Archive | September, 2011

Hope For Korah – Go Big. Love Big.

Hope For Korah – Go Big. Love Big.

Posted on 29 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

I’m so excited to feature “Hope For Korah” on my blog this week! As you know, our daughter, Zoie Senait was born in Korah and we are thrilled to dedicate our time and resources helping her community thrive and grow in the Lord.  We sponsor, Mercy with Project 61 and can’t believe the outpouring from the blog community spreading the word about sponsorship. This special project, “Hope for Korah” will not only help provide for basic needs of the sponsored children who are now permanently living off the trash dump and going to school … but allow you to bring a piece of Korah straight into your own homes.  Read more …

About Jenn and Wynne:
This summer, Jenn Verme and Wynne Elder, visited Ethiopia with Visiting Orphans. Although we traveled with different teams, the impact the people of Ethiopia made on our hearts is the same. Ethiopia will be the birthplace of our children. Wynne and her husband, Stephen, are in the process of adopting an infant boy from Ethiopia and Jenn and her husband, Chris, are in the process of adopting an infant girl. We met through the wonderful world of adoption blogs. Through our love for photography and adoption, we quickly became friends. Together, and with your help, we desire to impact the lives of the beautiful children from Project 61.

About the “Hope for Korah” Print Sale:
After walking the muddy streets of Korah, holding the joyful faces of children in our hands, and seeing their needs – we knew we had to do something. To find a way to use the gifts God gave us to help our friends in Korah. We had to find a way to get our friends from home involved, to make people aware of their situation.  Because we love God and because He has made me aware and now we are responsible.
What birthed from those thoughts and prayers was this!  A “Hope for Korah” print sale!  Wynne and Jenn have teamed up to offer you a variety of images from our time in Korah, Ethiopia this summer.  The images you see will not only be a great reminder in your home or office to PRAY for these children and this place, but they will allow Project 61 to purchase much needed school supplies for the 250 children that are sponsored to go to boarding school!
Your purchase of a 11×14 print ($55 + shipping/handling) will help provide one child with 2 uniforms & all the books they need for the school year!  Your purchase of a 16×20 print ($110 + shipping/handling) will help provide two children with 2 uniforms & all the books they need for the school year!
It’s our prayer that these images will tell the stories of our friends in Korah & remind you of the hope that we all have in Christ.  We are so thankful for your support!  Please email if you have any questions!

For more information about Project 61, go to:
Wynne’s Adoption blog, go to:
Jenn’s Adoption blog, go to:

You can purchase the prints here-Hope For Korah

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What Is Your Kid Reading?


What Is Your Kid Reading?

Posted on 28 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

I was with Zoie on “Moms and Muffins” day at preschool and she brought me a book to read to her. I started reading A Mother For Choco and a few of the other kids jumped up on my lap, too. As I read to Zoie and her friends, I realized I was in big trouble. I can’t read this book without weeping, but I kept on going. I made it to the last page, but they all caught me red handed.

“Why are you crying?” they asked.

“Well, this book is so special.” I blubbered to the kids. I squeezed Zoie extra hard and reminded her how much I loved her. The teacher handed me a tissue and I made it without making too much of a scene.

What is your kid reading?

Look what I found- the cutest set of adoption books!!



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Zoie Is A Babaholic

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Zoie Is A Babaholic

Posted on 27 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

You ask … what is a babaholic? Well, it’s a child who is addicted to her bottle after the weaning years are long gone. Don’t judge me, but yes, we still give Zoie a bottle of milk for a good-night nip and snuggling in the morning. It’s hard to explain, but when Zoie was in the orphanage, her bottle was a sense of comfort and our bonding time with her as new parents. I have started telling her lately she has to give up the bottle when she turns 4. Her response was so sweet “Ok, Mama!”

We are in no rush to see our baby grow up, but she keeps moving forward at rapid speed. We are thankful to have three amazing kids and can testify that the teens are NOT babaholics!

Do you have anything in mommyhood that’s been hard to let go of?

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Vlog- How Can I Fundraise For A Mission Trip?

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Vlog- How Can I Fundraise For A Mission Trip?

