Tag Archive | "Mommyhood"


Soccer Games Are For Hugging

Posted on 16 April 2012 by Kari Gibson

Zoie and her new soccer team, the Black Mambas had their very first game on Saturday. I forgot just how adorable 10 little four years old kicking the ball, picking up the ball, hitting the ball out of bounds, and running the opposite way on the field. Zoie ran over to the side lines about 8 times to give us a hug. She melted the four of us and we can’t wait for the next game!!

Are you a cheerleader or coach personality with your kids?

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My Top 3 Things … Coming Up

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My Top 3 Things … Coming Up

Posted on 05 April 2012 by Kari Gibson

I can’t believe what YOU did!! You helped us sell 676 tee shirts for the mission trip giveaway AND support the Haiti and Moldova projects with Children’s HopeChest. You made a big difference in the life of countless children and communities that will benefit from your donations! The winner of the mission trip will be announced on April 2nd on Facebook (look to the right side of my blog and click on Like!)

This sweet family in Pignon, Haiti thanks you, too …

Don’t forget, CHC requests your patience on waiting for your new Simply Love and Man Up tees (did they do an amazing job or what!) They are ordering all 676 tees in bulk to save every penny for the mission projects. As soon as they get the tees printed … they will mail out to you! Again, THANK YOU for your cheers, prayers, support, and shout outs for the past two weeks!

What’s next in my crazy life? Here are my top three big events coming up …. Continue Reading

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My 2012 Craziness (What’s Coming Up?)

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My 2012 Craziness (What’s Coming Up?)

Posted on 04 January 2012 by Kari Gibson

I survived our 14 day Christmas road trip with my 18, 15, and 3 year old kids (that’s another post) and took advantage of the 20 hour drive home to write down a few things that are coming up in my life. My hubby and I got so excited about the new year, we both agreed that it most definitely will be a crazy adventure. It’s really only been the past 3 years that I’ve had the courage to pray for God-Adventures. Do you pray for adventure? He has shown my little family His faithfulness in 2011 and continues to grow us through pain, mistakes, and miracles.

We are still waiting for our home to sell. It’s been over 5 years since we put it on the market without a single nibble. We continue to have faith that it will sell, but reminded everyday how grateful we are to live in a beautiful home, when so many people I love throughout the world struggle just to live.

We have started the process to bring Mercy here for medical treatment. I want to ask you to commit to praying for Mercy and her mother, Mulu, who is a widow, that God will expedite the paperwork needed to process her passport and medical visa quickly. I will keep you updated here on my blog  and together let’s help Mercy have a second chance on living a healthy life. We will start our new project, OPERATION: MERCY this month. Our goal is to raise $5,000 for all Mercy’s needs in Addis Ababa and in the US.

I have 2 upcoming mission trips scheduled for 2012. It was YOU that filled up the “Simply Love” trips to Haiti (Jan) and Ethiopia/Uganda (June) in record time. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you, the mission-hearted who has committed to live dead. I’ve started the 30 day Live Dead Challenge and hope you will buy the journal and join me learning how to live dead and love the lost, unreached and unengaged people groups around the world.

I want to personally thank (you) readers of this blog, who stuck with me during our adoption to Zoie and all the new readers who have jumped in with both feet to radically live James 1:27. For those of you who are adopting, fostering, caring for orphans, going on a mission trip … we are all in this together. My crazy bloggers, we made our point clear- we are not focused on individual successes, but diligent on working together making a difference in the life of a child desperate for love. Your generosity and kindness have made it possible to crown over 7,000 princesses in Ethiopia and Uganda, as well as mission-minded projects throughout 2011! I can’t wait to see what adventures God has planned for us in 2012!

Adoption Fundraising Families: check out here- Simply Love Kit for all your fundraising needs. What makes fundraising with Simply Love products so unique and different: you pick your designs and products to fit all your fundraising needs. I truly want to eliminate your stress and offer you exceptional services to help you raise funds to adopt.

Mission-Hearted Fundraising: you can use Simply Love Kit for all your mission trip/orphan care fundraising needs, too!!

