Archive | November, 2012

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The House That Love Built

Posted on 30 November 2012 by Kari Gibson

Last January, our Simply Love Haiti team in Pignon met a family who lived in a mud stick house next door to a witch doctor. To make matters worse, the tiny hut leaned to the right, like it would tip over any second. I don’t know if I’ve ever witnesses a family as poor as this one. They let me come in and see the inside… I was so humbled. At the time, my family lived in a 5000 square foot home, and had every imaginable convenience to make living comfortable. This family of 6, including twins, only had one bed and their chickens lived inside, too. Missionaries, Bill and Jennifer Campbell had witnessed to them and they accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior … that’s when the miracles started. God began showering this family with favor and blessing. A mission team purchased an acre and half of land for $900 and raised the money to build a new house. (another great example of how powerful short term missions teams are!!) The property has 2 large mango trees, 2 massive avocado trees, banana trees, sugar cane, and rich soil for their garden. Their new neighbors are followers of Jesus and there is a church 200 yards down the dusty road. They are covered in love.

10 months later, I headed over with the building team and saw for the first time their new home. It brought tears to my eyes. The team was here to finish the project, put on the roof and build furniture and beds for the family. I have to admit, I was a little giddy … hugging the family, the neighbors, and team building the dream home. God sold our dream house when we said yes to serving in Haiti. Last night, I was wide awake due to drinking a late coffee with my friend, Jennifer … I had time to think about the things I have had to let go of this year. I miss my stuff, but it’s getting easier every day to thank God for the new stuff in my life. The new ministries we serve, the new provisions He has provided, the new friends, and new opportunities to share the gospel to the unreached people groups. Roger and I lived 20 years of comfortable living and now I’m working on thanking God for the supernatural experiences He has faithfully planned for our God-adventure to live 12 months in Ethiopia, Haiti, and Nicaragua! Our big dream is to encourage (loud cheerleaders) missionaries to serve out-of-the box.. build a new generation of missionaries that will man up and go to all the unreached places.

This is the house that love built. Here are a few photos I took of their old house.

Here are photos of their NEW dream house. More pics coming soon …

There is nothing God loves more than keeping promises, answering prayers, performing miracles, and fulfilling dreams. That is who He is. That is what He does. And the bigger the circle we draw, the better, because God gets more glory. (The Circle Maker)

If you have never been on a short term mission trip, I want to encourage you to dig deep and go. It will change your life forever. I had the opportunity to share the gospel with the people waiting for clinic on Wednesday. The Campbells open their blue gate every week and the mother’s and families come for formula and food distribution, as well as medical care for their children. The community of Pignon is very poor and sometimes, you have only one day to save the life of a baby that is malnurished or sick. Pastor Clebert helped me translate Ephesians 4:4-7 , so I could offer comfort for their spirit, as they waited for physical comfort for their children. I love this verse … and I hope it brings you comfort today, too. There is one body and one Spirit- just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call- one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. But GRACE was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift.

Prayer Challenge for the weekend: Would you take time for the next 2 days and pray these requests specifically?

  • Will you pray today that the Holy Spirit will give you courage to boldly take the gospel to the unreached?
  • Begin to pray for an unreached people group. You can search online ( or buy the Live Dead Journal for unreached people group prayer profiles and find great resources.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit would open your eyes to neighbors who may be from places that have no gospel. You may have never seen them in this way before. Ask the Lord to guide you in connecting with them in love to share the gospel.

(3 Prayer Challenges- Live Dead Journal)


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Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That

Posted on 29 November 2012 by Kari Gibson

I woke up this morning on my bunkbed to a light Haitian breeze and sunshine! I love starting off my day thanking the Lord for the great honor of allowing us to serve in Haiti and asking with anticipation what adventure does He have planned today! We finally came up with a [Creole] name for our little studio cottage, Les Belle Maison (which means beautiful cement house.) It takes about 5 minutes to clean and sweep our concrete floors and make our bunks. Hannah mentioned to me that she feels like she’s at camp, including the bugs and lizards and peeper frogs. The only thing missing is our son, Michael who will arrive in Haiti on December 17th for winter break from college. We are so thrilled he’s joining us on our adventure!

