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What is Simply Love?
To bless women & orphans heart, soul, mind, & strength by partnering with bloggers, adoptive families, and organizations to be a part of the solution of living James 1:27 by trusting steadily in God, hoping unswervingly, & loving extravagantly.

Simply Love Fundraising Kit – We have created a special package for individuals needing help raising funds for their adoption, mission trips, and orphan care projects. It is proven to help raise hundreds and even thousands of dollars. There are currently 25 countries celebrated with 20 unique Simply Love & Man Up designs exclusively available for fundraising. You can learn more about it or purchase kit here. Simply Love is featured in two documentary films and showing up all over the world! Films: Spreading Hope and Man Up and Go The Movie.

TOP AGENCY PICKS -  click here and read the comments and personal testimonies of reliable adoption agencies you can trust.

TOP GRANT PICKS“Adoption can cost between $10,000 and $45,000, and as a result many orphans are not welcomed into a forever family. There are roughly 180 million orphans around the world and if God can adopt us into His family and call us His own, it is our hope that you consider following His example by adopting.” Together, lets help prospective families know…”how to finance their adoption.”

Adoption Links-

I support the adoption efforts of Lifesong for OrphansClick here for helpful adoption links to help you through your process. I have added their resource page, but please visit their website here.

If you’re looking to adopt, then make sure and check out It connects adoption agencies together for quicker matches.

Families in need of  resource can go to Shepherd’s Crook Ministries  sets up an account for families so that tax-deductible donations can be made to help with the cost of international adoption. Please visit their website below:

  • Free E-Adoption book- I’m currently writing a 101 Adoption Support E-book to offer you step by step advice to start your adoption adventure. Download coming soon!
  • Am I Ready To Adopt Self-Assessment Adoption Quiz- The goal of this quiz is to help you (and your spouse) identify, clarify and discuss your feelings and goals about adoption. If you have a spouse or partner, complete the assessment separately, then compare and discuss your answers.

Preparation:  it is not just about money

As you begin the journey to adoption or foster care, consider preparing your hearts as you wait:


Ask your agency for resources available to prepare your family.

Group studies

Consider reading and/or leading a Created to Connect study along with reading The Connected Child book.



  • The Connected Child – Karyn Purvis
  • – Russell Moore
  • – David & Renee Sanford
  • – Patty Cogen
  • – Tony Merida & Rick Morton
  • – Keck & Kupecky
  • – Mary Hopkins-Best
  • – Heather T. Forbes
  • — Deborah Gray

DVD’s and videos

Conferences and training opportunities


Consider starting groups – for couples / mom’s / dad’s – for prayer, fellowship, fund raising

Tax Credit Info

Research information on the Federal Adoption Tax Credit & State Tax Credits. Click here for a free, downloadable tax credit resource from Adoption Learning Partners  that will help adoptive families determine their eligibility for the adoption tax credit. (Click Here to Register)

To learn about other courses available through Adoption Learning Partners, visit their website at


Try to find older adoptive parents/older parents to mentor and encourage your family.

Orphan Sunday

Consider taking part in the National Orphan Sunday movement!

As you progress through your journey and bring your children home, consider post-adoption resource groups and how you can help with training , equipping, and supporting other adoptive families.

The Financial Barrier

  • Be intentional about Fund Raising – Both Hands projects, Events, Sales, Community – schools and libraries can all be beneficial to raising funds for your adoption.
  • Hesitant to fundraise? Listen in to an adoptive couple’s fundraising journey. Learn More >>
  • Apply for adoption grants, loans, and scholarships. (See Resource Report)

Both HandsWe Care for Orphans

Helpful web links

CAFOEmpowered to Connect


Please also consider the following:

  • Children need time to heal and adjust after adoption – change is necessary on many levels
  • Parents must be the primary agents of that change and therefore must be trained adequately both before and after the adoption is completed
  • Leading / serving in an adoption ministry will be demanding on many levels. We strongly recommend that couples work together in the ministry for the well-being of the couple, family and ministry.

Additional Resources

  • — Ministry of Focus on the Family offering Free Post Adoption Phone Line, FREE service for adoptive families! The phone number is 800-A-FAMILY (232-6459) and is staffed Mon – Fri from 8am – 10pm EST by counselors who have been trained by Dr. Karyn Purvis.
  • Journey To Me — Free online journal where pictures and messages can be captured on CD to treasure as a keepsake.
  • —  Non-profit organization providing you with the latest in Adoption Grant Resources, Adoption Education and more.

The resource information has been used with permission for My Crazy Adoption readers with Lifesong for Orphans ministry.

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