Archive | April, 2011

The Two Princesses Who Dyed Eggs (this is love)

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The Two Princesses Who Dyed Eggs (this is love)

Posted on 29 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

We celebrated Easter with our family and had a special egg dyeing station for the kids.  Zoie and her cousin, Annie were ecstatic to sit side by side coloring eggs.  This was Annie’s first Easter in America, so the anticipation was buzzing to capture the moment for my niece.  The girls worked at crazy speed, grabbing eggs and tossing them in the colorful cups of dye.  The joy on their faces was priceless.

As I watched the girls work together, I had a quiet moment thanking the Lord for His gift of adoption.  He allowed our family to expand with the miracle of two adoptions, but more importantly, this was the day to celebrate our adoption, too.  As a follower of Jesus Christ, we are adopted by God and called to love one another.

God is love—so you can’t know him if you don’t love. This is how God showed his love for us: God sent his only Son into the world so we might live through him. This is the kind of love we are talking about—not that we once upon a time loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they’ve done to our relationship with God. (1 John 4:10)

This is love.

I would love to know how you celebrated the resurrection with your family.

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I Need Some Crazy Guest Bloggers

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I Need Some Crazy Guest Bloggers

Posted on 28 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

I would love you to be a guest blogger on My Crazy Adoption Blog during my 12 day mission trip to Uganda! Please email me and submit your post for approval.  Please limit your posts to subjects for moms, adoption, missions, and orphan care.  This is such an exciting blitz for bloggers who love to write and make connections with other crazy readers! I simply love guest bloggers!!

I need topics:

    • Send me your post ready-to-go (that means y’all do the writing, editing, and spell checking)
    • Stick to the top 4 subjects- moms, adoption, missions, orphan care
    • Attach photos of your family or subject clipart
    • Mommy DIY craft
    • Add your blog link to share
    • posts to encourage, support, and make us laugh
    • yummy recipe

      Due date for your blog posts- May 22nd. 

      (don’t forget to include attachment with photo)

      Thank you so much for helping me blog when I’m in Uganda!



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      Wednesday WOW Recipe + Deceptively Delicious Spaghetti Pie

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      Wednesday WOW Recipe + Deceptively Delicious Spaghetti Pie

      Posted on 27 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

      Zoie is my inspiration behind deceptive recipes this month on Wednesday WOW series!!  If you have a picky eater, I really want to know how you deal with the craziness with patience and creativity in the kitchen.

      Spaghetti Pie
      From Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld

      • Non stick cooking spray
      • 3 ounces whole-wheat spaghetti or angel hair pasta
      • 1/2 pound lean ground turkey or sirloin
      • 1/4 cup broccoli puree
      • l large egg white
      • 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan
      • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
      • 2-2 1/2 cups bottled spaghetti sauce
      • 1 cup low fat cottage cheese
      • 1/4 cup carrot puree
      • 1/2 teaspoon salt
      • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
      • 1 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella

      1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Coat a 9-inch pie plate with cooking spray.

      2.  Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil, add the pasta, and cook until al dente.  Drain in a colander.

      3.  In a small bowl, mix the ground turkey or sirloin with the broccoli puree, egg white, Parmesan, and garlic.  Form 1/2 inch balls from the mixture.

      4.  In a large bowl, stir the cooked pasta, spaghetti sauce, cottage cheese, carrot puree, and salt and pepper.  Spoon mixture into the pie plate and smooth the top.  Scatter meatballs on top and sprinkle with mozzarella.  Bake, uncovered, until the center is firm and the cheese is bubbly, 25-30 minutes.


      I would love for you to link up your favorite recipe today in the comments.  If you have a yummy post to share- leave your blog link.

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      Crazy May Adoption Family – Good To Be Crazy!

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      Crazy May Adoption Family – Good To Be Crazy!

