Tag Archive | "Hopechest"

Tom Davis’ Priceless Book + Coffee {GIVEAWAY}

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Tom Davis’ Priceless Book + Coffee {GIVEAWAY}

Posted on 15 June 2010 by Kari Gibson


  1. Kate Gosling 6/15
  2. Suzane 6/16
  3. Linda Faulkner 6/17
  4. Eunice b 6/17
  5. Donna C 6/16
  6. Patty 6/16
  7. Leigh Littlefield 6/15
  8. Kimberly 6/16
  9. Joni Sweet 6/17
  10. Carmen Drunckeniller 6/15

Winners, email me your mailing addresses to send you Priceless and coffee with a cause!!  Please add WINNER in the subject line.  Thank you everyone for your prayers and support to stop this atrocity around the world.  We can all partner with Tom Davis and make a difference in the life of an orphan.

My Crazy Readers,  I’m throwing a big GIVEAWAY party this week for Tom Davis’ book Priceless!  I’m crazy about this book and I want you to join the craziness too!  I have 10 prizes for you to win.  10 Priceless books + 10 bags of Saint’s Coffee!!

Priceless3DI will pick 10 winners!!  Priceless is not just another great novel, it’s a novel with a priceless purpose.  You can check out Sheispriceless.com to learn more about advocating for orphan girls in Russia and all over the world.  Your purchase of a Priceless book will help support Tom Davis and HopeChest’s ministry as they work fervently to eliminate sex-trafficking and exploitation of orphans.

A special word from Tom Davis- “Every single person can do one thing to help kids caught in trafficking. Making a commitment to pray is a huge thing because nobody prays for these girls. The key is to get educated then get involved. This is one of the darkest forms of evil in our world, but it’s where our light shines the brightest!”

How do you enter the Priceless + Coffee Giveaway?

You Pick 1, 2, or 3… or pick all 3!!  You get an entry for each pick you choose.

  1. Copy and paste one or both of the 2 buttons Tom gave me on your blogs or websites- She Is Priceless and Saint’s Coffee.
  2. Shout out the Priceless giveaway on your blogs, FB, or email blasts.  Ping away!
  3. Don’t forget to let me know in the comments your name, email, or blog URL.   You have my permission to use the photography and videos used in this post to promote on your blogs!!  They make a powerful statement for your readers.

I don’t have a blog… can I still enter?

Noooo worries, if you don’t have a blog or website, just leave me a comment and share with me why you want to win the book and coffee.

What do you win?

I will randomly select 10 winners who will receive 1 Priceless book and 1 bag of Saint’s Coffee!!!!!!!!   I will end the contest when we reach over 100 comments or more by the end of the week. I want to create a big crazy buzz for Priceless!!  Will you help me?  Let’s make a difference in an orphan’s life today!

Giveaway Buttons to copy & paste on your blogs:

(if you are having any problems with the 2 buttons just copy them off the right side column of my blog)


A stunning collection of photography from Tom Davis’ trip to Moldova and Russia this year:

Tom Davis with Priceless girls!! (notice their necklaces you helped sponsor!!) ” The girls are from our young mother’s program in Russia. Some of them have been rescued, but for most, our programs have helped to prevent them from getting caught. See http://www.hopechest.org/support-moldova/ and http://www.hopechest.org/ministry-centers/.”  Tom Davis

She is Priceless!!

This is a hot spot in Kostroma for sex traffikers to lure their victims into slavery.

Tom Davis told me that these men are traffickers sitting behind him at the cafe.  So sick and disturbing the darkness right out in plain view blatantly sex trafficking priceless girls in Russia.

Feel Informed….

Check out these ministries in Moldova- Home of Hope and Beginning of Life are in it for the long haul.

Moldova Trafficking Stats

1. The majority of women and girls that are trafficked come from rural areas. Over 10 percent are under 18 years old, some as young as 12 years old. Traffickers recruit women and girls through different strategies.

2. Direct contact, when women and girls, or their families, are approached by traffickers. The traffickers are often women from the same village who have previously worked as prostitutes or have been trafficked abroad and became traffickers. The family is often paid money in advance and the woman or girl is expected to earn the advance and pay back the family’s debts.

3.Advertisements are placed in the press, offering jobs abroad. The advertisements directed at young women offer jobs as waitresses or house help, but more often bluntly state that the jobs are for those willing to work in the sex industry.

