My Big Crazy Missions Dream

Posted on 15 October 2010 by Kari Gibson

I dreamed a big dream.

I was in Florida in August with my two awesome girls spending time with them after my mission trip to Uganda and Ethiopia.  I fell asleep on the couch with Lion King blasting in the background and had a sweet, wild, crazy dream. I woke up literally smiling saying, “OK, Lord… I will do this if if if you help me!!” I dreamed vividly of a CRAZY project on my blog from start to finish. I didn’t actually see the “winner’s” face, but the prize was something so incredible and dear to my heart!! I dreamed hundreds of bloggers participated and the anticipation of the drawing was massive in blog land. Everyone wanted to be a part of a movement to simply love.

I will be completely honest with you. I have resisted for weeks launching this project on my blog due to fear of failure, rejection, craziness, and loss.  I attended a three day mega women’s conference “Dare To Dream” at my church this weekend and celebrated with over 3,000 women why we need to dream big God dreams.  God wants to launch us in the darkness and go and share His Love to the lost.  I was starting to feel VERY inspired to jump in faith and follow (literally) my dream.

I drove home the first night of the conference and was singing, praying out loud, thanking the Lord for the inspiring night. I was praying for you!!!!!!!! I was praying for the blog giveaway and asking for God’s special blessings on the project! All of a sudden, I noticed flashing lights behind me. I pulled over and a state trooper came around to my side of the car with a blinding flashlight pointed in my face.  I was really scared… what did I do?? He calmly asked me if I had been drinking. (my mouth dropped open) He told me that he noticed my car weaving in the lane.  I looked at him bewildered and said, “Noooo Sir, I have been partying with 3,000 women at my church, but definitely NO drinking!! I did have 2 cupcakes, though.”  I smiled and he laughed, reminding me to make it home safely.  As I started driving home, straighter this time, that’s when it hit me… God would equip me with everything I needed for my blog project.  Why in the world was I afraid?  The next day, God sent me a “prayer mama” to support my dream.  She gave me a beautiful necklace with the Chinese symbol DREAM on it and committed praying for me and the project. During the conference lunch break, I sat with some of my close friends and cautiously shared my crazy dream with them.  They went crazy!!  Not only were they excited to be a part of my dream, but they wanted to help spread the word.  They have been sworn to secrecy until the big day.  I’m going to trust in the Lord with all my heart and launch the BIGGEST PARTY EVER!!!

Please stop by here tomorrow at My Crazy Adoption blog and lets get this party started!!

“I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen. When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.” (Jeremiah 29:11-14 MSG)

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