Archive | September, 2010

Wednesday WOW Recipes + World’s Best Lasagna

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Wednesday WOW Recipes + World’s Best Lasagna

Posted on 29 September 2010 by Kari Gibson


  • 1 pound sweet Italian sausage or turkey sausage
  • 3/4 pound lean ground beef or turkey
  • 1/2 cup minced onion
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 (28 ounce) can crushed tomatoes
  • 2 (6 ounce) cans tomato paste
  • 2 (6.5 ounce) cans canned tomato sauce
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons white sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons dried basil leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
  • 12 lasagna noodles
  • 16 ounces ricotta cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 pound mozzarella cheese, sliced
  • 3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese


  1. In a large skillet, cook sausage, ground beef, onion, and garlic over medium heat until well browned. Stir in crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce, and water. Season with sugar, basil, fennel seeds, Italian seasoning, 1 tablespoon salt, pepper, and 2 tablespoons parsley. Simmer, covered, for about 1 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally.
  2. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook lasagna noodles in boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes. Drain noodles, and rinse with cold water. In a mixing bowl, combine ricotta cheese with egg, remaining parsley, and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
  3. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
  4. To assemble, spread 1 1/2 cups of meat sauce in the bottom of a 9×13 inch baking dish. Arrange 6 noodles lengthwise over meat sauce. Spread with one half of the ricotta cheese mixture. Top with a third of mozzarella cheese slices. Spoon 1 1/2 cups meat sauce over mozzarella, and sprinkle with 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese. Repeat layers, and top with remaining mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. Cover with foil: to prevent sticking, either spray foil with cooking spray, or make sure the foil does not touch the cheese.
  5. Bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes. Remove foil, and bake an additional 25 minutes. Cool for 15 minutes before serving.
Reviewed: Sep. 28, 2010 truly the best i have ever made. Usually there seems to not be enough sauce but this recipe prepared for a generous amount to keep the noodles covered. My children all raved about it!

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3 Crazy Reasons To Visit Orphans!!

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3 Crazy Reasons To Visit Orphans!!

Posted on 28 September 2010 by Kari Gibson

BIG CRAZY NEWS- We have limited spots left for my February trip to Ethiopia & June trip to Uganda... don’t miss out!!  Bloggy friends, if you are feeling a passion about joining me on a trip, please continue to pray and fill out the application when the time is right!!! Spots are filling up fast!!

Please share with me in the comments your personal journey that God is leading you on.

My personal journey to missions-

I want to challenge you to come with me on the upcoming mission trips to Africa!  I waited 42 years before I went on my first missions trip.  I had yearned, and dreamed, and prayed for years, but never had the courage to really go!  I LOVE kids and love traveling… why did it take me so long to go on a missions trip.  I hate to admit this, but I was intimidated and it was never convenient for me to go.  I’m a stay at home mom and the timing just never seemed right for me.
My hubby was supportive, but not in a “do it now” kind of way.  I always had an excuse.  The money was usually my down fall.  I had no idea you could fundraise for a mission trip.  I assumed I needed to do it all on my own.  I felt responsible to raise the money or not go.  Why would anyone want to help me go on a “vacation.”  I never dreamed my family and friends would rally together and help me make my mission trip dreams come true.  Last summer, I was asked to go to Haiti with my church family.  I begged asked Roger to let me go.  This was it… I was determined to make it work.  Zoie was only 1 years old and my kids were starting school several days after the trip started.  I could feel the guilt seeping up in my heart, but I moved forward.  I knew I needed to go, but I had to raise $1,500 in two weeks.  I prayed and prayed that God would give me a creative idea.  I pushed my old fears down and moved forward with a plan.
Family and friends embraced my project and I raised $2,200 for Haiti!  I was able to purchase donations with the overflow and hand deliver the items personally.  It was a lot of work organizing the fundraiser, but once things got rolling, it was so much fun!  Please don’t make the same excuses I made for so many years…. pray, move forward and allow God to do the rest.  If the door is slammed shut in your face, well that’s OK.  Stand in line again, and move forward in a different direction.  I challenge you to call or email Visiting Orphans today and request an application. If your heart is stirring, don’t wait – start the ball rolling, especially if you feel excitement and joy and yearning when you read our itinerary.
Here’s 3 Crazy Reasons why you should come with me to Ethiopia & Uganda:
  1. Orphans desperately need you to come and simply love them- BASICALLY Haiti is happening to children all over this world….the media is just not covering it.  They lose their parents suddenly to HIV, malaria, malnutrition, starvation and other horrific ends to a life.  Or, they are traumatized as they are just abandoned and left with a feeling of worthlessness, feeling forgotten and not knowing the consistent love of a parent or anyone else.  Some orphans never even get to see outside of the building of their orphanage.  Orphans in this world, unless visited by God’s people, will not know their Savior as their Abba Daddy.  He is their Father and He is the only one who in our absence can give them the consistent love they were created to receive.  If we don’t go…who will go for us?  (thank you Amanda)
  2. Lose some weight with me- Are you loaded down with the weight of mommyhood?  The busyness of your life as a mom- the comfortable, conveniences of structure, playdates, Target runs, carpools, sports events… well, mission trips do a great job at shaking things up and forcing you to let go and serve out of your comfort zone.  Traveling to a foreign country can be really scary, but being immersed in a different culture allows you to see and smell and touch and taste and hear things that will literally change your life.  Leave your busyness at home (it will be there when you return) and open your hearts wide to crazy love orphans.
  3. Be part of a God-Inspired Adventure- this means doing something radical, out of the normal, daily routine we get stuck in as moms.  You get to see God work in others lives and in your own life on a mission trip.  Plan on something going really crazy- this is all part of the adventure.  I encourage you to super-size your joy and patience and understanding and compassion and affection on a mission trip.  If you have set expectations, I guarantee you will be turned upside down.  Leave your expectations at home and allow God to guide your steps through Uganda and Ethiopia.

Here’s what one mom shared- “as an adopting Mom I first thought, I’m already doing my part, I’m adopting an orphan! While talking to my husband, I couldn’t stop crying because I was thinking about our baby. I kept asking, what if an American Mom was able to be in the orphanages everyday? What if we knew there were always volunteers through Visiting Orphans there to hold, feed and love our baby E? I know that my 14 days in Uganda and Ethiopia isn’t going to change the world BUT if Mom’s across our country would go and be present 365 days a year, it would change the lives of all the orphaned children.
July 19th isn’t really a “good time” for me to go on a Mission Trip. Who knows where we will be in the adoption, if we will have the money, or if I can emotionally handle it.  However, we pray, someone is there right now, regardless of the “right time” to hold our baby.” (Ashlie, mom to be)

If you are on the fence, trying to make every mommy detail perfect before you make the decision to go, I challenge you to jump down and pray forward.  Most of my readers are crazy moms, life will never be perfect for us to go on a mission trip, but I promise you that this trip will change your life.  Your family will benefit from you doing something soooo radical… you’ll be a crazier mom!