4. Tourist agencies offer full migration services from arranging passports and Schengen visas to transportation and work contracts. There are more than 3,000 tourist agencies, of which only some 140 have an official license to operate.

5. Job agencies. Out of a total of 100 job agencies, only fourteen have official licenses and these mostly hire men for construction work. Only three agencies offer jobs to women as waitresses and nurses. Others offer illegal work. Some of these enterprises are run by organised crime groups and operate as covers for trafficking.

We are wearing Simply Love Moldova T shirts.

Congrats to the Shaver Family who are in the process of adopting a little girl from Moldova!!  You can help support this family buying a shirt at their blog.

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I’m Crazy For Tom Davis’ Priceless

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I’m Crazy For Tom Davis’ Priceless

Posted on 14 June 2010 by Kari Gibson

I read in 24 hours!  I’m thrilled to help launch the Blog Tour and spread the word to my readers about this incredible fictional account of an orphaned girl trapped in the sex trade.  Tom Davis rocks!!  He found the way to take a very deep subject that most of us have little or no knowledge about and brings it alive in a riveting novel.  I talked to Tom on the phone yesterday and admitted that this was my first Tom Davis book I have read (gasp!)  I know, but my only excuse is a 2 year old Princess named Zoie who keeps me occupied day and night.  I vowed to read everything in his collection!!  What’s really crazy, he told me that if you read the book in your book club… he will meet with your group via Skype or conference call to discuss the book and the hope of making a difference in an orphans life.  We are all .

http://www.sethbarnes.com/blogphotos/sethbarnes/www/Tom_Davis_1.jpg“Child sex slavery is one of the most hideous crimes possible. Diving into the stories of young children who have lost their childhoods to brothels, pimps, and johns is beyond heartbreaking. The more you learn, the more unsettled your spirit will become. The learning resources here are designed to unsettle your spirit and empower your actions. You will know the work of the enemy, and it will leave a stain on your spirit. Move from here to Act on behalf of these children. You are their hope for prevention, for rescue, and for restoration.”  Tom Davis

If you have read Priceless, I want to know what you think about the book?  You can share in the comments your own book review. (thanks!)

{Priceless Giveaway}

Starting tomorrow on my crazy adoption blog!  I’m giving away Priceless books + Coffee!!!  Come and play!!

  • 1.2 million children are trafficked every year; this is in addition to the millions already held captive by trafficking
  • Every 2 minutes a child is being prepared for sexual exploitation
  • The average victim is forced to have sex up to 40 times a day
  • The average age of a trafficked victim is 14 years old
  • Sex trafficking is an engine of the global AIDS epidemic
  • By 2010 Sex Trafficking will be the number one crime worldwide

Children's HopeChest

For the full Priceless 5 day devotional CLICK HERE.

Movies To Check Out:

  • Born Into Brothels (2005)
    Two documentary filmmakers chronicle their time in Sonagchi, Calcutta and the relationships they developed with children of prostitues who work in the city’s notorious red light district.
  • Taken (2009)
    A former spy relies on his old skills to save his estranged daughter, who has been forced into the slave trade. (http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/fox/taken/).
  • Trade (2007)
    Film about two different girls from very different backgrounds who are both sold into prostitution and the sex slave industry.

Recommended Organizations Fighting Sex-Trafficking:

Bring Sex Trafficking Into Your Community

“The Orphan Experience” is a mixed media, multi-sensory art exhibit that brings you face-to-face with the realities of sex trafficking.  Sign up to request more information about how “The Orphan Experience” can bring sex trafficking to your community. Tom Davis, CEO of Children’s HopeChest and author of Priceless is available to speak to your church or group about this important topic. Schedule a time for Tom to bring this message to your community.

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I’m cooking today for orphans – You are invited!

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I’m cooking today for orphans – You are invited!

Posted on 20 May 2010 by Kari Gibson

Welcome to My Crazy Adoption blog!  I’m a big follower (like you) of Tom Davis and Children’s HopeChest Ministries.  I was so honored to host their 1st Valentine’s Day Project and “you” helped raise a TON of funds for new shoes for orphans in Ethiopia.  This week, I’m so excited to be a part of a new special project for HopeChest and Destiny Foods Direct.  They are partnering and working together to feed orphans all over the world.  I was thrilled to be asked to cook and blog about their project, as well as share a meal with you!

