is the biggest blog announcement I’ve ever made and I’m crazy nervous to share with you. It’s not that I don’t think you’ll fall out of your chair when you read it, but that I won’t do a good job sharing my heart.

We are moving as a family to Haiti starting November 20, 2012!!!!!!!

We thought we had it all planned out. For the past two years, we’ve desired to go on the mission field in Ethiopia. We never wavered asking Him to open the door for us to serve with our brothers and sisters who sacrifice so much in Zoie’s birthplace. We wanted to give back. I even had a dream of our home and outdoor kitchen complete with a wood burning fire. I woke up thinking, “Seriously Jesus, I could totally cook on that.” We definitely had peace about the mission plan, but we didn’t know that God had mapped out a different route on the way to Africa. Our first stop is Haiti!!!!!!!!! Roger has never even been to Haiti, but he fell in love with the bonus gift God placed in our path. It was a blessing we couldn’t resist, it was THE key to the miracle God had already set in motion.


We are deeply humbled that the most incredible missionaries, Bill and Campbell have opened their hearts and their home in Pignon to allow us to come and serve as “happy helpers” at Haiti Home of Hope. As you know, I took a Visiting Orphans team to Pignon in January and God broke my heart- literally. I was overwhelmed with the ministry who cares for a community that works 24 hours a day just to live, eat, and survive. I will re-post my stories from Haiti and hopefully (you too) will fall in love with this beautiful little village called Pignon. Hannah and Zoie will spend 2 months with us in Haiti and our son, Michael will join us there for Christmas. Upon graduation he will attend Missouri State University and study broadcast journalism. He’s starting his new adventure.

Reading the Live Dead Journal, one statement jumped out for both, Roger and me. Continue Reading

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Crazy Links I Love [Fundraiser Shout Out]

Posted on 21 April 2012 by Kari Gibson

I love helping you “shout out” your fundraisers- adoption, mission trips, or orphan care projects. If you are FUNdraising for a purpose, please use the linky tool. This will take readers directly to your site. You can also leave a short “blurb” about your project in the comments! I know many of you are here looking for ways to bless a family or help make a difference living James 1:27 – this is your chance, pick a link and donate to their project! Crazy Links I Love is a collection of incredible projects my readers are doing to simply love. Email me if you have a project you want to shout out here in the post. Let me be your cheerleader!

Do you have any specific questions about fundraising?

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Be A Voice

Posted on 28 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

My Life Is Crazy Too is a new series of reader submissions. This is your opportunity to share stories about life, love, and mommyhood to provide understanding, hope, and compassion in the unique situations each of us face every day. If you would like to submit a story to this series, email me.  Today’s crazy guest is Kara Vassar.

When we were on our adoption journey, we wanted to feel connected to Ethiopia during our wait.  So, we got our hands on a Yezelalem Minch documentary. We heard that our adoption agency helps this orphan/widow care ministry in Ethiopia.   My husband and I watched it. I cried! We were amazed, in awe, saddened, and yet hopeful. In the movie, the visionary Birtukan and founder Nesibu were such an inspiration. They are truly the Hands and Feet of Christ in Ethiopia. The very next day, I sponsored a boy from Yezelalem Minch (YZM).  I knew in my heart that I would help them spread their ministry someday. But, at the moment, our adoption journey was 1st priority.  Within 6 months after we brought our 2 children home, I was offered a FREE pass for a week long Christian music festival (a festival that has been in my town for years, yet NEVER attended).  At this festival the Lord spoke to my heart saying, “it is time to help Yezelalem Minch and be their voice”.  I had NO idea what I was doing but I felt I could start by sharing their story on facebook.  To move people’s hearts, you have to show them a need and how they can make a difference.  I thought sharing the Yezelalem Minch documentary was the answer.  After contacting the director, I had copies made and started sending them out free.  The response was amazing!  I was overwhelmed by how so many people stepped up to help these Yezelalem Minch children in Ethiopia.  Now, there are so many YZM advocates throughout the US that children are being sponsored on a more regular basis.   Praise God for this miracle.  Nesibu, Birtukan and YZM staff do all the hard work by making sure their 1300 children are cared for, loved and valued as our very own children are. Continue Reading

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“I Can’t Believe I Won The Mission Trip” (Alexandra’s Story)

Posted on 27 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

Alexandra won the Mission Trip Giveaway!!