UPDATE- If you are sending out donation letters or asking for donations, please have all donations be written: Paid to the order of “Visiting Orphans”. In the memo section you may have the sponsor put your name. You will then turn in the these checks and Visiting Orphans will send the tax write off to the individual at the end of the year. If you have any questions please email me.  Also, I have created two new trip blogs full with missions information.
My Crazy Africa Trip Blogs:
More Crazy Talk…

Sisters, I want to know what you’re thinking?  Does anyone else have a story to encourage each other to go on a mission trip… please share in comments.  Next week, I’ll share some crazy ideas to help you fundraise for a mission trip.


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Can I Afford Missions?

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Can I Afford Missions?

Posted on 27 September 2010 by Kari Gibson

Yes Yes Yes!!

Yes, you can afford missions!!  The number one excuse reason I hear from people considering NOT going on a missions trip is the cost.  Mission trips cost money.  If you travel overseas, a trip can cost up to $3,400.  I understand that the amount makes most of us gulp and cringe, but I promise you God will provide the means for you to afford missions.  I want to share 3 crazy stories from people that desired to go on a missions trip and trusted God 100% to provide the money.

Cassie is a college student in my town and I recently had the opportunity to talk to her class about visiting orphans.  I received an email from her the next day and was thrilled to watch the incredible journey God started in her heart.

Cassie’s story:

Hey there,
I was so inspired by your talk today in minority groups.  Missions has been on my heart for a while now, but every time I want to go the money stands in my way. I am so excited for this Uganda trip, I have wanted to go there since I found out about “Invisible Children” a couple years ago, but I have never had the chance. This trip would be an amazing trip to go on and I feel like God has really put you in my life for a reason and today you spoke to a lot of my passions. I love children and I feel like every child deserves to feel loved and to go and  visit an orphanage would be amazing. I really hope you meant it when you said you would help me with fund-raising because I already filled out the application to the Uganda trip. I still have to send in my deposit and my references, but I truly feel like this a God thing and God directed you in my life for this trip. Thanks so much for coming and talking to our class, it was truly inspiring to hear your stories. I hope this all made sense because i am so excited I just wanted to put it all out there, so sorry if some of it is jumbled, ha. I am so pumped about this opportunity, you have no idea! Love, Cassie

Look what God did 2 weeks later in Cassie’s life:

Since I heard about Invisible Children I have desired to go to Uganda, Africa. When I heard about the upcoming trip to Uganda with Visiting Orphans; I felt like God was telling me this is my chance! I was hesitant to sign up because of the money. I wasn’t even sure how I was going to come up with the money for the application process, which was $200.

My birthday was coming up and I knew that I would get some money from that. The money I received from my birthday I was going to use for the application process. I figured that I would receive about $100, but to my surprise God provided for the whole fee. When I opened one of my cards, I found the exact amount I needed for the application fee. This to me was a true sign of God’s sovereignity!  Cassie is going with me to Uganda 2011!!!!!!!!!

Joe and Carrie contacted me about traveling in July 2010 on the 14 day missions trip to Ethiopia and Uganda with Visiting Orphans.  During that time, Joe lost his job and they both felt financially it was not wise or responsible to raise $6,800 for both of them to travel.  Instead of giving up, they started praying and their story will inspire you… YES, YOU CAN AFFORD MISSIONS!!

I met Carrie on my blog.  She had nooo idea she was emailing me Part 1 of her adventure (get ready to be crazy inspired:)

Carrie’s Story- February 25, 2010
Where to start? First, let me say my husband and I would like to be a part of the trip to Africa in July. I have felt the Spirit move me toward serving God’s children in Africa get stronger and stronger and the fire within me grow stronger, and I am thrilled that my husband has agreed to share in the journey with me.  It will be a true faith trip for us, though- as God is leading us into uncharted territory even before we ever cross into a new land. As of last week, both my husband and I are without employment. He was let go from a contracting position with the company he worked for for 2 years, and I walked away from my job to put an end to a situation that was getting progressively worse. We have paid 2 months rent on the house and have a pantry and freezer full of food- and not much else in the way of provisions. We have essentially freaked his family ( non- believers) out because we are not panicking about our circumstances. WE KNOW God is in control. We KNOW He will not forsake us. I cannot even imagine how they will react when they hear that we are going to try to raise nearly $8000 to leave our 3 children behind and serve people who have far less than even us.
I share this with you not to receive kudos, but because I covet your prayers. Prayers for strength and courage to withstand the upcoming fury of doubters and naysayers and courage to be brave and be strong in my saving knowledge that I ONLY need Christ- even when things don’t go how I think they are supposed to. This is so far removed from anything either of us has EVER considered actually doing, but nothing has ever seemed so right either.
I read your post today about fundraising- literally right after talking to my hubby about going on a trip. I knew this is the one we are supposed to go on. I guess I just don’t know how to take that first step out of the boat. Honestly, I can’t even send in the applications since we will have to raise the $400 for that first. I hesitate to ask you to “hold us 2 spots”- if it is in His plan- we will be there. God bless you for what you are doing and sharing- it has blessed me, and also my family.
Sincerely, Carrie

Joe’s testimonials:


Traveling to Uganda allowed me to see another side of beauty and love that I never expected to see. God used us to minister and God used the ones we visited to minister back to us.  When we arrived in Uganda, we arrived in another world, but when we left, we left a new family behind who I long to be reunited with again some day soon.
Addis Ababa is a bustling, busy, exciting city and maybe even a little intimidating. Getting to know the people there was an amazing opportunity.  The people we sent time with changed my perceptions of what the depth of love and joy in the Lord can look like, despite poverty and sometimes squalor conditions. Ethiopia has a beauty that is unique in the world.

Joe & Carrie joined Visiting Orphans in Uganda & Ethiopia 2010 Mission Trip

Joe & Carrie are leading a trip with Visiting Orphans to Uganda in July 2011- learn more here.

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Quita’s Story

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Quita’s Story

Posted on 24 September 2010 by Kari Gibson

I love recommending wonderful organizations that help families adopt.  Lifesong is inviting their faithful readers and supporters to step up and help in a time of need for Lifesong Liberia.

