Archive | April, 2010

Haiti Day 5 + Danita’s Orphanage (yep I was there)

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Haiti Day 5 + Danita’s Orphanage (yep I was there)

Posted on 30 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

My Journal Today:

How is it possible that this is our last day in Haiti.  We were up at 4am hoping it was too early in the morning for roadblocks and road rage.  We had our 3 Haitian policemen escorting us all the way to the border.  Our own entourage of the toughest looking men I have ever met.  Lucien and his friends rode with us, helped us interpret, and gave us the gift of their friendship.

The roadblock was torn down and removed – crazy traffic was back to normal frenzy pace on main road.  I greeted our 3 new passengers feeling safe and courageous to face our day and any “detours” that came our way.  As I looked at each man I wondered their story.  I was visiting a week.. they had lived in Cap Haitien all their lives.  They lived the daily struggles and heartaches and poverty and conditions day after day.  This was their life we were visiting and I wanted to honor their kindness and respect they gave us today.  I was able to give them each a T shirt donated by my bloggy friends and church.  They were happy and grateful.  Lucien wore “Love and Respect with Africa.  I was moved He was so proud and looked so striking- he helped save our lives the day before and came back again to help us, serve us and love his people.

Sharing time alone with Lucien the night before, touched my heart deeply as he proudly held his baby girl and showed me the three most important papers he owned.  At first I was a little confused why he was showing me the baby’s birth certificate, his certification as the father, and the name of Casually’s Godfather.  I realized later, that he “claimed” his daughter, breaking the culture bonds that destroys family in Haiti.  He showed surrender to his family and ownership of his children.  I asked him if he knew Jesus and he looked at me and said hes.  I touched his heart and again asked… have you asked him in your heart?  He said, Oh yes!

I feel a strong new bond to Haiti, a new sense of friendship with the people that I did not experience on my last trip.  God allowed an open door for us to slow down, interact, minister, encourage, bless, and love the people of Haiti.  Going back to the church that protected our food and asking the Pastor, “What needs have you been praying for?”  Alicia asked him if we could pray over him… he fell down on his knees in the dirt and cried as we prayed for his ministry.  We were sisters praying for our brother.

The photograph below captured the moment of my trip I will hold deepest in my heart.  We passed by this room at the orphanage and I felt an overwhelming sense of emotion I couldn’t express.  The room made me sad, it made me weep.  When the Pastor took my hand standing next to the “room” he was humbled and I sensed immediately that he was embarrassed.  He needed to explain to me the situation. Pastor and his wife lived here at the orphanage, so they are responsible for 46 orphans 24/7.  I held his hand and simply said – you have done the best that you can do with what you have.  I am proud of you and want to pray that you can continue to help your children and community grow healthy and strong together.  The children are loved and that is making the real difference.  I soon learned the “room” was where the toddlers slept – the two year old orphans.

I don’t want any two year old to sleep in a room that has 1 filthy torn mat in a corner.  That was the best that Pastor could offer.  I can’t imagine my Zoie sleeping alone in a dark room and not doing something to help.  I stood there crying, but envisioned bright yellow paint on the walls, with toddler beds, light, and items like blankets and toys and comfort filling it with love.  I saw what I saw and can’t ignore the desperation of an orphanage that needs help.  Isn’t that what hope and love is all about.

Video #1 – My interview with Pastor concerning the needs of his orphanage.  It was a moment we could pray for him and celebrate all the work he does for his orphans!  He is my hero!

How in the world did we make it to Danita’s Orphanage for a surprise visit?  She is the super hero of Haiti!  I have watched her videos and website over the past year and could not believe God allowed us to drive in unannounced and tour her facility.  Drew’s wife, Robyn worked at the orphanage a few months ago, and encouraged him to try and visit.  Unfortunately, that was not on our itinerary, but it was definitely on God’s agenda.

My Journal at Danitas:

Touring Danita’s Orphanage and knowing one woman made a miracle happen next to the border – an oasis of Hope in Haiti.  This inspires me to press on and help others build their dreams too!  11 years ago, Danita moved to Haiti and started a church and orphanage.  Her story is remarkable and you can read more about her orphanage and children at her website, Danita’s Children.