Posted on 26 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

Thanks for your vloggy cheers! The past month, I’ve receive some great emails from you asking for tips on fundraising. In my vlog today, I will share some important steps to help you fundraise for your mission trips.  I also want you to hear about my new partnership with Visiting Orphans. I hope ya’ll feel the stress melt away and gain understanding on why visiting precious orphans can change the life of a child. (Men, this is for you, too!) If you normally read, I encourage you to watch the vlog today and let me know your ideas, too. I even got choked up sharing about visiting Sixty Feet in Uganda.  I’m really loving this crazy vlogging!

If you want to fundraise with Simply Love tees [featured in two documentary films) email me for information or click on the Kit button.

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Crazy Links I Love


Crazy Links I Love

Posted on 24 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

This is your personal shout out for your adoption or missions projects!  My Crazy Adoption Blog is dedicated to bringing the craziness straight to you- sending readers to check out your links every Saturday.

If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers click on the “Inlinkz” at the end of this post and include your link with an eye catching title for your project. If you want to HELP others who are fundraising for a purpose … please check out their sites in the Linkz.

How do I add my link?

  1.  Add your URL permalink.
  2.  Add the NAME of your project- come up with something eye-catching!

You can also leave a comment including all your project testimony and permalink (example: ) to take readers directly to your site.

Please feel free to email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love post content. Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers. I want to help you get the word out there!


1.  About the “Hope for Korah” Print Sale:
After walking the muddy streets of Korah, holding the joyful faces of children in our hands, and seeing their needs – we knew we had to do something. To find a way to use the gifts God gave us to help our friends in Korah. We had to find a way to get our friends from home involved, to make people aware of their situation.  Because we love God and because He has made me aware and now we are responsible.
What birthed from those thoughts and prayers was this!  A “Hope for Korah” print sale!  Wynne and Jenn have teamed up to offer you a variety of images from our time in Korah, Ethiopia this summer.  The images you see will not only be a great reminder in your home or office to PRAY for these children and this place, but they will allow 
Project 61 to purchase much needed school supplies for the 250 children that are sponsored to go to boarding school!
Your purchase of a 11×14 print ($55 + shipping/handling) will help provide 
one child with 2 uniforms & all the books they need for the school year!  Your purchase of a 16×20 print ($110 + shipping/handling) will help provide two children with 2 uniforms & all the books they need for the school year!
It’s our prayer that these images will tell the stories of our friends in Korah & remind you of the hope that we all have in Christ.  We are so thankful for your support!  Please email 
 if you have any questions!

For more information about Project 61, go to:
Wynne’s Adoption blog, go to:
Jenn’s Adoption blog, go to:

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Be A Super-Hero Family {Giveaway}

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Be A Super-Hero Family {Giveaway}

Posted on 23 September 2011 by Kari Gibson


**Congrats Andrea** Email me your sizes!!!

Are you ready to be a real-life super hero and take the oath to protect, love, and defend the fatherless? Well, every super hero needs a tee shirt to stand tall and boldly testify his commitment to live James 1:27.  I’m giving away 4 tees (2 adult + 2 youth) to a family (singles, too) that faithfully dedicates to simply love orphans together – minus the cape. You can go Up, Up, and Away with NEW super-hero Simply Love tees.

You Pick One to Enter:

(Let me know what you pick)

  1. Leave a comment and share who your (or kids) favorite super-hero is.
  2. Add My Crazy Adoption button to your blog or blogroll for daily feeds.
  3. Share the Super-Hero challenge on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter.
  4. Le me know how you would use your super-hero gifts to make a difference?

This is a 3 day GIVEAWAY!  I’ll announce the winner [here] on Monday with an **UPDATED POST**

Check out My Crazy Adoption Store.

You can purchase tees, hoodies, prints, beads, coffee mugs, and more!

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“Be A Super-Hero” Protect, Love, and Defend {Kick Off}


“Be A Super-Hero” Protect, Love, and Defend {Kick Off}

Posted on 22 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

Be A Super Hero!!

Today kicks off “Be A Super-Hero” project on My Crazy Adoption! A few months ago, I was with my best friend, Julie and her adopted son, Cruz who loves loves loves Superman. Cruz was decked out in full costume and zipping around the house, much to his mommy’s delight. He gently tossed his Superman figurine and it smashed with super power against a beautiful glass artwork hanging over the fireplace. The frame KA-POW exploded in a million little pieces, narrowly missing princess Zoie who was mesmerized by the feat. Thankfully, our little super-hero was not hurt, but it planted an idea in my head. Every child needs a super-hero to love. The idea grew into a plan to challenge fathers, mothers, brother, and sisters to be a real-life super hero dedicated to protect, love, and defend the fatherless!

