{You Inspire Me}
- I am trying to fundraise for Andrielis’ Education. This is perfect for World Health Day tmrw as she is trying to become a nurse, and part of the program involves her volunteering in a clinic and learning about different diseases! http://andrielis.blogspot.com/
- I am raising funds for girls aged out of the orphanages in Latvia ages 17-20. These girls are put into the street with few to no belongings, no life skills, and no family or support system. Many girls end up going into prostitution by force. http://roadtolatvia.blogspot.com/2011/04/hope-for-girls-giveaway.html
- Check out my NEW Lime Green tote, celebrating love of lime!!! You can purchase the new tote on the link below and make a difference in the life of an orphan [and my son's missions trip!] Lime Crazy Heart Ragged Edge Tote | My Crazy Adoption Official Store
We have a wonderful special that we are hosting at our Solomon Beads store… http://solomonbeads.com … You will receive a FREE pair of earrings for all orders totaling $40 or more. So, stop on by and find something special for your mother, sister, daughter, or friend and take advantage of our fabulous offer. Give a gift with a beautiful story of God’s perfect provision…give a gift with a purpose…give a gift that you have perfectly chosen. Don’t see exactly what you are looking for?? We LOVE to make custom pieces so don’t hesitate to ask!
Young Couple Creatively Fundraise to Bring Home Their Son from Ethiopia
LAKEWOOD RANCH, FL (April 8, 2011)-Gerrid and Jessica Smith of Lakewood Ranch, Florida have just launched a website http://BabyEsFamilyTree.com in an effort to help raise funds to bring home their adopted son Elijah from Ethiopia. The website has a picture of a large tree that is comprised of 1,000 small squares. For just $10, an individual can upload their picture to become part of Elijah’s, otherwise known as “Baby E’s”, family tree!The Smith’s are asking individuals and businesses to purchase space on their website to raise the remaining $10,000.00 needed to complete their adoption.
“I love the African proverb that says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” And while this is true we believe it also takes a village to bring a child home…especially when it comes to adoption!”- Jessica Smith
- My husband and I are moving to Kitale, Kenya by the end of the end of the summer with our 3 children ages 6,4 and 5 months. We are joining a ministry called Mattaw Childrens Village that rescues, restores and redeems orphaned and abandoned children. www.mattawchildren.com
My husband and I have been traveling to Kenya since 2002 when we were dating. To make a long story short, here we are today, pursuing a life in full time missions in Kenya. I am spearheading the buidling of Mattaw’s addition of “Sprouts” baby home for preemies to age 2. We are hitting the pavement for fundraising for this baby home as well as our personal support for our family.
If you have a special project, fundraiser, or blog post you want to share with my crazy readers, please leave a comment with all your information and permalink (example: http://agoodkindofcrazy.blogspot.com/2011/03/american-girl-doll-giveaway.html) to take readers directly to your site.
It’s your personal shout out! You can also email me during the week and personally request to share your projects on Crazy Links I Love weekly post. Please limit to adoption, missions, or orphan care fundraisers. I want to help you get the word out there in blog land!
April 8th, 2011 at 10:21 AM
Brighton Their World – http://www.brightontheirworld.org
Brighton Their World is a non-profit organization that is focused on being a voice for the voiceless and an advocate for the fatherless. 100% of your donations go directly towards providing the basic necessities of life for children with no access to them.
April 8th, 2011 at 10:37 AM
Hi Guys! We are Crazy Link # 5
) and I just wanted to share how our fundraising site works! We created Baby E's Family Tree, so that anyone who wants to support our bringing our son home could not only make a contribution…but join our family! Just like we are all ADOPTED into the family our loving God- our adoption wouldn't be possible with the love and support we have received from our family and friends!
Adoption is so much bigger than a couple adding a child to their family- it creates a huge ripple effect of love! We have felt the LOVE like so many of you have! So in an effort to creatively bring home our son Elijah (Baby E) we are praying that people that feel inspired will join our family tree!
If you are interested; head over to http://babyesfamilytree.com where you can pick your picture square, upload your picture, add in a link back to your site, and leave a message of encouragement!!! Thanks for checking us out! To God be the Glory!
April 8th, 2011 at 11:57 PM
We are proud to be a Simply Love fundraising family! According to Kari, we may be the only family out there (at least that we know of!) carrying women's v-neck t-shirts that are incredibly soft and comfortable (although they run 1-2 sizes small since they are fitted). We also have men's Simply Love t-shirts in stock that are a great charcoal grey color. You can check out our t-shirts (and our blog) at http://justloveethiopia.blogspot.com/2010/12/t-sh…. Ordering is on the the right sidebar through our paypal account.
