Tag Archive | "guest blogger"

Do You Want To Be A Crazy Guest?


Do You Want To Be A Crazy Guest?

Posted on 10 January 2012 by Kari Gibson

I’m traveling to Haiti with 16 mission-hearted people to simply LOVE big for 7 days this month with Visiting Orphans. Do you want to be a guest here on my blog? I’d really like to collect your crazy stories about mommyhood, adoption, and missions. I want to continue to use your stories to inspire readers to make a difference. There IS a place for short term missions with a purpose to go and share Him to all who are lost. I want to hear about your God-Adventure. Moms and Dads, you are making a difference every day in the life of your children. I want to hear the heartbeat of your daily craziness. If you have adopted or are in the process of adopting domestically or internationally, I want to know your adoption story at a deeper level – how did you open your heart to allow God to expand your family in a radical way. I’d also love your family crafts or favorite recipes to share.

It’s easy to be a guest blogger:

  1. Email me your story ready to post- you are the writer & editor.
  2. Share 1-3 photos of your family or subject clip art.
  3. Include your blog link to share with readers (if you want)

Please send me your guest posts before Jan. 20th. Thank you so much!!!

Happy 4th Birthday Zoie!!!! We thank God every day for you!!


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I Need Guest Bloggers – Christmas Break


I Need Guest Bloggers – Christmas Break

Posted on 06 December 2010 by Kari Gibson

If you would like to submit a guest blog post for My Crazy Blog to encourage moms and dads, support adoption, advocate for orphans- please leave a comment or email me and let me know your topic.  I want interesting stories and content to entice my crazy readers to come on over every day and read during Christmas break.  I will share a new guest post during a 13 day period.  Here are some of my regular weekly posts that you can pick from:

  • Mommy DIY (crafts, activities for kids)
  • Wednesday WOW Recipes
  • Adoption stories
  • mommyhood articles
  • Missions
  • Orphan Care
  • Giveaways with a purpose
  • Crazy Links I Love (share your projects)
  • Inner Beauty Series- support & encourage
  • ??? be creative

I will need all guest blog posts ready to copy & paste (I won’t do the editing) and 1 horizontal photo or clip art for the thumbnail above each post.  It’s all up to you- due date to receive by December 14th!!  Send your ready-to-go posts

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