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What Will You Gain When You Lose?

Posted on 26 March 2012 by Kari Gibson

I have a confession. Do you remember this post? The past three years, I have gained a total 25 pounds simply eating really unhealthy foods and not exercising. It was this recipe that really did me in. I’ve heard the rumors that when you hit 40 you can start gaining weight and really tough to get it off. I hated feeling like I was going to roll down the hill on my last mission trip to Haiti. We had to hike a mile up a steep hill to visit baby Julie and I was really struggling with burning in my chest and thighs (ugh) and breathing like I was running a marathon in high heels. Well, I came home and made a decision to self-care and get back in shape. I’ve been on a special eating plan the past 9 weeks. I stopped eating white sugar and white four …. I’ve lost 11 pounds, but now hit that dreaded plateau. If I’m going to lose the last 14 pounds, I’m going to have to up my game and start sweating and moving faster. There are so many “changes” in my life right now, that have challenged me to up my game spiritually. If you’ve been following my blog the past few months, you know we are selling our home. It’s been on the market for 5 years and we (as of this week) have our first potential buyer. They love our home and have come back 2x to walk through it! They left a note on the kitchen counter “we are praying through our decision.” I’m continuing through Mark Batterson’s book – and circling my dreams and praying fervently for His promises. When Roger and I decided to let go of our home, we knew we would gain so much more.

There is nothing God loves more than keeping His promises. He is actively watching and waiting for us to simply take Him at His word. He is watching over Matt. 18:18. He is watching over Is 59:21. He is watching over Luke 7:23. He is watching over each and every promise, and if that doesn’t fill you with holy confidence, nothing will. Praying hard is standing on the promises of God. And when we stand ON His word, God stands BY His word. His word is His bond. #The Circle Maker

I’m processing this idea of being a “risk taker.” Honestly, I wasn’t always willing to take a risk in my life … this is a new adventure. I typically handled risk like the Israelites- complaining or begging for a way out. Too often we let how get in the way of what God wants us to do. We can’t figure out how to do what God has called us to do, so we don’t do it at all. Mark Batterson calls this kind of risk “this is crazy” moments.

I’ve had a lot of “this is crazy” moments in my life. It was a huge risk for our family to adopt. I remember saying those very words when we held Zoie in our arms the very first time. She was so tiny and sick and I kept repeating the words … this is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy! But our fears quickly changed to this is awesome, this is awesome, this is awesome! I love Mark Batterson’s words … “if you aren’t willing to put yourself in “this is crazy” situations, you’ll never experience “this is awesome” moments.

What will you gain when you lose? What do you do with a promise that seems impossible? What do you do when faith seems foolish?

It was a huge risk for me to go on my first mission trip three years ago, it just didn’t add up. I had to leave my three kids, raise $3,000, spend a week with strangers, but I had to hold on to the promise- He would take care of me. Have you ever been there? You know God wants you to take the job that pays less, but it doesn’t add up. You know God wants you to do on the mission trip, but it doesn’t add up. You know God wants you to get married, go to grad school, or adopt, but it doesn’t add up.

Faith requires a little craziness.


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