      Posted on 26 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

      Introducing one big crazy family… Dan and Shelley Owens:

      Blog- Good To Be Crazy We are Team Owens. Our family is passionate about Africa, orphan advocacy, overseas mission work, adoption and living simply. We prayed that the Lord would break our hearts for the things that break His – and by His grace, that’s been done. Our family’s heartbeat is for serving and loving “the least of these.” Five years ago, we were the average American family of four. There was a Daddy, a stay-at-home Mommy, a little girl and a baby boy. Life was happy and sweet and our plates were full.  We knew and loved the Lord and we were content in our safe and comfortable Christian lives – we attended church, led Bible studies, gave generously and sometimes served the homeless in our community.  But over time, the Lord began to open our eyes to more. He broke our hearts for Africa, for hurting orphans, for lonely widows and especially for the beautiful country of Uganda. He gave us the courage to step out of our comfort zones, to take risks for the sake of His name and to start storing up treasure in heaven, rather than here on Earth.  As the Lord started to change our hearts, He also brought together a group of friends to rally around Dan and me. He broke their hearts for similar causes and together, we all formed the ministry now known as SixtyFeet. We moved forward in obedience and then stepped back to watch God work. We were not disappointed. Every day, the ministry of SixtyFeet becomes more and more a part of our family’s life. Together, we pray for the work of SixtyFeet and the children we serve. We work as a family to raise money for SixtyFeet through the Cupcake Kids, our national fundraising arm. And in December of 2010, we grew our family through adoption and added Hannah and Joseph – two children from Uganda and former residents of one of the facilities SixtyFeet serves.
      Forever we’ll be thankful to the Lord for opening our eyes and giving us the courage to abandon our own plans in order to embrace His. Better is one day in His courts than thousands elsewhere.
      Team Owens is truly blessed. All glory and thanks to God.

      The Story

      According to the most recent estimates, there are approximately 2.5 million orphans in Uganda, over a million of whom are a direct result of AIDS.  Roughly 1 in 6 children in Uganda under the age of 17 is an orphan.  Deep in the bush outside Kampala is a place where some of these abandoned, unloved and neglected children are kept. And this is where our story begins…

      Not long ago a woman was on her way out of Kampala and drove past a dilapidated old sign that read “M”: Rehabilitation Center for Children. She was drawn to learn more about the place and so she turned down a long, winding dirt road until she came to the end. To her horror, she found rooms of children locked up, young kids chained to windows, and even a 10 day old, malnourished and living in her own urine. She saw hundreds of children with little food and no supervision.

      Sixty Feet was born out of a desire to participate in God’s work at “M”, to come along side those already involved in the lives of the children, to share the love of Jesus Christ in a meaningful way, and to care for orphans that are otherwise treated as common prisoners. In short, Sixty Feet is a response to the Gospel.We are just regular people who responded to a call on our lives. We are submitted to the authority of Christ and to His will for this ministry. We exist for His glory and to serve His purposes as long as He would have us do so.This is our story, and we pray that soon…. it may be your story too.

      We have 3 more spots open for my June Uganda Visiting Orphans mission trip- we will serve at both “M” and “M2″ prisons.  Apply today here.

      Comments (2)

      Crazy Links I Love

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      Crazy Links I Love

      Posted on 23 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

      This is YOUR personal shout out for your adoption and missions fundraisers!!  My Crazy Adoption brings the craziness straight to you- sending readers to check out your links!

      If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers, please leave a comment with all your information and permalink (example: to take readers directly to your site.

      You can also email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love weekly post.  Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers.  I want to help you get the word out there in blog land!