Zoie and I went crazy when this big box was delivered at our door.  I love how they make a bold statement with the packaging … right off you know you are making a difference in the lives of orphans.  Is this cool or what?  I have prepared two delicious recipes for you and even have a fun ‘Flip’ video of my awesome hubby grill’n the meat and showing off his skills.

A word from Destiny Foods Direct:

“Everyone need and buys food, but how you biy your food can change the world.  We get our juicy, prime and choice cut meats from the heartland of America served safely, direct to your door, which is readically more efficient and easier on your pocket book.  We take the savings to feed a care for ORPHANS around the world with accredited care givers.  We are changing the world through food.

All you do is take a few minutes to place your order online and withing 1-2 weeks your food arrives.  Together, we can change the way America shops for food.  Your food feeds twice!“  EVERY box results in a minimum of $50 donation back to HopeChest.

My Crazy Easy Chicken Recipe:

Step by Step Cooking Video- Part 1 & 2

I started out with my super-quick thaw chicken from Destiny Foods Direct. This company provides all natural beef, poultry, and pork–plus they donate $50 from every sale back to Children’s HopeChest.

What You Need!

  • 4 small boneless skinless chicken breast halves (1 lb.)
  • 2 Tbsp.  flour
  • 1 Tbsp. oil
  • 3/4 cup  fat-free reduced-sodium chicken broth
  • 4 oz. (1/2 of 8-oz. pkg.) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, cubed
  • 1 Tbsp.  chopped fresh parsley

Serves 4

Make It!

COAT -  chicken with flour. Heat oil in large skillet on medium heat. Add chicken; cook 5 to 6 min. on each side or until cooked through (165°F). Remove chicken from skillet, reserving drippings in skillet. Cover chicken to keep warm.

ADD – broth to skillet; stir to scrape up browned bits from bottom of skillet. Add cream

cheese; cook 2 to 3 min. or until cream cheese is melted and sauce starts to thicken, stirring constantly with wire whisk.

RETURN – chicken to skillet; turn over to coat both sides of chicken with sauce. Cook 2 min. or until chicken is heated through. Sprinkle with parsley.

My Crazy Easy Beef recipe:

Step by Step Video with grill master, Roger-

I started out with my steak from Destiny Foods Direct. This company provides all natural beef, poultry, and pork–plus they donate $50 from every sale back to Children’s HopeChest.

Notice a few things here…

1. This steak is trimmed of excess fat. There’s a nice marbled look to it–but the unnecessary fat is gone–a major plus since fat = weight and you buy steak by the pound.

2. Harder to tell from the photos–but each of these steaks was individually vacuum packed and quick frozen. They thaw super-quick, and a fresh and ready to go.


  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds, toasted
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 tablespoons olive or vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 dash hot pepper sauce
  • 3/4 pound (3/4 inch thick) boneless beef sirloin steak


In a large resealable plastic bag, combine the soy sauce, sesame seeds, garlic, oil, brown sugar, pepper and hot pepper sauce. Pierce steak on both sides with a fork; place in the bag. Seal and turn to coat; refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight.

  1. Drain and discard marinade. Grill the steak, covered, over medium heat for 7-9 minutes on each side or until meat reaches desired doneness (for medium-rare, a meat thermometer should read 145 degrees F; medium, 160 degrees F; well-done, 170 degrees F).

Original Recipe Yield 2 servings.

Simply Love Moldova.  You can purchase this brand new Simply Love Country at Brittany’s blog.

Destiny Foods Direct ‘food facts’

Destiny Foods Direct will FedEx a 45-day supply of beef, pork, and poultry right to your door. Each piece of meat is individually quick frozen, and packed in a hard foam box with dry ice.

Why buy meat this way?

First, it’s cheaper. Destiny Foods Direct.adds no water or flavoring solutions to their products. These solutions add unnecessary weight and cost you more at the grocery story–10-20 percent more.

Second, it’s better. Look at those photos…the fat is trimmed for you. Who likes unnecessary fat on their steak. Yuck. Fat adds extra cost at the grocery store. Destiny Foods Direct. trims the fat for you, and only uses USDA “prime” and “choice” meat–a higher quality of beef than you are likely to find in the grocery store.

Third, it feeds twice. Every package of Destiny Foods Direct.products you buy will also provide food for orphans overseas. You feed your family with great food, and orphans are fed through a $50 per purchase donation that goes directly to Children’s HopeChest.

Thank you Destiny Foods for allowing my family to participate in this amazing project!!