Guest Bloggers: I want to continue to share your adoption stories. Email me if you are adopting or fostering and want to encourage, challenge, inspire, support or make us laugh at any stage of the adoption process. I also want to encourage you, the reader, to leave a comment when you read their stories. It means so much for the families to read your words of support.

Mommyhood: I have major changes coming soon- my son will graduate in May, my daughter turns sweet 16, and my 4 year old keeps me striving to stay young & healthy. I want to have a family that is free to be different, free to make mistakes, free to be vulnerable, and free to be candid. I’m reading the best parenting book, Grace Based Parenting and want to share at a deeper level what I’m learning as a mom, with my own family. I want to learn from you, too. I’ll keep up posting yummy recipes and family craft ideas. Come follow me on Facebook and Twitter.

Is there anything NEW you want me to write about or share here on the blog this year? Let me know in the comments.

If you have enjoyed or learned from this post, please share it:

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Just for Moms!


Just for Moms!

Posted on 04 March 2011 by Kari Gibson

Guest Blogger-

Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

It’s so easy during any given day (or hour!) to become weary as moms.  Did you ever feel sunk before your feet even hit the floor in the morning?  Have you known the reality of failure?  Been there.  Two kids into this parenting gig and I thought we were doin’ ok.  Yes, there were the sleepless nights.  One out of the two guys was a little intense, if you know what I mean.  The other never wanted to sleep unless there was flesh next to him, namely MY flesh.  But really, all in all we were doing ok.  Then God blessed us with number three.  Little did we know at the time, He was just really preparing us for number four child!  That third guy though, I should have known what was coming during labor when he pretty much REFUSED to be born!  Stubborn with a mile-high S was that sweet boy.  My character was tested daily as we were all crammed into a small two bedroom apartment in the middle of the inner-city of Chicago while my husband was in Bible college.

As a mom, have you ever just wanted to throw a big screamin’ temper-tantrum?  Or maybe like me, you haven’t just wanted to, but have DONE so … numerous times.  Only to feel defeated afterward, not to mention the wasted energy that could have been used to actually cook dinner or wipe yet another dirty bottom.  Last time I looked there wasn’t a long line of people waiting in line to cheer me on with this mothering gig.  No, instead there is a long line of dishes strung across the counters, piles of laundry pretty much every direction you look, spills, unpaid bills, marked up furniture, wet diapers (and don’t forget the stinky ones) and NOISE! … definitely can’t forget the NOISE!  How’s a mom even to concentrate and THINK, for crying out loud?

Yet LITERALLY!!!, before you know it … my three sons are now all towering over me and God has brought along two sweet-with-a-mix-of-spunk daughters into the mix.  The oldest is firmly rooted and full of dreams, waiting to receive an acceptance to Bible college.  The middle one is a jack-of-all-trades guy who can do anything from fixing a toilet to hushing a fussy babe, not to mention COOK!  The third (who now and then puts this momma over the edge) has found his voice and the rhythm of drums and loves teaching his little sisters about Jesus.  As I reflect on the last 17 years of mothering I can’t help but think of Galatians 6:9.  Fellow moms ….. let us NOT become WEARY in doing good … for at the proper time we WILL … we WILL …. reap a harvest if we do not give up!