Today we met a little hero named Johnny.  He was living in Port Au Prince with his family when he narrowly survived the horrific earthquake.  He managed to crawl to a hospital with a broken femur and severe injuries.  He did not know where his family was or unable to communicate his full name.  All he knew was his name … Johnny. He was brought via helicopter to Danita’s Orphanage and started the fight of his life.  Danita shared with us that all the children from PAP have been identified, but 3.  Johnny has not yet been identified.  He loves bananas “figs” and that was all he asked for to eat when he arrived at the orphanage.  The staff affectionately gave him the name Johnny Fig.  He was interviewed by Anderson Cooper on CNN.  He’s quite a celebrity with his big gorgeous smile!

“Anderson Cooper again spent time at General Hospital, this time in the pediatric ward. An 11-year-old with broken legs continuously screams. It’s pretty horrific. There Anderson also meets a little boy named Johnny, one of Haiti’s newest orphans. They don’t even know his last name. Unlike the children who had adoptive parents waiting for them in the states, orphans like Johnny have no one and nothing. What will become of him and others is anybody’s guess..”  Anderson Cooper 360 Review

Look at the miraculous transformation of Johnny now… 3 months later!!

We made it back over the border without a hitch.  None of us had the opportunity to drink coffee that morning due to the early get away out of Cap Haitien.  I guzzled down an espresso and 2 cappuccinos… I had a serious bouncy buzz the rest of the day!

Danita’s Orphanage-

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Haiti Day 4: Roadblocks are Crazy Scary!

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Haiti Day 4: Roadblocks are Crazy Scary!

Posted on 29 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

Today is the day we tackle the rest of the food for distribution.  We have a ton of boxes totaling about 150,000 meals.  We had some down time to take a few fun pics of our group.

I love my team: Leader- Steve Ijames aka: Jack Bauer, Co-Leader- Don Fuhr aka: Jason Bourne, Becky, Chris, Bayli, Ed, Drew, Dennis, Paige, Jody, Kathi, Alicia, Ali and me!

I encourage you to find a mission team to join… you will not regret the decision!  If you want adventure and the opportunity to simply love… you will find both on a mission trip.

My Journal Today:

We are up early.  We got all 150,000 meals packed on the truck.  We had our agenda that day- visiting 3 projects with hundreds of children and families waiting for food and fun!  Dennis led our group in prayer before we headed out asking God for protection and direction.  So far, our plans had been redirected and we were so excited to see if God had a new plan for us today!  Less than 5 miles driving in the bus, we knew that our plans had been dramatically changed.  This was the moment our group had been warned about- the other side of Haiti, the violence.  We were driving on the only road with access to cross the bridge to travel to the 2 projects in Cap Haitien.  I was sitting in the front of the bus and saw several men to my right screaming at our window.  I remember thinking, wow, they are really angry… is that directed at us?

As we turned the corner, I immediately sensed danger when a man in the middle of the street picked up a glass coke bottle and throw it at our window.  He missed, but picked up another bottle and hurled it at our bus.  Two men were now running toward us, throwing glass bottles one after the other.  Inside the bus, our fearless leaders were barking out instructions and the bus started backing up quickly.  Behind us was the truck of food and behind him was an UN vehicle.  They tucked their tail and pulled an U turn and took off leaving us to fend for ourselves.  The men running at us were now screaming and waving their arms and throwing bottles at us.  The road was blocked by a structure of metal to keep cars from driving through.  I accidentally took a photo of the street and men running at us.  In fear, my finger clicked!  It’s probably not the best idea to take pics during a riot.

The man in black ran aggressively toward our bus and kept throwing bottles at us narrowly missing our vehicle, but when he reached close enough to our bus, he moved his hand to his back pants and my heart froze.  His face was escalated to violent anger.  I felt instant terror throughout my entire body – was he reaching for a gun?  At that moment, our guard, Lucien (who was a French speaking local Haitian) jumped out of our bus and yelled, “Stop, these are American Christian missionaries here to help us, don’t harm them!”  The man in black looked through the glass and I locked eyes watching to see what he was going to do next.  He bowed slightly and backed away from our bus, like he was apologizing to us.  He reached down and picked up bottles and walked away calmly.  By this time, we had backed away from the street and driving away from the roadblock.