Liberia is located on the west coast of Africa, between Cote d’Ivorie and Sierra Leone. After 14 years of civil war, the country’s infrastructure was destroyed. A peace agreement was signed in 2003, though significant issues still remain. Currently, there is an unemployment rate of 80%.

Lifesong has partnered with The Master’s Home of Champions orphanage and is providing a loving and safe home to many destitute and abandoned children, some of whom are deaf. Bishop Emmanuel Jones and his wife, Ramona, are passionate about rescuing and caring for such children. They seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and are focused on the goal of raising up champions for the good of Liberia and glory of God. Three months after Lifesong got involved with The Master’s Home of Champions Bishop Jones sent us this update:

You should see the children now!  They are beautiful!  When you were here, they didn’t look good because they were malnourished, pale and some were sick.  Now they look completely different!

This summer, another orphanage was in dire need, and  thanks to an unexpected donation (story here) Lifesong was there.  Praise the Lord we can help more children!  But now, we need help too!  We need your help to make sure these children are fed every day!  We need your help to care for the fatherless!  Will you join us?

70 sponsors in one week is a tall order.  We know this.  We also know that we serve a big God who has told us that caring for the poor and vulnerable is at the very heart of who He is!  We believe we can make this happen! We pray that God will call hearts this week and we trust that you will answer!

Our goal is 70 people.  $28 a month.  1 year commitment. Contact us at to commit!

Join us in bringing joy and purpose to orphans!

Quita’s Story:

Quita is 5 years old.  During the disarmament time, rebels came to her village and took all the men, including her father.  She never saw her father again.  Later it was discovered that these men were taken to a bridge where they were shot and thrown into the river.

Her mother ran to the Salala district with the other villagers for refuge.   There she later got sick and became paralyzed.  Last year Quita’s mother died and Quita was taken to the Lifesong Liberia’s Home of Champions.  When she grows up she wants to be a medical doctor and help children.

Isn’t it amazing that at 5 years old she’s thinking about how someday she can help other children?

How can we help children today?

We’re asking for a monthly commitment of $28 for one year.

Twenty-eight dollars…

- eating out at that new restaurant

- the shirt you’ve had your eye on

- a date night to the movies

- those pillows that would just look sooo good on your sofa.

I won’t lie, making this commitment will require some sacrifice.  But trust me.  The sacrifice is always worth the reward.

What can you sacrifice for a child like Quita?

Our goal is 70 people.  $28 a month.  One year commitment.

We have 36 commitments, 34 to go!

Join us in bringing joy and purpose to orphans!

Contact us at  to commit!

(photo of children- love in liberia)

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Mom VS. Princess TNT

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Mom VS. Princess TNT

Posted on 23 September 2010 by Kari Gibson

Zoie turns 29 months old today!  She is almost officially a 2.5 year old.  It’s hard to imagine how tiny she was when we first met her in Ethiopia.  Her spirit radiates spunk and life and joy!  We are so honored to be her family and fall in love with her more each day.  She loves to sing, dance, swim, skip, color, take baths, and cuddle.  She hates naps, vegetables, meat, the word no, and sticky hands.  Hubby and I feel like we’re seasoned parents with 2 teenagers who managed to stay alive during the terrible terrific twos.  At times, we rack our brain trying to remember the tips we received from family and friends as they helped us maneuver through the toddler years.  A few blasts from the past surface, but nothing seems to compare with Princess TNT!!

Princess TNT (aka Zoie) can throw a temper tantrum like a keg of dynomite with a pink bow.  It can be startling, when the fuse blows and we missed the vital warning signs.  The other day, daddy told her she needed to eat her grapes before she could have her crackers.  The shrilling screams made him duck for cover, but I dragged him out and convinced him he was safe.  The thing that works well with Zoie right now are “Time In’s.”  We learned this technique in one of my adoption books, but it really works.  When the explosion of emotion is at a max, we put her on her chair and stand quietly next to her.  I put my hand on her head or back and just remind her how much I love her even when she is throwing a fit.  I time her 2.5 minutes and then say outloud- “OK, time-in is over.  If she has quieted down and things are back in control… I let her get up and back to playing.

Parenting is a journey and each child is unique, amazing, and miraculous.  I want to hear your stories and advice-  If you have any tips you want to share or a crazy post about taming a toddler TNT please add in comments for all of us to read.

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Lifesong- Liberia


Lifesong- Liberia

Posted on 22 September 2010 by Kari Gibson

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Wednesday WOW Recipes – I’m Back!!

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Wednesday WOW Recipes – I’m Back!!

Posted on 22 September 2010 by Kari Gibson

Side Dish: Oregano Green Beans

Prep Time: 27 minutes
Other Time: 15 minutes
Yield: Makes 8 servings


  • 2  cups  chopped onion
  • 2  tablespoons  olive oil
  • 1  garlic clove, minced
  • 1  pound  fresh green beans, trimmed
  • 1  (14 1/2-oz.) can diced tomatoes, drained
  • 1/2  cup  vegetable or low-sodium chicken broth
  • 1  tablespoon  chopped fresh oregano
  • 1  tablespoon  chopped fresh parsley
  • 3/4  teaspoon  salt
  • 1/2  teaspoon  pepper
  • 1  tablespoon  fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2  cup  crumbled feta cheese


1. Sauté onion in hot oil in a Dutch oven over medium heat 8 minutes or until tender. Add garlic; cook, stirring often, 4 minutes or until garlic is tender and golden brown. Add beans and next 6 ingredients; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low; cover and simmer 10 minutes or until beans are tender. Stir in lemon juice. Transfer to a serving dish; sprinkle with feta. Serve with a slotted spoon.

Cat Cora, Southern Living

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New Man Up T’s For Your Man!

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New Man Up T’s For Your Man!

Posted on 20 September 2010 by Kari Gibson

I’m so excited to launch my NEW Simply Love Man Up shirts!!!  The shirts are crazy army inspired with new, grungy font and will help men advocate for orphans all over the world!!  I have received so many photos of men sporting their Africa Man Up shirts.  Now I have a shirt that every man can wear as a bold statement for protecting and loving the fatherless, regardless of the country.  This design is exclusive to my crazy adoption blog, so join me on my two week MAN UP BLITZ and help spread the word.  100% of proceeds will go toward orphan care and donations for my upcoming mission trips with Visiting Orphans.

Please email me a photo of your man wearing his Simply Love Man Up shirt OR ANY photo of him on a mission trip, adoption gotcha day, or with his family, for a special video project I’m creating. [Man Up Project] in subject line.

The new Man Up are printed on Army heathered grey *ultra soft* V neck shirts.

The first 25 people who order a new man up shirt, will get FREE SHIPPING.  Don’t miss out!!