Back in January, my friend’s mother (whose church sponsors the Ludlati carepoint in Swaziland with Children’s HopeChest) posted about a trip to Swaziland that was going on this summer. I did some research on Swaziland and saw the high number of orphans and the AIDS infection rate. The life expectancy in Swaziland is only around thirty years. All of this astounded me and I felt this huge push to go on this trip.

There was also a spiritual side to my desire to go on this trip and it’s explained in my post called Jesus on Purpose (http://givingbackthebighalf.blogspot.com/2012/03/jesus-on-purpose.html). It’s a bit of a long post but explains a lot of important things about my heart and God.

When I learned how much it would cost for me to be able to get to Swaziland, I was slightly terrified. However, the team leader assured me that he had seen God provide for everyone who was truly interested in these service trips. He had faith that the funding would come through and so I decided to commit to finding a way to go.

I told my friends and family and got immediate support. They encouraged me to start a blog so I could journal my experiences before and after the trip. Within a few days of learning about my trip, I had people doing bakesales for me and selling jewelry. People were sacrificing their time, energy, and resources to make my desire to serve in Swaziland a reality. Continue Reading

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What To Do With A Lost Heart?

Posted on 06 January 2012 by Kari Gibson

One of my dear friends, Caleb David has a tattoo on his arm that reads- Break my heart for what breaks Yours. Every single day he is reminded that God is weeping over his lost children. When hubby and I lost our baby boy 16 years ago, my heart broke with unimaginable pain. Holding our son when he took his last breath radically changed my heart forever. I knew, as a mom, I would never be able to hold him again in my arms, love him, cuddle him, play with him, nurture him, or comfort him…. he was lost. Words cannot describe the anguish and despair of my heart. The only thing that brought me comfort was knowing he was with his Heavenly Father. But, with all my heart … I wish he was still with me, his mommy.

God planted in my heart a deep compassion for lost children. It was the “pearl” He gave me from the loss of our son. There are days when my heart feels so broken … I want to just go. I’m learning daily what it means to be a mission-hearted person who has committed to live dead. I have to let go and allow God’s timing to direct my steps. I especially want to learn at a deeper level- how to PRAY for unreached and lost people groups. Here are a few things that I learned today- Day 2 of the Live Dead Challenge ….

Lost: Parable of the Father’s Heart

I read Luke 15 – click here.

“In this story, we see the broken heart of God revealed. This father was actively watching, waiting, and yearning to be reunited with his lost child. This is exactly the way God feels about every one of His children who are lost and separated from Him.”

“When the devil has kidnapped a child of God, it is God who hurts the deepest, who suffers most.”

“Today as you pray, rather than pouring out your heart to God, ask Him to pour HIS heart to you. Our King is a wonderful  and loving Father who suffers deeply at the loss of His children. If we love Him, we will listen. Eventually, we will feel His broken Heart. If we love Him we will, like the mighty men of old (2 Sam. 23) make His longing our MISSION no matter what the risk. What is the cry of God’s heart? His is weeping over His lost children, watching waiting, and earning for them to come home.”

How to pray for unreached People Groups: This is explained in length in the journal.

1- Pray that the Word of God would rise.

2- Pray that the Lord of the Harvest wold send forth laborers into the harvest field. MISSIONS!!!

3- Pray that the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, will be poured out on all flesh.

4- Pray that the cross will be unveiled.

5- Pray that the Holy Spirit would unite the Body of Christ.

6- Pray for men and women of peace.