Today, Jennifer and I headed back to Pignon Hospital (photo) on the back of a 4 wheeler to donate blood to the Haiti Home of Hope (HHH) clinic mom who has TB and pregnant. She really needs a transfusion to help her gain strength for her delivery coming soon. We entered the crowded hospital for the 2nd time and I started working on my shallow breathing technique. Jennifer has witnessed so many difficult things in the hospital, women having babies on the floor, maggot invested wounds, puddles of body fluid, TB patients and regular patients sleeping all in the same room. We were turned away again from donating, this time for the lab not open on the weekend. We visited the mom and told her we would come back on Monday. As I looked around, it broke my heart to see the conditions and hardships of the people living in Pignon. Life is hard. “Suffering is never without purpose. God takes it all- the pain, the tears, the fear, the confusion, the questions, the doubts- and uses it to build us up in our faith, to help us see who He is, if we trust Him through it all.” (Live-Dead Journal)

We zipped back home bouncing on the back of the ATV. Hannah and I jumped in the truck with Bill and Roger to take supplies to the new building site for a clinic family. I met this family of six back in January living next door to a witch doctor and surviving in a “leaning” mud hut with their twins (wait till you see the before and after photos!) It was the poorest living conditions I’ve ever witnessed anywhere in the world. A mission team donated the cost of land and a new home for this family. Our family gets to be “happy helpers” starting on Tuesday building their dream home. I’m soooo excited!!

We accomplished all this before lunch!

One of the things I love most about living in Haiti is the fellowship with other missionaries. There are a total of 5 adopted Campbell children, and four other people living with the Campbells and multiple teams that come in and out of HHH. We all sit around a big table for meals – Roger mentioned we look like the Walton Family. Jennifer made a huge pot of creamy turkey soup (Thanksgiving leftovers) and we had just set the table for dinner, when there was an interruption outside. Typically, if it was my home, I would be a little miffed if someone dropped by uninvited just before dinner .. I like to eat a hot meal. Inside, I might think … Ain’t nobody got time for that! Thankfully, God always knows the perfect timing, even when the soup is hot. A distraught husband and his 22 year old daughter walked up to the house with broken hearts. Early this morning, his beloved wife and mother to his 5 children had unexpectedly died. The grieving family came to receive formula for the 2 month old baby and asked for the Campbells to take the child. It broke our hearts to see the aftermath of losing a loved one. We all prayed for them and offered to help in any way we could to bring comfort and help with their needs. Wednesday is clinic day, so we are hoping they will bring the baby for extra TLC.

I’m learning that what might look like, through my eyes, as an inconvenience, .. it’s really an opportunity to love big. I want to always have time to help, even if the task is mundane. Last night, Hannah and I had dish duty for the mission team and families … over 20 people makes a lot of dirty dishes. One sink had soapy bleachy water and the other sink, clear bleach water. We started talking about music and friends and movies coming out … the time standing with her was so precious to me. She has been such an example of faithfulness, obedience, and flexibility, and we are proud of our daughter. I don’t necessarily like doing dishes, but I loved being with Hannah.

Please pray for Haiti Home of Hope ministry and the missionaries that serve in Pignon, Haiti. They serve wholeheartedly and love extravagantly 24/7 the community and face hardships and challenges every single day caring for the fatherless. What an honor to have our family here helping with this amazing ministry. Thank you for investing in our family this year, supporting, praying, and cheering us on the mission field.

Next week, we want to start a special project for the boys living here at the HHH orphanage- they desperately need new mattresses and bed-bug covers for comfort and relief. URGENT NEED: 22 twin mattresses + 10 other sizes. We can order on Amazon Wish List and they will ship directly here to us. More info coming soon …



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Missionary Guest Blogger: An Everlasting Name

Posted on 28 November 2012 by Kari Gibson

I’m so honored to introduce you to my dear friend, Jennifer, the missionary we are serving in Pignon, Haiti. She is an inspiring writer and wants to share her time with us living and loving and serving at Haiti Home of Hope orphanage. Her words will break your heart and inspire you to live James 1:27. This is the first time Jen has shared her life in stories with an audience, so please make sure to leave her encouraging words in the comments. Every Wednesday, I will share a new story from our featured guest blogger (10 stories coming!!)

My Life Is Crazy Too is a new series of reader submissions. This is your opportunity to share stories about life, love, and mommyhood to provide understanding, hope, and compassion in the unique situations each of us face every day. Today’s crazy guest is

The events in this story transpired so quickly that Bill and Jennifer never knew the baby girl’s name. Due to the mental condition of the mother, they weren’t sure she had ever even been given a name. Therefore, for this story, we are calling her Baby Girl.

