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Crazy Links I Love [New Inlinkz]

Posted on 27 August 2011 by Kari Gibson

You Inspire Me!

If you are raising funds for adoption or orphan care … I want to help!  Click on the Inlinkz at the bottom of the post and add your information.  If you need Inlinkz 101- take a peek at the description below.  Also, feel free to leave a comment and share your story and project.  This is YOUR shout out!!

PS: If you are selling Simply Love gear … please leave your blogs and links in the comments with a description of your project.

What is your main fear about raising money for adoption or a mission trip? I want to know …

What in the world is the “Inlinkz” at the bottom of this post?  Well, I want to continue to shout out for your adoption and mission trip projects and fundraisers.  This new tool will help YOU spread the word to other bloggers that want to help make a difference in the life of an orphan.  All you need to do is leave your “permalink” with an eye catching title for your projects every Saturday- open to share for 48 hrs. What this means … you have two days to add your link with the Inlinkz tool, but readers can click on your images [here] to view for months to come.

My Crazy Adoption Blog receives over 10,000 monthly readers.  The new InLinkz tool will help bring readers to your site, but it won’t work unless you share!

What is the InLinkz link tool?
  • It is a widget that is inserted in your blog and allows you to receive link submissions from your readers
  • The links can even include a picture and a small description
  • You are in total control of when the widget is available, how it is displayed and who is notified in the event of a submission
  • You can run it as a common link up, as a giveaway, as a contest where users get to vote or even as a product display or an image menu
  • It helps you edit your links, contact the participants, check your page views, check which links get the most clicks
  • It can be displayed on your blog or site and works on sites and RSS feeds
  • It is more powerful and flexible than any “linky tool” you may have used
  • …and you can read more about it here

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