Archive | October, 2009

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October 31st Party Pics

Posted on 31 October 2009 by Kari Gibson

Zoie bug had so much fun at our church’s big bash, October 31st Party!! We also took her trick or treating at the Branson Landing. Every store had treats for the kiddos.


Daddy and his bug.


Hannah & BF Alli (its a waterbottle)


Rahel Blackwell & Zoie with super nerds.


Rae Rae & Hannah

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Happy Halloween + Fun Fotos

Posted on 31 October 2009 by Kari Gibson

We love dressing up and going trick or treat, but the best part is carving pumpkins.




Large scary spider lost in a fro… spooky!






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Fun Friday Flip + Pumpkins

Posted on 30 October 2009 by Kari Gibson

We love carving pumpkins!  It’s been a tradition for many years… the kids dig out the guts of the pumpkin and dad carves the face.  Now that they are older, they can make their own crazy carvings.  Zoie had so much fun sitting on the table watching in confused wonder.  Bloggy friends, I’d love to hear fun and crazy stories from your family archives at pumpkin season.

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Adoption Headline News: Blind Dad adopts blind son

Posted on 29 October 2009 by Kari Gibson

Love is blind. This is the amazing story of Pandu, the 5 year old miracle boy from India.  If you are interested in learning more about adoption… don’t miss this video!  Their journey is captured this month in People Magazine and CBS News. I want to hear your comments.

People will adopt older kids. They’ll adopt disabled kids and neglected kids. Kids who can’t read, kids who can’t talk – there are people willing to adopt.  But all those things in one child? CBS News Correspondent Steve Hartman reports there are few who want that.

Born blind, Pandu was dumped at a hospital gate in India. At the orphanage, he was the one child who was there year after year, until last year. That’s when the 5-year-old got swept up by a Denver couple who said he was just what they were looking for: a little boy with his father’s eyes.

Jason Fayre teaches blind people how to be self-sufficient. So when he and his wife Lalena, who can see, decided to adopt they chose not to just give any child a home, but to give one special child a real chance – a chance he would have never had otherwise.

“I think we can offer something to a blind child that maybe a lot of other families can’t,” said Jason.

Pandu is so much better than when they got him. After 5 years in a crib with virtually no human contact, they say Pandu was almost wild. But a year later he’s in a mainstream preschool, and he’s beginning to speak for the very first time. He’s even learning the finer points of picking out a pumpkin.  Of course, he chose a Braille one; like father like son.  “Pandu and him have always kind of had this connection,” said Lalena.

Although it’ll be years before Pandu can fully appreciate the enormity of his good fortune, there’s no doubt he understands something pretty special is happening to him.

You don’t have to be a blind man to see that.
Fayre Family Blog

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Adoption Boutique

Posted on 28 October 2009 by Kari Gibson

IMG_4809I have made a special collection of books, clothing, and accessories that help us celebrate adoption… a few of my favorite things.  I have the “store” posted under top tab My Crazy Stuff/Adoption Boutique. You can click on any item, as well as purchase them through my safe site.  It takes a few seconds for “boutique” to download.  Please let me know what is missing from my shopping list. I’d love to add any suggestions you have.  Happy shopping!

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Wednesday WOW Recipe + poppy seed chicken

Posted on 28 October 2009 by Kari Gibson

Hands down, poppy seed chicken is my family’s favorite meal.  This dish is a cure for the comfort food craving and is a good casserole to take when you need something for a potluck.  Bloggy friends, let me know if your crazy family digs this yummy dish.

  • 5 to 6 skinless chicken breasts
  • salt
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 – 8oz can of cream of chicken soup
  • 1- 8oz can of cream of mushroom soup
  • 8 oz sour cream
  • 2 tbl of lemon juice
  • Ground pepper
  • Ritz crackers
  • 1 stick of butter
  • Poppy seeds

Slow fix: Boil the chicken breasts in salty water and a couple of celery stalks – boil, then simmer for a couple of hours. Quick fix: Cut chicken in bite size pieces and rapid boil until fully cooked.


When the chicken breasts are ready you will want to take them out of the broth and into a large mixing bowl. While still hot – shred the chicken up. I have a shallow stainless steel mixing bowl that I love for this kind of mixing.


Once you have all the chicken shredded add 1 can of Cream of Chicken soup and 1 can of Cream of Mushroom – mix in. Then add the sour cream and mix thoroughly.


Mix in the lemon juice and ground pepper – we do extra pepper because we like it! Once you have mixed, you can put in a casserole dish or my mother in law uses a 9″ square pan.


Then take out three to four ‘stacks’ of Ritz crackers. Just crush the crackers in “stack” one at a time and spread over the bottom (crust) and top.


Then sprinkle the poppy seeds over the top. As much or as little as you would like. While you are sprinkling melt one stick of butter. I do this in a glass measuring cup in the microwave. If you are making this ahead of time don’t do the butter step- just put the casserole in the refrigerator for later. Do the butter step when you are ready to cook.

Death by butter…pour the melted butter evenly over the top of the Ritz crackers.

You are ready to bake! 350 degrees for 30 minutes. If you refrigerated it will probably take about 45 to 50 minutes at 350 degrees.  I serve with brocolli or any kind of green vegetable…it looks nice. Enjoy!

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Zoie’s Family Name by Name

Posted on 27 October 2009 by Kari Gibson

Zoie loves her family.  We think its pretty impressive when she plays her name game.  All day long she says the names of the people she loves!  I think that’s why adoption is so cool… there are no limits to love.  The list of Zoie’s favorites keeps growing longer and longer.  Enjoy Zoie’s Flip video.