Please leave your comments and let me know what you think about this amazing project.

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HopeChest Necklace {GIVEAWAY} WINNER!

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HopeChest Necklace {GIVEAWAY} WINNER!

Posted on 21 April 2010 by Kari Gibson

True Random Number Generator

22 Powered by RANDOM.ORG

WINNER of the HopeChest Mother’s Day necklace is #22- Kelly Summers says:
Email me, Kelly!!

HopeChest and Adoption Fathers are joining together for Mother’s Day to bring hope to orphans!!  My crazy readers, you rocked out our last HopeChest fundraiser and I want to ask you to take the time to learn more about this special project that Tom Davis and team are supporting.  I just bought my necklace!!  It’s created exclusively from my friend JunkPosse, so you know the quality is beautiful and one of a kind.  Here is a great close up of the special Mother’s Day necklace.  It’s just how we like it girls…

Love Goes Around Children's Hope Chest Mother's Day Fundraiser

big & chunky!   Let’s go a little crazy and end the last week of the fundraiser with a bang… don’t miss out.


Crazy friends… this is a 2 day giveaway.   I will randomly pick a winner on Friday night.  All you have to do is leave me a comment and tell me why you want this stunning necklace. You can entry both days!  Let’s break records!

“This necklace represents the “Breaking the Chain” of Orphanhood campaign this Mother’s Day. All the Profits from this piece will support Hopechest’s “Young Mothers Program.”

When orphans are released from the orphanage in their early teen years, they enter a critically vulnerable time. In the case of the women supported by this campaign, they find themselves pregnant and alone. Still children themselves, they have nowhere to go. That is where HopeChest comes into the picture, providing direct assistance, training, community building, and intensive counseling and casework. 100% of the moms currently in the program are raising healthy young children and breaking the cycle of orphans producing more orphans.

Children’s Hopechest- Responding to God’s desire to create a world where every orphan knows Him, experiences the blessing of a family, and acquires the skills necessary for independent life.”http://www.torussiawithlove.ie/images/hold_a_picnic.jpg

Join us this Mothers Day and together we can Break The Chain of sex trafficking and orphanhood. Buy a limited edition Mothers Day necklace and 100% of the proceeds will go towards supporting these amazing programs.  HopeChest Fundraiser ends on Friday!

Click on image to purchase.

Meet Masha an orphan who was rescued from a life of forced prostitution- Click Here!

This is my great friend, Pete Kidd’s new blog and ministry to bring together orphan awareness to fathers all over the world.  His passion for his family and adoption is contagious!  Please grab his bloggy button and help spread the word helping daddy’s advocating for orphans!

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Crazy LIVE video + HopeChest T Returns

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Crazy LIVE video + HopeChest T Returns

Posted on 06 February 2010 by Kari Gibson

Special Note:  ALL HopeChest T shirts are in the mail heading your way!  We mailed out a total of 800+ T shirts.  I pray they make it to you thru all the crazy winter weather!!  Happy Valentine’s Day from My Crazy Adoption!

I wanted to thank you personally for being a part of our 1st “Shirts For Shoes” Project Ethiopia!!  We are all shocked & overjoyed that so many crazy people stepped up and made a huge impact for over 800 orphans.  I was blessed to have teens, families and friends help me roll, address, package and mail out your T shirts.  Our goal is for everyone to receive their T shirts before Valentine’s Day.  Please take a photo of YOU wearing your T shirts… put them up on Your Photos.  You can also email me photos and I’ll send them to Tom Davis to take with him to Ethiopia when he delivers shoes!!

HopeChest “Shirts For Shoes” … can I exchange my T shirt?

We do not have inventory of shirts.  I’m just one crazy mom who did a project for HopeChest.  The T shirts were ordered in bulk AFTER you made your paypal purchase.  We wanted to save HopeChest Ministry every extra penny, so we waited to order T’s until the end of the Project!  I had many volunteers step forward and help me mail out shirts this week- I hope that your T shirts arrive on time & the correct size you ordered.  Also, if you ordered a Women’s XS – shirts did not come in that size… I have sent you a SMALL.  Thank you for your understanding.

Here are 2 things you need to know about returns:

  1. If you received the WRONG T shirt- not the one you ordered… email me. I will mail you the correct size and apologize for the craziness.
  2. If your T shirt is DAMAGEDemail me.  I will mail you a new shirt that is perfect from top to bottom.