Purchase your shirts today at the Simply Love Store.

Pastor Rebel in Uganda with his Man Up Africa!!

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I met Katie Davis in Uganda

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I met Katie Davis in Uganda

Posted on 17 September 2010 by Kari Gibson

We spent the day serving food to 500+ local children with Amazima ministries!!  I was so excited to meet one of my real life heroes in Uganda and watching the amazing Katie Davis in action.  Take a peek at our crazy interview!!

One of my highlights was participating in an incredible youth service out in the field with hundreds of children listening to a powerful Bible story and singing praise and worship songs.  It was like heaven!!

I had the great honor of meeting the man behind the mission, Pastor Patrick.  He lives on the property that organizes Katie’s feeding program.  I was able to steal him away for a special interview.  He was an orphan in Kenya and has dedicated his life to helping orphans in Jinja.  His spirit is soooo precious and when you hear his purpose, it will bring you to tears.

My crazy readers… I want to know what you think?

If you want to join me for 10 days in Uganda… this is it!! I have 4 spots left and don’t want you to miss out on the crazy adventure of a life time. Just head over to and hold your spot today!!

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Pastor Rebel – Real Life Survivor Man

Pastor Rebel – Real Life Survivor Man

Posted on 16 September 2010 by Kari Gibson

I left my heart in Uganda.  I feel like I’m driving my family crazy talking about my trip to Africa, and it’s been difficult finding the right balance.  I have so many stories to tell, but I don’t want to bulldoze my kids over with my passion.  When I got home, I didn’t have very many people call and ask me… how was your trip?  Honestly, it left me feeling a little lonely.  Do you ever feel like that?  The only people that really understood what had happened in Africa was my team, but they are scattered all over the country.   Something powerful started in my heart, but how do I express my feelings to really make an impact and a difference. I don’t want people running away when they see me, but I just want to share about the importance of visiting orphans.  I’m grateful for my bloggy friends who have celebrated and supported me since I’ve returned home with encouraging words.  Thank you for being there for me!  Warning: this post will not be short, but sooo worth reading.

It has taken me weeks to process how to introduce my next hero, Pastor Isaac Wagaba.  I want his life to encourage you, inspire you, and challenge you.  Have you ever met someone that you have an instant heart connection?  I met dear Pastor Isaac and fell deeply in love with this man of God.  He has a lively spirit, who literally dances when he talks.  He is joy.  Here are a few words I use to describe my friend- happy, faithful, kind, loving, fatherly, brave, courageous, survivor, joyful.

He is a rebel for Jesus.  I gave him the nickname, Pastor Rebel after hearing his INCREDIBLE testimony of surviving the persecution in Uganda during the reign of Idi Amin from 1971-1979.  This is Pastor Isaac Wagaba’s own words:

“Canaan Children’s Home was born after the Lord gave me a vision when in a dangerous time and that was the time when IDI AMIN was the ruler of Uganda.  He closed all spiritual Christian churches in Uganda and he persecuted the Church openly. Most of our churches were burnt down and many of our pastors killed.  I was one of the pastors, who were persecuted but narrowly escaped by the Grace of God, because I was invaded three times because I was the District Overseer and my name was on the death list…

The other pastors and I persisted and after three hours were told to get ready for death. We were taken outside with our faces blindfolded, our hands held backwards and were shot at. My fellow pastor called John died instantly. I was shot in the right hand and the soldier thought that I had died, and then we were left there. They never knew that I was alive so that is how I miraculously escaped death. After that about 25 of us were thrown on the back of a truck and the driver was commanded to take us to a pit dug in Kampiringisa Forest on Masaka Road, then we were dumped in the pit as dead bodies. Late in that evening, I heard a voice calling, “Isaac, I have saved your life so that you may save the lives of my fatherless children.” [read more]

When I first heard him share his miraculous story, I wept in anger… how could anyone hurt this precious man! I’ve never heard a story as powerful as Pastor Isaac’s in real life, only stories like this are found in the Bible.  I was mesmerized when I placed my hand on his deep scarred wound on his upper right arm.  I was in the presence of a holy man.

My life has been so easy.  I have everything I need right at my reach, but meeting new friends that have lived a life so difficult, and painful and dangerous has given me a new perspective of life.  I love that God can use the pain and suffering of His people to encourage others to live a life that honors the Savior.  Does that make sense?  When you go on a missions trip and open your heart to new experiences and immerse yourself in their culture and worship style and way of living… it changes things.  It changes the way you want to spend your money and time and resources and energy.  My dear friend, Pastor Isaac lives on the other side of the world and told me he is surrounded like “hot cakes” with Muslims who hate him and his ministry.  He has asked me and others to pray for his family for protection from evil.  He doesn’t waste any time telling his fellow believers what he needs to minister to his children and community in Jinja.

Here is a little snippet of Pastor Isaac’s testimonial when I asked him to share with my blog readers [why is it so important to visit orphans?]

“First of all it is Biblical, we see God pledging to be the father to the fatherless and there is no any other way how God can fulfill that task unless some one stands in the gap,so when ever teams comes to visit Orphans and show them love, kindness,

compassion,sharing with them the word of God like Bible clubs, singing together,playing together, that is how God can become a father to the fatherless.

Actually that is how those Children can prove the sweetness of their Father God the Almighty like as you have been doing.Psalms 68:5,James 1:26-27.

I always see the teams coming with gifts or surprises,really that is great and wonderful allow me to let you know that when ever we give the children the gifts that the teams bring the children become so much excited and because of so much joy the Children start to cry and when you ask them they say that they have never thought that there are people who can love them as to that extent. Ecclesiastes 11:1.Mathew 25:34-46.”

My “middle of the night” Journal Entry:

(just before bed) I’m sleeping on a twin bunk bed with a white mosquito net covering every bunk.  We’re all sleeping together like we’re at camp in three different buildings- girls, boys and couples bunkhouses.  I love it!!  We drove from 5-8pm to Jinja. We pulled into the compound and were greeted wildly by 200+ screaming for joy children. We literally could not get out of the bus.  They hugged us all the way down the line.  It was incredible!!!!  Every child there was so happy and welcomed us to their home.

We are living in an orphanage for four days. I think I am in heaven. We had a very late dinner and even helped ‘scrape” and

clear the tables for our hostesses.  Pastor Isaac calls me “Mama.”  I fell instantly in love with this 62 year old pastor. He literally dances when he talks. I have never met anyone quite like him. We had a brief meeting after dinner (organic chicken, potatoes, rice, fruit, gravy, and bottled water:)) He is a lively man with a spirit to match any 20 year old.

What will today bring?

