Due date coming up soon… I need your guest posts!!
Please email me your guest blog posts by July 4th- ready, set to go. If you make them “blog ready” for me, that will save me time & craziness. Thanks so much!!
I wanted you to know what “blog ready” means (I’ve confused a few of my crazy friends) I just need it edited and ready for me to copy and paste. That’s it:)
I love my crazy readers and want to invite you to blog for me when I’m on my mission trip to Africa in July? I will be in Uganda and Ethiopia for 14 days and want you to entertain and support and encourage and inspire while I’m gone. Yep- I’m asking early to start getting things organized. Here’s a few things I think would be great… YOU PICK:
Are you a crazy mom or dad or parent-to-be or happily single?
- mom post- anything for moms
- Do you like to write funny, crazy, inspiring stories?
- Do you advocate for adoption or orphans?
- Do you have parenting advice on subjects that help with day to day craziness?
- Do you love to cook and share recipes?
- Do you have any DIY Mommy activities for the summer?
- ANY thing fun & crazy you want to share… sky is the limit.
If any of of these subjects make you want to be my crazy bloggy guest for a day, please leave me a comment on this post and add your email… I will contact you. All I need is your “completed post” and some pics or video to match your subject or clip art + your URL link + 1 horizontal pic I can crop for the thumbnail at the top of post. Deadline for guest posts- June 30th, but you can send sooner!!!
I also need a new June, July, and August Adoption Family… leave me a comment or email me. I need a few things: photos, gotcha video (if you have one- HTLM code), and a few paragraphs WHY adoption has made a difference in your life, family, etc. Also the challenges you have faced
and joys and miracles. The post is meant to inspire and encourage, but also show the real side of life. You can make your “adoption post” as long or short as you want. Add 2-3 sentence testimoney of what adoption means to you. That’s all I need for you to be a crazy adoption family!!!