A deacon in our church brought a sick baby and her mom to see me. They called ahead of time but only said that the baby was sick. As soon as I saw Baby Girl, I knew it was bad. She wasn’t more than a year old and suffered from abuse, neglect, and starvation. She weighed maybe ten pounds. Each tiny breath caused her to moan in pain. Whippings had left open, infected wounds on her back. Her little bottom was raw and bleeding from being left in her waste. She had a swollen black eye and numerous other bruises and wounds. Instantly, my heart broke for her.

As I held her in my arms, Bill and I immediately started discussing our options. With no pediatrician at the local hospital, her chances of survival there were slim. The mentally ill mother had inflicted the injuries to the precious baby so we could not send her home. The baby was close to death.

Baby Girl was starving and we knew she needed food. While we talked of where to place her, Bill brought me a bottle of formula. I tried to get her to suck, but she was too weak. We filled a syringe and I placed a few drops of milk in her mouth. She still moaned in pain and struggled to breathe. After a few drops of formula, I began to rock her. I hoped she would rest and keep down the milk. Swaying in my arms, she settled down and drifted off to sleep. I realized this may have been the first time she experienced tenderness and compassion. As she laid there in my arms, as I rocked her and watched her sad face, she simply passed away. I was shocked. Baby Girl was only at HHH for thirty minutes; we hadn’t even had enough time to figure out how to treat her or where to place her.

What an honor to hold her little body as her soul was ushered into Heaven. While her bruised and broken body still lay in my arms, her whole and contented soul rested in the arms of Jesus. Baby Girl’s suffering was over.

We explained to the mom that Baby Girl had passed away and she took the news quietly. Then, as I held the baby, Bill shared the hope of eternal life with the mother, letting her know that Baby Girl was now in the arms of Jesus. He told the mom that she too could have eternal life and one day see her daughter again. The mom bowed her head and prayed. We do not know what happened in that young mother’s heart, but God does.

We could have so easily judged the mom and blamed her for the daughter’s death. However, rather than judgment, Bill extended compassion. Rather than blame, he offered hope. He wanted her to know that God loved her and desired a relationship with her.

The world would condemn such a mother to prison. The neglect and abuse she had inflicted on her daughter would certainly seal her guilty verdict. However, in the eyes of a holy God, her crimes – her sins – are no greater and no less than those committed by any of us. “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it” (James 2:10). Bill’s recognition of the young mother’s need for love, compassion, and hope was a true reflection of the attitude of Christ. Jesus did not look down on us in our sinful state and condemn us to prison. Indeed, our sinful actions had already sealed our own guilty verdicts. “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:17) and “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). His death on the cross frees us from the prison our sin had placed us in and enables us to experience the love of the Father and the hope of eternal life.

The hope of eternal life also awaits Baby Girl who died in innocence before she was old enough to understand forgiveness and salvation. Although she is remembered without a name here on earth, a new name awaits her in heaven. God Himself says, “I will give them an everlasting name that will not be cut off” (Isaiah 56:5).

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Blind Obedience

Posted on 27 November 2012 by Kari Gibson

Our first day at Haiti Home of Hope was slow paced as we unpacked into our wonderful studio cottage on the second floor above the classroom and clinic. Let’s see if I can give you a glimpse of our world – There are five screened windows with wooden shutters and a wrap around porch (completed a few days ago just for Zoie) Our backyard is the mountains and orphanage. There are little green lizards darting across the outside walls begging to come inside. The breezy air gently cools down the cottage all day and night. My favorite thing is hearing the voices of all 40 children waking up in the morning and getting ready for school (6:30am sharp) I can’t believe we’re living here for 2 months … it’s a dream come true. Our girls are relaxed and peaceful here and that makes my mommy heart happy. Zoie jumped right in and started playing with the Campbells two daughters, Lina and Chrissy, as well, as the precious girls that live here in the home. I braided her hair with ribbons to match all her new Haitian princess friends. An added blessing is the 23 year old American, Danielle who lives here full time as a live-in teacher and nanny to many children. Her spirit is compassionate and kind and gentle.. the perfect combination for the mission field and serving at HHH.