      1.  I am raising funds to travel to Uganda with Kari in June with Visiting Orphans !  I’m selling Ugandan necklaces, handmade by the beautiful women and orphans of Uganda.  You can see the necklaces on my blog here:
      AND, I’m also giving away a NEW Amazon Kindle 3G!!  Entries are only $10 each or 5 for $45, and you can enter on my blog, here:
      2.  We are using two of Kari’s Simply Love Tees to fundraise for a little village called Ogoloi, in Uganda! Our goal is to build a kitchen and storage area to better enable Children’s Hope Chest to feed the children! As are many children in U…ganda, many of these children have lost one or both parents from disease, malnutrition, and rebel attacks. Children often raise their brothers and sisters. Building this kitchen begins efforts to help Ogoloi return to self-sustainability! We would SIMPLY LOVE for you to purchase a tee and wear it with us on Mother’s Day to help us honor and support these children! Here is our link:
      3.  I need to build a team of 10 families/couples to help us serve a widow one Saturday (in the Springfield/Branson area) in the next couple of months. Will be working one full day to do a “makeover” on the widow’s home or lawn. Volunteers should be willing to gather sponsorships for their efforts and we will be raising funds to bring home 2 beautiful boys from Sierra Leone, West Africa. Email me if you’d like to live out James 1:27! My email is
      Site/Blog URL:
      4.  I am selling handmade necklaces and Just Love Coffee off my blog to help us bring home a special needs child from Hong Kong! We just received I800a approval and are just about to send out dossier in to HK. Not matched yet but could be anytime now! Necklaces are $15 each including shipping!…
      5.  My husband and I are traveling to Nairobi, Kenya in August and we are raising money to bring backpacks and school supplies to the orphans at Gathiga Children’s Hope Home. Some children are not able to attend school simply because they don’t have a backpack (which is regulation starting in grade 4 in Nairobi). We are accepting donations and selling handmade headbands and (soon) some other cute artsy stuff.…


      Comments (10)

      Inner Beauty Series – I Wish

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      Inner Beauty Series – I Wish

      Posted on 21 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

      I Wish

      Point of Grace came out with a song years ago entitled, “I Wish.”  I recently came across this song and fell in love with it!  I tell my boys – it’s my feel good song I listen to in my car nearly every day.  Here’s a peek at the lyrics: “… wish I didn’t feel so helpless, wish I didn’t act so selfish, and wish I didn’t get so mad at the world. … wish my hair was a little bit smoother; my jeans fit a little looser, and wish I always knew the right things to say.  I wish I was better with all the things that matter, guess I’ve got some learning to do…”  I kind of laugh every time I hear the part about smoother hair and looser jeans, as I think there are many of us who relate to those feelings.  I’ve shared enough in previous blogs for you to know I have a history of struggling with my esteem, feelings of fitting in, or that I have any real purpose for God.  We live in a society that constantly bombards us with a need to be all things to all people.  I recently read an article from a Christian author where she stated that it was the responsibility of a wife to have meals planned and prepared, maintain an orderly home, keep herself sexually appealing, manage the children, and anticipate the household needs of her husband – even if she works outside the home.  Now, my intent is not to take her views out of context – but I would challenge women to examine their hearts and recognize that their worth in Christ runs far deeper than appearance or what we accomplish in a day.  I firmly believe that our Almighty is a god of order and desires discipline in our lives, but I’ve been learning to hold fast to some very powerful truths that are setting me free from the trap of a performance-based life!  Our foundation MUST be in the truth of who we are in Christ, not on a world’s view.  I hope these scriptures will encourage you today to lean hard on a savior who paid the COMPLETE price for us on the cross:  Matthew 5:14 tells us we are the light of the world; a child of God (John 1:12); Christ’s friend! (John 15:15); no longer a slave to sin, we are a slave to righteousness (Rom 6:18); we are a temple, literally a home of God and His Spirit, His life, dwells in us! (Cor.3:16; 6:1).  Sisters we are chosen and dearly loved by God (1 Thess. 1:4).  Please seek to recognize your worth in Christ today and cling to the ONE who is completely able to fill your soul.

      Comments (2)

      Wednesday WOW Recipe + Deceptively Delicious Pancakes!

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      Wednesday WOW Recipe + Deceptively Delicious Pancakes!

      Posted on 20 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

      I confess, I really love deceiving my kids by hiding healthy stuff in their food.  My crazy kids (Michael, Hannah and Zoie) have three very different eating habits… see if you can guess?

      1. One eats everything in sight- it’s all good!
      2. One eats most things, but small portions!
      3. One eats literally nothing, but french fries and fruit (no meat!)

      This month on Wednesday WOW Recipes, I’m going to feature a new Deceptively Delicious recipe.  I’d love for you to test it out on your kids and let me know if it’s a winner!  You can always leave me, in the comments- your blog permalink if you have shared with bloggers a yummy recipe.  I love swapping recipes and learning from you- the mom pros!!