Shelly Roberts

Blog: http://encouragingfamily.blogspot.com/

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Love Is So Much More

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Love Is So Much More

Posted on 12 February 2011 by Kari Gibson

Guest Blogger-
There were very few things more important than a Valentine box when I was in the fourth grade. It was an unwritten rule; if it looked good, so did you.  I spent hours crunching through my cardboard shoebox with safety scissors creating what looked like a crepe paper and glitter explosion.   It was perfect!
However, there was an even more daunting task ahead … making sure the right card was sent to the right person in the classroom. The rest of the school year could end up in ruins if a girl goofed and sent a boy one of the cards that had the LOVE word on it.  The thought of Ricky Ashmore or Bobby Webb getting one of the LOVE cards with my signature on it still makes my mouth go dry!
One simple word can alter the landscape on any relationship, especially if you are in the fourth grade.  Even for grown ups, the word love can be misunderstood and confusing. What does it really mean to love someone?  Does our behavior match our loosely spoken words?  Do we say, “I love you” but fail to show respect or keep our promises?  Do we get testy and selfish about silly details?  Do we explode on someone who innocently says something to kick us up from steaming mad to boiling over?
First Corinthians Chapter 13 doesn’t hem-haw or stutter when it tells us what love is and what love isn’t.   But have you ever read past verse seven?  Verse 11 says, “When I was a child I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.  When I became a man I put childish ways behind me.”  The translation straight from the Greek is, “Get your thumb out of your mouth and grow up.”  What is the mile-marker-age we put childish ways behind us?  I’m not sure, but clearly we’re old enough to put on our big kid pants, get over ourselves, and move on.
All of us fumble around attempting to do the best we can in our relationships and we still mess up more than we would like to admit. Humbling ourselves, acknowledging when we’re wrong, asking for forgiveness and trying again is how love works.   By the way, if we’re honestly putting childish ways behind us, the pouting and grudge holding aren’t a part of the equation.
Love is so much more than a fabulous Valentine box or a I love my Doberman bumper sticker or a I heart …  fill-in-the-blank tee shirt.  It’s complicated, mysterious, and like anything, the learning curve can be exhausting.   But it’s worth it.   The one thing I do know this: the farther behind us we put the childish things, the easier it gets.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Guest Blogger – Tips for Snow Pics

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Guest Blogger – Tips for Snow Pics

Posted on 13 January 2011 by Kari Gibson

Hello My Crazy Adoption Blog Readers! My name is Chelsey; I am a mother of soon-to-be three who has been passionate about all things photography for as long as I can remember. You can find out more about our adoption story here: http://ethiopianalaskanfamily.blogspot.com/ and more about the business side of this mama here: http://machcphotography.com/
I am the owner & photographer of MachC Photography and today I am bringing you tips on photographing your children in the snow! Now, in case you have yet to click on those links, we reside in Fairbanks, Alaska. Yes, ALASKA.  So if there is one thing we know, it’s snow! *wink, wink*

Grab a cup of coffee – or hot chocolate – sit back & read up on some tips for photographing your children in the snow. No matter where you live, letting them play in the snow – and capturing those moments ‘on film‘ is a part of childhood that none of us can afford to miss!

I received a question in recent weeks that asked, “how do you get more interesting photos of your kids in the snow? I put my point and shoot camera in my pocket and go out with the kids and the only thing that seems to change from year to year is their snowsuits. I just see a whole lot of white snow!”

It’s true isn’t it! Many years, we spend up to 6 months or more in the snow! (I know our Southern friends are cringing right about now ha!) We usually get snow that sticks sometime early October and then well, it’s often ‘here‘ until sometime in April. So taking advantage of snow opportunities with your little ones is an important way to document their life. It’s a part of our everyday world.

Here I’ve compiled some tips & tricks for getting better shots of your kids this snow season. Enjoy!

1. It may seem like a simple starter but dress appropriately! That means you too mom. When I went out to capture my kids in the snow for these examples, I dressed just as they did & wore snow pants, a good winter coat, gloves, a hat and boots (these ones good for up to -30 below). Yes, it will be more cumbersome to run around & take snapshots with all your winter gear on, but it means you will be warmer & happier – which is an important element to the kids having fun as well. Happy mama = happy kids = happy shots!

2. Keep in mind that snow is very reflective. Even on overcast days, you may find yourself squinting when it’s too bright. For the professional photographers among us, snow can reflect up to 80-90% or more when it’s fresh (and wet!). Be mindful of this when you are photographing your children – give them sunglasses or (for more fun & interesting pictures!) snowboarding goggles – if you aren’t sure how or where to move them to a spot where they aren’t squinting, this is the next best thing!

3. Speaking of squinting! Pay attention to where the sun is, if your child can’t keep their eyes open because it’s too bright, move them to the shady side of the house or yard. Even behind a tree will work. If you can’t look at your kiddo without squinting, they aren’t going to be able to look at you without squinting!