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Simply Sunday + Dangerous Surrender

Posted on 25 October 2009 by Kari Gibson

One of my very favorite new books is, Dangerous Surrender.  It will capture your heart from page 1… Kay’s passion and love for orphans is contagious.  “Giving in to God isn’t easy.  It’s not for cowards.  It’s the boldest, riskiest step you’ll ever take.  This dangerous surrender can bring both joy and pain, both heartache and ecstasy, but it enables you to know God in a far deeper way than ever before.”

“Father, you are disturbed by the misery you witness every day.  None of it escapes your notice, but honestly, a lot of it escapes mine.  Forgive me for my complacency, my apathy, my ignorance.  Help me to see the world through your eyes.  I’m scared to surrender all to you; I’m not entirely sure I can trust you with what matters most to me.  But I want to know you; I want to love like you love, and hurt the way you hurt. I want to live the adventure of risking it all for you.  I am saying yes to you right now, no matter what that yes entails.  God is longing to seriously disturb you about is world.  He’s searching for men and women, students, young people and old people, people of every race and from every tribe, who will recklessly abandon themselves to him and surrender to his purposes. Fear nothing on the road you are walking.  God will lead you by the hand. Let your love for Him cast out the fear you feel for yourself.” (Kay Warren, Dangerous Surrender)

Adoption is an Adventure!


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99,999 Bloggy Hit Contest Update!

Posted on 24 October 2009 by Kari Gibson - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
Bloggy friends… you are getting so close. If you are the 99,999 visitor hit you win a super cool prize!  All you need to do is leave me a comment + take a pic and let me know you are the winner! I have a special collection of my favorite things to give the big hit winner!  I am blessed everyday reading your comments.  They are little “happys” to me.  This is my way of saying thank you for coming by My Crazy blog!

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Fun Friday Flip (new)

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Fun Friday Flip (new)

Posted on 23 October 2009 by Kari Gibson

Watch Fun Friday FLIP video of my crazy family every week.  I guarantee it will make you laugh…craziness!  Zoie Live & the Johnny Jump-up!

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Our Crazy Referral Day

Posted on 22 October 2009 by Kari Gibson


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Blast From the Past: Gumdrop Day

Posted on 22 October 2009 by Kari Gibson


Our dog, Tate got into some mischief today! It made me think of the challenging days we went through during our adoption.  Many of my dear friends are waiting for travel, court dates, referrals, etc… it’s enough to drive you a little crazy. It’s kinda like a “gumdrop in your eye” day.

Lord God, help me to keep up my courage and have faith in You that things will happen just as You said. (Acts 27:25)

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Wednesday WOW Recipe

Posted on 21 October 2009 by Kari Gibson

My good friend, Becca made these amazing stuffed squashes and made such a delicious fuss about them… I begged for the recipe.  I’ve never made anything like this before, but I’m going to try it tonight!  I know, it will take more than 20 minutes, but I can’t pass up such a yummy fall treat!  I’ll keep you posted if there was success… kid proof winner!

Moroccan-Style Stuffed Acorn Squashes

  • 2 medium acorn squashes (about 2 pounds), halved and seeded
  • 2 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil
  • 3/4 lb. ground chuck (95 percent lean) or ground turkey
  • ground cinnamon
  • ground nutmeg
  • 2 tsp. course salt
  • 1/2 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3/4 cup bulgur wheat
  • 2 cups water
  • 1/4 cup craisins
  • 1/4 cup Italian flat-leaf parsley, chopped
  • 2 tbsp. toasted pine nuts

1. Preheat oven to 400. Place squashes, cut sides down in a 9×13 inch casserole dish. Bake until tender, 35 to 40 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, heat oil in a 4-quart pot with a tight-fitting lid over medium heat. Add ground beef, a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg, and 1 teaspoon salt. Cook, stirring frequently, until browned and cooked through, 5 to 7 minutes. Transfer beef to a bowl or plate using a slotted spoon, keeping as much of the cooking liquid in the pot as possible.

3. Add onion, and cook until slightly translucent, about 5 minutes.  Add garlic, and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add remaining teaspoon salt and the bulgur, and stir to combine.  Add water, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and cook for 15 minutes.  Take pot off the stove and let sit covered for 5 minutes.  Fluff with fork, and add reserved beef, the raisins, parsley and pine nuts.

4. Scrape out baked squashes, forming 1/4 inch thick bowls, and fold flesh into bulgur mixture. Divide among squash halves, and return to the oven. Bake until warmed through and tops are browned. 12 to 14 minutes.

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Top Adoption Grants and Fundraisers

Posted on 20 October 2009 by Kari Gibson

zoie gibson“Adoption can cost between $10,000 and $45,000, and as a result many orphans are not welcomed into a forever family. There are roughly 175 million orphans around the world and if God can adopt us into His family and call us His own, it is our hope that you consider following His example by adopting.” Together, lets help prospective families know…”how to finance their adoption.”

Please share your top adoption grant sites. If you can personally recommend organizations/grant sites that are passionate about helping reduce the financial barriers to adoption, please share information + URL in the comments.  Also, if you have a special story to share about how an organization or individual helped with financial aid toward your own personal adoption…. please share, too!  There are miracles happening in the world of adoption every day.

My Crazy Grant Picks:

Families in need of a similar resource can go to one of AWAA partner agencies, The Shepherd’s Crook. The Shepherd’s Crook Ministries also sets up an account for families so that tax-deductible donations can be made to help with the cost of international adoption. Please visit their website below:

“I would adopt if only I had the money.” We are here to say it can be done if you are willing to work. We are a family who has not had any extra money for the adoption fees, but my husband always says, “God will fund what He favors.” It has taken a lot of work, a lot of sharing our story, and a lot of time to raise the funds, but at the end of the day the JOY of being one step closer to our child is so worth it. We hope our site can help you in your fundraising efforts. (Gwen Oatsvall)

Both Hands

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