      1 cup water
      1 cup sweet potatoe, pureed (about 1/2 cup)
      1/4 tsp cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice (optional)
      1 cup pancake mix
      1 Nonstick cooking spray
      1 tbsp canola oil or vegetable oil


      1. 1. In a large bowl, mix the water, sweet potato puree, and cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice, if using. Add the pancake mix and stir just to combine – the batter should be lumpy.
      2. 2. Coat a griddle or large nonstick skillet with cooking spray and set it over medium-high heat. When the pan is hot, add the oil, and spoon the batter onto the griddle or pan, using 1/4 cup batter for each pancake.
      3. 3. Cook until bubbles form on top of the pancades and the batter is set, 2 to 3 minutes. Then use a spatula to flip the pancakes and cook them until golden brown on the other side, 2 to 3 minutes.
      4. Serve with maple syrup to taste.

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      Buy Simply Love Tote + 1 FREE Uganda Bead Necklace = Last Day!

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      Buy Simply Love Tote + 1 FREE Uganda Bead Necklace = Last Day!

      Posted on 19 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

      I’m Crazy 4 Simply Love Totes + Beads!!

      Help us reach our mission trip goal- only 25 more totes to go!!

      Today is the last day you can purchase my exclusive new Simply Love totes.  Each bag will help my son, Michael go on his 1st mission trip Visiting Orphans! Together we are raising his support and everything above and beyond will bless orphans in Ethiopia and Uganda on his trip.  Michael has helped raise $10,000 for the well project in Chucko, Ethiopia and can’t wait to visit *in person* the working well and see with his own eyes the miracles God has done for a rural village in Ethiopia.

      TODAY ONLY- purchase any of the tote bags and you will get a FREE Uganda Magazine Bead necklace from my personal collection- handmade in Jinja, Uganda at Canaan’s Childrens Home. 1 tote = 1 bead necklace.  Ends at midnight!  Help spread the word.



      #1 Crazy Heart Totes {6 colors!}

      The six purse totes are stunning with sparkling bling for spring…. there’s a surprise for you in the Crazy Heart designs. Celebrates the verse- Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is LOVE. (1 Cor. 13:13)

      Product Detail:

      • 100% cotton canvas
      • heavy enzyme-washed
      • cotton webbing straps
      • front flap with antique brass turn-buckles
      • inside hanging zippered pocket
      • 12″W x 16″H x 3 1/2″D

      Crazy Heart Java & Crazy Heart Light Blue & Crazy Heart Poppy (red)


      Crazy Heart Flamingo & Crazy Heart Denim & Crazy Heart Lime

      #2 Exclusive “Mama Kiki’s (red) Vintage Tote”

      This stunning RED vintage bag has the Crazy Heart design, but faded to look really vintage.  The pockets and key hook help keep Mama Kiki organized on her mission trips.

      Celebrates the verse- Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is LOVE. (1 Cor. 13:13)

      Product details- canvas tote bag with double handles. features two outer pockets, one lobster clasp and one o-ring for compartment closure.

      • 100% cotton canvas
      • 19” length x 17” width
      • this item is custom vintaged for a perfectly worn-in look and feel. nuances in color and texture are unique to each piece. hand wash with care.


      #3 Funky Love Messenger Bags {2 colors}

      This is my new unisex design for men and women who have a taste for funky.  The ARMY GREEN messenger bag combines style and keeping your stuff organized with extra pockets, deep storage, and key hook.  Messenger bags celebrates- Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is LOVE. (1 Cor. 13:13)

      Product detail: Music device, PDA zipper pocket on the outside main compartment. Black trim around edges. Nylon lined flap with zipper. 17″W x 12″H x 3 1/2″D.

      Simply Love Messenger Bag [Army color & Camo]


      Most Frequently Asked Questions:

      1. When will I receive my new tote bags? I am taking pre-orders for 2 weeks, and will purchase the bags in bulk to save every penny for missions on April 19th.  It takes about 4 weeks for delivery!

      2.  Can I pick any color of tote bag? Yes, you can purchase any of the new tote bags, but make sure you click on the correct color-slide choices.

      3.  Can I exchange my tote bag for another color? Yes, you can exchange your totes for another color, but you will be responsible for additional shipping and handling costs.