Day 3 -

It is 5:30 in the morning and I’m hiding in the bathroom with my flashlight so I don’t wake up the girls.  The Muslims woke me up soooo early!!!  I hear them singing loud prayers.  At first I thought perhaps it was one of the Canaan staff, but was told later that it was the Muslims on loud speakers.  What’s so funny… There is a big dog howling along with the singing… I swear!  This is truly remarkable in every way!!!!!  How is this possible that I am here in Uganda? My life has been richly blessed every second I am here.  Here are some highlights of the day:

  • Today we went to school!!!!
  • Restful with lots of playing and one on one time with children.
  • Allan- my boy
  • Walking thru the village
  • Singing at school with the children.
  • riding a bouda bouda
  • soccer game- sitting on top of the platform and cheering with Randi and Amanda (world cup whistles and cheers)
  • Nile River Ride with team- 2 boats
  • Prayer at the Nile in 4 small groups
  • Dinner… homemade chips!!!!!!!!  (They feed us so much good food… I’m stuffed from Rebecca’s cooking:)

We have loved our time here at Canaan’s!! Living here for many days has given us a different perspective of life in Uganda…. life is hard here and challenging and your life for Christ and eternity is the only way to survive. Pastor Isaac has asked us to continue praying for the persecution from Muslims in Jinja. He told me that Christians are like “hot cakes” here in Uganda. Their dormitory was burned down by Muslims last year,  but they never pressed charges.  He simply loves and believes God will fight his battles for him.  My brother Pastor Isaac is a living, walking miracle with a PURPOSE!!

Pastor Isaac’s  testimony will blow your mind.  He was literally “killed” during the rebel takeover like in the movie the “Last King of Scotland.” This was when all the pastors in Uganda were rounded up and murdered. He was shot and piled on the top of hundreds of dead bodies and bled to death. God rescued him and brought him back to life. I mean I was weeeeping when he shared his story. This man literally bounces with joy… dancing and hugging and kissing and loving so big with all his heart. I adore this man!!  He is 62 and has a beautiful wife, Rebecca and children who are grown & now preaching in their own churches. But, he’s called PAPA by all his staff and orphans (his children) He is like their hero in every way. We invited him and his family and staff to eat dinner with us at King Fisher Lodge the last night there.  The restaurant is a beautiful outdoor lodge on the Nile River (can you imagine!!)  What was even more surprising, this amazing couple had NEVER been there before to eat. They were ecstatic.  Rebecca kept hugging us over and over thanking the team.  We gave them gifts too. I have never witnessed such joy and appreciation. I cried like a baby when I had to get up in front of my team and give them our love gifts for his orphanage. I couldn’t say goodbye and Pastor just hugged me as I booohoooo.

Best for last… I also want to introduce you to a little boy named Allan (3).   I have NEVER bonded like this on a missions trip, but this precious child captured my heart in a CRAZY way. When he was 2 years old, his father was murdered protecting the trees in his forestry. He was killed defending and standing up to a gang of thieves. The rebels then went to the home and raped the mother to death and mutilated her body. They left her small baby boy, still breastfeeding, there to die.  The rebels burned down the home, farm and land. The little boy that survived was Allan. He was brought to Canaans Children’s Home 10 months ago, but his heart is still damaged. They call him “humble man” he is sooo quite, but has a smile to die for.  My heart broke into pieces and I just scooped him up and never let him go the entire time I was there. I carried Allan everywhere I went. I kissed his snotty little nose and mouth and just kept telling him “mama” loved him. The children affectionately call the women staff “Auntie.” I was given the name “Mama” by Pastor Rebel, so Mama Kiki just stuck with me.   Allan’s entire personality changed the 5 days we were there. He was loved by 28 aunties and uncles and one big crazy mama- me:) The last night, he went up to the front of the church with the other children and danced a traditional Ugandan dance. This was the first time we witnessed him opening up and having a wonderful time… showing off.  I was like waving and clapping like a proud mama!!!!!! How can I express what happened in my heart. When this precious 3 year old had to say goodbye to me… he dug his head in my neck and told Pastor in Luganda that he wanted me to have his little wooden toy car. I was weeping and told him that I wanted him to keep his new present, so he said then I had to take his cross necklace.  I told him I would always be in his heart…. and he would ALWAYS be in my heart. I taught him how to do “I love you” in sign language and that was what he did when I got on the bus. I was a mess.  I have the honor of sponsoring Allan monthly for years to come… I’ll always be his Mama Kiki!!!!!!!!  Is this a possible re-direction for our adoption??

It breaks my heart that there are Allan’s here in Uganda. Orphans who are not protected and horrifically abused. I prayed over Allan and sang songs to him like a mommy would do.  He told me he was sad.  I rocked him and just let him know over and over that he was loved. I loved him. Jesus loved him. I pray that his little heart continue to heal and he can grow up a strong man of God.

Thank you dear brother, Pastor Isaac for allowing us to come to your home and minister to your family.  We love you!!!!!!

Please join me to Uganda June 2-11, 2011 to minister with my heroes… Pastor Samuel, Rebecca Sorensen and Pastor Rebel.  I don’t want you to miss out on this incredible adventure visiting orphans.  Sign up today- here!!! Only a few spots are open!!

This was my favorite pic taken by my friend, Vit Steiger.  He caught me walking through the village and captured in a single moment, simply love.  “Love Will Always Find A Way!”


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Mission Story


Mission Story

Posted on 15 September 2010 by Kari Gibson

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Washington Post Talks Adoption – Michael Gerson

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Washington Post Talks Adoption – Michael Gerson

Posted on 14 September 2010 by Kari Gibson

Mike Gerson, former chief speechwriter to President Bush, has a tremendous column on international adoption in today’s Washington Post.  Mike has a reputation even among critics as not just a master communicator, but also both an incisive analyst of international issues and a devout Christian.  During work-related travel in Zambia, we visited homes of AIDS victims together, and I saw in him a truly Christlike heart of compassion—one not content with just writing about needs, but yearning to address them as well.

