My Top 3 Things … Coming Up

Posted on 05 April 2012 by Kari Gibson

I can’t believe what YOU did!! You helped us sell 676 tee shirts for the mission trip giveaway AND support the Haiti and Moldova projects with Children’s HopeChest. You made a big difference in the life of countless children and communities that will benefit from your donations! The winner of the mission trip will be announced on April 2nd on Facebook (look to the right side of my blog and click on Like!)

This sweet family in Pignon, Haiti thanks you, too …

Don’t forget, CHC requests your patience on waiting for your new Simply Love and Man Up tees (did they do an amazing job or what!) They are ordering all 676 tees in bulk to save every penny for the mission projects. As soon as they get the tees printed … they will mail out to you! Again, THANK YOU for your cheers, prayers, support, and shout outs for the past two weeks!

What’s next in my crazy life? Here are my top three big events coming up ….

#1 My son, Michael is graduating in May and going to Missouri State University (Go Bears!) He is the joy of our lives and we just can’t believe this little guy is growing up so fast!! We are SO proud of you!! Thank you for teaching us how to love big for the past 18 years!

#2 We are still waiting for Mercy to receive her medical visa and travel here to the states for treatment. We need your prayers! We have the doctor’s set up ready to go and an amazing hospital, Mercy Hospital ready to care for her! If you want to keep growing spiritually, you need to keep stretching. How? By going after dreams that are bigger than you are! -The Circle Maker

#3 I’m so excited to go back to Ethiopia and Uganda in June with a Visiting Orphan’s team of 35 to love big and serve the fatherless! We will spend 14 days ministering and working with Sixty Feet, Project 61, Canaan’s Children’s Home, My Father’s Eyes and several new ministries to share the gospel to the unreached people groups! We still have open spots for [men only] on the Man Up trip in July. Contact VO for more information.

What’s your top 3 events coming up in your life?

For the past three years, you have been sending me your personal stories to share with readers. Now, there is a place you can read all the guest posts in one spot. My Life Is Crazy Too is a new series of reader submissions. This is your opportunity to share stories about life, love, and mommyhood to provide understanding, hope, and compassion in the unique situations each of us face. If you would like to submit a story to this series, email me.

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