I’m praying today, that God will pour unity, blessing, and joy in the Holy Spirit to the precious people I serve and love in Korah. I’m praying that there would be loving, trusting communion between them. Praying specifically against any jealousies and the lies of the devil. Lord, I pray for the missionaries working among the village of Korah. May Your blessed unity prevail day after day in protection.

This photo is so special to me … I took it at Return Ministries in Kampala, Uganda.

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What A Radical Phrase …. to Live Dead.

Posted on 05 January 2012 by Kari Gibson

What do you think it means to “Live Dead?  “This is such a radical phrase with 2 very powerful words- Live & Dead combined together. I was instantly intrigued to learn more about this ministry. The best part, some of the authors and artists of the book live in my neck of the woods. In fact, we even took Sammy Liben to get his tattoo from Transformations. As I’m learning about what it means to live dead … honestly, the book is so challenging, I’m doing it afraid. My prayer for the next 30 days is to open my eyes to a more intimate (extravagant) relationship with God and sharing my journey with you. If at any point you want to join me- you can purchase your book here Live Dead-Take the Challenge.

At the end of each day, they challenge us to record our thoughts, reflections, and prayers. Today a few things came to mind-”The whole church must take the whole gospel to the whole world” The gospel is what God has done, is doing, and will do in Christ A Christ-centered gospel demands therefore a Christ-centered missionary. If we are to be faithful in proclaiming Christ, we must know Him intimately.”

“There is no hero of the faith who did not linger daily with Jesus.”

“There is no ‘Go’ without ‘Lo’ First we are called to Jesus; He is with us always, and we with Him. Then we GO … to the uttermost parts and pressures of the earth.”

I’m praying specifically today for multinational teams to be formed to go and LOVE the unreached people groups. I want to be a mission-hearted person who has committed to live dead.

John 12:24 LIVE DEAD “Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over. In the same way, anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life. But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you’ll have it forever, real and eternal.

Please pray today for the Rashaida Group: They are a desert people group in East Africa (fierce warriors of more than 100,000 people.) We do not know ONE who believes in Jesus as his Savior.

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My 2012 Craziness (What’s Coming Up?)

Posted on 04 January 2012 by Kari Gibson

I survived our 14 day Christmas road trip with my 18, 15, and 3 year old kids (that’s another post) and took advantage of the 20 hour drive home to write down a few things that are coming up in my life. My hubby and I got so excited about the new year, we both agreed that it most definitely will be a crazy adventure. It’s really only been the past 3 years that I’ve had the courage to pray for God-Adventures. Do you pray for adventure? He has shown my little family His faithfulness in 2011 and continues to grow us through pain, mistakes, and miracles.

We are still waiting for our home to sell. It’s been over 5 years since we put it on the market without a single nibble. We continue to have faith that it will sell, but reminded everyday how grateful we are to live in a beautiful home, when so many people I love throughout the world struggle just to live.

We have started the process to bring Mercy here for medical treatment. I want to ask you to commit to praying for Mercy and her mother, Mulu, who is a widow, that God will expedite the paperwork needed to process her passport and medical visa quickly. I will keep you updated here on my blog  and together let’s help Mercy have a second chance on living a healthy life. We will start our new project, OPERATION: MERCY this month. Our goal is to raise $5,000 for all Mercy’s needs in Addis Ababa and in the US.

I have 2 upcoming mission trips scheduled for 2012. It was YOU that filled up the “Simply Love” trips to Haiti (Jan) and Ethiopia/Uganda (June) in record time. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you, the mission-hearted who has committed to live dead. I’ve started the 30 day Live Dead Challenge and hope you will buy the journal and join me learning how to live dead and love the lost, unreached and unengaged people groups around the world.