International adoption: From a broken bond to an instant bond


Friday, August 27, 2010

Scott Simon — the sonorous voice of NPR’s “Weekend Edition” — has written a short, tender book about the two most important people in the world. At least to him. “Baby, We Were Meant for Each Other” recounts the arrival of his two daughters, Elise and Lina, from China, while telling the stories of other families changed by adoption. Simon describes himself as skeptical of transcendence but as taking part in a miracle. “My wife and I,” he says, “knew that Elise and Lina were our babies from the moment we received their postage-stamp portraits. Logically, I know that’s not possible. But I also know that’s how my heart, mind and body . . . reacted to their pictures. . . . I would take the photo out of my wallet in the weeks before we left to get each of our girls and hold it against my lips to whisper, ‘We’re coming, baby.’ ” It is an unexpected form of human affection — meeting an unrelated stranger and, within moments, being willing to care for her, even to die for her. The relationship results from a broken bond but creates ties as strong as genetics, stronger than race or tribe. It is a particularly generous kind of parental love that embraces a life one did not give. International adoption has its critics, who allege a kind of imperialism that robs children of their identity. Simon responds, “We have adopted real, modern little girls, not mere vessels of a culture.” Ethnicity is an abstraction — often an admirable abstraction, but not comparable to the needs of a child living in an orphanage or begging in roving bands. Adopted Chinese girls are refugees from a terrible oppression — a one-child policy that Simon calls “one of the great crimes of history.” Every culture or race is outweighed when the life of a child is placed on the other side of the balance.

It is one of the noblest things about America that we care for children of other lands who have been cast aside. Simon recalls his encounter with an immigration officer in Chicago when bringing Elise to America: ” ‘When you cross that line,’ he said, ‘your little girl is a citizen of the United States.’ Then he put one of his huge hands gently under our daughter’s chin and smiled. ‘Welcome home, sweetheart,’ he told her.” This welcome to the world is one of the great achievements of history. After millennia of racial and ethnic conflict across the world, resulting in rivers of blood, America declared that bloodlines don’t matter, that dignity is found beneath every human disguise. There is no greater embrace of this principle than an American family that looks like the world.

Instead of undermining any culture, international adoption instructs our own. Unlike the thin, quarrelsome multiculturalism of the campus, multiethnic families demonstrate the power of affection over difference. They tend to produce people who may look different from the norm of their community but see themselves as just normal, just human.

Every adoption involves a strange providence, in which events and choices are random yet decisive. “Those of us who have been adopted,” says Simon, “or have adopted or want to adopt children, must believe in a world in which the tumblers of the universe can click in unfathomable ways that deliver strangers into our lives.”

When a columnist has a conflict of interest, he should disclose it. My wife, born in South Korea, was adopted by an American family at the age of 6 and welcomed into a Midwestern community. I first saw her when we were both 10, and I have never recovered. Years ago, we visited the orphanage where she lived in Inchon — orderly, cheerful, but still with dirt floors. The director said she remembered my wife. We were skeptical. But the woman went into a storage room and produced a slip of paper — the police record relating how On Soon had been found as a newborn abandoned in the market, a note with her name pinned to her blanket.

Life is a procession of miracles, but this one stands out to me. A 6-year-old girl walks off a plane in America, speaking no English, loved by a family she had never met, destined to marry, of all people, me. A series of events that began in a Korean market created my family, my sons, my life. And now my Italian, Jewish, English, Korean boys view themselves as normal, unexceptional Americans. Which they are.

Crazy readers… I want to know what you think.

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A Real Princess Story

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A Real Princess Story

Posted on 13 September 2010 by Kari Gibson

I’m so excited to introduce you to my new friend, Rebecca Sorensen. I had no idea there was a real life princess living in Kampala, Uganda in a house full of love. God called her to serve and minister to orphans, so she is working full time making a mighty impact in her tiny village. She has a home for children who are orphaned and a school and church ministry. I think what I fell in love with instantly was her spirit and personality. She is bubbly and warm and inviting. She greeted our group at her home and invited us in for a much needed break with fresh squeezed juice and pineapple chunks. It was the best snack I have ever had in my life. She sat down on the floor and just chatted with us life family about her life. We were all so impressed, but we knew that deep inside this petite beauty was something extraordinary. She would probably cringe if she knew we called her a hero, but that is exactly what she is. A hero to a village and hundreds of children that are being cared, nurtured, taught, and loved by Rebecca. The only negative of our time with her was it was too short. I cant wait to go back in June and spend a few days watching this super hero in action and ministering to her children.

Rebecca knows how to throw a party, too! She greeted our team with something truly magical. The celebration was humbling to us at so many levels. The children made us feel like VIP visitors, but in the end, we knew exactly who the celebrities were… each and every child in the tiny village school. They taught us what worshipping God means with every fiber in their bodies. I felt like I witnessed, literally witnessed a peek into heaven. The children sang like angels and worshipped God like their life depended on it. I know many of the children have gone through horrific atrocities, so their love for God is their only source for healing and eternity.

Rebecca’s Own Words:

I asked Rebecca to share a short testimony about her ministry…

Before Visiting Orphans started visiting us with their teams, we were literally hidden in Christ.  We had very few visitors to our ministry before them and were praying for God to send us teams and resources.  God in His miraculous beautiful way, led Amanda and Visiting Orphans directly to us!  The two teams we have had so far have been such an incredible blessing to us. Though their times with us have been short, they have blessed us in every way possible.  They have given of their hearts, time, love, and prayers.  Some team members have even helped us to transport our collection of school and medical supplies which is a huge need for us as it is almost impossible to reliably ship things to Uganda.  The teams have brought with them incredible waves of joy and excitement to our 200 children who look forward to and anticipate their visits, games, and activities!  I believe that these visits impact our children all the way down to an identity level.  They are impacted by seeing that someone from America, who they look up to automatically, has come all the way across the world just to see THEM, to love THEM, and to be with THEM.  It sends them a deep message that they are special and worthy of love.  Another way Visiting Orphans has helped us tremendously is the team members giving of their resources.  These teams came during difficult financial times for our ministry and blessed us beyond expectation or imagination.  Some team members even invited me to come and share at their home churches or to help host a small fundraiser.  For me personally, Visiting Orphans brought me to a new level of HOPE and VISION after a very challenging year of ministry.  Their visits have reminded me WHY I’m doing what I’m doing and I have been SO ENCOURAGED, very deeply encouraged through their partnership and visits.  We have been blessed in every way by this ministry and I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a way to touch God’s children of the nations. (Rebecca)

My Crazy Journal (I wrote this at night with a flashlight)

We loaded up the bus and headed the short distance to My Father’s House. We were giddy… so full of life. Funny- poor Vit Steiger jumped on the truck for a phone moment with me and ripped the front bumper off the truck. It was hilarious, but he felt soooo bad!!!

The next visit has changed my life in such a special way. We pulled into My Father’s House (about a mile down the road) and met the Mother Teresa of Kampala.  Rebecca Sorensen is adorable from head to toe. She is strong and alive and passionate about teaching her children the good news of Jesus. She has come to this beautiful place and is making a difference in a major way. Her home has 16 children (orphans) she cares for with a staff of about 6. She has them come home from school to meet us. She wanted us to know the children personally who is her family. They served us fresh juice and fresh cut pineapple and greeted us with such respect. They were simply THRILLED we were there and told us over and over. Maria I spent some one on one time in the girls room and talked to them about their beauty inside and out. I shared that they were princesses and the 5 girls swarmed me with hugs and kisses. Oh what a special moment.

