Archive | May, 2009

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Simply Sunday: WILD GOOSE CHASE WINNER!!!!!!!!!

Posted on 31 May 2009 by Kari Gibson

Thank you ALL for sharing what gives you “Wild Goose-Bumps!!” Awesome H just drew a name

And the WINNER is…Emily:)))) Take a peek at her blog…. the Alexander Family have been an incredible example to us all what it means to CHASE the Wild Goose this year!!! Congrats!! (all I need is your home address-just email me)

Everybody else, please promise me you’ll run to the bookstore and buy this amazing book!!!!!!!!! Mark Batterson’s Blog

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Words from my brother- China and my niece

Posted on 31 May 2009 by Kari Gibson

I’m writing this from the Shanghai airport which means my China trip is over. I hate that. But I’m glad to be coming home. I’ll keep praying that God brings “Mercy” into our home. But if not, I will always cherish the memories of playing with her and hearing her call me “papa”…even if only for that moment in time. She will bring such happiness to her family; I just pray it will be my family. Most importantly I will never forget these precious orphan children and what they taught me:

* Love changes lives.
* We all want to be loved by our papa.
* Nothing feels as safe as being held.
* If you can’t get someone to listen to you, bite them (I have a huge bruise to prove this truth)
* Loving someone doesn’t mean they’ll love you back.
* Color means nothing when seen through the eyes of love.
* Prayer changes lives.
* Kids will overcome and adapt to whatever special needs they might have.
* We all have special needs.
* We were all orphans once.
* To belong and to have a family is the best thing in the world.
* A nanny is a walking, breathing saint!
* People who follow God’s calling can change the world.
* Buying something will now always be measured in how many surgeries it could have purchased.
* Christ is the great equalizer when you don’t speak the same language.
* God truly has a special place in his heart for the orphan.
* A smile means the same thing in Chinese as it does in English.
* No matter how amazing the opportunity, it will never be as good as if my family was here to enjoy it with me.
* Jesus is the father to the fatherless.
* The love for a child that grows in your heart is just as powerful as when that child comes from you.
* You can’t make someone love you but you can always love someone.
* Hearing the word “papa” can make your day.
Anyway, these are just some thoughts from a foreign land that I have come to love.

(my brother Greg)
I love you and soooo proud of your heart for orphans!!

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WILD GOOSE-BUMPS CONTEST…. ends at midnight:)

Posted on 30 May 2009 by Kari Gibson

Goose bumps

Bloggy friends…. don’t forget to share your “Wild Goose-Bumps” story!!! We will draw a name Sunday for the amazing prize… the book Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson!! I’ve loved reading your passions and adventures!!! Keep sharing…

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HAPPY 40th HUBBY!!!! "our story-fun pics"

Posted on 29 May 2009 by Kari Gibson

I met Roger when he was 12 years old!! My mom was his substitute teacher and came home one day and told me she met the cuteeesst boy and I should meet him. When I asked her what grade, she told me he was in 7th. AWWWW…I was a freshman in High School. Noooo way would I stoop so low to check out a jr high boy!! Well, fast forward 2 years & I made my move on a cute new freshman!!! For those of you who remember what I looked like in High School…this move was very brave of me. Miracles do happen and I snabbed the cutest, onriest, cockiest (he was the star b-ball & football player:) adorable boyfriend!!! We dated for a few years & then we parted ways (remember I’m older & was off for college)

2nd miracle… we meet again 6 years later!!!!!!!!!!! He was graduating from college and playing basketball for Cal Baptist. I took one look & fell madly in love again. We dated for a year and married a year later… 1992!! I am blessed like crazy to be married 17 years to my best friend and the LOVE of my life!!

Hubby HAPPY 40th b-day!! Can’t wait to spend 40+ with you…. adventures around every corner:))

(our first date-1983)

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Girls just LOVE TO GAB… adorable video 4 my bloggy girlfriends!!

Posted on 28 May 2009 by Kari Gibson

My dad shared this ADORABLE video of a sweet baby already proving how much girls LOVE to talk!!!! It’s a funny example of how little girls use a lot of words right from the beginning…. I think it’s a built in “special program” just for us!!! xoxo

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Pray for my niece "Grace" in China… we need mighty miracles!!!

Posted on 28 May 2009 by Kari Gibson

We received news last night that my niece-to-be “Grace” needs our fervent prayers!!!!! My brother & sis are adopting a precious girl from China and found out that she is being moved back to her original orphanage. She has special needs and has received incredible love and protection and nurture at her current location. God removed her from a difficult situation and placed her in an outstanding facility. It’s the only place she knows and has thrived in every way. She receives therapy daily and has had several operations under their loving care.

Prayer Request: That “Grace” will not go back to her original orphanage. It has the potential of being devastating to everyone involved in her life!! This change could alter her adoption from moving forward, as well as not getting the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual guidance and love that surrounds her now.

Please pray for mighty miracles!!!
On a personal note, Roger and I started off in the China Program 2 yrs ago with our adoption agency. We dreamed that God has a very precious baby girl waiting for us in China. We had no idea that God would redirect us to Ethiopia where our daughter was INDEED waiting for us. We are so blessed that God would now bring our niece from China!!!!!!!! God is so faithful!!

Thank you for praying. We will keep you updated!!

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Wednesday WOW Recipe & other fun updates!!

Posted on 27 May 2009 by Kari Gibson

Bloggy friends… its officially summer time for Awesome M & H this week!!! whooohooo They are so excited to sleep in and go to camp and play golf and relax!!! I’m just so happy to have them home with me… I selfishly dislike sharing them with their schools, teachers and friends:))

CONTEST REMINDER: I want to hear what gives you Wild Goose Bumps!!! What incredible adventure is God taking you on. I want the scoop!!! Winner announced on Sunday!!