Jennifer Campbell invited me to visit the Pignon Hospital and find out what blood type I was to help one of the clinic moms who has TB and 8 months pregnant. She has had to stay at the hospital for 2 months. I had to laugh, jumping right in the cold water and swimming on my first day. I was a little nervous walking inside the crowded hospital, especially when Jen said, “Don’t breath too deep, just take shallow breathes.” What??!! I started to giggle and sucking in too much air! I had no idea how to properly breath shallow so I started puffing lightly and laughing as I prayed for our protection against nasty germs floating around the hospital. Giving blood here is about a 4-5 hour experience, but worth giving life to a mommy who needs extra help giving birth. About 20 minutes waiting in the busy hallway to start the lab work, we were told to come back tomorrow. TIH

I think one of the biggest challenges going on the mission field is constantly battling fears. As a mom, I fear that my kids won’t be safe or exposed to dangers I don’t have any control over. We have had a few people voice their “beef” with us about taking the girls to Haiti. The only thing we can do is thank them for their love and concern, but as parents stand firm in our belief that God has called us for this season to serve as missionaries and share the gospel to the unreached. Matthew 16:25, John 12:24, Matthew 19:29 brings my heart peace, humbleness, and clarity. They ground me with perspective for living well. Yes, there is much to fear living in a 3rd world country. Things that could happen to our family cause me to lose focus and feel afraid. But we made a decision to – do it afraid!!!! I love these words from missionary, Amy Cleveland who lives with her husband and 3 children in Somalia: I know there are costs, some I can see right in front of me, some I don’t see or never will. I am the bride of Christ! What joyful life do I have if not to take my children where my Lord brings me? For me there is no choice or thought of choice. I am His. (Live-Dead Journal) I can’t think of a better place in the world to have our children join us for a God-adventure … this beats any prom, mall outing, or going to the movies. Together we are serving the Lord and sharing the gospel to the lost.

“Jesus says, “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or field for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.” Matt. 19:29

God has proven Himself over and over again in our lives. He has opened up supernatural doors for our family to walk through. I have experience some of the greatest days of my life and some of the most challenging. I will not allow my heart to be manipulated by the fear “feelings” or other people’s negative opinions or the evil one as we walk in obedience. It’s impossible for me to explain why God called our family after 20 years living a very comfortable, safe, convenient, easy life-style to give it all up for missions. But, He did ask, and we said yes.

Do you have the courage for God to move in unpredictable and uncontrollable ways? If you are not open to the unprecedented, you will repeat history. If you are open to the unprecedented, you will change history. The difference is prayer. (The Circle Maker)

If you would like to follow our Gibson family mission-adventure newsletter, please sign up here. Support us with your prayers and cheers as we are His hands and feet in Haiti for the next 2 months. We can’t wait to see what God has planned for our family… living out-of-the-box missions! Your Love God is my song, and I’ll sing it! I’m forever telling everyone how faithful you are. I’ll never quit telling the story of your Love. Psalm 89:1 If you are supporting Simply Love Haiti … I will be blogging and sharing photos as often as I can so you can see where every penny is going to love and serve big!!

If you would like to invest in our mission-adventure and give a one-time gift or monthly contribution to our non-profit ministry, Simply Love: : donations are tax deductible

  1. OPERATION: HAITI (Paypal)

Simply Love

National Christian Foundation
706 North Lindenwood Drive
Olathe, Kansas 66062

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Radical Hospitality – A Big Thank You!

Posted on 26 November 2012 by Kari Gibson

If you had the opportunity to invite a family of 5 to live with you for 2 months, would you open up your doors and let them in? This would mean allowing a family to be in “your space” and probably often sacrificing your time and focused attention and valuable resources. Hospitality like this would be called radical, maybe even crazy. During our last days in Ethiopia, we received an email from our best friends asking us to consider living with their family for the 2 months we were home in the states, instead of trying to find a place to rent. At first, Roger and I couldn’t imagine someone offering something so big, and we didn’t want to hurt our friendship or be an inconvenience. We tried to come up with every excuse why this might not be a good idea, but in the end they sent several more amazing emails and convinced us that living as a family of 12 would be a wild, fun adventure!

