Visiting Orphans Real Leather Stuff {Giveaway}

Posted on 07 March 2011 by Kari Gibson

I returned home last week from my Visiting Orphans mission trip to Ethiopia and I want to celebrate with you.  This week, My Crazy Adoption Blog will feature a special daily post sharing my top 5 blessings from the trip.  To kickoff missions week, I’m throwing a funky Giveaway featuring the incredible leather items of Carol McCoy, owner and designer of Real Leather Stuff.  Carol is currently leading a Visiting Orphans trip to Uganda (this week!) and helping orphans learn leather working as a trade.  Carol created a stunning Man Up 4 Orphans passport cover… Is that cool or what!

I will randomly pick a winner on Friday, March 11th….  1 blessed winner from the comments.  You can enter 1x a day!

What do you win?

You win a $100 gift certificate to purchase any of the items featured in the Real Leather James line (includes jewelry & passport covers)

How do you win?

You pick 2:

1.  add the Visiting Orphans button to your blogs- you can copy code on VO Blog.

2.  share about Real Leather Stuff on Facebook.

3.  Leave a comment and let me know what Real Leather Stuff you simply love- don’t forget to add your email address.

I told you they were stunning!!

29 Comments For This Post

  1. kim Says:

    How cool, it's all so beautiful! I love the last item, but I also love everything! I added the Visiting Orphans link on my sidebar!


  2. Kristy Says:

    I like the zebra and the belt but its all amazing! I put the VO button on my blog and facebooked about it.

  3. valerie (in TX) Says:

    I loved these when I saw them on the VO website a couple of weeks ago! Love, love, LOVE the "Unto the least of these" passport cover, and would LOVE to win it to use on my trip to Uganda in June! :) Added the VO button to my blog.

  4. Chris Says:

    Love the "tree" design…..reminds me of Ps 1:3: "He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."


  5. valerie (in TX) Says:

    Kari, I'm trying to add the VO button to my blog, but it just shows up as the little square with a red X in it. Not sure what I'm doing wrong? Copied the code above and added it as HTML, but for some reason I can't get it to work…? :(

  6. Christie Says:

    if you go to their website you can grab the html for the button there…the one above didnt work for me either :)

  7. Christie Says:

    i love the 143 million wrap bracelet :) very cute!

  8. Christie Says:

    put VO button on my blog :)

  9. Christie Says:

    shared about real leather stuff on facebook

  10. Julie Says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE it all, but especially the bracelet! I will add VO's button to my blog when I get home from work!

    Welcome home! Can't wait to hear about your trip!!!

  11. Janiece Wieschhaus Says:

    They are all cool. I can't pick just one that is the best!

  12. Allison Says:

    I absolutely love the 143,000,000 cuff bracelet!! Id wear that all the time!

  13. jena Says:

    I have VO on my sidebar now and I would love the James 1:27 belt for my husband. LOVE the mzungu passport cover… too funny!

  14. Amanda Says:

    I already have VO on my sidebar and I LOVE the passport covers!! Eek! Can't wait for June!!

  15. summer Says:

    The belt is a must have! However, I think I would be content to at least have the bracelet! The book of James has touched me so deeply that I am in the process of memorizing it. I have chapter 1 memorized- and having a leather item that says "Pure Religion" would be AWESOME!!!

  16. summer Says:

    I had to copy and paste the link to facebook, but it's there now!

  17. Lisa Says:

    I added the button to my blog and LOVE it all, but would most likely choose a pure religion cuff (unfortunately just bought a passport cover on etsy, love these MORE!).

    anglsamngulb at hotmail dot com

  18. Lisa Says:

    just posted on FB too!

  19. jena Says:

    So excited to see we can enter each day this week. A blessing indeed!

  20. Debi Jenkins Says:

    I think my favorite is the "Tree of Life Passport Cover." She does such beautiful work. What talent!

  21. summer Says:

    The cuffs would make great gifts too!

  22. Meg Says:

    Kari! I don' know if you remember me, but I worked at Kanakuk before you guys got Zoe!! I still wear my Simply Love shirt all the time!! This stuff is incredible! I like the Matthew 25:40 item. Not sure if it is a wallet or a passport cover buts its beautiful!!

  23. Amanda Says:

    These are all beautiful!

  24. April Says:

    Love it, especially the tree design!

  25. Kristy Says:

    Still loving all the designs!

  26. Julie Says:

    I love the belt, too! :-)

  27. Kristy Says:

    Still love all!

  28. summer Says:

    I still think the belt is my favorite!

  29. summer Says:

    Oh I would love to win this!!!! Can't wait to see who does:)

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