Thank you …. LIVE from my living room!

Gene- you never got grumpy when you saw me coming with boxes of T shirts.  Thanks for your smile!

Thanks Jim for the dum dums and amazing spirit for our project!

Cindy worked ALL day mailing out your T shirts!!  Thank you for going the extra mile and doing the extraordinary!

Comments (7)

I feel chills, thrills and slight nausea

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I feel chills, thrills and slight nausea

Posted on 02 February 2010 by Kari Gibson

Good morning my crazy readers.  I had a rude awakening at 3 am when my hubby’s cell phone beeped & bounced around on the bathroom sink.  I heard it, but he’s still sleeping soundly.  I tried, really tried to go back to sleep but I started feeling chills, thrills and slight nausea.  My HopeChest Project is over, but it’s really only just begun.  I have never been so excited to post big news than sharing with you that we sold almost 800 T shirts…. they kept rolling in all night.


I’ve received lots of emails from last second shoppers and I have to say today- I’m sorry, no more T’s for sale.  HopeChest Valentine’s Day Project is all over till next year.  I talked to Tom’s team and we are already thinking of ideas for a new project and new T shirt.  Last night, I had my first team of crazy friends come over and help me organize, roll, address, stuff and seal up T shirts.  They stormed in my house at 6pm sharp and didn’t leave until the clock struck midnight (well, more like 9, but it was a school night)  Thank you Team Crazy for helping me and making me feel that this will all be a breeze.  It’s still hard for me to wrap my head around how many shirts you purchased for “Shirts For Shoes!”  You know you broke records in a big way.


I feel overwhelmed knowing so many orphans will be blessed with new shoes and new shirts.  I feel slightly overwhelmed making sure you get your T shirts before Valentine’s Day.  I feel overwhelmed doing something so new and so crazy.  My hubby reminded me several times yesterday that the hardest part was selling the T shirts, mailing them out is the easy part.  I mentioned that to my friends last night and their looks told me something different.  Yep- mailing out 800 T shirts in not going to be easy.

Slight nausea.

What can you do to help?  Well, if you live in my neck of the wood… come on over and Rock & Roll with me.  If you don’t, please pray for me.  I need super energy and spunk and lots of scones to make my deadline.  My goal is to have every T shirt in the mail by next Monday.  The Post Office has no idea what is coming soon- one crazy mom with hundreds of packages wrapped up in love.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making our first Project so wildly successful.  I want to thank you for all your emails and cheers in the comments.  I feel renewed and energized and its only 5:27am.

Just a little craziness…

Click button everyday 2 Vote- that’s it… to help make My Crazy Adoption #1 mommy blog.
Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

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Posted on 30 January 2010 by Kari Gibson

Big News for my crazy readers!

As of today, we have sold 650 HopeChest T shirts!!  I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I know Tom Davis and the children are jumping up and down right now in Africa!  Please join me and praying that we hit 600+ by Feb. 1st!  Together, lets break some crazy T shirt records!

We’ve exceeded the 400 goal and are now opening up to older kids…we have set a new goal for HopeChest Project “Shirts For Shoes” Please pray we can sell an additional 200 T shirts to provide new shoes for OLDER orphans at the Kolfe Orphanage in Ethiopia. Their shoes cost 3x more $.  Please donate now-Click Here.

Do you see these orphans….

and these smiles…

and this adorable craziness…

and these 3 miracles…

Can you wrap your hearts around an orphan’s reality?

Micah 6:8 (The Message)

8But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do,
what God is looking for in men and women.
It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don’t take yourself too seriously—
take God seriously.

Click button everyday 2 Vote- that’s it. You can help make My Crazy Adoption #1 mommy blog.
Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

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When will I receive my HopeChest T Shirt?

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When will I receive my HopeChest T Shirt?

Posted on 26 January 2010 by Kari Gibson

I wanted to let you know when to expect your HopeChest T shirts in the mail. Special note: customers who received an email confirmation from Paypal that your shirts had been shipped out-  not yet, sorry for confusing you.  I was organizing things & didn’t realize it send that notice out.  We had a huge snow storm in my neck of the woods, so UPS did not deliver my first HUGE T shipment.  We will start with a bang and T shirts will start mailing out next week- 2/1 and on.  It’s just me & a few crazy friends, rolling and packing and mailing out your shirts- pray:)

We want to help save HopeChest every penny we can and order T shirts in bulk, therefore we do not have inventory.  I just called in a HUGE order today of T shirts- every order from Day 1 through today. I was told I should expect to receive the first shipment of shirts at the end of the week.  I have a crazy team of friends helping me roll, package & mail out your T’s!! Our goal is for everyone to receive their shirts BEFORE Valentine’s Day!! I will continue to call in orders in bulk through Feb. 1st. Thank you for understanding and your incredible support!

