Shout Out Your Adoption Fundraisers & Projects

Posted on 17 May 2010 by Kari Gibson

Adoption peeps… this is your day!  You have already added your comments up in “Shout Out” on the top flasher, but I want to upgrade and help share your fundraising projects with Linky!!  I love the new thumbnail photo Linky Tool that Brent Riggs created.  It will show off your thumbnail and link your URL.  My bloggy friend Stacy Richards guided me to this new crazy way to show off your fundraisers!  I have found it on several of my favorite blogs, so I’m going-for-it.

Why R U doing this?

Well, I’m glad you asked … we are starting our 2nd adoption and fundraising, too.  It’s soooo challenging to get eyeballs to peek at all the different projects out there in blog land.  I simply love helping families fundraise for adoption and want to help shout out with a new Linky tool.  God has opened up so many doors at My Crazy Adoption and we are all in this together!  Especially, if you are selling Simply Love shirts with the 13 countries!!  I get emails everyday from readers begging for the different country shapes.  This is your opportunity to get the word out in a fun, crazy way!

Who can post a Linky?

Anyone fundraising for adoption or mission trips.  I’m requesting only that you take the time to “follow” my blog so we can be real true BFF’s (bloggy friends forever) on Blog Frog or RSS.  It just takes seconds to add your name and URL.

How Do I Do it?

It’s so easy.  Write a post or use an old one from your blog- describing in detail your “fundraising project.”  Show off photos and share your adoption story.  Now you are ready to use Linky Thumbnail tool.

Post the permalink from your blog below. A permalink is the URL to a specific blog post. In other words, each blog post has an address and the permalink is the street number and the avenue. For example, my blog address is  But the permalink to this post is  To get the permalink, I simply clicked on the post title and it popped up in the address bar. On your blog you must link back here to this blog and that your post is part of a “Shout Out” at My Crazy Adoption…….

When will the Linky close?

I opened up a new Linky open until Aug!!!!!!!  It’s located right under the “closed” Linky from last week.  Keep adding your blogs & links!!   Don’t miss out, but if you do … you can still leave a comment with your URL.

If you are crazy about my blog- become a follower, leave a comment, and share some mommy craziness.

8 Comments For This Post

  1. Tiffany Says:

    This is awesome! Thank you!!

  2. kristin Says:

    I love following your blog and have been doing so for a few months now. I have your link on my blog roll – thanks for the chance to promote our adoption fundraisers! You are right, we have to support each other – we are all in this together!

    God bless and thanks!

  3. Rachel Says:

    Hi! Thank you so much for doing this! I saw your comment on We are that family, and came right on over!! I am now an official follower, although I've been a stalker for a while! ; ) I was part of Erica's Reckless Abandon trip to Ethiopia in Jan and we ROCKED your AWESOME shirts!!! Pretty much every day SOMEONE in my family of six has a simply love shirt on!! Nice to meet you and thank you again for sharing the LOVE!!!!

  4. Ali Says:

    We have TONS of fundraisers going, hoping to raise some fund some how! Thanks for doing this for us!


  5. Kari Says:

    Thanks everybody for trying out the new Linky Tool.. we'll keep this going each month to keep up on your projects & fundraising. Don't be shy to try… the eyeballs that come from Linkys are incredible!

    I did add a new Linky Thumbnail tool UNDER the old one that closed (which means you cant add your link to the 1st one) but… you can keep adding your projects in the comments or in the new Linky at the very bottom- its open until August 31st. So keep sharing your fundraising project.

    BTW- if you are selling SIMPLY LOVE shirts with the 14 countries celebrated.. I get a ton of emails asking for the different shapes. Please add your linky here too!

  6. Melissa Says:

    OK – I'm not actually adopting, but I'm still raising money for them! Is it O.K. for me to join? I'll get the new post up ASAP! I can't wait to get my shirt from my sister's (! Thank you for being such an awesome supporter of other's adoptions!

  7. Sharen Arts Says:

    I truly appreciate this blog article.Much thanks again. Really Great.

  8. wwwee Says:

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