      4.  How can I view photos of your mission trips? You can click on my Flickr box on the right side column to view my mission trips to Haiti, Ethiopia, and Uganda… upcoming trips coming in June and August with Visiting Orphans.

      Join me on Facebook – just click the “Like” box and come on over to daily chats with me and my crazy FB friends!

      Comments (3)

      Are You a Crazy Pushover Mom?

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      Are You a Crazy Pushover Mom?

      Posted on 19 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

      I have asked my own self this question many times throughout my 17 years of being a mom.  Am I a pushover?  I am a softie by nature and tend to soak up my 3 kid’s drama like a big yellow sponge.  I love having the awesome adventure of raising two teens and a toddler, but with that comes all kinds of craziness!

      I often look around the house and wonder where I went wrong.  Why am I the only one who thinks dirty socks, empty chip bags, and toys are not part of the decor?  My endless attempts of creating chore charts, post-it note reminders, and old fashioned nagging don’t always do the trick.

      It’s hard to say no to my handsome son when he asks for the zillionth time for extra cash for a fun night out with his friends.  Inside I’m thinking, why am I not out with my friends spending my money? Don’t get me wrong; both my teens have part time jobs, but it’s hard to get the message across that saving and budgeting your money helps start good patterns- they just want to have fun!

      I’m still working on listening to their problems without jumping in too fast to fix things.  Hannah came home last week with a problem at school and before she even shared, she reminded me NOT to call her teacher… she was going to take care of things on her own.  At times, I have to bite my lip and repeat in my head the verse “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry (James 1:19).”  I want my children to grow up God confident that they can fix their own problems without a crazy MAMA TNT rescue mission.  My love for them is protective and fierce, but I’m reminded daily that God loves them even more than I do!

      Teaching our kids personal responsibility is one of the best life lessons we can give them (and moms too).  I wasted years attempting to nag help my son get straight A’s- knowing he was fully capable of making high scores academically.  I was a former 5th grade teacher, for heaven’s sake – I had a college education dedicated with the knowledge and wisdom on how to bring out the best in students.  I will never forget the day, I exploded over a score he made in science class.  He forgot to turn in an assignment and it dropped his grade to a D.  I blasted him with words like- responsibility, dedication, discipline, organization, disappointment… I think you get the point.  But, the look on his face stopped me dead in my tracks.  He drove off to school and I knew he was crushed in spirit.  My craziness over his grades, made my son feel unloved.  I immediately called him on his cell and asked him to forgive me.  Everything in his voice crushed MY heart.  I had royally messed up and it was my responsibility to fix my problem.  I’m embarrassed to admit to you that this happened the day before my mission trip to Ethiopia in February.  God convicted my heart and I have been “grade crazy” free for the past three months ( you can ask my son).  I’m a constant work in progress, and grateful for God’s mercies!

      Moms, we can always admit our mistakes, and come up with a new plan- it’s absolutely never too late to redeem ourselves, even when we have teenagers and toddlers!

      Take the “Are you a Pushover” Quiz here.

      Tell me what you think?

      Comments (3)

      Mama Kiki’s Vintage Tote {Giveaway}

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      Mama Kiki’s Vintage Tote {Giveaway}

      Posted on 14 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

      {UPDATED with WINNER}

      Congratulations to Marybeth Rolfe !! You are the winner of the Mama Kiki Tote- email me and let me know the color you pick and your mailing address!! 

      This is a 4 day giveaway- you can enter 1x a day.

      Last year, on my Uganda mission trip, I was named Mama Kiki by my beloved friend, Pastor Isaac where we served at Canaan’s Children Home.  You have no idea how much fun it was for me to hear hundreds of orphans calling me “Mama Kiki!!”  I adore my nickname and to celebrate my son’s 1st mission trip visiting orphans in Uganda, I want to offer you the chance to WIN your very own Mama Kiki Tote + 1 Uganda Magazine Bead Necklace.  You have 6 tote colors to choose from- this is EXCLUSIVE ONLY for the Giveaway winner.  colors- army, black, natural, navy, red (shown), and safari.

      How do I win the Simply Love “Mama Kiki” Vintage Tote?

      (you pick two)

      Leave a comment and how you entered to win.