HopeChest Project New Goal:  600 for 600
The bottom line- We need to sell 600+ T shirts for the 600 orphans to receive their new pair of shoes & a new shirt. Please continue to pray that we reach our goal of 600 by Feb. 1st!!  It helps so much when you share our project with your friends via FB, Twitter, Blogs and email.  Your enthusiasm and passion for this project has been overwhelming to me, Tom Davis and HopeChest!!  You are making a special difference in the lives of orphans in Ethiopia. 

(all photos used with permission from Tom Davis and HopeChest)

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Tom Davis says THANK YOU – LIVE from Africa!

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Tom Davis says THANK YOU – LIVE from Africa!

Posted on 25 January 2010 by Kari Gibson

We have a brand new video LIVE from Tom Davis who is currently in Africa- just dropping by to say hi to us today!!  Our friend ROCKS like crazy!!  We are getting so close to our goal of 400… this morning we hit the 350th T shirt mark!!!  Please join me this week, spreading the news about HopeChest Project and pray that God allows us to fulfill our goal of 400 T’s to take care of 400 orphans (or more!!)  Lets make this Valentine’s Day all about Simply Love.

Comments (2)

Sponsor A HopeChest Orphan – the REAL craziness!

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Sponsor A HopeChest Orphan – the REAL craziness!

Posted on 24 January 2010 by Kari Gibson

Did you know you can sponsor a HopeChest child today?

UPDATE TODAY 1/25-  only 7 more orphans left to sponsor.  God is so faithful… thank you for opening up your hearts wide.

My friend Karen Wistrom is a mom with a crazy passion.  I had the honor of meeting her 2 sons at the Transitional Home in Ethiopia when we were there bringing home Zoie.  She is advocating for HopeChest Ethiopia Sponsor Program, Kind Hearts and needs 18 more orphans sponsored who are desperate for food and basic needs.  I told her my crazy readers would step up and make a REAL difference in an orphan’s life.

What is Kind Hearts?

“Kind Hearts” is a care-point on the southern edge of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia.  It is a safe place for children to go during the day and they are able to attend pre-kindergarten through 2nd grade.  The children attending Kind Hearts are identified by the local government as the most needy in the area – many are single or double orphans (meaning they have lost one or both parents) and are living with relatives or neighbors that can barely provide for an additional mouth to feed.  Others may live with a parent but are in an extremely destitute situation.

How can I help?

A word from Karen:  Of the 68 children that are now coming to “Kind Hearts” every day, we have 50 of them matched with sponsors and the children are already starting to feel the impact as nutritious meals are now available EVERY DAY!!! (18 children are still waiting for a sponsor!!) What a difference from one month ago when our team arrived and these kids were too hungry and lethargic to react.
There are still 18 children at Kind Hearts waiting for a sponsor family – waiting for YOU. Contact me at if you want to be matched with one of these sweet kids. Your $34/month contribution will ensure 2 nutritious meals every day, education, clothing, medical care and Christian discipleship.  And your letters will teach them how much they are loved and valued!  Karen’s Blog- take a peek at all the children available for sponsorship.
Tsehaynesh (above) is still waiting for a sponsor family.

HopeChest Orphans Need Food & Love.

“As we noticed their blank looks and lack of excitement, we asked if they had eaten recently. “We are only able to feed the children on Wednesdays,” we were told. Kind Hearts was able to provide a safe place and a basic education, but they could only provide a meal of rice one day each week. Other than that, the children came to school hungry, ate no lunch, and hoped to have a little something in their belly before they fell asleep at night.  I did find out that funds have been so short, that the two teachers/caregivers on staff have not been paid in the last 2 months – and of course, they have families to provide for as well. Hopechest stepped into the gap to pay the staff last month, but going forward, I’d like to find a few families that would be interested in “sponsoring” the teachers. We all know how important teachers are for these kids … education is the difference between a life of opportunity or a life trapped in grinding poverty.”