We were told later that the city had been without electricity for a week due to not getting the vital shipment of oil.  Unfortunately, a few thugs decided to riot and cause injury to many Haitian’s that day.  Cars were attacked and people were hurt in the chaos.  At the police station, we noticed a mob of people waiting there to report the incident.  The two men were arrested later that day.  God protected us from danger and we were able to deliver all the food to 1 of the 3 church projects.  In fact, the church we were re-directed to was where my family’s sponsored child, Rose was waiting for me.  I was thrilled that I could see Rose again, and that she brought her father for me to meet.

Video #1 – Roadblock Craziness!!

When we returned from delivering the meals, we headed to a sea side market to shop.  It’s crazy fun bartering for the prices and making new Haitian friends along the way.  I found a beautiful carving of a mother and her child that would be perfect for Zoie’s room.  I watched him chipping away at it, but through our interpreter asked him if I could buy it.  He insisted on finishing it for me and delivering it to our hotel.  Lucien agreed to help, but asked us if we would like to meet his 4 month old baby girl while he retrieved my new statue.  All the women went ga ga over baby Casually.  She was the most casual, easy going baby I have ever met.  She let us kiss and hold her for hours!  Her mother, Dadu came to the hotel and found her daughter drenched in cuddles… what a sweet way to end the day!

My special carving of Mother and Child.  Wait till you see the finished product:)

Baby Casually stole all our hearts!

I’m Your Billboard Today:

My bloggy friends fundraising for their adoptions sent me their T shirts to wear in Haiti.  You can click on their links to purchase their projects!!

1. Faith Hope Love Grace- I gave this T shirts Stacey sent me.  I loved how excited our Mission of Mercy host, Dimas was when I gave him the shirt!

2.  Seek, Defend, Plead and Encourage – Africa adoption bloggy friend.  Our body guard and new friend, Lucien (who saved our lives!) loved wearing his T shirt.

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Haiti Day 3: On the Border Craziness

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Haiti Day 3: On the Border Craziness

Posted on 28 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

We are heading for the border!  “Haitians cross the Massacre river to sell wares in the Dominican Republic. There is a marked difference in the standard living on the Haitian side of the border from that of the Dominican Republic.”  We waited on the DR side for about an hour, waiting for Dimas, our Mission of Mercy host, to return with our passports and approval to cross over to Haiti.

Haiti crossing

My Journal Today:

Today we travel to Haiti with our food! We had a jammed packed schedule, so we were up early in the morning ready for the 3.5 hour drive to the border.  The road was bumpy, but the beauty of the Dominican Republic zipping by was stunning. How is it possible to express the emotions to describe the devastation crossing over the two sides – split in half by the “Massacre River.”  I was preparing my heart for what we were going to see and experience.

“Welcome back Haiti,” flashed through my mind.  I was so thrilled to return and serve the people I fell in love with on my last trip.  Crossing over the border is a traumatic experience for the heart.  Guards are yelling, children are running and screaming for attention, but it’s the garbage and filth everywhere that takes your breath away… we are in Haiti.  We had no idea that this was the moment every plan, agenda and schedule we had worked so hard on – changed.  God deviated us at the border and we were clueless.  The crazy contingency plan was already in motion.  All we knew, we were grounded for 5 hours at the border of Haiti, stuck in the bus while Dimas worked fervently to approve our humanitarian visit into Haiti.  The first three hours we talked and chatted about the day and all our plans.  We were so excited to get to the hotel and start delivering food to over 900 families.  There were 3 projects waiting with hundreds of children, families, and staff waiting to meet us and celebrate our visit. Finally, Steve aka: Jack Bauer told us we could exit the bus.  We were instantly surrounded by children.  I think the photos will speak volumes of the fun we had simply loving the “border kids!”  We played with bubbles and passed out candy.  We were so happy to see the school children in their adorable red and blue uniforms coming over to say hi, too.  We hung out together in the hot sun, by the bus for an additional 2 hours before we received the OK to drive from the border.

We continued to pray that our food would not be confiscated at the next border check point… we had been warned!

This little boy broke all our hearts.  What is his story?  His clothes were torn and literally hanging off his body.  We tried so hard to make him smile.  Becky found an outfit and helped him change into the new clothing.  We made sure he had his “old” clothes to give back to his family or guardian (or was he an orphan.)