When I was a little girl, my favorite super hero was Wonder Woman. She was a princess with special powers to take care of people and to keep the world safe. She used her golden lasso to make people tell the truth, with magic bracelets to protect her. I can’t imagine the things I could accomplish with her cape and bracelets for children all around the world.

It is NEVER about us … it’s about the children we serve who are desperate for a family. I hope you grasp the crazy idea behind my project …. in NO WAY am I saying we are heroes for loving orphans. They need you, just like Metropolis needs Superman, Gotham needs Batman, to make a real-life, long term commitment to use your special gifts from the Lord to protect, love, and defend!!

“As children, we look up to heroes. We look to our heroes to be our role models. Heroes “save the day”. They give us a sense of security and wonder. That’s part of the appeal of superheroes. It’s a big world and kids are just little things.” Lawrence Rubin, Ph.D.

I found this great list of 10 Things We Can Learn From Super Heroes. I want you to apply this list specifically to James 1:27. We are all called to protect, love, and defend the fatherless.

#1 We can embrace faith- Superman

#2 We can accept responsibility- Spiderman

#3 We can make a difference- Batman

#4 We can sacrifice for the greater good- The Hulk

#5 We can champion justice- Iron Man

#6 We can overcome prejudice- X Men

#6 We can become more powerful- The Incredibles

#7 We can change human character with compassion- Wonder Woman

#8 We can help others- Aquaman

#9 We are more powerful in Teams- Batman & Robin

#10 We can accomplish huge feats- Hawkman

Taking your super gifts on the mission field:

When I started researching for this post, I found a lot of comparisons to real-life and super heroes. We have the opportunity to go on mission trips and make a real difference in the lives of orphans. I read a post recently about the impact of hurting not helping on a mission trip. I am standing strong (like Wonder Woman) with passion that there IS a place for short term missions.  I’m speaking up and challenging you to gain greater understanding before you make any judgements. If your goal is to GO and simply LOVE one another, you get massive opportunities to do that on a mission trip.  Don’t let fear or doubt keep you from going on a mission trip and serving. I encourage you to pray about it and allow the Lord to guide your steps. [I'll talk more about THIS next week!]

Being a super-hero on a “Simply Love” [Visiting Orphans] Mission Trip – is to awaken the body of Christ to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the 163 million orphans by visiting them, loving them, and sharing the Father’s heart.

  • Superheroes Never Give Up- protect the fatherless at all costs!
  • Superheroes Always Get the Job Done- give 100% of your love, energy, time, resources!
  • Superheroes Are the Best at What They Do- bring your gifts, passions, and talents!
  • Superheroes Are Crystal Clear of their Mission- Go big. Love big.
  • Superheroes Are NOT Flawless- God uses the ordinary for His extraordinary purpose.
  • Superheroes Do Not Seek Glory- We believe that God has blessed His people so that they may be a blessing to all.
  • Superheroes’ True Strength Comes From Their Character- we believe God desires and gives us the ability to live pure and holy lives and defines this as visiting widows and orphans in their trouble and refraining from worldly desire.

Taking the Super Hero Oath:

Will you take the “Be a Super-Hero” oath to protect, love, and defend the fatherless? You can purchase the new Simply Love tees and make a bold statement to others as you live James 1:27.  The two projects I’m raising funds for with the sales of super-hero tees, is formula for Pignon, Haiti and the Pirates Digs A Well event on October 29th to complete the well in the village of Chuko Wayama, Ethiopia.

What is something you are doing to make a difference in the life of an orphan … I want to hear? (really I do)

1 tee = 3 cans of formula

1 tee = contribution to the Pirates Digs A Well event Oct. 29th

BUY HERE – SIMPLY LOVE SHOP (youth sizes too)



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Wednesday WOW Recipes – Juicy Chicken Fried Chicken [easy]

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Wednesday WOW Recipes – Juicy Chicken Fried Chicken [easy]

Posted on 21 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

I made this yummy chicken dish for my family on Saturday, but they gobbled it down so fast, I didn’t have a chance to take any photos. Seriously, this recipe is really easy and delicious. I made homemade mashed potatoes (second time this week) and steamed veggies with baked rolls. My hubby gave me “the look” and ran to get seconds, knocking down my son who was dashing around the kitchen counter. I hope your family enjoys this tasty chicken dish as much as my crazy bunch!