4. Don’t forget to let them run & play! The best expressions come from genuine enjoyment. (Hint: choose the ‘Sports’ mode on your point & shoot to try & freeze that action shot!)

5. Think about adding in other elements. Birch trees are abundant up here – so why not plop your kids down on a fallen branch or sit next to one for perspective. Trees are great for that! Imagine if you took a picture of your child each winter, in front of that same tree – year after year you’ll see changes in both the tree & your child … some that may be so subtle you won’t even notice until they are both 18!

6. On the flip side of the coin, I do love me some wide open spaces to give the right perspective too! Nothing is better for showing ‘how little they once were’ than a snapshot that takes in the whole scene.

7. While we went out & shot these close to the noon hour, shooting earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon will work more in your favor. Make sure to pack lots of snacks (I sure did!) and take time to go inside & warm up, if need be.

8. Cold kids are cranky kids & we can’t have that! (For us, we were near a local ski spot that had an indoor ‘warm up’ room – so naturally, we took a break to use it!)

9. Think about perspective while you’re out there – shoot high, shoot low; stand on a tree stump or the bumper of your truck – it gives a whole new perspective AND often gets your kid’s attention because they are watching you do something you don’t normally do – climb on things!

10. If your own backyard is too small or too cluttered, think about taking your kids to another location where they can safely explore & enjoy the great outdoors. The key is to let them have fun, being themselves. Whether that’s playing & laughing or exploring & digging for dinosaur bones only you know what your child loves best … let them explore their passions outside in the snow too! The most enjoyable memories you’ll ever have with them are the ones you capture in your heart, while having fun.

*To see more images from this original post, please click on the link here: http://machcphotography.com/2010/11/tips-for-photographing-your-children-in-the-snow/

Chelsey Burglin Mach
MachC Photography | Owner, Photographer
Become a part of the MachC Network |

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Mommy DIY + 48 Hr. Simply Love Sale!!

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Mommy DIY + 48 Hr. Simply Love Sale!!

Posted on 13 December 2010 by Kari Gibson

You asked and I delivered!!  Thanks for all your emails begging for Simply Love tees for Christmas presents.  I have new tees in stock and want to offer them to you for the next 48 hours!!  I’m re-opening up my crazy store just for YOU!!!!!!  Click on the Store button located top right side column and gooooo shopping!!!  I will mail all the tees on Thursday 12/16 just in time for Santa.  Merry Christmas bloggy friends!!


Are you gearing up for another snowy week in your neck of the woods? My daughter, Hannah loves making custom T shirts- and this one caught her eye.  Mommy DIY tip:  this is a craft that needs minimal help, but its a fun way to sit and watch munching on cookies and hot cocoa together.  If you have a fun wintry craft, please share your idea or link in the comments.

Making this one-of-a-kind tee involves some waiting time, so it’s a perfect craft for sleepovers or winter break.

  • Permanent marker
  • Paper
  • Cardboard
  • White cotton shirt
  • Tacky glue
  • Sponge brush (or a new kitchen sponge)
  • Fabric paint
Total Time Needed: Weekend Projects
  1. Let-It-Snow T-shirt - Step 2Use a permanent marker to draw a thick-lined snowflake template on the paper, or download ours here.
  2. Place the template over the cardboard and slip both inside the shirt, centering them behind the upper front of the garment. You should be able to see the template through the shirt.
  3. Using a thin line of tacky glue (about 1/4-inch wide), trace the snowflake design onto the shirt. Let it dry for 10 minutes, then fill in any gaps with additional glue. Let the glue dry completely, until it is transparent (approximately 3 hours).
  4. Dip the sponge brush in the paint and dab around the snowflake, completely covering the surrounding area. Use less paint toward the outer edge of the design. Let the paint dry overnight.
  5. Soak the tee in warm water for about 10 minutes or until the glue softens. Peel off the glue and let the shirt dry, then follow the package instructions to set the fabric paint.

Family Fun Crafts & Photos.