      1. Click on my “Like” badge on the right side to follow my craziness on Facebook- shown on home page.
      2. Add my new My Crazy Adoption blog button on your blog and stay in touch.
      3. Shout out my Simply Love Tote Mission Fundraiser on your blogs or FB.
      4. Share with me- where do you want to take your “Mama Kiki” tote bag?

      What do I win? (tote details)

      You win 1 Mama Kiki Tote and 1 Uganda Magazine Bead Necklace.  I’m stuffing the tote with a few of my favorite things… my crazy surprise for you!  Value- $50

      This stunning vintage bag has the Simply Love Crazy Heart design, but faded to look really vintage.  The pockets and key hook help keep Mama Kiki organized on her mission trips.  Celebrates the verse- Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is LOVE. (1 Cor. 13:13)

      Product details- canvas tote bag with double handles. features two outer pockets, one lobster clasp and one o-ring for compartment closure.

      • 100% cotton canvas
      • 19” length x 17” width
      • this item is custom vintaged for a perfectly worn-in look and feel. nuances in color and texture are unique to each piece. hand wash with care.

      Giveaway Ends April 18th- I will randomly select 1 winner and announce the name here on April 18th (top of this post on winning day!) and add your blog site, if you have one. Look for the *UPDATED with WINNER.*   You have 48 hours to email me your address and color choice… or I will have to pick another winner.  Thanks for your understanding!

      How can you help my son go on his 1st mission trip?

      • You can purchase a Simply Love Tote bag {exclusive design} Click on the store button here. My Crazy Adoption store closes on April 18th, so don’t miss out!
      • Follow Man Up 4 Orphans
      • Pray for his mission trip!

      Comments (52)

      The Cupcake Kids Are Crazy for Orphans!!

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      The Cupcake Kids Are Crazy for Orphans!!

      Posted on 13 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

      Introducing… The Cupcake Kids

      Little People with big CRAZY hearts for God and the imprisoned children of Africa.

      They may look small, but these little people represent the fundraising arm of Sixty Feet.  My Visiting Orphans mission team of 32 will be ministering with Sixty Feet at Prison “M” and “M2″.  We will have the incredible opportunity to see with our own eyes the blessings your cupcakes are making in the life of an orphan.  Join the Cupcake Kids and make your own cupcakes to raise awareness for the orphans imprisoned in Uganda.

      To register your sale, visit National Cupcake Kids. Their goal is to have a Cupcake Kids Sale in EVERY state in the nation!  All money raised goes to directly to Sixty Feet to help the orphans of Uganda.

      Here’s their story…

      “In the early spring of 2010, a little 6 year old girl and her 4 year old brother asked their parents how they could help the children of Uganda. They asked their parents if they could sell some cupcakes and lemonade on their street corner one Saturday afternoon and give all the money to SixtyFeet. And The Cupcake Kids were born.

      The first Cupcake Kids sale was held at a home in Atlanta in March 2010. The moms and kids made some cute cupcakes and stirred some lemonade and that was about it. The parents told their children they would match all the money they raised and gladly give it all to SixtyFeet – thinking they’d raise about $50 or so.

      Little did the parents know, the children would be selling cups of lemonade for $25 and cupcakes for $20!! That morning, the kids raised $260!  After that word spread very quickly and folks around the country were asking if they could help host a Cupcake Sale in their own neighborhoods. The next weekend there were sales all over Georgia and in several other states. An anonymous matching donor stepped up and we raised over $10,000 that weekend.

      Since then, The Cupcake Kids have made many special appearances and each time they have been awed by the faithfulness of God! If your children have big hearts for Africa, we pray they’ll join our team.

      Visit The Cupcake Kids website for more information on the National Cupcake Kids Sale, taking place in April 16, 2011.

      Make your own Cupcakes and register today to help an orphan in Uganda!!

      Here’s my favorite cupcake recipe to share- Are you planning on making cupcakes for National Cupcake Kids Sale on Saturday… leave me a comment [here] I want to know!