Something unique happens when we serve in our homes, something that cannot be replicated in other places. Whether it is ministering within our own family, the great Body of Christ, or to unbelievers, I believe that our home is one of the most powerful arenas to affect a life for God. Hospitality is our faith in action. It is prayerfully preparing a meal, inviting the Holy Spirit to lead and bless the conversation and fellowship. Christ brings people into our homes and seeing each one as Jesus does- because hospitality is really all about the way we see people.”(Natalie Overturf, missionary in Sudan Live-Dead Journal)

We moved into the Neal home when we arrived back to the states and found a safe haven to recuperate and catch our breath from our time in Ethiopia. Missionaries call this time of rest, taking furlough. Yes, we were physically tired, but we also missed our adopted kids and village of Korah so much, it helped our hearts recuperate, too. Julie and I have been best friends for over 13 years, but living together took our friendship to a whole different level. We joked constantly calling each other, sister-wives. We helped each other with the daily routine of mommyhood, but also helped ease the load of carpools, cooking dinner, grocery shopping, watching the kids (we have 8 kiddos together) and cheering each other on as moms. Caleb, their oldest son and a senior in high school gave up his space and offered his room and teen cave in the basement. He never batted an eye. He was gracious and thoughtful every single day to our family. We bonded as a family of 12 and the time spent at their home will be one of the sweetest memories of my life.

We are told in Scripture (Romans 12:13) to practice hospitality. Hospitality also defined the lives of leaders in Scripture (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8) To not seek to grow in the practice and grace of hospitality would be nothing less than disobedience.” (Live-Dead Journal)

A few days before moving to Haiti, their youngest son, Cruz told me that he was really going to miss our family, but was realllly going to miss Zoie. The two of them played non-stop everyday until it was time to go to bed. I had the honor of telling bed time stories of “Jimmy the Mouse” to the 3 little ones every night, and had a blast making up crazy forest tales of the adventures Jimmy had in the enchanted forest near the magic marshmallow mountain. I told Cruz when he missed us the most, he needed to look up at the moon and say a prayer for our family, we would be looking at the same moon in Haiti and praying for his family, too. I overheard him telling a friend that the same moon shining on him, was the same moon shining on Zoie in Haiti … and we would always be in his heart. sniff

Hospitality isn’t about me. It is rarely, if ever convenient. It isn’t about appearances. It has everything to do with the way we see and receive people, in our homes and where we are. It is Jesus’ heart alive in us extending an invitation to all who will come. Come, live out the kingdom by learning to lavishly love and serve one another.” (Live-Dead Journal)

We can never find the words to thank the Neal family for opening up their hearts, home, and family to our family. I cried so hard pulling out of their driveway on our last night in Hotel Neal. Our 3 children were deeply affected by their hospitality, but most importantly they gave Michael, Hannah, and Zoie a safe, fun, beautiful home to call their own during our break on 12 months of mission-adventure. Living homeless to live on the mission field is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. We understand there are many people who don’t understand why we are taking our children all over the world to serve in Ethiopia, Haiti and Nicaragua, but we know if we aren’t willing to take a big risk, we’ll miss out on the greatest adventure of our life.

God has provided EVERYTHING we need. When you tell Jesus, “I will go anywhere and do anything …” these altars where we commit our lives to God in this way are critical. However, when we find ourselves having gone to that place called “anywhere” and we are living out what often seem to be mundane tasks, we must regard these as holy before the Lord. It is here where ALL the details of Christ’s character being formed in us are put upon the canvas in much smaller strokes. If we are not careful, we can find ourselves busily trying to paint a beautiful picture for God instead of aligning ourselves with the Spirit and allowing Him to take the brush and have His way.(Live-Dead Journal)

Rob, Juju, Caleb, Josie, Rylie, Caden, and Cruz … we want to thank you for opening up your hearts and home to our family for the past 2 months. We love you with all our hearts, and will never forget your radical hospitality. You held our hands during some of the most challenging times and cheered us on and supported our big, crazy mission-dreams. We will miss Sunday pizza nights, late-nite cookie dough bakes, Hallmark Christmas movies, preschool days, soccer & cheer & birthday craziness, power clean-ups, and sitting on the floor eating an insane amount of Halloween candy. Thank you for decorating your home for both holidays we were missing in the states … Thanksgiving and Christmas!! The laughs and tears were healing to our family and gave us the courage to keep going. There is no way to express our gratitude for your grace grace and kindness. We love you!!