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11 Crazy Ways To Make A Turkey Gobble

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11 Crazy Ways To Make A Turkey Gobble

Posted on 22 November 2010 by Kari Gibson

I love finding awesome activities for Mommy DIY.  Here are 11 crazy ways to make a turkey gobble with your kids this Thanksgiving holiday.  Click on the links and have some turkey fun!!  Bloggy friends, what is your favorite thing to do at Thanksgiving with your kids?

1.  Bakerella’s Turkey Pops.

2.  15 Different Ways to Make Turkey Cookies.

3.  Thanksgiving Turkey Luminarias craft.

4.  Colorful Turkey caddy fun.

5.  Yummy Turkey Sundaes.

6.  Gobbling Good Cupcakes.

7.  Feather Foliage Craft.

8.  Teeny Turkeys Appetizer.

9.  Put on a happy snood game.

10.  Thankful Turkey craft.

11. Rice Crispy Gobblers.

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Mommy DIY + Glowbird Craft

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Mommy DIY + Glowbird Craft

Posted on 19 November 2010 by Kari Gibson

My family is coming to town for Thanksgiving and we have some fun crafts planned for the kids.  Zoie and Annie will love making these adorable glowbirds with help from their big sisters.  If each cousin makes a glowbird- we’ll have a table full of the crazy gobblers glowing bright for Thanksgiving dinner.

Create a flock of these bright votive holders: they’re a great project for kids and, filled with battery-operated tea lights, a luminous addition to your table.


  • Hot glue
  • Glue gun
  • 1 1/4-inch wooden doll head (available at craft stores)
  • Small glass bubble votive holder (ours is 4 inches wide by 3 1/2 inches high)
  • Brush
  • Mod Podge
  • Tissue paper
  • Scissors
  • Tacky glue
  • Beads


  1. Apply a dab of hot glue from a glue gun to the wooden doll head. Then adhere the head to the votive holder.
  2. Brush Mod Podge over the head and body, then cover them with overlapping tissue paper scraps. Apply another Mod Podge layer and let it dry for at least 45 minutes.
  3. Step 3 - Glowbird To make the tail feathers, cut 9- by 2-inch strips of tissue paper, bend each in half without creasing it, then twist the ends together. Use a dollop of tacky glue to attach each feather to the body.
  4. Step 4 - Glowbird Cut a beak from a double layer of yellow tissue and affix it with tacky glue. Add two beads for eyes. Cut a long oval of red tissue, twist one end, and affix it as a wattle. Allow the turkey to dry.
Look for more fun Thanksgiving crafts on My Crazy Adoption Blog on Monday … 11 ways to make a turkey gobble!

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4 Reasons I Co-Wash Zoie’s Curls

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4 Reasons I Co-Wash Zoie’s Curls

Posted on 18 November 2010 by Kari Gibson

Help… the winter has caused Zoie’s curly hair to be extra dry.  What is your favorite leave in conditioner or creme to keep things soft all day?  Leave your suggestions in the comments.  Thank you moms!

I’m sooo not a hair care professional, but I learn a lot about Zoie’s curls and coils reading Happy Girl Hair Blog.   This crazy hair guru blogger mentions co-washing in many posts, but I had no idea what she meant, so Mr. Awesome googled it last week.  I was surprised to learn I had been doing it all along and it’s really good for Zoie’s hair.  I thought it would be fun to have a little hair competition and find out what your favorite products are for curls, swirls, straight, thick, frizzy or wavy hair.  God gave all our darlings a unique crown of beauty!  I love mom’s advice about hair care.  I want to always be open to stretch and grow… just like sweet Zoie’s curly hair!

Zoie’s hair in the morning- dry, mushed up curls.

It’s a good Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Day.

Here’s what I found out about co-washing… I do this weekly on Zoie’s hair.

What is Co-washing? Co-washing hair means to “use conditioner instead of shampoo to wash hair. One would think that skipping the shampoo step when washing hair would leave it dirty, but the truth is that there is a small amount of detergent in hair conditioner.”