The other thing that struck me about “Kind Hearts” is the potential to become more self-sufficient and the opportunities to develop micro-business that can benefit destitute women and some of the mothers of the children at Kind Hearts.  Kind Hearts is situated on 10 acres of farmland that can be developed into small business opportunties to fund Kind Hearts and to provide a trade to area women.  We are currently putting together plans for a chicken house – which will not only provide eggs and meat to the children and other area orphanages, but will provide jobs to area women.  The land can also be used to plant seedlings that can be sold to local farmers.  We are also investigating the building of a bridge for a nearby polluted river that many of the children have to cross in order to come to school.  The water is so polluted that the children get sick or get infected sores from the water.  I was there, and I have never been so choked by toxic fumes as when I stood next to that river that the children need to cross in order to attend school at Kind Hearts.
So in addition to the child sponsorship program, we will be raising funds for capital projects like the chicken coop, bridge, textbooks, teacher’s salaries and playground equipment.  If you are interested in sponsoring a child, please contact Karen Wistrom, Kind Hearts Sponsor Coordinator.  If you are interested in giving a one-time gift to fund one of the development projects, please contact Karen or go directly to the Hopechest website at www.hopechest.org, specify the amount of your gift and clearly specify KIND HEARTS DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS.
Please check Karen’s blog regularly for updates from Kind Hearts at www.family-from-afar.blogspot.com. The children at Kind Hearts have already begun to see and feel the impact of their sponsors as food is now available every day!

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My 1 Day Birthday {Giveaway} WINNER!

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My 1 Day Birthday {Giveaway} WINNER!

Posted on 21 January 2010 by Kari Gibson

My Birthday Happy Just 4 You!

Hannah & Zoie picked the number #25 for my b-day winner.  I’m so blessed reading all your comments & wishes… I wish we could all have cupcakes together right now!  Here is the winning comment- Congrats Becky!!

#25 Becky says January 21, 2010 at 2:30 PM

Happy Birthday Kari… May you continue to inspire & encourage (whether you know it or not) in the coming year as you have in the past… And may you be “BLESSED” like you bless others. Happy Birthday to one of my bloggy “friends”. Love in Christ, Becky.

email me Becky!!

[beads_pic_01-225x300.jpg]I’m 43 years old today and I wanted to give you a present from me.  I love family, parties, cupcakes, and friends, but I realllly love {GIVEAWAYS}  It would be a little hard for me to mail you cupcakes, so instead I’m giving you a HopeChest Project T shirt and my very favorite handmade Ugandan necklace.  You get to pick the T Design and size- just for you!

This is just a 1 day Giveaway, so please leave me a comment and a birthday wish (I hope they all come true)  At the end of the day- after my birthday cupcakes are gone, I’ll randomly pick a name.  I will announce the winner right here on this post.

What do you win?

My Crazy Winner- email me, so I can give you information on your gifts.  If for some reason, I don’t hear back from you within 48 hrs- I will pick another winner.  Thank you for your understanding.

My birthday wish is that even if you don’t win the giveaway, you would purchase a HopeChest Project T shirt for Valentines Day!  I’m praying for a special goal of 400 T’s by Feb. 1st.  Please help make my wish come true!  xoxo

1 more b-day wish…

Will you do me a big favor?  Please take the time to help My Crazy Adoption win #1 Top Mommy BlogJust click on this cute button & it automatically grabs your vote- that’s it.  Click & Click- you can vote everyday for craziness!!  We only need 200 votes to jump up to #3rd place today.Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

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I dig the Crazy Cake Boss

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I dig the Crazy Cake Boss

Posted on 19 January 2010 by Kari Gibson

Update- we just hit the 200 T shirt mark.  We need 200 more to go!! It’s been such an amazing week launching the HopeChest Project- we are half way to our goal of providing 400 orphans with new shoes and shirts.  We need to sell 400 Valentines Day HopeChest T shirts to give each child their gift of love.  400 for 400- I don’t want any child left behind!  Please pray for the Project every day and help spread the word.  Last day to order, Feb. 1st.

