Archive | June, 2009

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Mr. IPod Touch Ozark Adventure: DAY 6

Posted on 30 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

There has been a Pirate kidnapping! The only way to save Mr. iPod Touch is to buy at least 5 raffle tickets immediately! He needs your help. Let’s show Mr. Touch how much we really care! Don’t delay…. buy your tickets today!

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Pirate Night at Kamp

Posted on 30 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

Click to enlarge:)

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Mr. IPod Touch Ozark Adventure: DAY 5

Posted on 29 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

Mr. iPod Touch savors the very last drop.
Do you know what is better than a caffeine jolt… drawing the winning “ticket”

1 ticket = Tall jolt
10 tickets = Grande jolt
50 tickets = Venti jolt

0 calories:)

The choice is yours!

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More Kamp Pics (Day 3)

Posted on 28 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

Zip Line craziness
Pirate Queens…. arrrrr
Fun Games… go H & Ri Ri

Neon Party
Swimming beauty

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K-Kauai Pics

Posted on 27 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

Moody & Abe, Rob & Cruz, Rog & Zoie girl
Pool Fun!
Happy 3yrs old Caden!!
Family in the Ozarks
Juju, Emily & me

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Mr. IPod Touch Ozark Adventure: DAY 4

Posted on 27 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

My SWEET RIDE courtesy of Ozark Mountain VIP Limousine Rental.

(Mr. W.i.l.d. Turtle is hurrying to buy his raffle tickets… don’t be slow, we have a long way to go)

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Abe + Kari = LOVE

Posted on 26 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

There are no words:)

Congratulations Team Alexander on your referral today!!

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Posted on 25 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

We are so excited to join Team Alexander and the Neal family at K-Kauai Family Kamp this week! My dad is the speaker and we are tagging along for fun in the Ozark sun. What a blessing to have 4 precious Ethiopian darlings together to play and swim and play and play:) We’ll keep you drooling with lots of pics.

My computer is going to take a vacation, too. I won’t be blogging my normal daily posts, but do have a few Mr. iPod Touch Adventures that will pop up and surprise you.

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Mr. IPod Touch Ozark Adventure: DAY 3

Posted on 25 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

Mr. Ipod Touch had a slight emergency today and had to get an APP removed! It was a little painful, but he’s recovering nicely. He’s been ordered to bed rest, so we’ll look forward to hearing from him soon.
Thank you Dr. Rick Tallon!

Spread the raffle news & stay tuned for Mr. Ipod’s next adventure.

(4 the non-techy an APP= the fun programs that are available & free on the iPod Touch/iPhones.)

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My brother. My Bloggy hero… he saved the raffle!

Posted on 24 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

Bloggy friends, I wanted to give you front row seats to the drama of my day. I received an email from Paypal and they have tagged me a “gambler!” They say I’m gambling with a raffle on my blog and using Paypal to collect & send out “tickets!” I know I know…. the entire idea is ludicrous, but they did it all the same. I have called Paypal and explained what I’m doing for my mission trip fundraiser and they now understand that I’m not a professional dealer and wheeler. However, due to using the word raffle in all my crazy posts and photos, they will not allow me to use the paypal button. The Mr. Ipod Adventure must go on!

Noooooo worries…. your gracious donations are safe & sound in Paypal World. I’m going to honor Paypal and use a different way to allow my dear family and friends to “buy their cyber raffle tickets” and win the big prize:)

My amazing and wonderful and techy brilliant and fellow blogger brother has graciously created the adorable “Donate Today” with Awesome H and all donations will continue to be 1000% safe and sound. He saved the day!
He has made it super easy and added more choices for you to WIN Mr. IPod Touch. Drawing on July 10th.
Thanks little bro!!

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Wednesday WOW Recipe… Breakfast Pizza

Posted on 24 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

My family loves breakfast for dinner. This tasty pizza is loaded and it’s semi-homemade!

1 can (10) biscuits
1 lb sausage; cook & drain
1 12oz pkg. frozen hashbrowns; thawed
2 cups mild cheddar cheese; grated
4 eggs
milk- splash
salt & pepper

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Grease bottom of 9 x 13 pan. Spread out biscuits to form a crust. (I sometimes bake crust for 5 min. so I don’t worry about sogginess) Put sausage in; crumble thawed hash browns. Next, mix eggs & milk, salt & pepper to taste. Pour over hash browns; put cheese on top. Bake uncovered 20-25 min. or until crust is golden brown.

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Wednesday WOW Recipe… Breakfast Pizza

Posted on 24 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

My family loves breakfast for dinner. This tasty pizza is loaded and it’s semi-homemade!

1 can (10) biscuits
1 lb sausage; cook & drain
1 12oz pkg. frozen hashbrowns; thawed
2 cups mild cheddar cheese; grated
4 eggs
milk- splash
salt & pepper

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Grease bottom of 9 x 13 pan. Spread out biscuits to form a crust. (I sometimes bake crust for 5 min. so I don’t worry about sogginess) Put sausage in; crumble thawed hash browns. Next, mix eggs & milk, salt & pepper to taste. Pour over hash browns; put cheese on top. Bake uncovered 20-25 min. or until crust is golden brown.

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Mr. IPod Touch Ozark Adventure: DAY 2

Posted on 24 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

My Amazing Day at Rivercut Golf Course!

The Pro Shop set me up. (thanks Meg)

Warming up at the range.

Can’t wait to hit the links… where’s Tiger?

Cooling off with a cold one.


“I can’t believe Mr. Ipod Touch beat me!”
*Golf Pro Rick Grayson*

My lucky day…. how will I get this thing home?

How many “tickets” will it take to bring this handsome techy dude home?
Don’t delay:)

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Mr. IPod Touch Ozark Adventure: DAY 1

Posted on 23 June 2009 by Kari Gibson

Mr. IPod Touch is taking a few weeks to vacation in the Ozark Mountains. A real adventure. He’s going to see some shows and sights and take full advantage of his R & R. He’ll be packing up soon & moving to his special new home, but wants to savor and enjoy the slow paced country life:)

Mr. IPod Touch got the last room! Whew!!

Mornings on the lake.

Meeting new friends.

Stay tuned for some fun trip pics from this crazy techy dude!!!
BTW… don’t forget to order your raffle tickets today.

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