We walked about 1.5 miles to the school. The team was ecstatic getting to walk in the real Uganda… right down the street we paraded waving and taking photos (with permission:) The Ugandans are so beautiful and have such a spirit of love that just pours out of them. The hospitality they show is remarkable.

I was the last one around the corner, but I could hear the children singing loudly as I approached. All of a sudden I turned and walked straight into heaven. The children were in 2 lines and singing with every ounce of spirit they had in their precious bodies!!!! Each team member walked down the row as they sang and danced us into their church building. There are no words to describe the love and respect and honor I felt walking thru the sea of children on side to side. It was magical and miraculous all wrapped up in love. We entered the church and I literally lost my breath. It was decorated for US!!! There was a huge sign in the front- Welcome Visiting Orphans! The children never stopped singing and dancing for at least 30 min. We sat in front in special chairs they set up for us. I was weeping. I was overwelmed. I witnessed something I will NEVER see again for as long as I live. They were praising Jesus in a way I have never had the honor of seeing. The dancing and singing were like a Broadway play. It was just that good and more. A young girl led the singing and dancing and she was on fire with the Holy Spirit. There is no other way to describe the spirits. I could feel Jesus in that tiny church. A precious 2 year old names Vivian came up to me and I picked her up. This was my gift from the Lord. I held her as she slept in my arms for hours.

The singing never stopped. The rain came hard. It was indescribable. Rebecca told me that they have not had rain in months. The precious teacher Ruth, told me that in Uganda if you have a visitor and it rains it means only one thing…. the visit is very blessed by God. The visit is something extra special. The rain came in torrents and that meant to the people and children… our time with them was a blessing. WOWWW

I was literally weeping the entire time. They had our team dance a traditional dance. We found out later from Rebecca a few days ago, 3 of the girls there had been raped. The songs they sung were about pain and trails, but the hope they have in Jesus gives them a reason to live. When they sang Yes, Lord song… my heart was transferred to a place of real love for the people of Uganda. I have been changed being with the people… the real people of Uganda. I’m not feeling like a tourist, but a missionary coming to simply love the gifts of humanity… the hand of God is here. He has not abandoned the people. He gives them hope, and dreams and purpose and meaning and worth. It’s my honor to show them the love of a mother.

At the end, the team was surrounded by over 200 children saying goodbye. How do you describe that kind of scene? I couldn’t give Vivian away, so Rebecca told me I could carry her with me to the bus. Vivian never said one word to me the entire time, never a sound… she never smiled, but she clung to me like a mother and child. When I gave her back to Rebecca she was crying. I told her I loved her and kissed her like Zoie. Rebecca and I both started crying.

We drove away changed. The massive display of honor we felt that day was something I will cherish in my heart forever. You might think we would have gone direcly to a hotel and crashed. We were feeling spiritually, physically, emotionally exhausted, but wonderful too!!!  However, we jumped on the bus ready for our next crazy adventure… wait till you hear about Pastor Rebel and his family at Canaan’s Children Home.

Rebecca Sorensen’s blog (please follow her daily journey)

Sneek Peek-

How I Found a Home in Africa.

A few people who have newly entered my life have been asking me how in the world did I end up in Africa running a school and a children’s home for the precious children of Uganda. So I’ve decided to write it out for the world to read. I think it’s a pretty good story…of redemption, adoption, hope, and healing. My prayer these days is that God would make my life a SPECTACLE of His LOVE!


I remember standing on his chest as a little girl. My age 3 memories are vague but still have an emotional energy attached to them. I remember feeling so small and my Daddy feeling so big. I remember feeling so loved and safe as his great big arms held me up to stand up tall on his chest…balancing against his arms. Suddenly my world came crashing down and I have a vague memory of my Daddy asking me if I wanted to stand on his chest …one…last…time. I didn’t understand. What was happening? Why did we have to leave? Was it my fault? My mom and I left heading from Texas to Arkansas to go and stay with my grandparents. I wouldn’t see my Father again until I was 14 years old. Even then, it was only for a few days. Even today, my earthly Dad is not active in my life.

During those eleven years without my Dad, he would call me every Sunday night to talk on the phone…for about a year then one Sunday night he would stop calling and wouldn’t call again for another year or so…then the calls would start again and end again, start again and end again. I was repeatedly hit with bullets of rejection and abandonment during these years often crying myself to sleep at night. I had friends tease me that I didn’t have a father. As an only child, with a very busy working single mom, I remember feeling very alone and isolated. God became one of my best friends…but I was wounded…with an orphan heart. It would be years later before I would receive healing, freedom, peace.

One night at college church group I heard this girl singing a spontaneous song to God…she kept singing over and over…Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. I couldn’t connect with it. I thought maybe she was just trying to look spiritual. Could she honestly call GOD…Daddy? Though I didn’t understand…I desperately wanted that. That night I went back to my campus apartment and lied awake for hours in my bed. Around 3am, I had a powerful encounter with God. Father God visited me and revealed Himself to me as my Father. As a loving God who created me, who knit me together, who knew every part of me, who understood every pain I had, who dreamed me to life, who wanted the best for me, who chose me to be a part of His family, who was beginning to transform me …from an orphan heart to the heart of a princess. It was the beginning of a journey of healing and discovery. The wounds and lies of rejection and abandonment were gradually replaced with acceptance, safety, and a deep love and confidence in who I was and whose I was…my Daddy’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I learned that I was not a reject or unworthy of love but in fact, I was a royal princess with a royal Father, the King of Kings and NOTHING was impossible for us together! I longed to give this away….to every child who had ever cried themselves to sleep at night…because they were alone or lonely or longing for those who were supposed to be there…to father and mother them.