Today is Wednesday WOW Recipe. This is one of the kids favorites & its super easy!!!
Honey Nut Chicken Sticks (Rachel Ray)
2 pounds chicken tenders
salt & pepper
1 cup all-purpose flour
3 eggs
splash of milk
2-4 cups Honey Nut Corn Flakes or Captain Crunch cereal
1 cup bread crumbs
1 T sweet paprika
1 T poultry seasoning
2 T grill seasoning
1/4 cup vegetable oil (eyeball it)

Preheat the oven to 400
**Season the chicken tenders with salt & pepper. Place the flour in a large, shallow dish. Coat the chicken in the flour. Beat the eggs and milk in a shallow dish. Combine the cereal, bread crumbs, paprika, all seasonings and oil in a food processor. Transfer the breading to a shallow dish. Place a nonstick baking sheet near the chicken breading station. In batches, dip the flour-coated chicken into the egg mixture and then in the breading and place on the nonstick cookie sheet. When all the tenders have been coated, bake them for 15-20 min or until evenly browned & cooked thru. Cool enough to serve or pack up for a picnic!! This chicken may be served hot or cold:)))

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I’m on a Wild Goose Chase… Another contest & prize!!!

Posted on 26 May 2009 by Kari Gibson

My hubby encouraged me this weekend to read the book… Wild Goose Chase-Mark Batterson!! It’s one of the BEST books I’ve ever read. It’s inspired me and encouraged me and convicted me!! I’ve been so very blessed living near my family for 42 years and have grown deep roots for 16 years raising our kids in a small town in the Ozarks. I’ve dreamed about simple things…waking up everyday and doing my best as a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister and a friend. Life has been comfortable and routine. I’m not saying my life has been easy…. Believe me, I’ve been through so many crazy ups & downs I get a little dizzy:)

The book grabbed me from page one!!! “Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.” (Helen Keller) Living dangerously has not been my passion or focus. OK, I’m sitting here with my 4 front teeth still knocked out…its a crazy life, but its my life and I try not to rock the boat toooo hard and I really like safety.

Page 6 got my attention..
“Every once in a while, I have random thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere (me too) Here’s a thought that fired across my synapses not long ago: Do angels yawn? I seriously wonder if angels have the capacity to get bored? More important, I wonder if some of us are living such safe lives that not only are we bored, but so are our guardian angels. If they could, would our guardian angels coax us out of our “cage” and beg us to give them something dangerous to do? Since when did it become safe to follow Christ? Maybe its time to come out of the cage and live dangerously for the cause of Christ!!!!”

Wild Goose Chase theme: God-ordained passion
I have a few very specific passions in my life…. marriage, family, children, Africa, orphans and adoption!!! I’m learning that when God puts a “passion” in your heart, that God-ordained passion becomes my responsibility!! I can be irresponsibly responsible or responsibly irresponsible!! (ahhhh you’ll have to read the book to follow that:)

“Soooo what makes you cry? What makes you pound your fist on the table? What makes you smile? If you want to discover your God-ordained passions, then you need to identify what makes you sad, mad, or glad. And somewhere in the sadness, madness or gladness you will find the WILD GOOSE CHASE waiting for you!!!”

I’m on the hunt. I’m asking the Lord to specifically show me how He wants to use me…all of me from head to toe. I want to pursue the God-ordained passions in my life. I can’t wait to see what adventure He has for my life.

You know I love contests and I love prizes!!! I want to hear YOUR God-ordained passion. What gives you Wild Goose bumps? At the end of the week, I’ll draw a name & the winner gets the book I’m going crazzzzyyy over…
Wild Goose Chase!!
It’s a short week and kids are getting out of school for the summer,
so I will draw the winning name on Sunday morning.

Here is the book trailer to watch:

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Happy Memorial Day!!!

Posted on 25 May 2009 by Kari Gibson

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If you have kids, tweens or teens…. AWESOME PROJECT!!

Posted on 24 May 2009 by Kari Gibson

If you have kids, tweens or teens you will recognize these young Hollywood names….Jordin Sparks, Corbin Bleu, Cody Linley, Alyson Stoner, Sean Astin, Annasophia Robb, Marshall Allman, Charlie Stewart, Luke Benward, Emily Osment, Andrew Lawrence…. just to name a few:)
Awesome H showed me today this YouTube of the wonderful Bible Series... Word of Promise Next Generation. Max & Jenna Lucado also share truth & stories.

It was special watching this with my daughter & seeing her excitement for the Lord!! She wanted me to share it with you… enjoy!!

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Simply Sunday… What are you thankful for today?

Posted on 24 May 2009 by Kari Gibson

My life is changing and challenging and uncertain right now, but I’m filled with peace and joy. I’m so thankful for an incredible hubby that loves God with all his heart and soul and strength!! I’m thankful for my AWESOME 3… I feel overwhelmed with love for them each and every day!
I’m thankful that it is almost summer:)

What you are thankful for today?

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Zoie’s Poppy Dip Dress

Posted on 22 May 2009 by Kari Gibson

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Little Light of Mine…. starring "Zoie Girl"

Posted on 22 May 2009 by Kari Gibson

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Are you a fan…. So U Think U Can Dance???

Posted on 21 May 2009 by Kari Gibson

I’m a BIG fan of the TV show… So U Think U Can Dance! I secretly wish I could dance contemporary style & WOW the crowd, but that was not the gift God gave me:) If you’ve never watched the show…. take a peek at the trailer. It’s fun & ADDICTING!!
It starts tonight!!!

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