If you would like to follow our Gibson family mission-adventure newsletter, please sign up here. Support us with your prayers and cheers as we are His hands and feet in Haiti for the next 2 months. We can’t wait to see what God has planned for our family… living out-of-the-box missions! Your Love God is my song, and I’ll sing it! I’m forever telling everyone how faithful you are. I’ll never quit telling the story of your Love. Psalm 89:1

If you would like to invest in our mission-adventure and give a one-time gift or monthly contribution to our non-profit ministry, Simply Love: : donations are tax deductible

  1. OPERATION: HAITI (Paypal)

Simply Love

National Christian Foundation
706 North Lindenwood Drive
Olathe, Kansas 66062

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Simply Love Haiti – We Made It!!!!!!

Posted on 23 November 2012 by Kari Gibson

I’m sitting here on Day 1 living in Pignon, Haiti celebrating Thanksgiving Day!!! We made it!! The American Airlines flights were boring and non-eventful (yay!) We landed in Port-au-Prince and all 8 of our bags made it off, too! There was a wonderful driver, Johnson who met us as we stepped out of the airport. He was holding a sign with our names, Roger & Kari Gibson. What a blessing to have so many friends who helped with every step of the way for our family to arrive safely in Haiti. We drove a short distance to MAF and boarded a small Cessna plane for a 25 minute flight up the mountains with stunning views welcoming us with arms open wide.

We are serving as “Happy Helpers” with the Campbell family for the next 2 months at their ministry, Haiti Home of Hope. They run a weekly medical clinic and parents to 40 orphans. They have two beautiful adopted daughters, Lina and Chrissy who have a big collection of doll houses and girlie toys. Zoie looked at me and said, “I like Haiti.” I can’t wait for you to fall in love with my friend, … she will be my guest blogger with me here in Haiti. She’s the “mama” to all 40 children and one of my biggest heroes!

Our family jumped right into things when we arrived to Pignon. There were women still waiting with their infants for clinic and mother’s milk program. One grandmother was holding a tiny infant who lost his mother a few weeks ago from Cholera. She was there to receive help and formula for the baby boy. I could see the desperation in her eyes when she asked Jennifer to keep the baby. It broke my heart knowing this grieving grandmother was now going to be the mother of her grandson. Life is so hard.

What a joy and privilege it is for us to have our daughters here serving with us in Haiti. God has provided ministry opportunities and keeping His promises, answering prayers, performing miracles, and fulfilling dreams. Celebrating Thanksgiving Day here in Haiti has opened up my heart to so many things I’m thankful for. He has provide a home all over the world for my family, fellowship, caring friends, and support as we serve and love Him. The beautiful mountains behind our little cottage, that we will call home for the next 2 months makes my heart dance. We are living our big dreams and drawing prayer circles… and “the bigger the circle you draw the more foolish you’ll feel. But, if you aren’t willing to step out of the boat, you’ll never walk on water. If you aren’t willing to circle the city, the wall will never fall. And if you aren’t willing to follow the star, you’ll miss out on the greatest adventure of your life. In order to experience a miracle, you have to take a risk.” (The Circle Maker)

It’s hard to believe all the hard work raising support and sharing our mission at local churches helped fund our 2 months in Haiti. It was an impossible quest, but God was faithful. I want to personally thank James River Assembly, Woodland Hills Family Church, Hope Community Church, Ohio Home Church and the many mission-hearted people (YOU!!) who have invested in our family mission-adventure this year. This would be impossible without your support, prayers, and cheers. We are learning, as we are living each day on the mission field to live out-of-the-box.

Many of you have asked how you can help … we are grateful for your contributions and monthly gifts! We still need 32 people to give $50 a month until September 2013, as well as one-time gifts for our living expenses throughout the year. Click here to read how you can give to Simply Love Ministry online or with a check. All gifts are tax deductible. We continue to circle our 12 month support goals and trusting God to provide all our needs. We want to work hard as we serve in Haiti and beyond in Nicaragua and Ethiopia caring for orphans and sharing the gospel to the unreached people groups.

I will work really hard to blog 5 times a week and keep you updated on the exciting things happening in Haiti. God sold our home when we said yes. I hope you will join me on My Crazy Adoption Blog as we watch together God do the impossible and simply trust His Spirit to do in us what we cannot do in ourselves. (Live Dead Journal)

If you have any questions about adoption or missions, please leave a comment for me. Your comments will be my life-line here for fellowship in blog land.

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