This beautiful Haitian girl walked by our bus and gave us permission to take her photograph of her balancing act.  What is her story?

There are truly no words to describe a God inspired intervention.  A moment when God changes the path, the direction, the day to fulfill His plan.  I woke up in the morning clearly understanding our itinerary that day.  We had an organized, well-planned agenda and we were all very curious to explore the adventure that changed direction radically at the border.

God used the craziness of our truck driver (with all the food) forgetting his passport, as the tool that diverted us to the tiny village of Dos Dane in Quananenthe, Haiti.  Our truck barely made it up the dirt road, but we found our way to a church where our food would be stored safely for distribution.  We were warmly welcomed!  I have 2 fun Flip videos of our team unloading the truck with the entire village peeking at the “Gringos” with 900 bags of food!

We drove 3 hours to Cap Haitien and checked into our Hotel.  We ended the evening with Haitian munks singing “Happy Birthday” and sharing birthday cake with us.  I did not take photos out of respect, but it was quite a sight!

This is a typical “street” in Haiti villages.

Video #1 – We started unloading 900 bags of food and caused quite a stir with the neighbors.  Take a peek at the lady in the background behind the fence in the yellow dress.  Moments after I filmed this Flip video, she crawled under the truck and grabbed my leg, pulling me out in the street.  The commotion caused the children to scream, a 2 year old baby was pushed down and nearly trampled, while the lady was yanked off me and directed back to the street.  I didn’t mean to cause so much craziness!  Later, the Pastor told me she was crazy and cried all the time.

Video #2 – Pastor says hello to my bloggy readers.

I’m Your Billboard Today:

My crazy readers sent me their adoption fundraising items and I promised I would wear them in Haiti.  The best part, I gave them away to special people I met along the way.  Please head over to their blogs and purchase these special projects and help a family bring home their children.

1.  You can purchase my sister-in-law’s China Adoption T shirt (I’m wearing) at her blog.  My niece comes home soon!

2.  You can purchase the beautiful Ugandan beads at Kelly’s adoption blog. I gave them away to the precious mother of my sponsored child, Rose.

Ugandan mother’s making the necklaces for income to raise their children.  You can help today!

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Haiti Day 2: Bagging Crazy Love

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Haiti Day 2: Bagging Crazy Love

Posted on 27 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

My Journal Today:

I slept like a rock, no Ambien necessary and shot out of bed at the buzz of Ali’s iPhone alarm.  Breakfast at 7am sharp – eggs, hot Quinoa breakfast cereal, coffee (strong!)

We drove about 20 minuets to a loading area where we waited for a 20ft. semi truck loaded with boxes of food pulled in.  Several workers were hired to help us.  We unloaded the truck and listened briefly to instructions.  Each bag was to be stuffed with: 2 Salami, 5 cans of sardines, 2 cans of corn, 2 cans of mixed vegetables, powdered leche, brown sugar, bag of cereal, bag of oatmeal and 1 loaf of fresh baked bread.  We stuffed 3 plastic bags and made 900 “ready to go” bags.  We attracted a lot of attention, and I loved watching street boys coming to help us bag food.   They insisted they could miss school and help us.  At first, our assembly line was a little disorganized, but we quickly got in the grove and worked as a team.  We were all bagging crazy love!  We completed the packing at 2pm.

It was incredible to work with locals and laugh and joke and get the job done together.  We took a photo with Don Fuhr’s timer… Ali and I yelling “Uno, Dos, Tres, Queso!!”  We laughed in hysterics, but I don’t think anyone got our joke.

Back to the hotel for a quick clean up and then a delicious dinner out at a local restaurant.

Video #1- We start off with a bang bagging 900 meals (ignore my ecstatic shrills about 170,000- I was a little off that day)

Video #2- Crazy Assembly Line packing up truck with 900 bags of food!! We had a blast, but man it was a lot of sweaty work!

Why we are here – an excellent video from PBS.

Thank you, Don Fuhr for letting me use some of your amazing pics!! Quinoa Breakfast Cereal Recipe


  1. Rinse quinoaquinoa and add in to water; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer for 5 min. Add in apples, raisins and cinnamon; simmer till water is absorbed.
  2. Serve with lowfat milklowfat milk or possibly cream and sweeten to taste with honey or possibly brown sugar.