How do You Co-Wash Hair: To co-wash hair, you would “wet your hair in the same way as you do before you wash it with shampoo. Then you need to massage a liberal amount of conditioner into the scalp. Massage the scalp for several minutes. Next, you would put a plastic cap on your hair and take your shower while you let the conditioner sit. Finally, rinse out the conditioner thoroughly.”

What kind of conditioner do you use?

I juggle these 3 conditioners on Zoie’s hair- co-washing weekly, that make her curls soft and bouncy and smell beautiful.  You can purchase the products right here on My Crazy Adoption Boutique (right side bar column) or click here-




Here are four reason why I love co-washing Zoie’s hair:

  • Keeps Princess Z’s hair moisturized.
  • Keeps her scalp clean.
  • I can clean her hair all week without drying out her curls.
  • Helps retain her growth by keeping hair moisturized.

I never brush Zoie’s curly hair when it’s dry- always moisturize with products before brushing or detangling.

I keep a wonderful supply of different hair products that I simply love.  Breeze through My Crazy Adoption Boutique and purchase a few of my favorite things.

I simply love these Jojoba oils:

Zoie’s curls freshly co-washed and adorable in box braids & poofy pigtails!!  I rinsed out all the conditioner thoroughly and put jojoba oil and organic shea butter leave-in conditioner (I am just learning how to braid Zoie’s hair) but went a little crazy and put too much in for the photo… oops!

I have bloggy friends that have adopted all over the world… what hair products do you love & why and what country did you adopt from ? I have soooo much to learn- a life long student of Zoie’s beautiful hair.

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Wednesday WOW Recipe + Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup

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Wednesday WOW Recipe + Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup

Posted on 17 November 2010 by Kari Gibson

“This tortilla soup tastes better than anything you can get at a restaurant. And it’s healthy too! Don’t let the long list of ingredients fool you. All you do is dump everything into the slow cooker and walk away. Garnish with grated Cheddar, avocados, and a splash of fresh lime juice.”


  • 1 pound shredded, cooked chicken
  • 1 (15 ounce) can whole peeled tomatoes, mashed
  • 1 (10 ounce) can enchilada sauce
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 (4 ounce) can chopped green chile peppers
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 (14.5 ounce) can chicken broth
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 (10 ounce) package frozen corn
  • 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro
  • 7 corn tortillas
  • vegetable oil


  1. Place chicken, tomatoes, enchilada sauce, onion, green chiles, and garlic into a slow cooker. Pour in water and chicken broth, and season with cumin, chili powder, salt, pepper, and bay leaf. Stir in corn and cilantro. Cover, and cook on Low setting for 6 to 8 hours or on High setting for 3 to 4 hours.
  2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
  3. Lightly brush both sides of tortillas with oil. Cut tortillas into strips, then spread on a baking sheet.
  4. Bake in preheated oven until crisp, about 10 to 15 minutes. To serve, sprinkle tortilla strips over soup.

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Inner Beauty Series 3 – Defining Beauty.

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Inner Beauty Series 3 – Defining Beauty.

Posted on 16 November 2010 by Kari Gibson

Defining Beauty

Webster defines beauty as, “qualities that give pleasure to the senses or exalt the mind.”  If someone were to ask you to name a “beautiful” woman – given the world’s standards of beauty – it would be a simple task.  We can all think of women who by society’s definition would be deemed as beautiful.  Every magazine, billboard, and commercial bombards our senses with images of beautiful women on a daily basis.  Like many women, I wrestle with insecurities in the area of appearance, body image, and just measuring up.

But many years ago – as a young Christian woman, I became drawn to the life and suffering of Corrie ten Boom and my perception of beauty began to change.  Now I am not suggesting that Corrie ten Boom WAS NOT a beautiful woman by appearance standards – I am simply trying to differentiate between our worldly perceptions of beauty and inner beauty – so I hope you can hear my heart and follow my message here!

Most of you probably know the story of Corrie ten Boom and her family.  Corrie is the author of many books, the most recognized being, The Hiding Place; depicting the ten Boom family’s suffering at the hands of Nazi Germany and their years in the Nazi prison camps.  Corrie’s father and sister both perished in the death camps, but by some miracle, Corrie survived.  Her remaining years on this earth were spent sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ – His love, mercy, grace, compassion, and yes … His message of forgiveness.

