My Life Is Crazy Too

Posted on 20 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

Over the past three years, I have received hundreds of guest posts from you, my crazy readers. These are your real stories and you inspire me, encourage me, and fill my heart with compassion as we embrace the unique situations each of us face in life. I learn from you…. you are beautiful, kind, smart and important!! I know … quoting The Help is kinda corny, but I mean it! I’m starting a brand new series to compile all your submissions in one “easy to find” spot- My Life Is Crazy Too. I’m going back through the years and including your guest posts to the series to make it overflowing with stories you can re-read and share. I want you to tell us your story. This is a 100% mom blog that wears a lot of hats… we support and cheer for moms, advocate for adoption, and take care of the fatherless living James 1:27. This blog is ALL about sharing real life stories about how crazy life gets- the good, the bad, and the crazy in life, love, and mommyhood. As a mom, I need daily encouragement from other moms, sometimes just to make it through my day with a 18, 15, and 4 year old! My Crazy Adoption is not just about encouraging parents through the adoption journey…. but so much more!

Last week, one of my best friends went through a miscarriage. It was so heartbreaking watching her go through the agony of losing a child. It brought me back to the terrible day we held our son when he died. The pain of loss is so severe that the only thing you really want to hear from your family and friends … I’m so sorry!! The joy now in my life, I can share from my own experiences …. I didn’t have to ask her what she needed, I already knew. Every loss is different, but the pain is the same. I wish like crazy she wasn’t a part of the “club” of moms who have lost a child, but this is real life. God adopted us and promised us that He will never leave us or abandon us. He will walk with us through the pain and craziness of life.

What have you gone through the past year, that has reminded you how much we need our girlfriends to hold our hands through the craziness? Do you read mom blogs sometimes for understanding on a situation you’re going through in life? Do you ever feel all alone (and crazy) sometimes when facing a big, life-changing event?

I hope you will continue to open up and leave your comments and stories, or email me when you need a friend to listen. When you are ready to share your stories about mommyhood, life, love, or any craziness each of us face (form coming soon) you can email me your story, including a photo (if you want) and any links you want added: blog, website, fundraiser, facebook, etc. When you have time, read this story from my favorite person in the whole wide world!!

My Life Is Crazy Too is a new series of reader submissions. This is your opportunity to share stories about life, love, and mommyhood to provide understanding, hope, and compassion in the unique situations each of us face every day. If you would like to submit a story to this series, email me.

I can’t wait to hear from you! True faith celebrates before the miracle happens.- The Circle Maker

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