I want to personally thank (you) readers of this blog, who stuck with me during our adoption to Zoie and all the new readers who have jumped in with both feet to radically live James 1:27. For those of you who are adopting, fostering, caring for orphans, going on a mission trip … we are all in this together. My crazy bloggers, we made our point clear- we are not focused on individual successes, but diligent on working together making a difference in the life of a child desperate for love. Your generosity and kindness have made it possible to crown over 7,000 princesses in Ethiopia and Uganda, as well as mission-minded projects throughout 2011! I can’t wait to see what adventures God has planned for us in 2012!

Adoption Fundraising Families: check out here- Simply Love Kit for all your fundraising needs. What makes fundraising with Simply Love products so unique and different: you pick your designs and products to fit all your fundraising needs. I truly want to eliminate your stress and offer you exceptional services to help you raise funds to adopt.

Mission-Hearted Fundraising: you can use Simply Love Kit for all your mission trip/orphan care fundraising needs, too!!

Guest Bloggers: I want to continue to share your adoption stories. Email me if you are adopting or fostering and want to encourage, challenge, inspire, support or make us laugh at any stage of the adoption process. I also want to encourage you, the reader, to leave a comment when you read their stories. It means so much for the families to read your words of support.

Mommyhood: I have major changes coming soon- my son will graduate in May, my daughter turns sweet 16, and my 4 year old keeps me striving to stay young & healthy. I want to have a family that is free to be different, free to make mistakes, free to be vulnerable, and free to be candid. I’m reading the best parenting book, Grace Based Parenting and want to share at a deeper level what I’m learning as a mom, with my own family. I want to learn from you, too. I’ll keep up posting yummy recipes and family craft ideas. Come follow me on Facebook and Twitter.

Is there anything NEW you want me to write about or share here on the blog this year? Let me know in the comments.

If you have enjoyed or learned from this post, please share it:

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Crazy Links I Love

Posted on 10 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

This is your personal shout out for your adoption or missions projects!  My Crazy Adoption Blog is dedicated to bringing the craziness straight to you- sending readers to check out your links every Saturday.

If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers click on the “Inlinkz” at the end of this post and include your link with an eye catching title for your project.

You can also leave a comment including all your project information and permalink (example http://tinyurl.com/3t4fxbo: ) to take readers directly to your site.

Please feel free to email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love post content. Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers. I want to help you get the word out there!



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Crazy Links I Love [New Inlinkz]

Posted on 27 August 2011 by Kari Gibson

You Inspire Me!

If you are raising funds for adoption or orphan care … I want to help!  Click on the Inlinkz at the bottom of the post and add your information.  If you need Inlinkz 101- take a peek at the description below.  Also, feel free to leave a comment and share your story and project.  This is YOUR shout out!!

PS: If you are selling Simply Love gear … please leave your blogs and links in the comments with a description of your project.

What is your main fear about raising money for adoption or a mission trip? I want to know …

What in the world is the “Inlinkz” at the bottom of this post?  Well, I want to continue to shout out for your adoption and mission trip projects and fundraisers.  This new tool will help YOU spread the word to other bloggers that want to help make a difference in the life of an orphan.  All you need to do is leave your “permalink” with an eye catching title for your projects every Saturday- open to share for 48 hrs. What this means … you have two days to add your link with the Inlinkz tool, but readers can click on your images [here] to view for months to come.

My Crazy Adoption Blog receives over 10,000 monthly readers.  The new InLinkz tool will help bring readers to your site, but it won’t work unless you share!

What is the InLinkz link tool?
  • It is a widget that is inserted in your blog and allows you to receive link submissions from your readers
  • The links can even include a picture and a small description
  • You are in total control of when the widget is available, how it is displayed and who is notified in the event of a submission
  • You can run it as a common link up, as a giveaway, as a contest where users get to vote or even as a product display or an image menu
  • It helps you edit your links, contact the participants, check your page views, check which links get the most clicks
  • It can be displayed on your blog or site and works on wordpress.com sites and RSS feeds
  • It is more powerful and flexible than any “linky tool” you may have used
  • …and you can read more about it here

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