I recently was reading in her devotional, Not I, But Christ, and was so encouraged by her words.  She shared that she accepted the Lord Jesus when she was five years old and that, “He has never left me alone.”  She suggested that there are many battles to be fought before peace will come, but that we are not alone in any of these battles.  I love the truth of what she reveals when she shares that the Holy Spirit is ever present and that Jesus is our secret weapon.  I’m not sure that … actually, I KNOW that I do not live each day as if my Lord were my secret weapon in all of my battles!  Too often, I face them alone – running stubbornly right into the midst of them.  But Corrie further explains that it is in surrender that peace comes:  “God cleanses what He takes; He empties what He cleanses; He fills what He empties; and He uses what He fills.  This is the showing forth of Jesus Christ, dwelling in us.”

That completely rocks and challenges my view of beauty!  I want to be a woman who lives in surrender to the Lord’s purposes for my life – I have not arrived.  My journey is just that … a journey every day – each day a process.  Corrie has since gone to eternity with the Lord, but what I saw when I looked at Corrie ten Boom and when I read her words was beauty in its purest form.  The beauty of Christ radiating from her eyes, her smile, her confidence, her compassion, and her incredible desire to encourage others.  And I am inspired by the beauty of her words as they impact millions of hungry souls around the world still today.

Psalm 27:4 says, “One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek:  that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord.”  His promise to those who seek Him, to those who make Him their home, is that “he will keep me safe in His dwelling: He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.”  Our heads will be raised high above the enemies who seek to destroy us.  And our home, our dwelling will be in the safety of His shelter.  That’s a pretty beautiful thing to ponder.

I would love to hear from you – how has the Lord impacted your life in the area of beauty?  Is there a person who has spoken truth into your life or modeled beauty to you?

Walking this journey with you,

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Mommy + Daughter Getaway

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Mommy + Daughter Getaway

Posted on 30 August 2010 by Kari Gibson

I was so thrilled to take my two daughters on a getaway to Sanibel, FL a week after I returned home from Africa.  I missed them so much and it was a great way to reconnect, especially with my teenager.  I will admit, going to Sanibel in late August was not the smartest coolest thing to do.  The heat and humidity was pretty brutal, but floating in the pool can give the illusion of coolness.  We played on the beach in the morning and late afternoon, Zoie really loved running after the waves.

My favorite thing to do was walk up and down the beach looking for sea shells.  Hannah and I had a fun contest looking for the most unique looking shells.  She won hands down.  One night, I took the girls down to the ocean to watch the sunset.  Zoie sat in a low tide pool and played for an hour while Hannah and I sat and just talked.  It was one of those mommy moments I will never forget.  The three of us watched the pinkest sunset God has ever made.  I’m very thankful that my daughters love being with me and continue to make me laugh and play and skip through life.

Bloggy friends, I’d love to hear what your favorite thing to do on a girl’s getaway?

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I’m cooking today for orphans – You are invited!

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I’m cooking today for orphans – You are invited!

Posted on 20 May 2010 by Kari Gibson

Welcome to My Crazy Adoption blog!  I’m a big follower (like you) of Tom Davis and Children’s HopeChest Ministries.  I was so honored to host their 1st Valentine’s Day Project and “you” helped raise a TON of funds for new shoes for orphans in Ethiopia.  This week, I’m so excited to be a part of a new special project for HopeChest and Destiny Foods Direct.  They are partnering and working together to feed orphans all over the world.  I was thrilled to be asked to cook and blog about their project, as well as share a meal with you!

Zoie and I went crazy when this big box was delivered at our door.  I love how they make a bold statement with the packaging … right off you know you are making a difference in the lives of orphans.  Is this cool or what?  I have prepared two delicious recipes for you and even have a fun ‘Flip’ video of my awesome hubby grill’n the meat and showing off his skills.

A word from Destiny Foods Direct:

“Everyone need and buys food, but how you biy your food can change the world.  We get our juicy, prime and choice cut meats from the heartland of America served safely, direct to your door, which is readically more efficient and easier on your pocket book.  We take the savings to feed a care for ORPHANS around the world with accredited care givers.  We are changing the world through food.