I’ve ALWAYS loved other cultures especially the tropical ones! Their bright colors, their wild rhythms, their dancing and singing, their language, their understanding of one another. When I was little I would even have Africa parties with my friends where we would dress up using big pieces of material to create African dresses and go out and take pictures in the forest! I also have always dreamed of using music as a tool to bring change to the world, to bring awareness to the world’s suffering, and to inspire a movement of compassion. During high school, I began to read the writings of Mother Teresa and Ghandi and was drawn to the colors and stories of India. I told my family I was moving there after high school to serve with Mother Teresa’s ministry. They refused and told me I needed to go to college. While studying and singing and writing music, I encountered God in a whole new way and desperately longed to serve the poor even more. I worked twice a week at a homeless shelter where I made many unusual friends and I worked in the projects with a church ministry on saturdays playing and bringing hope and food to some sweet kids. But I wanted more….I wanted to give my whole life to compassion and mercy and change and hope and to the suffering of this world. I would lay in my college apartment and cry out to God to send me somewhere …anywhere. though I really began to long for AFRICA once I heard of this little woman named Mama Heidi from Mozambique who was a little like Mother Teresa meets Peter whose shadow healed the sick. I watched Blood Diamond where I saw child soldiers from Sierra Leone, the Invisible children documentary where I learned of modern day child soldiers in Uganda, and Hotel Rwanda where I saw the evil genocide of Rwanda. I had a justice heart and a mercy heart burning inside me. I wanted to take on the world …with JESUS!

I applied for Heidi’s mission school in Mozambique which was a 3 month program and got accepted. During the process God’s voice whispered to me that there was going to be another opportunity come up. Sure enough, a professor I had at my high school who was from Kenya, invited me to go with him and his wife to visit his family in Africa and serve the people of Kenya. I had little desire to go to Kenya…but I felt a nudge from the Lord in that direction. I told God…”if I could go anywhere in the world, I’d want to go to nothern Uganda”. This was the home of child soldiers and a 22 year long evil civil war. But I listened to the Lord and began walking towards the Kenya trip (after a lot of struggle between me and God). A week before that trip my kenyan friends let me know they were not able to go due to some issues getting their visas! I didn’t know what to do! I had raised all the funds, set out letters, and was desperately finally looking forward to going. Some friends of mine were working in Uganda and had planned to meet me during my time in Kenya. I let them know of the change of plans and they immediately invited me to go ahead and come to Africa…to UGANDA!!! I was very excited and of course jumped on the opportunity. I thought the northern area of UGanda was too dangerous for us to go but we ended up traveling there and I was able to serve the very people of the area I had told God I really wanted to go to. Obedience…always leads us to our heart’s desire…even when we can’t see it at all. God’s eyes are much bigger than ours.

During my time in Uganda, I fell madly in love with Africa…with the children and their sweet voices and faces, with the dirt, the adventure, the sunshine, the rhythms, everything. I felt like I was at HOME. I made some significant friendships with Ugandans there too as I spent a few weeks there completely immersed with no Americans or whites around. I learned a little bit of the language and dived in to the culture. I came back to America with a burden…a big burden for the children I met who had NOTHING and NO ONE. Children who were digging in trash dumps while across the street other children were looking smart in their school uniforms and looking forward to a hopeful future. Children who were dressed in rags and had no clothes. Children who were alone, being abused as child workers, unable to see any sign of love or hope in their lives…and I remembered. I remembered all the times of my childhood when I felt alone…and God gave me HOPE. Why not these kids too? I often asked Him after that trip where are you for these people, for these kids? and He would reply to me, “where are you? are my hands, my feet, my heart, my bride. where are you?” I spent the next 6 months collecting supplies and filled up a garage full of school supplies, clothes, and toys. I took a few of my friends back and we distributed these things in slums, refugee camps, hospitals, villages, churches, and schools.

Afterwards, I traveled from Uganda to Mozambique where I served under Heidi Baker and Iris Ministries for 3 months…learning about what it really means to serve the poor and to become a missionary with Jesus as our model…He came as a humble dependent baby who had to learn a trade, a culture, a language. He gave His whole life for those He came to serve. He was a real missionary…a true missionary. I learned what it means to have compassion and during my time there, I had a a vision and encounter with God where He asked me…to “please bring my lost children home” as tears ran down His cheeks… I was called, commissioned, and was burning with fire to see this happen…that every orphaned (physical or spiritual) child could find a home in His heart…in His love…in Daddy God!

Through a series of wild events, some Ugandan friends and I formed a school in an area of town where I had always stayed when I went to Uganda. We started it with just a few hundred dollars and some wooden timbers. We built a small structure and some desks….painted the building, named the school Royal Hope Academy, and started with 3 teachers and about 35 children. Only a few months later, we had 9 teachers and 100 children. Another year later, we had 200 children, 10 teachers, plus 5 staff members. We also decided to really bring some of these desperate kids HOME…and started our first family style children’s home where 10 of our kids were adopted. We hope to have more of these homes in the future for more of these children who are in great need of home and family! All of the kids at our school, with the exception of about 5% who are simply very needy, are orphaned. These children are either full orphans or half orphans but in Africa if you have lost only one parent, you are considered an orphan. We began the school with no blue print, little experience, no fundraising plans, no money, in the middle of a recession in America…and with an awesome great big faithful and rich Father! Every month, I would pray for God to supply the needs to pay the staff and feed the children and He never never failed us.

Since February 2009 when we first started the school, at least 100 children have come out of polygamist islam, witchcraft or Rhasta into the marvelous light and love of Jesus Christ, really knowing what it means to give Him their hearts and lives. They have learned that they are loved by their heavenly Father, the King of Kings, and that they have been adopted as princes and princesses into His Royal family. Many have been delivered of demonic oppression, healed from diseases and conditions, and certainly saved by the marvelous love of our Faithful Father. They have developed a compassion and a generosity for others as well through a weekly offering they give to help someone in the community who is in need.

We have also seen great healing in our children who are within our home. They have also been delivered and received such a beautiful inner healing as Holy Spirit ministers to them through us about forgiveness of those who have abused them, killed their parents, or abandoned them. They are our dearly loved treasures we would give everything for, and certainly the treasures of their Father.

As I have lived and served these children in Africa, I have an overflowing joy and delight to be a part of what my Daddy is doing for His kids. It’s a big part of God’s redemption in my own life and certainly Jesus is on the move in Uganda spreading His love and glory among the villagers of Busega, Kampala, Uganda. My joy and delight has been in being blessed to be a blessing. Our ministry is humbled that God has allowed us to help needy single mothers and caretakers feed their children,begin businesses to break the cycle of poverty, bring hope to their families through education, receive medical care and treatment for many different kinds of conditions, and to be given a gift of mercy for their struggle and be loved on by Father God. We are humbled as God has moved through us dissolving tumors, setting children free from demonic oppression, and healing the hearts of young precious lives. These are the treasures hidden in darkness, the true diamonds of Africa… I am honored and blessed to serve the true royalty of God’s kingdom…and there is SO MUCH MORE to be done!

To all who have prayed given served gone over the past two years, you are the hands and feet and light and love of Jesus to the world. Thank you! :-)

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Join Me in Uganda June 2-11


Join Me in Uganda June 2-11

Posted on 12 September 2010 by Kari Gibson

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