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Haiti Day 1: Don’t Mess with Our Formula!

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Haiti Day 1: Don’t Mess with Our Formula!

Posted on 26 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

I’m so excited to share my week in Haiti with you!  I knew it would be impossible to take my computer, so instead I brought a journal to write my thoughts and details of the trip.  I didn’t want to forget a moment of this special adventure… my 2nd mission trip to Haiti.  We had a purpose – food distribution and visiting children at our 11 projects scattered from the border to Cap Haitien.

We had no idea that God would take our plans, our agenda, our schedule and turn them upside down, twisting around with drama only God could direct.  He had his own inspired plans, agenda and schedule for our team… we just had to hold on, avoid whiplash, and enjoy the craziness!

Before the trip, I googled the definition of Haiti.  Haiti, (a republic in the West Indies on the western part of the island of Hispaniola; achieved independence from France in 1804; the poorest and most illiterate nation in the western hemisphere) A few nicknames: Mountain over Mountain, Mountain Country.  The name “Haiti” comes from the native Taino/Arawak word ayiti or hayti, meaning “mountainous” or “high land.  The two main religions are Roman Catholicism and Voudou, or Voodoo, a mixture of African animism (belief in spirits and nature) and Christianity. Many Haitians practice both these religions at the same time.  [read more]

The flight distance from Miami, Florida to Haiti is:  681 miles!!

My Journal Today:

I woke up at 5am this morning so excited about “travel day!”  I feel like we’re embarking on a real adventure.  170,000 meals and 600 pounds of formula tucked inside rubbermaid bins for delivery.  I can’t wrap my brain around how we are going to pack, deliver and serve so many meals.  I’m familiar now with the things I will see, but knowing it has all changed in one way or another.  We will arrive in the Dominican Republic, Santiago at 10pm – a long day, but team is buzzing with anticipation.  We have 14 amazing people, most I have never met… 4 jumped on board from blog and FB!  Now that is crazy!

What I’m specifically praying for is a formula miracle.  My bloggy friends and community helped raise $2,200 for baby formula and the chances of not making it through security are high.  We did not get the “paper” we needed from the officials in Santiago, so we are trusting God to get every can to Haiti.  We will have the opportunity to hand deliver the formula to churches, orphanages and Mother’s Milk Day via the Campbells.  We are asking God for full access to bring it through customs.  God can blind their eyes and allow 100%!

Bloggy friend from New York, Paige (and her sister) was easy to spot.  She was wearing Simply Love T shirt.  We waited in Miami for Drew and Dennis – our team of 2 from Florida (never met them) We played a game to guess who they were. LOL  Due to delays, our plane was late taking off and the guys ran like crazy to make it on the flight… just in the nick of time!

Miracle #1: We MADE IT through customs with all our formula!!  God did the miracle without a snag… customs asked what we had in the bins (all 10 of them) making sure we did not have medication.  He never even looked inside.  A much different scenario than our last hold up and confiscation with mission bins in 09.

Checking in to the Hotel Hodelpha with my roomies, Ali and Alicia.  Dinner: Sea Bass Fish Sticks and cheesecake!

God will mark our hearts.  Wake up call – 6 am!  Here we go….

Photos used with permission – Don Fuhr who was part of our amazing team, gave us all the gift of his beautiful photography.  I’m thrilled to show some of them on  my blog this week.  You can click on his site and look at all his photos of our trip to Haiti.

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Into the Streets Ministry

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Into the Streets Ministry

Posted on 23 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

Have you ever met someone that made such an impact on your life… you just want to tell everyone about them?

We met Robel in Ethiopia and I want to tell you all about him and his new ministry, Into the Streets of Ethiopia. The first thing you love about Robel is his bright eyes and spirit for the Lord.  His sense of humor helped us through the 2 crazy weeks we spent in Addis Ababa picking up Zoie.  We would not have made it without his love, friendship and prayers.  He literally prayed over us when we didn’t think we could go another day.  He prayed over Zoie.  He brought us to his church and prayed for us there, too.  He’s a man of mighty prayers and I know that God has blessed him and his ministry to children on the streets of Ethiopia abundantly- we can pray and help too!