My husband and I spend time in Ethiopia volunteering in the orphanages as physical therapists and work specifically with children with disabilities, although our overarching goal is to encourage and facilitate development (physical as well as emotional, social, etc) in all children with delays, whether they are related to a specific "diagnosis" or just due to institutional conditions. We appreciate any and all support of our Ethiopian adoption journey!
April 9th, 2011 at 1:39 PM
Hi! My husband and I are living in Wisconsin, but our hearts are in Africa. We are leaving in August for Nairobi, Kenya to minister to orphans and help with some work projects. We would be so thankful if you could post a link to our blog: http://comeallwhoarethirsty.blogspot.com/2011/04/…
We are selling handmade headbands and accepting donations of handmade items or to raise funds for our trip and money to purchase items for the orphanage.
Thank you and God Bless!
April 10th, 2011 at 10:25 PM
I'm sooo excited for you to share your projects- praying for each and everyone of you!!
"Mama Kiki"
April 13th, 2011 at 4:48 PM
I would love to have Awaka added : ) http://awakauganda.blogspot.com
We have crafts from Uganda for sale to help us raise necessary funds to continue building a clinic and support the rehabilitation of street children from the slums of Kampala.
Thanks Kari!
May 3rd, 2011 at 2:14 AM
I started a new blog. I have a picture of my t shirts on it. I also started a paypal account for anyone that might want to donate. I am fund raising for my mission trip to Africa this summer and then for my mission trip to Haiti in January! jenwithamission.blogspot.com
May 6th, 2011 at 1:44 AM
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May 13th, 2011 at 6:26 PM
We are the Schilling Family, currently of 8. We have 3 bio kids and 3 adopted from Ethiopia last year. We have begun our next adoption journey of 2 boys and a little girl. Last year the Lord provided EVERYTHING we needed to adopt our 3 kids! This time I have no doubts he will do the same!
We have multiple fundraisers going on.
Check out our Wild Prairie Farms for All Natural Handcrafted Bath and Body Products.
Website: http://www.wildprairiefarms.net
We have Adoption T-Shirts at http://www.wildprairiefarms.net/adoption_tshirts.htm
We also have Fresh Coffees for sale at http://www.justlovecoffee.com/SchillingFamily
Our Adoption Blog at http://www.wildprairiefarms.blogspot.com
We have started an organization called Rivers of Living Water ~ Helping Orphans and Widows in Need. Our mission and passion is to help bring clean water, clothes, shoes, and hope to orphans and widows in need. We are currently helping an orphanage get a clean water well and we are having a new shoe drive for 2 orphanages in Ethiopia.
Website: http://www.rivers-of-living-water.org
Thanks for allowing us to share!
May 24th, 2011 at 3:29 PM
We are trying to raise money to adopt our baby from the US! We are a single income family with a passion for adoption and caring for orphans. This is our first journey into adoption, but do NOT plan for it to be the last! We also hope to give a special needs child from China a forever home sometime in the future too. We have a donation button on the right hand side of our blog page. Please help us reach our financial goal so we can start our process and bring a child home!!
May 24th, 2011 at 3:41 PM
We are trying to raise money to adopt for a second time from Africa. We have a number of different fundraisers going on including tshirts from Wild Olive Tees, a raffle which has many items such as Pampered Chef and 31 Gifts, as well as coffees from Just Love Roasters. Check us out at
May 30th, 2011 at 11:37 AM
Tomorrow is the last day of our fundraiser for the “graduating” orphans in Ukraine. Orphans aged 15-16 are kicked out of the orphanages to fend for themselves on the streets because, there is not enough space in the orphanages. They need our help!! The Bible Orphan Ministry is a small group of brothers and sisters in Christ that minister to orphans in Ukraine. Please help them help these orphans!!
Tomorrow is the LAST DAY of our Five and Two Fish – iPad 2 and MORE Fundraiser!
Please Click Here for more info: http://fiveandtwofish.blogspot.com/
Thank You!!!
June 10th, 2011 at 3:53 PM
Hello everyone! We are adopting from Korea and were a month away from our referral when we were told that the agency in Korea was closing and wasn’t giving out any more referrals. We were supposed to have our child escorted back to the US, and now we are fortunate enough to travel! With this change, we have almost all of our costs covered EXCEPT our travel, so we are having an American Girl giveaway, drawing on July 9, 2011! Please visit our blog to enter. http://tothadoptionjourney.blogspot.com. You can pick out your doll and have it shipped to YOUR home! Thank you for your support, and we would appreciate if you could pass on the word!