On a lighter, fluffier note- are there any Cake Boss stalkers fans out there in bloggy land that love this crazy show like I do?  My family loves this tasty, sugary, high energy, fiery tempered reality show with Buddy Valastro and his family.  If you’re feeling lost in the batter, Buddy is one of the most successful and renowned cake artists in the United States. Master baker of Carlo’s City Hall Bake Shop in Hoboken, New Jersey, Buddy IS the cake boss.http://tlc.discovery.com/tv/cake-boss/images/cake-boss-buddy-valastro-175.jpg He supervises a team that includes his mother, four older sisters and three brothers-in-law. And when you’re working with family on a daily basis, there is bound to be a lot of drama. The Valastros know drama but and at the end of the day they also know love.

http://www.carlosbakery.com/Portals/0/colorful%20cake%20web.jpgI wish I could have one of his specialty cakes for my birthday.  If I could sit down with Buddy and give him my cake order, I would have him build me a 2 layer red velvet cake with his “dirty icing” in chocolate and covered with butter cream.  My theme is simple- children of the world.  He can make it look scrumptious with his spunky personality and amazing creativity.  What a great way to celebrate my birthday and adoption all in one yummy buttery crumb cake.

Just for fun- if you could order a cake today, what would you pick?

Here’s Buddy’s Recommendations for Wedding and Specialty-Cakes

Red Velvet cake with Vanilla or Cream Cheese Icing
Black and White Cake with Hazelnut Cream
Black and White cake with Chocolate Fudge
Devil’s Food Cake with Chocolate Ganache and Fresh Raspberries
Devil’s Food Cake with Chocolate Mousse, a thin layer of Chocolate Ganache, and Fresh Raspberries or Fresh Strawberries
Vanilla Cake with Lemon French Cream and Fresh Raspberries
Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Icing

Cake Boss Newbies- take a peek

Will you do me a big favor?  Please take the time to help My Crazy Adoption win #1 Top Mommy BlogJust click on this cute button & it automatically grabs your vote- that’s it.  Click & Click- you can vote everyday for craziness!!  We only need 200 votes to jump up to #3rd place today.Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

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HopeChest Project Family {Giveaway} WINNER!!

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HopeChest Project Family {Giveaway} WINNER!!

Posted on 17 January 2010 by Kari Gibson

Crazy Winner:

I had several break-ins this week- friends trying to steal a peek at the number taped up on my fridge, but my awesome bodyguards kept them at bay.  I promise the number stayed top secret!!  I picked a special number for my giveaway- I’m turning 43 this week, so it’s not hard to guess…. the winning #43!!!!  Some of you were sooooo close, but we can only have one big crazy winner!

Congratulations, Tonya for being the VERY first to guess the #43.  Here’s a look at your comment & proof of your brilliant choice:)  I just need you to email me asap for shirt picks & sizes!

Tonya says:



Welcome to My Crazy Adoption. We love {Giveaways} here! I can’t think of a better reason to have a giveaway to help celebrate – Shirts For Shoes! Get ready, this is a 3 Day Family Giveaway.  You can enter to win until Monday evening- I’ll announce the winner after Zoie goes to bed!

What do you win?

  • 2 adult T shirts (you pick Design A or B & size)
  • 2 youth T shirts (you pick size)

How do you win?

In honor of the 400 orphans we are providing a new pair of shoes and a shirt- please pick a number between 1 and 400 and leave me a comment. (add your first name)

Bloggy friends, I have already picked a number and it’s taped up on my fridge…no peeking.  The FIRST person who guesses the # or is the closest- wins the family giveaway! If you don’t win, I still want to encourage you to purchase a HopeChest Project T shirt- 100% of proceeds go to our Project!  We want you to wear them together for Valentines Day!

This HopeChest Family {Giveaway} ends late Monday night.  I will announce the winner right here on this post.

Winner- please email me so I can give you information to shop online using your virtual gift certificate.  If for some reason, I don’t hear back from you within 48 hrs- I will pick another winner.  Thank you for your understanding.

Will you do me a big favor?  Please take the time to help My Crazy Adoption win #1 Top Mommy BlogJust click on this cute button & it automatically grabs your vote- that’s it.  Click & Click- you can vote everyday for craziness!!Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

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Why do orphans need shoes?

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Why do orphans need shoes?

Posted on 17 January 2010 by Kari Gibson

HopeChest News:  Why do the orphans need shoes? Many of the kids in Ethiopia are coming to us with clothing that is either worn out, too small, or even too big. Children who have lost their parents to AIDS are wearing the clothes left behind by mom and dad.

These recent photos show you the need and demonstrate how much a pair of shoes will make a huge difference.

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Look at her beautiful smile AFTER receiving a pair of shoes- you can help make 700+ smiles today!!

(photographs provided 1-15-09 on Tom Davis Blog)

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