      • 2 1/2 cups flour
      • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
      • 1 teaspoon baking soda
      • 1/2 teaspoon salt
      • 1 cup butter, softened
      • 2 cups sugar
      • 4 eggs
      • 1 cup sour cream
      • 1/2 cup milk
      • 1 (1 ounce) bottle McCormick® Red Food Color
      • 2 teaspoons McCormick® Pure Vanilla Extract
      • Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting:
      • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
      • 1/4 cup butter, softened
      • 2 tablespoons sour cream
      • 2 teaspoons McCormick® Pure Vanilla Extract
      • 1 (16 ounce) box confectioners’ sugar


      1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt in medium bowl. Set aside.
      2. Beat butter and sugar in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed 5 minutes or until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Mix in sour cream, milk, food color and vanilla. Gradually beat in flour mixture on low speed until just blended. Do not overbeat. Spoon batter into 30 paper-lined muffin cups, filling each cup 2/3 full.
      3. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted into cupcake comes out clean. Cool in pans on wire rack 5 minutes. Remove from pans; cool completely. Frost with Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting.
      4. Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting: Beat cream cheese, softened, butter, sour cream and McCormick® Pure Vanilla Extract in large bowl until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in confectioners’ sugar until smooth.

      Comments (7)

      DIY Bows and Stuff For Uganda

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      DIY Bows and Stuff For Uganda

      Posted on 12 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

      Headbands Round 2

      I’m so excited to see what bows you will create for Round 2 for the orphans in Uganda.  I don’t have a crafty bone in my body, but you have inspired me to dig deep and find some great blog posts on making DIY headbands and bows.  If you prefer to purchase brand new bows and headbands, I have added some wonderful links with a purpose to buy for the Headband Project.

      Typically, Ugandan girls wear their hair cut very short- I love the beauty of hair all over the world.

      This is a special headband project for my Visiting Orphans Uganda mission trip, but I wanted you to know I have a big team of 30 who will bring other gifts and donations for boys and girls!  This is the project God put on my heart and I am grateful for you helping me crown more princesses [and princes] in Kampala and Jinja!

      Email me if you have any suggestions or questions.  You can mail your bands & bows to me at: 1482 Lakeshore Drive, Branson, MO 65616 (attn. Bows For Uganda)

      Buying Bands:

      Because Every Mother Matters – you can purchase Tacky 4 Africa Headbands.“Your purchase blesses the hands who directly make them, our own local economy and helps fund  programs in E. Africa that Because Every Mother Matters supports.All headbands are sold grab bag style- unless you happen to catch us at conventions where they are sold or at select salons around the country.”

      If you know a wonderful place to purchase bows or headbands- please leave a comment for readers to find bows & bows.

      Making Bands:  Get inspired!

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      I Need Bows & Headbands for Uganda Princesses [and Princes]

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      I Need Bows & Headbands for Uganda Princesses [and Princes]

      Posted on 11 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

      My Crazy Readers, YOU DID THIS…

      You sent me over 1,000+ bows, headbands, silk scarves, and flowers for the royalty I met in Ethiopia!!  My team helped me put headbands on hundreds of orphans- we gave every single one of your bows away!!  I have prayed so hard about asking you again to help me, but my heart has been torn.  How can I ask my sister bloggers to dig deep again and spend time, money, and resources to make me more bows & bands?  God has tugged at my heart for weeks to ask you this simple questions- Will you help me AGAIN crown the Princesses and Princes in Uganda?

      I will never be able to express to you the joy it was for me to help you love orphans.  Does that make sense?  You made over 1,000 children and older women feel beautiful and loved and blessed by your generosity.  Will you pray about joining me again and sending me headbands of love?

      Please send me YOUR headband photos to feature on my blog and facebook.

      You did this, too…

      How can you help?

      I’m heading on my next Visiting Orphans mission trip June 1-12 to Uganda and will be working with hundreds of orphans for 12 days!!!  I will have the incredible opportunity to visit orphans in two children’s prisons and many needy orphanages in Jinja and Kampala.  I want to crown these precious children with beauty.  The children we will minister are desperate for the blessing… they have been orphaned, abused, raped, abandoned, neglected, and unloved.  I want each child to feel the love of Jesus with a special gift of beauty.  I have shared some of my favorite headband photos again for you to look for one common link in each face- pure joy.  The smiles we received crowning the children were priceless!!

