#3 Mini Giveaway – 1 Tee + 1 Free Missions Entry

Posted on 25 October 2010 by Kari Gibson

#3 Mini Giveaway is officially over!!

The Mini Giveaway WINNER is …. True Random Number Generator Min: 1 Max: 95 Result: #16 #16 chrissynoelle : October 25, 2010 at 9:23 AM…

Congrats Chrissy!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Email me and let me know your tee pick and size!!!

I dared to dream the Missions Trip Giveaway … I dared you to dream and join me in Ethiopia.  Together, we made dreams come true!!  I’m giving YOU the chance to go to Ethiopia and love orphans.

This is the last ONE DAY ONLY mini giveaway!!  I’m giving away 1 new tee shirt (you pick) and 1 Free Missions Trip entry.  This is huge… someone could win a trip to Ethiopia just participating in the mini giveaway fun today!!!  Please leave only 1 comment.

Here’s what you need to do to enter: (you pick 2)

No purchase necessary!!

1.  Add my Crazy Adoption Blog on your permanent blog roll.  https://mycrazyadoption.org/

2.  Shout out on FB, Twitter, or an email blast and share the Missions Trip Project to your friends.

3.  Write a blog post about the Missions Trip Projet and inspire your readers to enter the contest.  You can use any posts or pics from my blog.

4.  Share with me why you want to go on the missions trip to Ethiopia.

5.  Add my My Crazy Adoption button on your blog or website.

Now, share with me in the comments how you entered to play the Mini Giveaway today.  I will randomly pick a winner from the comments on this post and announce here tonight at 9PM (CT)  Get ready, get set, goooooo!!  Please leave only 1 comment.

Q- Can I play the mini?

Yes, anyone can play the mini today.  Pick 2 of the choices and enter a comment on this post.

Q- What do I win?

You win 1 new tee shirt and 1 FREE entry to win the grand prize mission trip!  If you are not interested in joining me to Ethiopia and only want the tee shirt- just let me know.  You can give away your entry to someone you love.

Thanks for all your cheers, support and prayers for the missions project!!  You can continue purchasing ANY Simply Love tee shirts at My Crazy Store.

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