The best part, when I go to Ethiopia this summer in July for my crazy mission trip- I will get to spend time with Robel again and his ministry with the street children.  What’s really amazing, I recognize many of the children in the photos on the Into the Streets of Ethiopia website.  I was relieved to know they are alive and being ministered to.  They are being loved and cared for and learning about Jesus.

The aim of Into the Streets of Ethiopia is to raise financial support, basic living materials and educational needs for street children living in  Ethiopia.  Improving the child’s living standard and provision for education will help to contribute to their future well being and adjustment in society.   It is our desire to partner with charitable organizations which serve underprivileged youth in Ethiopia.  All funds will be devoted to the cause of helping street children and at risk children in Ethiopia.  [read more]

Robel’s Story (you don’t want to miss this!)

I was born on December 25,1986, in Harar, Ethiopia to a farming family. Our farm grew corn, fruit, and vegetables. When I was 10 years old my dad passed away. My mom, my sisters, and I lived together for the next year.  My father’s family eventually took over our land and due to financial pressures, I felt the need, as the only man, to take care of my family.  The only way to financially support my mom and sisters was for me to go to Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia, and find work.

I had an uncle in Addis and I was able to stay with him for some time.  The only work I was eligible to do as an eleven year old, was shoe shining and washing cars. Life was tough: my uncle was an alcoholic, his wife was opposed to me living with them, and even while working, street kids would beat me up to steal my money.

I decided it was better for me to move from my uncle’s and live with some of my friends that had found themselves in a similar situation.  Six of us rented a house that was 12-meter square. During this time I faced many problems as well: some days I went hungry, didn’t have sufficient clothing, and I even found myself on the cold street one night.

Then, one day, my life changed… [read more here]
Please head over to the Into the Streets of Ethiopia website and “follow” their new journey.   You can add Kara’s stunning buttons on your own blogs (I did!)

My kiddos hanging out with Robel in Ethiopia! (where crazy readers can further read about him and read about his ministry).


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Adoption 101: Coming Home to Craziness

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Adoption 101: Coming Home to Craziness

Posted on 22 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

Roger and I want to offer some practical advice today LIVE on adoption homecoming.  Adoption bloggy friends, please share with readers in the comments some ideas that helped you or things that were challenging when you came home with your new adoptive child.  BTW- if you are interested in purchasing the Simply Love T shirt I’m wearing on the videos…. blue T with Simply Love on the front.  My BF is fundraising with them on her blog for Africa Mission trip.  Go on over and take a peek- Randi’s Adventure in Wonderland.

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HopeChest Necklace {GIVEAWAY} WINNER!

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HopeChest Necklace {GIVEAWAY} WINNER!

Posted on 21 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

True Random Number Generator

22 Powered by RANDOM.ORG

WINNER of the HopeChest Mother’s Day necklace is #22- Kelly Summers says:
Email me, Kelly!!

HopeChest and Adoption Fathers are joining together for Mother’s Day to bring hope to orphans!!  My crazy readers, you rocked out our last HopeChest fundraiser and I want to ask you to take the time to learn more about this special project that Tom Davis and team are supporting.  I just bought my necklace!!  It’s created exclusively from my friend JunkPosse, so you know the quality is beautiful and one of a kind.  Here is a great close up of the special Mother’s Day necklace.  It’s just how we like it girls…

Love Goes Around Children's Hope Chest Mother's Day Fundraiser

big & chunky!   Let’s go a little crazy and end the last week of the fundraiser with a bang… don’t miss out.


Crazy friends… this is a 2 day giveaway.   I will randomly pick a winner on Friday night.  All you have to do is leave me a comment and tell me why you want this stunning necklace. You can entry both days!  Let’s break records!

“This necklace represents the “Breaking the Chain” of Orphanhood campaign this Mother’s Day. All the Profits from this piece will support Hopechest’s “Young Mothers Program.”

When orphans are released from the orphanage in their early teen years, they enter a critically vulnerable time. In the case of the women supported by this campaign, they find themselves pregnant and alone. Still children themselves, they have nowhere to go. That is where HopeChest comes into the picture, providing direct assistance, training, community building, and intensive counseling and casework. 100% of the moms currently in the program are raising healthy young children and breaking the cycle of orphans producing more orphans.