  • 30 saltine crackers
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons dry potato flakes
  • 1 teaspoon seasoned salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 6 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves


  1. Place crackers in a large resealable plastic bag; seal bag and crush crackers until they are coarse crumbs. Add flour, potato flakes, seasoned salt, and pepper to bag and mix well.
  2. Beat egg in a shallow dish or bowl; heat oil in a large skillet over medium high heat.
  3. One by one, dredge chicken pieces in egg beat, then place in bag with crumb mixture, seal bag and shake to coat.
  4. Reduce heat to medium and cook coated chicken in skillet for 15 to 20 minutes, turning frequently, until golden brown and juices run clear.

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Vlog – Shopping With A Crazy Purpose

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Vlog – Shopping With A Crazy Purpose

Posted on 20 September 2011 by Kari Gibson


I have my Simply Love Shop open 24/7 raising funds for my two new mission projects (more to come on that).  I’m thrilled to have received many emails from you this week asking me questions like:

  • How long will you keep the store open?
  • When will I receive my products?
  • What does “Pre-sell” mean?
  • How can I help you spread the word?

First of all, thank you for taking the time to email me and really support my current projects.  We are raising funds to provide formula for mothers and babies living in Pignon, Haiti, as well as supporting the Pirates Dig A Well show and silent auction (Oct. 29th) for the village of Chuko, Ethiopia. I hope I have tackled all your questions and more in my Vlog this week.

If you have any questions about fundraising with Simply Love Kit, please email me. Do you like the new products?

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A B-Day Hunt Wish Come True

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A B-Day Hunt Wish Come True

Posted on 19 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

It was so much fun surprising Hannah with a scavenger hunt for her 15th birthday with a BIG present at the end … tickets to see Taylor Swift concert LIVE next weekend with her friend, Lanie. Two moms and two crazy teens road tripping it to Kansas City to rock it out with thousands of crazed Taylor fans! It will be a weekend to recover remember! I actually know most of her songs, so I plan on singing and dancing along with the girls (I hope this won’t cause permanent embarrassment)

It’s so much fun to honor our children on their birthdays and make special memories! Hannah has been such a joy in our lives! Her dedication to God and her friends has been precious to watch grow this past year!

What special birthday memories have you planned for your kiddos- I want to hear.


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Vlog – What Exactly Is Crazy Links I Love?

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Vlog – What Exactly Is Crazy Links I Love?

Posted on 17 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

Every Saturday, I have a regular post called “Crazy Links I Love” to help you shout out your adoption or missions fundraiser projects to my readers.  My Crazy Adoption wants to continue to support, encourage, and advocate for the fatherless in one spot every week.  Don’t be shy, take advantage of the new Inlinkz tool (I purchased it just for YOU!) to help you bring others to your blogsites and projects.

I made a special Vlog for you this week, to talk through the craziness how to use Crazy Links I Love to help you run a successful fundraiser.  You can add your links up to 48 hrs before it closes, but they are there permanently for others to view.

Go ahead and give it a try! If you have a project to share … click on Inlinkz or leave a comment.

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Life As You See It


Life As You See It

Posted on 16 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

Angela, it was so great to meet you in bloggy land.  Thank you for emailing me and sharing your story with my readers.  I LOVE your adoption story and can’t wait to keep in touch to see God’s miracles for your family. I hope you have crazy success with your fundraiser! Blessings to you sister!

PS: Please leave Angela some cheers in the comments!  She cherishes your prayers!


I (Angela) always knew I wanted to adopt someday, I’m not really even sure where that desire came from, it was just always there. I married Christopher (my high school sweetheart) and we had two beautiful little girls. We figured we were done having kids and ready to move on in life so to speak. But God kept tugging at my heart, and kept bringing adoption back into to my mind. When I first told my husband, he wasn’t on board, which I find to be more typical than not amongst husbands. He had a checklist of things that had to be “accomplished” before we could even consider it. So while I prayed for God to change his heart, my faithful Father took care of that checklist, and QUICKLY! Once they were all checked off, I went to my husband and said “okay, now?” He agreed, but I still don’t think he was 100% in it, until one evening he saw an Eric Ludy video on Youtube, called Depraved Indifference. Literally from that moment on, he was on fire to start the process!

