Look What (YOU) Are Doing In Haiti & Moldova

Posted on 15 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

When you purchase a “limited edition” Simply Love & Man Up tee shirts look who YOU are helping in Pignon, Haiti at Haiti Home of Hope orphanage. These are all clinic children who are literally staying alive due to the formula program- Mother’s Milk Day every Wednesday. Families walk over 15 miles to Haiti Home of Hope and receive food and formula for their children. Only 3 more days left to buy HERE. Help me keep my promise to protect and love the 37 orphans living at the orphanage and 80 children we support on Clinic Day!! This project is soooooo personal to my heart!

When you purchase your Simply Love & Man Up tee today- you are helping these 2 precious girls have food & care at the Haiti Home of Hope clinic. I met them in January and made a PROMISE to protect & love. You ARE making a difference + shopping with a purpose!! STORE- https://secure3.convio.net/chc/site/Ecommerce?store_id=1541

Look who YOU are helping build their new home in Pignon, Haiti with Haiti Home of Hope orphanage. This family (I hugged in January) lives next to a witch doctor. They both accepted Jesus in their hearts and now desire to move away from their WD neighbors to a new home. This is one of the projects YOU are funding with your purchase of a Simply Love & Man Up tee shirts HERE.

(Witch Doctor’s son- please pray for him today)

(Baby Rudy!! Haiti Home of Hope Clinic)

(The news broke my heart, but these precious twins died several weeks after our mission trip)

100% of the donations of the purchase of Simply Love and Man Up shirts will directly fund the projects at Haiti Home of Hope and Beginning of Life safehouse in Moldova and a FREE mission trip to visit and love the fatherless. Buy your tee shirt today HERE. If you can’t go on the 2012MISSION TRIP, you can purchase a tee in honor of a family member or friends. If you WIN, you can give your trip away!!! What an AMAZING gift to give away (can you imagine!!)

{Update: we have sold 400 tees and praying for 400 more mission-hearted people to join the project- keep praying big!!)





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