Children’s Hopechest- Responding to God’s desire to create a world where every orphan knows Him, experiences the blessing of a family, and acquires the skills necessary for independent life.”

Join us this Mothers Day and together we can Break The Chain of sex trafficking and orphanhood. Buy a limited edition Mothers Day necklace and 100% of the proceeds will go towards supporting these amazing programs.  HopeChest Fundraiser ends on Friday!

Click on image to purchase.

Meet Masha an orphan who was rescued from a life of forced prostitution- Click Here!

This is my great friend, Pete Kidd’s new blog and ministry to bring together orphan awareness to fathers all over the world.  His passion for his family and adoption is contagious!  Please grab his bloggy button and help spread the word helping daddy’s advocating for orphans!

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Adoption 101: Making Crazy Memories

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Adoption 101: Making Crazy Memories

Posted on 20 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

Roger and I would like to share with you today on LIVE how to make memories with your adoptive child.  We have 16 years of practice on making memories count with our 3 kiddos and want to pass on some of the craziness to you.  Please share with readers some of the things you do in your family to build lasting memories.

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Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

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Adoption 101: Super Size It

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Adoption 101: Super Size It

Posted on 14 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

I love going through McDonalds and super sizing my drink to an XXL!!  Well, Roger and I talk today on LIVE about the importance of flexibility and super sizing your patience, love, joy, courage, endurance when you travel to bring home your child.  We look back now and realize the moments we thought we would we “lose it” were the expectations we made crashing down on the floor and over the balcany of our hotel in Addis Ababa.  We started super sizing and it made the adventure crazy and unforgettable.

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Adoption 101: Joy Opportunity Lost

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Adoption 101: Joy Opportunity Lost

Posted on 13 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

This week, will be dedicated to adoption.  Roger and I tackle a few of our favorite adoption topics on video.  Each video segment- Adoption Life LIVE will cover some of the struggles, challenges and joys we have experienced the past two years having Zoie in our family.  Adoption is crazy and we want to offer practical advice from our life that can encourage you in your own adoption adventure.  We are not professionals – just a mom and dad that are passionate about adoption and loving our children.

My awesome hubby Flips his passion about adoption and shares Joy Opportunity Lost, the sequel to Adoption 101: Who Picks Who post.  I really want this week to encourage adoption bloggers.  Please leave your comments and contribute to the 5 Adoption Life LIVE videos and participate in giving adoption support.  Share how adoption has changed YOUR life.

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Posted on 12 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

I love reminding Hannah that she is a walking miracle. At 13, she only rolls her eyes half way around when I hug her tight and whisper how much I love her being my daughter.  We almost lost our beautiful girl when she was born 26 weeks premature.  Now, when I look at her pictures and remember the tiniest baby in the NIC unit sleeping in an incubator fighting for her life… it feels like a dream.

Hannah is a survivor.  She taught me what it means to walk like a miracle.  She lives her motto- never give up.  My tiny preemie reminds me daily that God’s plans are for our best.  It was so difficult for me to wrap my heart around the possibility of not having her in my life, but God taught me through the first year of her life what faith really means.  I had to teach my heart to believe in things that I could not see or understand.  Hannah is smart and loving and kind and strong and keeps us laughing with her crazy sense of humor.  What strikes me to the core, is her perseverance and courage when she faces challenges head on- eyeball to eyeball.  She never gives up when the going gets tough.

Roger gave Hannah the nickname Hannahrella when she was about 3 years old.  She loves being daddy’s princess and they have a very special and close relationship.  A few months ago, Roger was playing with the girls and he called Zoie “Zoierella.”  Hannah looked at her daddy and said flat out, “Noooo way Dad, that’s MY nickname.”  I loved it!!  Zoie is now called Princess Z.

God knew that Hannah would be our ambassador for adoption.  He used her perseverance to melt our hearts to start the adoption journey.  She is very proud knowing God used her beautiful life to grow our family through adoption.

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Blogging in Haiti – Formula & 150,000 meals!

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Blogging in Haiti – Formula & 150,000 meals!