As we began researching agencies, and different programs, I kept hearing little bits of information about the Congo. I called the agency we wanted to work with, to inquire about the Ethiopia program and while we were talking, she mentions the Congo program. I asked a few questions, and hung up the phone. Immediately I hopped online and began researching the Congo, what I found would break my heart in two! Widely known as the worst place on earth to be a woman, I couldn’t help but look into my daughters eyes, and imagine what their future would be had they been born there, and not here. I cried the big ugly cry and when Christopher came home from work we talked about it, I cried some more, and prayed HARD. We were confident that God revealed to us our daughter, living thousands of miles away, in the Congo.

But my heart for these children and the Congolese people didn’t stop at adoption. I wanted to do more, so a friend and I have started a non-profit organization to be the voice for children everywhere who can’t speak for themselves. As you might imagine, adding that to my plate, while still trying to fund our own adoption, has been challenging to say the least. But God never promised an easy path, and I’d much rather take the hard road with Jesus, than the easy road, all alone.

Now here we are, knee deep in paperwork and fundraising, to bring our child home from the Congo! He is so faithful!

Interview From An Adoptive Family:

Q- Where are you adopting from? Democratic Republic of Congo

Q- Is there one Bible verse that has been significant for your family during your adoption? “For in you the orphan finds mercy” Hosea 14:3

Q- Please tell me about your fundraiser.

Of course our biggest roadblock has been money, we started this process with NOTHING! But God has provided each and every dime along the way! We still have a ways to go, but we know He is Jehovah Jirah, our provider. I am a photographer, and I get asked by moms all the time, how to take better pictures? So I turned my basics workshop into an E-course and we are selling it to bring our Rose home from the Congo!  It’s 50 pages full of images, and practical easy to understand information about photography. Whether you have a nice DSLR or a point and shoot, there is something to learn in this E-course. It’s great if you’re looking to take better images at your kids sporting events, dance recitals, or just to spruce up your blog! The cost is $25.00 and it is an immediate download! I believe life is worth remembering, and what better way to chronicle your children’s lives, than with beautiful images! You can purchase through our blog, or by following this direct link:.

Q- What is your blog site?


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We Are Abundantly Blessed


We Are Abundantly Blessed

Posted on 15 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

I’m so excited to have my dear friend, Alicia Jordan guest blogging and sharing her adoption story.  Alicia works fervently for Visiting Orphans and Project 61 (she’s on their board). She has a spirit of mercy and encouragement.  Whenever I have the privilege of talking to her about my Ethiopia mission trip (she’s also MY trip coordinator) she is such a blessing and really helps set the pace for my Simply Love mission trips.  Thank you, Alicia for your BIG heart and love for the fatherless!


O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! Psalm 34:8

I do not know the pain of childbirth, I do not know the pain of losing a school age or teenage child, but I do know the pain of being a barren woman. I know the pain of an empty womb that will never be full. As I’ve aged, I’ve realized that pain cannot be compared. I cannot compare my pain to yours. I cannot describe the pain of baby showers or labor stories or nursing stories or the longing deep within for a biological child. Yet, God has been faithful. Over time, the longing has been soothed, but not erased. This is the plan for our lives and it’s God’s perfect plan.

God choose to bring life into our family through adoption. Here’s Stephen’s unique story:

We knew that adoption was our next step. Months before our fertility treatments, I had seen a Dr. Falwell Old Time Gospel Hour where he talked about the Liberty Godparent Home. Sometime in September 1999, I called the adoption agency in Virginia and asked if they had a long waiting list. I had heard that domestic adoption waits were 2 years or more. The lady told me that they actually didn’t have a very long waiting list. We started on the paperwork immediately. Budgets, references, bios, fire escape plans, background checks, physicals, question after question about our marriage, our personal life and our faith. It was probably 50 pages of documents. We filled them out quickly and mailed them the beginning of October. It would be 30 days before we would hear if we had been approved by the board.

Derek was scheduled to go on a mission trip to Kenya with PT (our pastor). Derek debated canceling because of the miscarriage following our invitro treatment. I encouraged him to go. I would be fine. They went and their team led thousands to Christ.