      Who will receive the bows?

      Two children’s prisons “M” and “M2″, Canaan’s Childrens Home, Return Ministries, Karamajong children with Katie Davis ministry, Amani Baby Cottage, and community ministry in Kampala and Jinja.  We are praying for the extraordinary- 4,000 bows & headbands for Uganda.  View video and the children at “M” you will help crown here-

      Will you help me again?

      If you are willing to help make or buy NEW headbands or bows for the fatherless in Uganda, please mail them to:

      Headbands For Uganda

      1482 Lakeshore Drive

      Branson, MO 65616

      Due Date for Headbands- May 20th, so I can pack them up for my mission trip!!

      Here are some great links for head band ideas:

      This was the original HEADBANDS FOR KORAH post I wrote months ago to ask for your help.  Your creativity, big monster flowers, wide stretchy bands, and funky designs rocked the world of headbands… the bigger and crazier bows the better!!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for praying and ministering with me to the fatherless!

      Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love. (1 Cor. 13:13)

      Can you find the band that Emerson made below?

      Please invite your friends to participate in {Headbands for Uganda} parties.  If you are making headbands, please email me if you have any questions. I can accept headbands up to May 14th.

      Feel free to show the Bows & Bows & Bows Video to inspire your friends to help you spread some crazy love in Uganda.

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      Crazy Links I Love

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      Crazy Links I Love

      Posted on 08 April 2011 by Kari Gibson

      {You Inspire Me}

      1. I am trying to fundraise for Andrielis’ Education. This is perfect for World Health Day tmrw as she is trying to become a nurse, and part of the program involves her volunteering in a clinic and learning about different diseases!
      2. I am raising funds for girls aged out of the orphanages in Latvia ages 17-20. These girls are put into the street with few to no belongings, no life skills, and no family or support system. Many girls end up going into prostitution by force.
      3. Check out my NEW Lime Green tote, celebrating love of lime!!! You can purchase the new tote on the link below and make a difference in the life of an orphan [and my son's missions trip!] Lime Crazy Heart Ragged Edge Tote | My Crazy Adoption Official Store
      4. We have a wonderful special that we are hosting at our Solomon Beads store… … You will receive a FREE pair of earrings for all orders totaling $40 or more.  So, stop on by and find something special for your mother, sister, daughter, or friend and take advantage of our fabulous offer.  Give a gift with a beautiful story of God’s perfect provision…give a gift with a purpose…give a gift that you have perfectly chosen.  Don’t see exactly what you are looking for?? We LOVE to make custom pieces so don’t hesitate to ask!
      5. Young Couple Creatively Fundraise to Bring Home Their Son from Ethiopia
        LAKEWOOD RANCH, FL (April 8, 2011)-Gerrid and Jessica Smith of Lakewood Ranch, Florida have just launched a website in an effort to help raise funds to bring home their adopted son Elijah from Ethiopia.
        The website has a picture of a large tree that is comprised of 1,000 small squares. For just $10, an individual can upload their picture to become part of Elijah’s, otherwise known as “Baby E’s”, family tree!The Smith’s are asking individuals and businesses to purchase space on their website to raise the remaining $10,000.00 needed to complete their adoption.
        “I love the African proverb that says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” And while this is true we believe it also takes a village to bring a child home…especially when it comes to adoption!”- Jessica Smith

      6. My husband and I are moving to Kitale, Kenya by the end of the end of the summer with our 3 children ages 6,4 and 5 months.  We are joining a ministry called Mattaw Childrens Village that rescues, restores and redeems orphaned and abandoned children.
        My husband and I have been traveling to Kenya since 2002 when we were dating. To make a long story short, here we are today, pursuing a life in full time missions in Kenya.  I am spearheading the buidling of Mattaw’s addition of “Sprouts” baby home for preemies to age 2. We are hitting the pavement for fundraising for this baby home as well as our personal support for our family.
      If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers, please leave a comment with all your information and permalink (example: to take readers directly to your site.
      It’s your personal shout out!  You can also email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love weekly post.  Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers.  I want to help you get the word out there in blog land!



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