Posted on 11 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

Bloggy friends, I’m heading to Haiti today! (flight at 8am) I’m so excited for you to join me and follow me there!  You helped raise $2,100 for baby formula.  Your hearts are so big and passionate for orphans and children in need.  It’s truly an honor to hand deliver this precious formula you helped raise to Cap Haitien and show crazy love.  I will be compassionately blogging through Haiti, but there won’t be time to post or Internet access where I’m traveling.  I will post everything when I get home and show you step by step my Haiti adventure.  We have a team of 14 and I want to ask you a big CRAZY favor… please pray for us.  We are there during rainy season (mosquitoes!) and distributing 150,000 meals to the people.  When you have large quantities of food, there can be problems with mobs of desperate people.  We are praying for safety and endurance to deliver every single meal to the beautiful people of Cap Haiten.  We will also visit several projects and orphanages.  I’m praying for divine intervention to deliver the formula to the exact places that need it.

My heart is pounding today as I think of all the things I need to accomplish and pack, but the best part is the joy of sharing my trip with you. There are several bloggy friends COMING on this trip that follow my crazy blog and I think that is just the coolest, craziest thing in the world.  The opportunity to spend real time with you, serving orphans is amazing.

I also get to visit again our sponsored child, Rose.  I can’t wait to give her a big hug and share all the new Disney Princess toys we bought her!!  She is our Haitian Princess.. is she gorgeous or what!  She dreams of being a teacher one day!

I have some really fun videos scheduled this week while I’m gone- my awesome hubby guest blogs with me as we share Adoption Life LIVE topics with you to encourage you on your adoption journey- at all stages.

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Date Night

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Date Night

Posted on 09 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

I love date night with my hubby, but we have noticed since bringing home Zoie, we go out as a threesome most of the time.  We took the advice on bonding with Zoie seriously and now that she is stuck to us like glue, we know it’s time to bring back our romantic rendezvous of date nights.  I’ve been scouring some fun mom blogs and websites to compile a list just for you.  These are a few of my favorites:

1. Let loose your animal instinct. Head to the nearest zoo and visit the children’s section; that’s usually where you can feed friendly goats, sheep, and the like, check out cool interactive exhibits, and even pose for a souvenir photo with a harmless snake.

2. Be on the move. Instead of staying at one restaurant for a whole evening, plan a progressive dinner: have appetizers at one place, then move somewhere else for dinner and to a third place for dessert. Just be sure to scout out spots that aren’t too far from one another; you don’t want to feel like you spent most of the night in the car. If your stops are within walking distance of each other, all the better.

3. Take him out to the ball game. A major-league face-off is always a blast, especially if your team is a hot ticket. But if seats are hard to come by, especially on short notice, don’t overlook the fun of a minor league or local Little League game. All the elements of a pro game — pride, ego, spirit of competition — are there.

4. Let Mother Nature chaperone. Pack up some Power Bars and bottles of water, lace up your sturdiest sneakers or boots, and go for a nature hike. For specific information on thousands of locations to explore in the United States and Canada, visit

5. A progressive dinner. Appetizers at one place, dinner at another place and dessert somewhere else. Different locations not only have different atmospheres, it would give your stomach a chance to digest before you assault it with more food.

6. Taking a class together. I’ve always thought that taking a cooking class would be fun – how much more so would it be if I had Hubby for company?

7. Going for a day hike. We live in an area lovingly referred to as “God’s country”. There are mountains, lakes and trails everywhere. What a great way to spend time together, enjoy nature and get some exercise to boot.

8. Giddy up! While away an afternoon on horseback. No experience? Not to worry. Just tell the stable staff you’re a complete beginner; they’ll match you with an especially docile horse and teach you the basics before you set out. To search for stables by state, log onto

9. Have a ball. Go bowling! Rented shoes that make your feet look big and the privilege of hurling a heavy ball down an alley make for major bonding.

10. Join the cultural elite. Museum-hopping isn’t just for ladies who lunch or kids on school trips. Scour the listings section of your local newspaper or city magazine for news of special exhibits and events.

11. Pretend you’re tourists. If you’re like most people, you rarely partake of all that your hometown has to offer; that’s why New York City, for example, is full of people who have never been to the top of the Empire State Building or to the Statue of Liberty. Think of all the places that visitors flock to see, and mingle with your area’s guests for a good time.

Hurry up, call the babysitter!!

Do you have any creative date ideas?

MISSION NEWS:  Read Tom Davis’ blog post today from Russia… you don’t want to miss this!

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