While Derek was gone (this is mid to late October) we received two phone calls about birthmoms that wanted to view our files. We didn’t even know that we had been accepted and approved by the board. One mom was interested and we needed to do a video as soon as Derek got home. We shot the video in our family room and we’d pause the video and Derek would lie on the floor in between segments. Partly because of exhaustion from the trip and partly because of some mysterious illness he picked up in Africa.

We mailed in our video the beginning of November and the weekend before Thanksgiving, we met Stephen’s birthmom. She told us she was having a boy, “Did we have a name picked out?” We had been discussing names for months, possibly years. Stephen had never come up as a choice, but I had just studied Stephen in a Bible study and fell in love with the story of Stephen. As the heavens opened, Stephen could see Christ standing at the right hand of God. Christ stood for Stephen as he was stoned. It’s the only time in Scripture that we see Christ standing for someone. (see Acts 7:54-60)

Anyway, I said, “What do you think about the name Stephen?”

She loved the name. It is her father’s name. So Stephen not only has a biblical name. He has his biological grandfather’s name. Isn’t God good?

Stephen was born December 18, 1999. We had to wait 25 days for all the paperwork to clear. We didn’t see any pictures of him. They asked us if we’d be willing to come share a testimony Sunday morning at Thomas Road Baptist about the Liberty Godparent Home and what adoption meant to us. They told us that they would give us Stephen later that day in the evening service. They thought the church would love to be part of his “Gotcha Day”. Was that okay? Sure, why not?

We shared our testimony for the church that morning and this is what happened next…. DON’T MISS THIS VIDEO!!
(Note: Our last name and place of residence was kept quiet because of adoption policies)

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!!!

Alicia’s Blog

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Mommy DIY – Thumb Balls For Adopted Kids


Mommy DIY – Thumb Balls For Adopted Kids

Posted on 13 September 2011 by Kari Gibson

I love finding special tools to help us talk to our adopted (and biological) kids about their feelings.  Moms, we are wired perfectly to help our kids open up about their feelings and talk about fears, insecurities, challenges, joys, and blessings! My dear friend, Kari Hamilton gave Zoie a thumb ball she made for her younger clients and I instantly knew I needed to share it with you.

A Thumb Ball is super easy to make (at least that’s what Kari told me) and all you need is a soccer ball and permanent markers.  There is also an original thumball [trademarked] that you can buy, but what a great DIY to do with your kids together.  All you need to do is decide what “theme” you want to make your Thumb Ball.

Zoie’s Thumb ball is All About Feelings and has these questions marked on each soccer square:

  • When was the last time you smiled? Laughed?
  • You are important.
  • There’s nothing you can do to change my love for you.
  • What can I do when I am mad?
  • Sad
  • Silly
  • Tell a funny joke
  • Name someone you trust?
  • Name a time you felt brave?
  • Name a way you can calm down?
  • Happy
  • Mad
  • What can I do when I feel sad?
  • Name someone you can talk to about your feelings?
  • Name a good way to show I am mad.
  • What can I do when I am scared?

The questions are limitless … you can write ANY question or feeling word on the soccer ball that you might think best explores what your child may be feeling.  If you have adopted an older child, this would be a fantastic way to help them understand what they are feeling in a safe way, while playing a game. I want to bring a few thumb balls with me on my next mission trip to Haiti.  What a great way to help the children open up and share feeling, while giving the blessing.

Materials: All you need is a soccer ball and permanent markers to make your very own “Adoption thumb ball”

Q- what is a question/feeling word or blessing statement we can ask our adopted child to put on our “virtual” blog thumb ball?  I want to hear your thoughts ….

Ways to Play Thumb Ball: 

Ages: 3 to 100
Number of Players: 1 to 100
Goal: To have the most fun thinking and communicating.

Throw it! Catch it! Now, look under your thumb and react to the word, phrase, or graphic found there.

For all Thumball Designs, 4 Initials Ways to React:

  1. Respond to the panel under your thumb by answering for yourself.
  2. Respond by asking another player to answer.
  3. Predict the answer another player would give.
  4. Once a group has played together several times you can add the challenge of recalling an answer provided by another player on a previous day.

For More Thumball Fun

  • Roll, pass, toss, or kick Thumball™ among players.
  • Circulate Thumball™ clockwise, counterclockwise or random direction.
  • Specify right thumb, left thumb or the finger of your choice to play the game.
  • Players can respond to the space themselves or ask another player to respond.
  • Select time limits for responses and length of game.
  • To add competition, players can earn and/or lose points for each response.

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