All you do is take a few minutes to place your order online and withing 1-2 weeks your food arrives.  Together, we can change the way America shops for food.  Your food feeds twice!“  EVERY box results in a minimum of $50 donation back to HopeChest.

My Crazy Easy Chicken Recipe:

Step by Step Cooking Video- Part 1 & 2

I started out with my super-quick thaw chicken from Destiny Foods Direct. This company provides all natural beef, poultry, and pork–plus they donate $50 from every sale back to Children’s HopeChest.

What You Need!

  • 4 small boneless skinless chicken breast halves (1 lb.)
  • 2 Tbsp.  flour
  • 1 Tbsp. oil
  • 3/4 cup  fat-free reduced-sodium chicken broth
  • 4 oz. (1/2 of 8-oz. pkg.) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, cubed
  • 1 Tbsp.  chopped fresh parsley

Serves 4

Make It!

COAT -  chicken with flour. Heat oil in large skillet on medium heat. Add chicken; cook 5 to 6 min. on each side or until cooked through (165°F). Remove chicken from skillet, reserving drippings in skillet. Cover chicken to keep warm.

ADD – broth to skillet; stir to scrape up browned bits from bottom of skillet. Add cream

cheese; cook 2 to 3 min. or until cream cheese is melted and sauce starts to thicken, stirring constantly with wire whisk.

RETURN – chicken to skillet; turn over to coat both sides of chicken with sauce. Cook 2 min. or until chicken is heated through. Sprinkle with parsley.

My Crazy Easy Beef recipe:

Step by Step Video with grill master, Roger-

I started out with my steak from Destiny Foods Direct. This company provides all natural beef, poultry, and pork–plus they donate $50 from every sale back to Children’s HopeChest.

Notice a few things here…

1. This steak is trimmed of excess fat. There’s a nice marbled look to it–but the unnecessary fat is gone–a major plus since fat = weight and you buy steak by the pound.

2. Harder to tell from the photos–but each of these steaks was individually vacuum packed and quick frozen. They thaw super-quick, and a fresh and ready to go.


  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds, toasted
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 tablespoons olive or vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 dash hot pepper sauce
  • 3/4 pound (3/4 inch thick) boneless beef sirloin steak


In a large resealable plastic bag, combine the soy sauce, sesame seeds, garlic, oil, brown sugar, pepper and hot pepper sauce. Pierce steak on both sides with a fork; place in the bag. Seal and turn to coat; refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight.

  1. Drain and discard marinade. Grill the steak, covered, over medium heat for 7-9 minutes on each side or until meat reaches desired doneness (for medium-rare, a meat thermometer should read 145 degrees F; medium, 160 degrees F; well-done, 170 degrees F).

Original Recipe Yield 2 servings.

Simply Love Moldova.  You can purchase this brand new Simply Love Country at Brittany’s blog.

Destiny Foods Direct ‘food facts’

Destiny Foods Direct will FedEx a 45-day supply of beef, pork, and poultry right to your door. Each piece of meat is individually quick frozen, and packed in a hard foam box with dry ice.

Why buy meat this way?

First, it’s cheaper. Destiny Foods Direct.adds no water or flavoring solutions to their products. These solutions add unnecessary weight and cost you more at the grocery story–10-20 percent more.

Second, it’s better. Look at those photos…the fat is trimmed for you. Who likes unnecessary fat on their steak. Yuck. Fat adds extra cost at the grocery store. Destiny Foods Direct. trims the fat for you, and only uses USDA “prime” and “choice” meat–a higher quality of beef than you are likely to find in the grocery store.

Third, it feeds twice. Every package of Destiny Foods Direct.products you buy will also provide food for orphans overseas. You feed your family with great food, and orphans are fed through a $50 per purchase donation that goes directly to Children’s HopeChest.

Thank you Destiny Foods for allowing my family to participate in this amazing project!!

Please leave your comments and let me know what you think about this amazing project.

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